英作文の添削をお願いしたいです。 10点中何点だったかを辛口評価でお願いします。 指定語数 60〜80語 質問 What are the benefits of having a hobby? Give reasons for your answer. I think about the benefits of having a hobby. First,My hobby is Kyudo. That is Japanese archery. This sports can increase concentration. Thus, This concentration can be used for many things. For example, You can be used for study. Second, If you had hobby it would be happy for life. That because,Spending time on your hobbies helps you recover from the stress of work and school. For these reasons,I explained above the benefit of having a hobby. (79語) こういう意見文を書く時のコツも教えて頂きたいです。 友達に意見文を書く時はなるべく抽象的に書かずに具体的に書けと言われたのですがどこの部分を具体的にした方がいいのか教えて頂けますか?あとそれは本当ですか?