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Fanoos: Multi-resolution, Multi-strength, Interactive Explanations for Learned Systems

  • Conference paper
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Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI 2022)


Machine learning is becoming increasingly important to control the behavior of safety and financially critical components in sophisticated environments, where the inability to understand learned components in general, and neural nets in particular, poses serious obstacles to their adoption. Explainability and interpretability methods for learned systems have gained considerable academic attention, but the focus of current approaches on only one aspect of explanation, at a fixed level of abstraction, and limited if any formal guarantees, prevents those explanations from being digestible by the relevant stakeholders (e.g., end users, certification authorities, engineers) with their diverse backgrounds and situation-specific needs. We introduce Fanoos, a framework for combining formal verification techniques, heuristic search, and user interaction to explore explanations at the desired level of granularity and fidelity. We demonstrate the ability of Fanoos to produce and adjust the abstractness of explanations in response to user requests on a learned controller for an inverted double pendulum and on a learned CPU usage model.

This material is based upon work supported by the United States Air Force and DARPA under Contract No. FA8750-18-C-0092. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Air Force and DARPA.

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    In the case of interval arithmetic, this over-approximation and inclusion of additional elements is often called the “wrapping effect” [42].

  3. 3.

    Elements of our abstract state refinement algorithm may be analogous to CEGAR and its standard extensions—for instance, we perform sampling-based feasibility checks prior to SAT-checks, which may be comparable to spuriousness checks in CEGAR. However, to avoid implying a stringent adherence to canon (i.e., [16] verbatim), we use a different name.

  4. 4.

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  5. 5.

    Setting thresholds low enough to ensure each transaction is described would result in a deluge of highly redundant, low-precision rules lacking most practical value, a phenomena know as the “rare itemset problem” [50].

  6. 6.

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We thank: Nicholay Topin for supporting our spirits at some key junctures of this work; David Held for pointing us to the rl-baselines-zoo repository; David Eckhardt for his proof-reading of earlier versions of this document; the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful feedback.

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Bayani, D., Mitsch, S. (2022). Fanoos: Multi-resolution, Multi-strength, Interactive Explanations for Learned Systems. In: Finkbeiner, B., Wies, T. (eds) Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation. VMCAI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13182. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-94582-4

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-94583-1

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