Codex PHP: Wikimedia Codex
Codex PHP
A PHP library for building HTML and CSS UI components using Codex, the Wikimedia design system.
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Wikimedia Codex

A PHP library for building HTML and CSS UI components using Codex, the Wikimedia design system.

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Use Composer to install the Codex library:

composer require wikimedia/codex


The Codex library provides a variety of components to build UI:

  • Accordion: A collapsible and expandable section for organizing content.
  • Button: A clickable button that can be styled to reflect different actions.
  • Card: A component for grouping information and actions related to a single topic.
  • Checkbox: A form element that allows users to select one or more options.
  • Field: A container for grouping form elements with optional legend and help a text.
  • InfoChip: A small component used to display brief information or tags.
  • Label: A component used to label other form elements.
  • Message: A component to display information, warnings, or errors to users.
  • Pager: A component for navigating through pages of data.
  • ProgressBar: A visual indicator of progress toward a goal or task completion.
  • Radio: A form element that allows users to select one option from a set.
  • Select: A dropdown component that allows users to select an option from a list.
  • Table: A component for arranging data in rows and columns.
  • Tabs: A component that organizes content into multiple panels with selectable tabs.
  • TextArea: A multi-line text input field for user input.
  • TextInput: A single-line text input field for user input.
  • Thumbnail: A visual component for displaying small preview images.
  • ToggleSwitch: A ToggleSwitch enables the user to instantly toggle between on and off states.


Here is a basic example of how to use the Codex library:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$codex = new Codex();
$accordion = $codex
->setTitle( "Accordion Example" )
->setDescription( "This is an example of an accordion." )
->setContent( "<p>This is the content.</p>" )
->setOpen( false )
->setAttributes( [
"class" => "foo",
"bar" => "baz",
] )
echo $accordion;
Definition Codex.php:59


The following scripts are defined for testing and code fixing purposes:

  • test: Run linting and code checks.
  • fix: Automatically fix code style issues.
  • phan: Run the Phan static analyzer.
  • phpcs: Run the PHP Code Sniffer.
  • start-sandbox: Start the sandbox environment for testing.

Example usage:

composer run-script test
composer run-script fix
composer run-script phan
composer run-script phpcs
composer run-script start-sandbox


This project is licensed under the GPL-2.0-or-later. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.


Please read the CONTRIBUTING file for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Report bugs at Phabricator.


For more information, visit the homepage.