編み物のレシピが英語で全く分からず、困っています。 2つあるのですが、よろしければ翻訳して頂きたいです。 1つ目 R1:6sc in mr, sist to first st (6) R2-3: Chl, 6[linc], slst to first st (12) Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. Fold in half and sew side together; slightly stuff. 2つ目 R1:6sc in mr, slst to first st (6) R2:Chl, 6[inc], slst to first st (12) R3:ChI, 6[sc, inc], slst to first st (18) R4-5:Chi, sc in each st, slst to first-st (18) R6:Chi, BLO sc in each st, slst to first st (18) R7: Chl, 6[sc, dec], slst to first st (12) R8:Chl, 6[dec], slst to first st (6) Fasten off. Sew closed and weave in ends. R9: Attach the white yarn to FLO of R6 and hdc in the first 17st, 2hdc in last st, slst to first st Fasten off and weave in ends.