DD-WRT » Support


Although we are constantly working on keeping installation and usage of DD-WRT as simple as possible, the wide range of supported devices and the comprehensive feature set of DD-WRT can be disturbing especially for unexperienced users.

There are different ways to obtain information about how to setup and configure DD-WRT. These information are provided by different sources. Please check what source is matching your requirements best:

Router Database & FAQ

In the beginning most users would like to know if their routers are supported by DD-WRT and what firmware files they need to download on order to install DD-WRT. For such requests the router database is the best place. You can easily search by manufacturer, router model and revision and can get the development status and available files (if the router is supported) with a simple click. The FAQ section helps with the most common questions.

DD-WRT Wiki & User forum

Currently the main sources for more detailed information are the Wiki and the User forum. While the wiki contains step by step instructions how to setup DD-WRT the forum is a place for direct communication with DD-WRT users. It allows the exchange of information and experiences. Many issues can be solved here by searching for a fitting topic or asking the DD-WRT experts.

Use Case Documentation

To complement the instructions in the wiki we will step by step provide instructions for specific use cases. Please be patient while we are building this section, it can take some time but will be worth the waiting.

Latest DD-WRT Releases

To obtain the matching version for your router please use the Router Database:

» Router Database