How to cite?

How to cite?

Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration is published both in English (ISSN and pdf) and Turkish (pdf) versions.

The Bulletin is indexed  and abstracted by national and international indexes. Only English Edition has to be cited in order to determine its Impact Factor

Therefore, if the  authors refer a paper which published in the Bull. Min. Res. Exp. they must do cited English version of this manuscript as shown below.


Examples for citation:

Sansar, İ., Ü. 2018. Optimization of some parameters on desulfurization process of Muğla Yatağan Bağyaka lignite by ultrasonic waves. Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 157, 217-229.


Sansar, İ., Ü. 2018. Optimization of some parameters on desulfurization process of Muğla Yatağan Bağyaka lignite by ultrasonic waves. Bull.Min.Res.Exp. 157, 217-229.