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Science and Engineering Ethics, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, February 2015
- Katie Shilton:
Anticipatory Ethics for a Future Internet: Analyzing Values During the Design of an Internet Infrastructure. 1-18 - Seemu Sharma, Hitashi Lomash, Seema Bawa:
Who Regulates Ethics in the Virtual World? 19-28 - Hutan Ashrafian:
AIonAI: A Humanitarian Law of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. 29-40 - Hui Fang:
An Explanation of Resisted Discoveries Based on Construal-Level Theory. 41-50 - Louise Bezuidenhout:
Ethics in the Minutiae: Examining the Role of the Physical Laboratory Environment in Ethical Discourse. 51-73 - Jiin-Yu Chen:
Virtue and the Scientist: Using Virtue Ethics to Examine Science's Ethical and Moral Challenges. 75-94 - Nicolae Morar:
An Empirically Informed Critique of Habermas' Argument from Human Nature. 95-113 - Håkan Salwén:
The Swedish Research Council's Definition of 'Scientific Misconduct': A Critique. 115-126 - Charisse R. Madlock-Brown, David Eichmann:
The (lack of) Impact of Retraction on Citation Networks. 127-137 - Khaled Moustafa:
The Disaster of the Impact Factor. 139-142 - Brian Martin:
On the Suppression of Vaccination Dissent. 143-157 - Raphael Cohen-Almagor:
Press Self-Regulation in Britain: A Critique. 159-181 - Dragan Djuric:
Penetrating the Omerta of Predatory Publishing: The Romanian Connection. 183-202 - Josef Marousek, Simona Hasková, Robert Zeman, Radka Vanícková:
Managerial Preferences in Relation to Financial Indicators Regarding the Mitigation of Global Change. 203-207 - Dianne Quigley:
Promoting Human Subjects Training for Place-Based Communities and Cultural Groups in Environmental Research: Curriculum Approaches for Graduate Student/Faculty Training. 209-226 - Darshan M. A. Karwat, Walter E. Eagle, Margaret S. Wooldridge, Thomas E. Princen:
Activist Engineering: Changing Engineering Practice By Deploying Praxis. 227-239 - Fern Wickson, Roger Strand, Kamilla Lein Kjølberg:
The Walkshop Approach to Science and Technology Ethics. 241-264 - Beuy Joob, Viroj Wiwanitkit:
Standards, Double Standards and No Standards. 265
Volume 21, Number 2, April 2015
- Raymond E. Spier:
On Dealing with the Innovations of the Future. 267-270 - April Martin, Zhanna Bagdasarov, Shane Connelly:
The Capacity for Ethical Decisions: The Relationship Between Working Memory and Ethical Decision Making. 271-292 - Johane Patenaude, Georges-Auguste Legault, Jacques Beauvais, Louise Bernier, Jean-Pierre Béland, Patrick Boissy, Vanessa Chenel, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Jonathan Genest, Marie-Sol Poirier, Danielle Tapin:
Framework for the Analysis of Nanotechnologies' Impacts and Ethical Acceptability: Basis of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing Novel Technologies. 293-315 - Hutan Ashrafian:
Artificial Intelligence and Robot Responsibilities: Innovating Beyond Rights. 317-326 - Shannon M. Oltmann:
Dual Use Research: Investigation Across Multiple Science Disciplines. 327-341 - Ronan Le Roux:
A Matter of Accuracy. Nanobiochips in Diagnostics and in Research: Ethical Issues as Value Trade-Offs. 343-358 - Ilse Oosterlaken:
Applying Value Sensitive Design (VSD) to Wind Turbines and Wind Parks: An Exploration. 359-379 - Yonca Hürol, Hülya Yüceer, Öznem Sahali:
Building Code Challenging the Ethics Behind Adobe Architecture in North Cyprus. 381-399 - Rob Lawlor:
Delaying Obsolescence. 401-427 - Mohd Salim Mohamed, Siti Nurani Mohd Noor:
Islamic Bioethical Deliberation on the Issue of Newborns with Disorders of Sex Development. 429-440 - Hyemin Han:
Virtue Ethics, Positive Psychology, and a New Model of Science and Engineering Ethics Education. 441-460 - Emily Bell:
A Room with a View of Integrity and Professionalism: Personal Reflections on Teaching Responsible Conduct of Research in the Neurosciences. 461-469 - Christopher Chung:
Comparison of Cross Culture Engineering Ethics Training Using the Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education. 471-478 - Amitabha Gupta:
Foundations for Value Education in Engineering: The Indian Experience. 479-504 - Yingying Lee, Manlai You, Ming-Ying Yang:
A Survey of Student Opinions on Ethical Design Standards in Taiwan. 505-530 - Omid Mahian, Somchai Wongwises:
Is it Ethical for Journals to Request Self-citation? 531-533 - Khaled Moustafa:
Blind Manuscript Submission to Reduce Rejection Bias? 535-539
Volume 21, Number 3, June 2015
- Karim Jebari:
Existential Risks: Exploring a Robust Risk Reduction Strategy. 541-554 - Houssem Eddine Bedoui, Walid Mansour:
Performance and Maqasid al-Shari'ah's Pentagon-Shaped Ethical Measurement. 555-576 - G. K. D. Crozier, Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde:
Towards Improving the Ethics of Ecological Research. 577-594 - Laura Yenisa Cabrera Trujillo, Sabrina Engel-Glatter:
Human-Animal Chimera: A Neuro Driven Discussion? Comparison of Three Leading European Research Countries. 595-617 - Alexander Hevelke, Julian Nida-Rümelin:
Responsibility for Crashes of Autonomous Vehicles: An Ethical Analysis. 619-630 - A. Roger Tucker, Gerrit van Tonder:
The Karoo Fracking Debate: A Christian Contribution to the World Communities of Faith. 631-653 - Latifah Amin, Hasrizul Hashim:
Factors Influencing Stakeholders Attitudes Toward Genetically Modified Aedes Mosquito. 655-681 - Ming Shan, Albert P. C. Chan, Yun Le, Yi Hu:
Investigating the Effectiveness of Response Strategies for Vulnerabilities to Corruption in the Chinese Public Construction Sector. 683-705 - Peter Novitzky, Alan F. Smeaton, Cynthia Chen, Kate Irving, Tim Jacquemard, Fiachra O'Brolcháin, Dónal O'Mathúna, Bert Gordijn:
A Review of Contemporary Work on the Ethics of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies for People with Dementia. 707-765 - Rosa Lynn Pinkus, Claire Gloeckner, Angela Fortunato:
The Role of Professional Knowledge in Case-Based Reasoning in Practical Ethics. 767-787 - Ilya M. Goldin, Rosa Lynn Pinkus, Kevin D. Ashley:
Validity and Reliability of an Instrument for Assessing Case Analyses in Bioengineering Ethics Education. 789-807 - Ehsan Roohi, Omid Mahian:
Some Opinions on the Review Process of Research Papers Destined for Publication. 809-812
Volume 21, Number 4, August 2015
- Barbara K. Redman, Arthur Caplan:
No One Likes a Snitch. 813-819 - Mohammad Hemmat Esfe, Somchai Wongwises, Amin Asadi, Mohammad Akbari:
Fake Journals: Their Features and Some Viable Ways to Distinguishing Them. 821-824 - José G. B. Derraik:
The Principles of Fair Allocation of Peer-Review: How Much Should a Researcher be Expected to Contribute? 825-828 - Boris Kotchoubey, Sarah Bütof, Ranganatha Sitaram:
Flagrant Misconduct of Reviewers and Editor: A Case Study. 829-835 - Ahmed Fouad Bouras, Carole Genty, Vincent Guilbert, Mohamed Dadda:
Organ Procurement and Social Networks: The End of Confidentiality? 837-838 - Khaled Moustafa:
Does the Cover Letter Really Matter? 839-841 - Jensen T. Mecca, Carter Gibson, Vincent Giorgini, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly:
Researcher Perspectives on Conflicts of Interest: A Qualitative Analysis of Views from Academia. 843-855 - Vance W. Berger:
Conflicts of Interest, Selective Inertia, and Research Malpractice in Randomized Clinical Trials: An Unholy Trinity. 857-874 - Donald F. Sacco, Samuel V. Bruton, Alen Hajnal, Chris J. N. Lustgraaf:
The Influence of Disclosure and Ethics Education on Perceptions of Financial Conflicts of Interest. 875-894 - Jukka Varelius:
Is the Non-rivalrousness of Intellectual Objects a Problem for the Moral Justification of Economic Rights to Intellectual Property? 895-906 - Mladen Pecujlija, Ilija Cosic, L. Nesic-Grubic, S. Drobnjak:
Corruption: Engineers are Victims, Perpetrators or Both? 907-923 - Udo Pesch:
Engineers and Active Responsibility. 925-939 - Yeslam Al-Saggaf, Md Zahidul Islam:
Data Mining and Privacy of Social Network Sites' Users: Implications of the Data Mining Problem. 941-966 - Gary Santillanes, Ryan Marshall Felder:
Software Piracy in Research: A Moral Analysis. 967-977 - Andreas Stylianou, Michael A. Talias:
The 'Magic Light': A Discussion on Laser Ethics. 979-998 - Andrei Andrianov, Victor Kanke, Ilya Kuptsov, Viktor Murogov:
Reexamining the Ethics of Nuclear Technology. 999-1018 - Mary E. Sunderland, Rahul Uday Nayak:
Reengineering Biomedical Translational Research with Engineering Ethics. 1019-1031 - David Koepsell, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Sylvia C. Pont:
Human Participants in Engineering Research: Notes from a Fledgling Ethics Committee. 1033-1048 - David L. Evers, Carol B. Fowler, Jeffrey T. Mason, Rebecca K. Mimnall:
Deliberate Microbial Infection Research Reveals Limitations to Current Safety Protections of Healthy Human Subjects. 1049-1064 - Nicholas G. Evans, Michael J. Selgelid:
Biosecurity and Open-Source Biology: The Promise and Peril of Distributed Synthetic Biological Technologies. 1065-1083
Volume 21, Number 5, October 2015
- Michael W. Kalichman, Monica Sweet, Dena Plemmons:
Standards of Scientific Conduct: Disciplinary Differences. 1085-1093 - Luciano Floridi:
Toleration and the Design of Norms. 1095-1123 - Mariarosaria Taddeo:
The Struggle Between Liberties and Authorities in the Information Age. 1125-1138 - Gary Harrison, William L. Gannon:
Victor Frankenstein's Institutional Review Board Proposal, 1790. 1139-1157 - Fern Wickson, Ellen-Marie Forsberg:
Standardising Responsibility? The Significance of Interstitial Spaces. 1159-1180 - Snezana B. Krstic:
Research Integrity Practices from the Perspective of Early-Career Researchers. 1181-1196 - Jathan Sadowski, Susan G. Spierre, Evan Selinger, Thomas P. Seager, Elizabeth A. Adams, Andrew Berardy:
Intergroup Cooperation in Common Pool Resource Dilemmas. 1197-1215 - William T. Lynch:
Second-Guessing Scientists and Engineers: Post Hoc Criticism and the Reform of Practice in Green Chemistry and Engineering. 1217-1240 - Mehdi F. Harandi, Mahdi G. Nia, Marc J. de Vries:
Water Management: Sacrificing Normative Practice Subverting the Traditions of Water Apportionment - 'Whose Justice? Which Rationality?'. 1241-1269 - Yesim Isil Ulman, Tuna Cakar, Gokcen Yildiz:
Ethical Issues in Neuromarketing: "I Consume, Therefore I am!". 1271-1284 - Hui Fang:
A Discussion on Governmental Research Grants. 1285-1296 - Yongyan Li:
'Standing on the Shoulders of Giants': Recontextualization in Writing from Sources. 1297-1314 - Daniela Cutas, David Shaw:
Writers Blocked: On the Wrongs of Research Co-authorship and Some Possible Strategies for Improvement. 1315-1329 - Vanja Pupovac, Daniele Fanelli:
Scientists Admitting to Plagiarism: A Meta-analysis of Surveys. 1331-1352 - Pamela Sankar, Mildred K. Cho, Keri Monahan, Kamila Nowak:
Reporting Race and Ethnicity in Genetics Research: Do Journal Recommendations or Resources Matter? 1353-1366 - Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos, Miguel Roig:
Prior Publication and Redundancy in Contemporary Science: Are Authors and Editors at the Crossroads? 1367-1378 - Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos, Miguel Roig:
Erratum to: Prior Publication and Redundancy in Contemporary Science: Are Authors and Editors at the Crossroads? 1379 - Yinghui Fan, Xingwei Zhang, Xinlu Xie:
Design and Development of a Course in Professionalism and Ethics for CDIO Curriculum in China. 1381-1389 - Khaled Moustafa:
Fake Journals: Not Always Valid Ways to Distinguish Them. 1391-1392
Volume 21, Number 6, December 2015
- Philip Boucher:
Domesticating the Drone: The Demilitarisation of Unmanned Aircraft for Civil Markets. 1393-1412 - Rafal Wodzisz:
Case Study of R-1234yf Refrigerant: Implications for the Framework for Responsible Innovation. 1413-1433 - Gerald Walther:
Printing Insecurity? The Security Implications of 3D-Printing of Weapons. 1435-1445 - Yonca Hürol, Hülya Yüceer, Hacer Basarir:
Ethical Guidelines for Structural Interventions to Small-Scale Historic Stone Masonry Buildings. 1447-1468 - María-del-Val Segarra-Oña, Angel Peiró-Signes, Roberto Cervelló-Royo:
A Framework to Move Forward on the Path to Eco-innovation in the Construction Industry: Implications to Improve Firms' Sustainable Orientation. 1469-1484 - Rochelle E. Tractenberg, Andrew J. Russell, Gregory J. Morgan, Kevin T. FitzGerald, Jeff Collmann, Lee Vinsel, Michael Steinmann, Lisa M. Dolling:
Using Ethical Reasoning to Amplify the Reach and Resonance of Professional Codes of Conduct in Training Big Data Scientists. 1485-1507 - Louise Bezuidenhout:
Variations in Scientific Data Production: What Can We Learn from #Overlyhonestmethods? 1509-1523 - Marek Czarkowski, Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk, Beata Szymanska:
Hospital Ethics Committees in Poland. 1525-1535 - Maryam Ronagh, Lawrence Souder:
The Ethics of Ironic Science in Its Search for Spoof. 1537-1549 - Vincent Giorgini, Carter Gibson, Jensen T. Mecca, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Lynn D. Devenport:
Differences in Biases and Compensatory Strategies Across Discipline, Rank, and Gender Among University Academics. 1551-1579 - Mohammad Hemmat Esfe, Somchai Wongwises, Amin Asadi, Arash Karimipour, Mohammad Akbari:
Mandatory and Self-citation; Types, Reasons, Their Benefits and Disadvantages. 1581-1585 - Michelle Leonard, David Schwieder, Amy G. Buhler, Denise Beaubien Bennett, Melody Royster:
Perceptions of Plagiarism by STEM Graduate Students: A Case Study. 1587-1608 - GuiHong Cao:
Comparison of China-US Engineering Ethics Educations in Sino-Western Philosophies of Technology. 1609-1635 - Olivia Walling:
Beyond Ethical Frameworks: Using Moral Experimentation in the Engineering Ethics Classroom. 1637-1656 - Saadia Mahmud, Tracey Bretag:
Integrity in Postgraduate Research: The Student Voice. 1657-1672 - Kelly Joslin Holloway:
A Troubled Solution: Medical Student Struggles with Evidence and Industry Bias. 1673-1689 - Glen Miller:
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Review of A. Briggle, P. Brey and E. Spence (eds.): The Good Life in a Technological Age - Routledge, New York, 2012, 358 pp, ISBN: 978-0-415-89126-4. 1691-1697
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