英検ライティング添削をお願いします(準一級・英検cbt)高校生です。 下記の文を、内容、構成、語彙、文法の4項目でそれぞれ4点満点、計16点満点で採点をしていただきたいです。 Topic: Do you think that human schoolteachers will be replaced by computers someday? ~ I think that human schoolteachers will be replaced by computers someday. This opinion is based on following reasons: human relationship and cost. The first reason is that students can obtain the skill to make a good relationship with older person politely. For example, the implementation of classes placed by human schoolteachers provides a good opprtunity for studets to learn how to tolk with senior person, however, were it not for the human schoolteachers, students could not have such an opportunity. The second reason is that it is costly to introduce computers instead of human schoolteachers. Of course, today, the technology to teach subjects by computers gets higher and higher. However to purchase computers for classes is very expensive. So to place human schoolteachers in classes is reasonable. For the reasons stated above, I believe that it seems that introducing computers in the classes will not be achieved.(147語) 自分で見つけたミスは、tolk→talk、否定意見なのに一文目でnotを入れ忘れて肯定主張にしてしまっている(大事故だと思うのですが、大丈夫でしょうか、、) 可能な限りで大丈夫ですので、なるべく公式による添削のような厳しさでお願いしたいです。厳しすぎると結果発表まで憂鬱になるので(_ _"m) また、指摘ポイントがれば書いてくれるとありがたいです。