dblp: International Conference of the Learning Sciences 2010

ICLS 2010: Chicago, IL, USA

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Fostering the acquisition and application of domain-specific knowledge through concept mapping

Developing students' disciplinary historical thinking: the role of textual and instructional resources

Social construction of mathematical meaning through collaboration and argumentation

Integrating philosophy into learning sciences research on epistemic cognition

Qualitative, quantitative, and data mining methods for analyzing log data to characterize students' learning strategies and behaviors


"Wherever you go, there you are: " examining the development and integration of individual identity across multiple domains and contexts


On the process and outcomes of inquiry learning: changing approaches to assessment


Internationalizing the learning sciences from formal to informal learning environments

Increasing rigor and generativity in learning: connections between the disciplines, children's lived experience and everyday knowledge a symposium

Content analysis of collaboratively constructed knowledge artifacts: issues and opportunities for research

A new age in tangible computational interfaces for learning

Are we managing learning with Learning Management Systems?


Adaptive human guidance of computer-mediated group work

Scaling practices of spatial analysis and modeling

Learning about dynamic systems by drawing

The design framework: an organizing artifact for enhancing the fidelity of educational research, implementation, and assessment

Using digital video to investigate teachers' in-the-moment noticing

Learning about complexity and beyond: theoretical and methodological implications for the learning sciences

Understanding the role of <i>place</i> in environmental education across settings


Motivation and affect in peer argumentation and socio-cognitive conflict

Learning to understand the tree of life

Using visualization to link abstract science and everyday experience

Poster symposia

Terra nova toward terra firma: data on games for science learning

Energy across the curriculum: cumulative learning using embedded assessment results

Poster symposia


The role of explanations in learning
