英語得意な方に質問です。この名言を応用して こういう表現は可能ですか。変な表現が多々あるかと、もし良ければ 簡単なアドバイス訂正ください。お願いします ‘Putin is getting exactly the opposite of what he intended’: Biden said in press confference. In a busy subway a robber tried to steal the wallet of a person standing in front of him,he got it easy without being noticed and made smile to the man right after his work. But the man ,named John, kept following the robber somehow and found his place. In 3days after the robber got arrested by police and in 1 month after this ,Jhon got 10,000 dollars as the robber had been "WANTED in 10,000".‘ The robber got exactly the opposite of what he intended :He gave John a lot of money by tring to steal a little money of John.