英語文章の文法解釈について質問です。 毎日新聞記事でhttps://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20241119/p2g/00m/0bu/040000c Higher rice prices have added to the pressure on households, which have been already been hit by rising energy, food and other living costs. which have been already been hit by rising energy, food and other living costs. 上記英文は文法的に正しいでしょうか❓ もし正しいならば which have been already been hit の英文どの様に理解するか 教えてください。 私は2つある前の been は必要なく which have already been hit by rising energy, food and other living costs. が正しい英文だと思います。 教えてください。お願いします。