戸山高校 平成23年 英語 過去問 (3)に当てはまる解答を教えてください。 ア green buildings protect us in the same way. イ green buildings help us in other way. 私はグリーンビルディングはその同じ方法で私たちに違う利点を与えてくれている。というふうに解釈し、解答にはアと書きました。 過去問の冊子の解答にはイと書いているのですが、訳ではア、解説ではアが答えのような記述がされていてどちらが正答なのか分かりません。 良ければ解説も添えてくださると嬉しいです。 Uncle: Have you ever heard about green building? Kenta: No, I haven't. Is it a building painted in green? Uncle: Oh, nothing like that. Here "green" does not mean color. It means protecting the environment. Kenta: So green building is a way to help the environment. Uncle:That's right. There are many different kinds of green building. Kenta: Tell me more about that. Uncle:Sure. I guess you have seen buildings with gardens on the top. Kenta: I've seen them before. Uncle: We call those gardens green roofs They are a kind of green building. They absorb the heat, so the temperature goes down in the building. We don't have to use air conditioners so much. Kenta: Green roofs are very good ways to stop heat islands. Uncle: But we didn't think covering roofs with plants was enough, so we looked for other ways to make buildings green. Kenta: Have you found them yet? Uncle: Yes, We've started to cover outside walls with plants. We call them green walls. Kenta: How do you make them? Uncle: Sometimes we put special "materials on the wall and grow plants on it. Sometimes we use "nets and wires with plants to cover walls. Today, more and more people have green buildings, so you'll find them easily around you. Kenta: That means more and more people have become interested in protecting the environment, doesn't it? Uncle: Of course, but you should know that (3), too When people see the building, they think it's beautiful and feel relaxed. This is just one of the examples. Kenta: The person who started the idea of green building is really great!