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The Role of Innovation in Cloud–Based ERP Adoption

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Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management (CISIM 2019)


Enterprise resource planning based on cloud computing provides modern software solutions for the organizations. Furthermore, although there are several different studies for each topic of information systems, such as the illustrious theories of technology adoption (TAM, UTAUT), the related theories of innovation (DOI, TOE), there are not many works, which integrate with the various theories of information systems. This study investigates the role of innovation in the adoption of enterprise resource planning based on cloud computing. A total of 232 cloud–based ERP participants have been surveyed and analyzed by structural equation modeling. The findings demonstrate the components of technology–organization–environment (TOE) and the concept of innovation in the structural relationships with technology adoption. Interestingly, innovation has a positive effect on the cloud–based ERP adoption.

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Nguyen, T.D., Huynh, T.T., Van, U.H., Pham, T.M. (2019). The Role of Innovation in Cloud–Based ERP Adoption. In: Saeed, K., Chaki, R., Janev, V. (eds) Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management. CISIM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11703. Springer, Cham.

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