1. 導入(Introduction)
• I think (topic) is very important/interesting/fascinating.
• (Topic) plays a significant role in our daily lives.
• It is widely known that (topic) has many advantages (and disadvantages).
I think Tokyo is a fascinating place to live and visit. It plays a significant role in Japan’s economy and culture.
「(Topic) is 〜」「It plays a role in〜」「It is widely known〜」のような表現で書き始めると、簡単に2〜3文稼げます。
2. 主張・説明(Main Point / Opinion)
• In my opinion, (topic) is beneficial (or harmful) because…
• I strongly believe that (topic) can help us to…
• There are many reasons why I hold this view.
In my opinion, Tokyo has a lot to offer because it provides easy access to countless shops, restaurants, and cultural experiences.
「Because」や「why I hold this view」を使って理由や根拠を示し始めると、内容に厚みが出ます。
3. 具体例や理由の追加(Supporting Details / Examples)
• For example, …
• In addition, … / Furthermore, …
• Another reason is that …
• One of the most significant aspects is that …
For example, it is home to many famous landmarks, such as Tokyo Tower and Asakusa. In addition, you can experience both traditional and modern cultures at the same time.
「For example」「In addition」「Furthermore」などのつなぎ言葉を使うと、複数の要素を盛り込みやすいです。1つの理由だけでなく、もう1つ別の理由を追加することで、文章量も増えます。
4. まとめ(Conclusion)
• In conclusion, …
• For these reasons, I believe that…
• All things considered, I think …
In conclusion, Tokyo is an exciting city that blends tradition and innovation, making it a must-visit destination for people of all ages.
最後に「In conclusion, …」と締めくくるだけでも文字数を稼ぎつつ、文章をきれいにまとめられます。
5. よく使えるフレーズ集
• It is true that (~は事実である)
• It is true that Tokyo is the most populous city in Japan.
• It is often said that (~だとよく言われている)
• It is often said that living in big cities is stressful.
• There is no doubt that (~ということは疑いない)
• There is no doubt that technology is changing our lives.
• We should not forget that (~を忘れてはならない)
• We should not forget that communication skills are crucial in any job.
• As a result, / Therefore, (その結果)
• Therefore, many people choose to move to Tokyo for better opportunities.
• Personally, I think (個人的には~と思う)
• Personally, I think Tokyo can be overwhelming, but it’s still fascinating.
6. 実践例(約120語)
Topic: “Tokyo”
I think Tokyo is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. There is no doubt that it plays a significant role in Japan’s economy and culture. Personally, I believe that Tokyo is a great place to live because it offers countless opportunities for work, education, and entertainment. For example, many global companies have offices in Tokyo, and there are a wide variety of universities to choose from. In addition, you can explore both traditional and modern cultures at places like Asakusa and Shibuya. Furthermore, the public transportation system is very convenient, which makes it easy to travel around the city. In conclusion, Tokyo is an exciting city that blends tradition with innovation, and I highly recommend visiting it.
• 「導入」「主張・説明」「具体例」「結論」の型を用いて、段落ごとに数文ずつ書くと文字数をかせぎやすい。
• つなぎ言葉(For example, In addition, Furthermore, In conclusion など)を活用する。
• 決まり文句(It is true that…, There is no doubt that…, Personally, I think…)を適宜入れると自然に文字数が増える。