The community archive can be a powerful tool for territorial investigation and simultaneously a collaborative approach to learn and act in social innovation and urban regeneration processes. This study presents a methodological advancement for defining a community-based archive based on participatory mutual learning between experts and community inhabitants, aimed at co-identifying shared values by the context’s spatial, social, cultural and environmental dimensions. If, on the one hand, non-formal training experiences represent an opportunity to re-understand the territory together through community engagement and empowerment actions, on the other, they produce data and tools that become interfaces to interact with in the decision-making processes that the archive is constantly called upon to define. The Atena Archive project, in the village of Atena Lucana in the province of Salerno, Italy, represents the context in which the methodological advancement was structured and applied in some parts.
The research, therefore, aims to examine the role of the community archive in territorial transformative processes, structure a value-centred approach for activating a community archive, and identify the decision-making processes to active during the census processes to make communities protagonists choose what to archive collaboratively.
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This study was carried out within the framework of GRINS - Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (NATIONAL RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE PLAN (NRRP), MISSION 4, COMPONENT 2, INVESTMENT 1.3 - D.D. 1558 11/10/2022, PE000018, Spoke 7 Territorial sustainability). This manuscript reflects solely the views and opinions of the authors, neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible (https://www.grins.it/progetto). Specially thank the “Pignata house census” working group in the persons of Joyce Donnarumma, Salvatore Medici, Marianna De Nigris, inhabitants of Atena Lucana, Chiara Solimene student of the ISIA of Urbino and Fabrizio Pignata for their collaboration. The group of designers “Opera Paese” in particular, Alessandro Imbriaco, Martina Alessandrini, Benedetta Cestelli Guidi, and Alessandro Coco, who teach at the Scuola Alta Formazione together with Prof. Giovanni Michetti.
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The authors jointly conceived and developed the approach and decided on the overall objective and structure of the paper: Conceptualization, M.S., L.LR. And C.L; Methodology, M.S. and L.LR.; Validation, M.S.; Formal Analysis, M.S, L.LR and C.L; Investigation M.S, L.LR and C.L; Data Curation, M.S, L.LR and C.L, Writing-Original Draft Preparation, M.S, L.LR.; Writing-Review and Editing, M.S. and L.LR.; Visualization, M.S, L.LR and C.L; Supervision, M.S and L.LR. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
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Somma, M., La Rocca, L., Loffredo, C. (2024). A Methodological Approach for Activate a Community-Based Archive as a Decision-Support System in Urban Regeneration Processes. In: Gervasi, O., Murgante, B., Garau, C., Taniar, D., C. Rocha, A.M.A., Faginas Lago, M.N. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2024 Workshops. ICCSA 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14820. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-65285-1_27
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-65285-1_27
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-65284-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-65285-1
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