Xアカウント無効化について質問です。 Xサポートに無効化の手続きについて問い合わせをしたら下記のメッセージが送られてきました。 これを翻訳して必要書類を添付し、サインして返信したのですが再度同じメッセージがきます。 無効化は本人が手続きできないため家族がやっています。 Xサポートにそれを伝えたくても術がなく困り果てています。 どうしたら良いでしょうか。 Hello, We may be able to help you deactivate the X account, however we require more information before we are able to do so. Please provide us with the following: The username of the incapacitated’s account Official documentation proving incapacitation of the individual A valid Power of Attorney giving you the authority to act on their behalf A copy of your government-issued ID If you do not have Power of Attorney, but you are their parent or guardian: You may provide us with a statement on paper including the following details: Your first and last name Your current contact information Your relationship to the individual Please confirm the following statement: “Under penalty of perjury, I confirm to be authorized to represent the incapacitated individual.” Your signature You can reply to this email to send us the requested information. Please note that we do not accept Digital IDs.