Collaboration analysis; Collaboration metrics; Collaboration platforms; Collective adaptive systems; Crowdsourcing; Human-based services (HBS); Interaction patterns; Process mining; Rewarding; Social computing; Social trust; Socio-technical systems; Task assignment; Team collaboration; Team formation
- Actor:
Entity (human or computer) possessing a capability to act intelligently and process specific assignments (activities/tasks)
- Atomic task:
Task that can be handled by an individual actor
- CAS:
Collective adaptive system
- Collaboration system (platform):
Information system supporting execution of collaborative processes
- Collaborative process (collaboration):
Joint effort of a (limited) number of actors with the goal of performing a task. A collaborative process has a limited duration and requires coordination among actors (due to task dependencies)
- Composite task:
Task that must be handled by multiple actors due to size or complexity. A composite task can be broken down...
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Scekic, O., Riveni, M., Truong, HL., Dustdar, S. (2018). Social Interaction Analysis for Team Collaboration. In: Alhajj, R., Rokne, J. (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer, New York, NY.
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