英語学習の中でよく議論される「直訳」と「意訳」の違い。特に、速読を目指す場合には直訳を重視すべきだという意見がある一方で、本当に意味を理解するためには意訳や精読も必要ではないかという声もあります。 でも、直訳とか意訳というのは日本語の問題にすぎないので、英語は英語で理解するべきではないでしょうか? The concept of "thinking in English" has been increasingly emphasized in language learning, suggesting that translating sentences into Japanese—whether literally (直訳) or liberally (意訳)—can sometimes hinder fluency. While this approach values direct comprehension, the discussion raises important questions about how learners can best develop reading skills and achieve fluency. Here are some questions to consider based on this perspective: 1. Even if you can create a literal translation, does that guarantee true understanding? Isn’t grasping the context more crucial? 2. Isn’t it important to read English texts carefully, especially in the beginning, to ensure full comprehension? 3. For speed reading, wouldn’t translating English into Japanese—whether literally or liberally—be a time-wasting step? 4. Are the boundaries between literal and liberal translation always clear? Isn’t it wise to adapt flexibly depending on the situation? 5. Isn’t it essential to balance speed reading and intensive reading? Wouldn’t the strategies differ between building foundational reading skills and solving actual test problems? 6. If you struggle with speed reading, could the real issue lie in your intensive reading approach rather than your speed-reading techniques? And if so, wouldn’t reducing the reliance on translation into Japanese be the key to improving? みなさんは どう思いますか?