dblp: SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks

43rd SIGGRAPH 2016: Anaheim, CA, USA - Talks

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Too hot to handle

Van Gogh would be proud

Get in shape

Life is shorts

Dark hides the light

Dancing trees

Angry - effects salad

Face off

Icing on the cake

Roll the dice

A tall drink of water

Building character

Brain & Brawn

Bouncing around

Playing god

It's crowded in here!

Invited session

The 7 deadly sims

Invited session

Scratching the surface

Organic farming

Experience presentations: artistic VR techniques

Experience presentations: creature creation

Experience presentations: the art & science of immersion

Experience presentations: make it so

Experience presentations: production for VR

Experience presentations: smart cities

Agents of change: creation of VR for health and social gain