It’s as if the patients’ woes are a kind of acid, eating away at the psychic defenses of their therapists. In the majority of cases, those defenses are thick enough to remain intact. In Johnny’s? I think not . . . thanks to one unusual patient. And he wasn’t sleeping much during the last two or three months of his life; such terrible dark circles under his eyes! Also, he was canceling appointments right & left. ①Going on long drives. He would not say where, but I think I may know. ②That brings me to the enclosure, which I hope you will look at when you finish this letter. I know you are busy, but – if it will help! – think of me as the love-struck girl I was, with my hair tied back in a ponytail that was always coming loose, forever tagging along! ①Going on 〜 の前には He was が省略されていますか?これは前文の He was canceling 〜 の He was とかぶるからですか? また、 was canceling は canceled とでは意味が違うんですか? ②この That は He would not say where, but I think I may know. を指してますか? That brings me to the enclosure. 現在形なのもよくわかりませんが、 「それが私に同封物をもたらすキッカケになっている。」 という意味ですか? これは、同封物を入れている理由を述べているんですか? よろしくお願いします。