- Editors:
Osvaldo Cairó
Department of Computer Science Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), México DF, México
L. Enrique Sucar
Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM), Morelos, Mexico
Francisco J. Cantu
ITESM Campus Monterrey, Research and Graduate Studies Office, Monterrey, México
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About this book
Fifty years ago, A. Turing predicted that by 2000 we would have a machine that could pass the Turing test. Although this may not yet be true, AI has advanced signi?cantly in these 50 years, and at the dawn of the XXI century is still an activeandchallenging?eld.Thisyearisalsosigni?cantforAIinMexico,withthe merging of the two major AI conferences into the biennial Mexican International Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (MICAI) series. MICAI is the union of the Mexican National AI Conference (RNIA) and the International AI Symposium (ISAI), organized annually by the Mexican Society forAI(SMIA,since1984)andbytheMonterreyInstituteofTechnology(ITESM, since1988),respectively.The?rstMexicanInternationalConferenceonArti?cial Intelligence, MICAI 2000, took place April 11-14, 2000, in the city of Acapulco, Mexico.ThisconferenceseekstopromoteresearchinAI,andcooperationamong Mexican researchers and their peers worldwide. We welcome you all. Over 163 papers from 17 di?erent countries were submitted for consideration to MICAI 2000. After reviewing them thoroughly, MICAI’s program committee, referees, and program chair accepted 60 papers for the international track. This volume contains the written version of the papers and invited talks presented at MICAI. We would like to acknowledge the support of the American Association for Arti?cial Intelligence (AAAI), and the International Joint Conference on Art- cial Intelligence (IJCAI). We are specially grateful for the warm hospitality and generosity o?ered by the Acapulco Institute of Technology.
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Table of contents (66 papers)
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Raúl Monroy, Alan Bundy, Ian Green
Pages 1-12
- Mauricio Osorio, Juan Carlos Nieves, Fernando Zacarias, Erika Saucedo
Pages 13-24
- Andrés F. Rodríguez, Sunil Vadera, L. Enrique Sucar
Pages 40-51
- Héctor Sanvicente Sánchez, Juan Frausto Solís
Pages 63-74
- Joaquín Pèrez, Rodolfo Pazos, Juan Frausto, David Romero, Laura Cruz
Pages 75-81
- Wamberto Weber-Vasconcelos, Eudenia Xavier Meneses
Pages 82-94
- M. Balduccini, G. Brignoli, G. A. Lanzarone, F. Magni, A. Provetti
Pages 95-107
Robotics and Computer Vision
- F. Curatelli, O. Mayora-Ibarra
Pages 108-114
- Homero V. Ríos, Ana Luisa Solís, Emilio Aguirre, Lourdes Guerrero, Joaquín Peña, Alberto Santamaría
Pages 115-126
- Rogério Schmidt Feris, Teófilo Emídio de Campos, Roberto Cesar Marcondes Jr.
Pages 127-135
- Sergio Uribe-Gutierrez, Horacio Martinez-Alfaro
Pages 136-147
- Gildardo Sánchez-Ante, Fernando Ramos, Juan Frausto
Pages 148-157
- Leonardo Romero, Eduardo Morales, Enrique Sucar
Pages 158-169
- Edgar E. Vallejo, Fernando Ramos
Pages 170-181
- Giovani Gómez, Fernando Ramos
Pages 182-192
- Teófilo Emídio de Campos, Rogério Schmidt Feris, Roberto Cesar Marcondes Jr.
Pages 193-201
- Raúl Leal Ascencio, Marco Perez Cisneros
Pages 202-211
Editors and Affiliations
Department of Computer Science Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), México DF, México
Osvaldo Cairó
Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM), Morelos, Mexico
L. Enrique Sucar
ITESM Campus Monterrey, Research and Graduate Studies Office, Monterrey, México
Francisco J. Cantu