World War B.C.


Friday, July 26, 2019


World War B.C.






Kato. . . , what do you mean by World War B.C.?


World War before Christ.

Are you talking about the Peloponnesian War or something?




Oh no… I’m talking about a world war 20,000 years before Christ.

No kidding! . . . Do you really believe, Kato, there was a world war 20,000 years before Christ?

Yes, I do.

But …, but …, I’ve never learned at school that there was such a world war.

I bet you haven’t.

Kato, are you out of your mind? Or you must’ve had a nightmare last night, huh?

Oh no. . . I’m dead serious.

What makes you think so?

Actually, I’ve recently viewed the following documentary at Vancouver Public Library.



“Zoom In”

“Actual Page”











My Comment

July 02, 2019

Originally produced for a “History Channel” TV program in 2008, this 94-minute documentary takes you on an amazing, shocking and fascianting visial journey in the world without humans.

The film presents a thought-provoking and inspiring adventure that combines superb visual effects with insights from experts in the fields of engineering, botany, ecology, geology, climatology, archaeology and astrophysics to demonstrate how the landscape of our planet will change in our absence.

If you’re interested in the World War III and climate change, this is a must-see.


Well . . . It’s quite interesting and shocking, but it has something to do with a future nuclear war and its aftermath, doesn’t it?

Yes, it does. . . After I viewed the above documentary, however, I recalled the following passage:



Certain Asians, and Westerners as well, who subscribe to the theory that civilized man has existed for a much longer time than previously suspected do not find unbelievable the possibility of cresting and vanishing waves of civilization throughout the world, some of which have left no trace except in legend.

They therefore are prepared to believe that the unexpectedly detailed Indian references (such as the Mahabharata) to atoms, atomic structure, atomic weapons, and advanced technology may be simply a preserved memory of prehistoric and scientisticlly advanced civilizations.

In the legends of India, we should also consider the fact that certain sections of the earth’s surface seem to show atomic scars acquired millennia previous to present atomic activities.

These locations exist in Siberia, Iraq, Colorado, and Mongolia.

In the course of an exploratory digging in southern Iraq in 1947, layers of culture were successively cored into by what one might call an archaeological mine shaft.

Starting from the present ground level, the excavation passed the ancient city culture levels of Babylonia, and Sumeria, with flood levels between different sages of city culture, then the first village levels, then a level corresponding to that of primitive farmers at a time era of 6000 to 7000 B.C., and beloe that, indications of a herdsman culture, and finally a time era was reached corresponding to the Magdalenian or cave culture of about 16,000 years ago.

Still farther down, at the botom of all levels, a floor of fused glass was revealed, similar to nothing else except the desert floow in New Mexico after the blasts which inaugurated our present atomic era.



SOURCE: pp. 229-230
“The Bermuda Triangle” by Charles Berlitz
First Avon Printing, September 1975

Let’s suppose that there was an advanced civilization like ours 20,000 years ago and that a nuclear war took place at that time.

But if what you say is true, then we can see some evidences.

That’s the very reason I showed the above movie. . . Once you view the above documentary, you should be able to understand that even an advanced civilization will leave no trace except in legend 10,000 years after such a world war.










Now I see your point, but I still think that there must be some indication of a lost civilization that existed 20,000 years ago.

Oh yes, there are some indications of lost civilization. . . For example, a 500-year-old map called “the Piri Reis Map” has been discovered and it could rewrite our human history.




This map was found in 1929 amid the clutter of the former harem of the ousted Sultan of Turkey, clearly shows the true coast of Antarctica as it would be without the covering ice, as well as the topography of the interior, also without the covering ice.

I see. . . Antarctica has been covered by ice for 6000 years as a minimum. . . So, this would mean that the original map was made considerably before recorded history, huh?

Yes, Diane, you’re telling me. . . There is another map called “the Buache Map”.



“Zoom In”


The above map shows Antarctica without ice

I see. . . So you think the above map was created in the advanced civilization 20,000 years ago, huh?

Yes, that’s right.

Is there any other indication?

Oh yes, from 1968 to the present time, underwater discoveries have been made, especially near Bimini, of what seems to have been massive stonework on the present sea bottom, huge blocks of stone placed together in what may be roads, platforms, harbor works, or fallen walls.

What are those stone works?

They strangely resemble the pre-Inca stonework of Peru, the pillars of Stonehenge, or the Cyclopean walls of Minoan Greece. . . The age of the stones is uncertain, although fossilized mangrove roots which had grown over the stones have given carbon 14 datings of about 12,000 years.




I see. . . So, around the present Bahama islands, there might have been an advanced civilization some ten thousands years ago, huh?

Yes, there might. . . Besides, there is an interesting story about the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

Tell me about it.

Well. . . In 1994, a book called “The Orion Mystery” was published and bacame a best seller.

What makes it so outstanding?

The author said, the Great Sphinx was constructed around 10,500 BC (Upper Paleolithic) unlike the history-textbook date of 2,500 BC.



Bauval is specifically known for the Orion Correlation Theory (OCT), which proposes a relationship between the fourth dynasty Egyptian pyramids of the Giza Plateau and the alignment of certain stars in the constellation of Orion.

However, 20 years before Bauval’s book “The Orion Mystery” suggested that the Giza Pyramids were aligned to Orion’s belt, Dr. James J. Hurtak pointed out such a correlation in 1973.

One night in 1983, while working in Saudi Arabia, he took his family and a friend’s family up into the sand dunes of the Arabian desert for a camping expedition.
His friend pointed out the constellation of Orion, and mentioned that Alnitak, the most easterly of the stars making up Orion’s belt, was offset slightly from the others.
Bauval then made a connection between the layout of the three main stars in Orion’s belt and the layout of the three main pyramids in the Giza necropolis.

The Orion Correlation Theory has been described as a form of pseudoscience.
Among the idea’s critics have been two astronomers: Ed Krupp of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, and Anthony Fairall, astronomy professor at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Krupp and Fairall independently investigated the angle between the alignment of Orion’s Belt to North during the era cited by Bauval (which differs from the angle in the 3rd millennium BCE, because of the precession of the equinoxes), and found that the angle was somewhat different from the ‘perfect match’ claimed by Bauval and Hancock: 47 to 50 degrees, compared to the 38-degree angle formed by the pyramids.

Krupp also pointed out that the slightly-bent line formed by the three pyramids was deviated towards the North, whereas the slight “kink” in the line of Orion’s Belt was deformed to the South, meaning that a direct correlation would require one or the other to be inverted.

Indeed, this is what was done in the original book by Bauval and Gilbert (The Orion Mystery), which compared images of the pyramids and Orion without revealing that the pyramids’ map had been inverted.
Krupp and Fairall find other problems with the claims, including the point that if the Sphinx is meant to represent the constellation of Leo, then it should be on the opposite side of the Nile (the ‘Milky Way’) from the pyramids (‘Orion’), that the vernal equinox around 10,500 BCE was in Virgo and not Leo, and that the constellations of the Zodiac originate from Mesopotamia and were unknown in Egypt at the time.

SOURCE: “Robert Bauval”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Quite interesting! . . . So, there might have been an advanced civilization before the Egyptian Dynasty, huh?

Yes, there might. . . I’m pretty sure, some day somebody will discover an undeniable evidence of an advanced civilization that existed more than 20,000 years ago.



【Himiko’s Monologue】


Do you think that an advanced civilization existed more than 20,000 years ago?

What? . . . You don’t like to talk about pseudoscience, do you?

“Tell me another interesting story!”

If you say so, I’ll show you the following clip:

Here’s a clip for a certain woman to use for making love.




How do you like the above music?

Are you tired of sexy music?

Well… here’s a mood-changing tune just for you.

Gess what?… You can now laught to the last tears.



  Mr. Mathane


In any road, I expect Kato will write another interesting article soon.

So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!

Bye bye …



If you’ve got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:



“JAGEL Again”

“Say NO!”

Happy Gal in Canada

Roof of Vancouver



Sex Appeal

Better Off Without Senate

Fire Festival


Scary Quake

MH370 Mystery

Putin’s Way

Trump @ Vancouver

Otter & Trump



Fiddler on the Roof

Flesh and Bone

Maiden’s Prayer

Romeo & Juliet

Trump @ Joke

Halloween in Shibuya

Trump Shock

Happy New Year!


Life or Death

Way to Millionaire

Adele Hugo

Middle Sexes


Hacksaw Ridge

Eight the Dog


Chef Babette


Ramen Boom

from Korea


Crocodile Meat

Killer Floods

Climate of Doubt

Glory of Death

Big Mystery

Hitler and Trump

Hot October

2018 BC Ballot

Bach Collegium Japan

Dolly the Sheep

Golden Shower


Strange Love


Unknown Tragedy



Hi, I’m June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies.

As a matter of fact, he has already accomplished his goal.


『Actual List』


Kato watched “The Arabian Nights” or “One Thousand and One Nights” as his 1001th movie.

You might just as well want to view it.



The stories in “the Arabian Nights” were collected over many centuries by various authors, translators, and scholars across West, Central, and South Asia and North Africa.

The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature.

In particular, many tales were originally folk stories from the Caliphate era, while others, especially the frame story, are most probably drawn from the Pahlavi Persian work Hazār Afsān which in turn relied partly on Indian elements.

What is common throughout all the editions of the Nights is the initial frame story of the ruler Shahryār and his wife Scheherazade and the framing device incorporated throughout the tales themselves.

The stories proceed from this original tale.

Some are framed within other tales, while others begin and end of their own accord.

Some editions contain only a few hundred nights, while others include 1,001 or more.









『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 – 小百合物語』





