Article Outline
Keywords and Phrases
The Build-up Procedure
Outline of the Procedure
Drawbacks of the Procedure
The Self Consistent Electrostatic Field Method
Computation of the Electric Field and Dipole Moments
Degree of Alignment of a Dipole Moment with the Electric Field
Best-possible Alignment of a Dipole Moment with the Electric Field
The Monte Carlo-Minimization Method
The Electrostatically Driven Monte Carlo Method
The Electrostatically Driven Monte Carlo Method
The Diffusion Equation Method and Other Methods Based on the Deformation of the Potential-Energy Surface
The Conformational Space Annealing Method
Hierarchical Approach
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Ripoll, D.R., Liwo, A., Scheraga, H.A. (2008). Global Optimization in Protein Folding . In: Floudas, C., Pardalos, P. (eds) Encyclopedia of Optimization. Springer, Boston, MA.
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