
EXERCISES [1] 1. This is the hotel (where) my parents stayed on their honeymoon. 2. A leap year is a year (when) February has 29 days. 3. A leap year is a year (which) only comes around once every four years. 4. The reason (why) Greg quit the tennis team is not clear. 5. I often listen to English songs. That's (how) I study English. [2] 1. Last Saturday was (when) I moved into a new apartment. 先週の土曜日は、私が新しいアパートに引っ越した日です。 2. Jill lied to me. That's (why) I'm angry at her. ジルは私に嘘をつきました。だから私は彼女に腹を立てています。 3. How far is the hotel from (where) we are now? そのホテルは今いる場所からどのくらい離れていますか? 4. I was in Rome until last Sunday, (when) I left for Paris. 私は先週の日曜日にパリに出発するまでローマにいました。 [3] 1. (The beach where we played) was very beautiful. 私たちが遊んだビーチはとてもきれいでした。 2. Last night I had a bad dream. (That's why I didn't sleep) well. 昨夜は悪い夢を見ました。それでよく眠れませんでした。 3. I still remember July of 2014, (when I spent a week) in Okinawa on my school trip. 2014 年 7 月、修学旅行で 1 週間沖縄にいたときのことを今でも覚えています。 4. We met at the summer camp three years ago, (That's how we became friends). 私たちは 3 年前のサマーキャンプで出会い、それが友達になったきっかけです。 [*] 1. I read the textbook many times. (That's how I passed the exam.) 2. (The reason why I don't eat eggs) is that I'm allergic to them. 3. (The bank where my father works) is near my school. 4. I would like to go to London, where my brother lives. [Give It a Try!] 1. I remember the day (when I passed the entrance examinations of this high school). この高校に合格した日のことを覚えています。 2. I want to know the reason (why my parents tell me to study hard again and again). 両親が私に何度も一生懸命勉強しなさいと言う理由を知りたいです。

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