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ICCP 2011: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, ICCP 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 25-27, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-1479-5
- Ioan Alfred Letia:
Foreword. vii - Barbara Pernici:
Designing adaptive services: The case of energy efficiency. viii - Elena Simperl:
Combining human and computational intelligence for collaborative knowledge creation. ix - Andrei Vanea, Rodica Potolea:
A method for dinamically creating data cube structures. 3-10 - Camelia Lemnaru
, Adina Anca Firte, Rodica Potolea:
Static and dynamic user type identification in adaptive e-learning with unsupervised methods. 11-18 - Mihaela Dînsoreanu
, Bogdan Neacsa, Catalin Cupse, Rodica Potolea:
A layered approach for enabling context-sensitive content. 19-26 - Lavinia Ferariu
, Bogdan Burlacu
Multiobjective genetic programming with adaptive clustering. 27-32 - Cristina Bianca Pop, Viorica Rozina Chifu, Ioan Salomie, Monica Vlad:
Cuckoo-inspired hybrid algorithm for selecting the optimal Web service composition. 33-40 - Christian Sacarea
, Silviu Boldeanu, Luciana Neamtiu, Cezara Pastrav:
Investigating adverse drug reactions using Conceptual Landscapes. 41-48 - Christian Sacarea
, Marius Georgescu, Corneliu Ailincai, Florina Muntenescu, Cezara Pastrav:
A contextual logic grounded approach to visual arts. 49-56 - Robert Dollinger, Nathaniel A. Melville:
Semantic evaluation of SQL queries. 57-64 - Phyo Thu Thu Khine, Htwe Pa Pa Win, Khin Nwe Ni Tun:
Efficient relational keyword search system. 65-70 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Adrian Groza
, Radu Balaj:
Argumentative agents for justifying decisions in audit. 71-78 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Anca Goron:
Using arguments on requirements for services. 79-86 - Emil St. Chifu, Ioan Alfred Letia:
A neural model for semantically enhancing Web APIs. 87-94 - Melinda Barabas, Georgeta Boanea, Andrei Bogdan Rus, Virgil Dobrota
, Jordi Domingo-Pascual:
Evaluation of network traffic prediction based on neural networks with multi-task learning and multiresolution decomposition. 95-102 - Gilbert Cassar, Payam M. Barnaghi
, Klaus Moessner
A Probabilistic Latent Factor approach to service ranking. 103-109 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Anca Nicoleta Marginean:
Service monitoring with ontology based expectations. 111-114 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Anca Goron:
Embedding value-based argumentation in persuasive dialogs. 115-118 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Radu Razvan Slavescu:
A model of trust and reputation in e-commerce based on multimodal logic. 119-122 - Noman Hasany, Mohd Hasan Selamat:
Answering user queries from hotel ontology for decision making. 123-127 - Gabriel Barbur, Bogdan Blaga, Adrian Groza
OntoRich - A support tool for semi-automatic ontology enrichment and evaluation. 129-132 - Bernadette Varga, Adrian Groza
Integrating DBpedia and SentiWordNet for a tourism recommender system. 133-136 - Zsuzsanna Marian
, Christian Sacarea
Using conceptual graphs to represent modern music. 137-140 - Bogdan Ditu, Dragos Badea, Virgil Palanciuc, Nicolae Tapus
Code pattern recognition for a retargetable optimizer. 141-144 - George Pecherle
, Cornelia Györödi
, Robert Györödi, Bogdan Andronic, Iosif Ignat:
New method of detection and wiping of sensitive information. 145-148 - Ioan Toma
, Mihai Chezan, Raluca Brehar
, Sergiu Nedevschi
, Dieter Fensel:
SIM, a Semantic Instrumentation and Monitoring solution for large scale reasoning systems. 151-156 - Sergiu Nedevschi
, Radu Ioan Peter
, Adina Mandrut:
Performance prediction using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis. 157-162 - Raluca Brehar
, Ion Giosan
, Andrei Vatavu, Mihai Negru
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Modeling the behavior of large scale reasoning systems using clustering and regression. 163-169 - Danni Ai, Xian-Hua Han, Guifang Duan, Xiang Ruan
, Yen-Wei Chen:
Independent component analysis of color SIFT for Image Classification. 173-178 - Arthur Daniel Costea, Robert Varga, Tiberiu Marita
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Refining object recognition using scene specific object appearance frequencies. 179-185 - Pierre Andrews, Juan Pane, Ilya Zaihrayeu, Aliaksandr Autayeu:
Supporting semantic annotations in Flickr. 187-194 - Delia Mitrea, Sergiu Nedevschi
, Radu Badea:
The role of the superior order GLCM and of the generalized cooccurrence matrices in the characterization and automatic diagnosis of the hepatocellular carcinoma, based on ultrasound images. 197-204 - Cristian Vicas
, Monica Lupsor
, Mihai Adrian Socaciu
, Radu Badea, Sergiu Nedevschi
Texture analysis as a noninvasive tool for fibrosis assessment in chronic hepatitis C. influence of expert dependent variability over the performance of texture analysis. 205-212 - Kai Xiao, Aboul Ella Hassanien
, Yan Sun, Edwin Kit Keong Ng:
Brain MR image tumor segmentation with ventricular deformation. 213-217 - Ahmed O. Al-Agamy
, Ahmed S. Fahmy:
Segmentation of strain-encoded magnetic resonance images using graph-cuts. 219-224 - Ruxandra Vrânceanu, Constantin Vertan
, Razvan George Condorovici, Laura Florea, Corneliu Florea:
A fast method for detecting eye accessing cues used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. 225-229 - Silviu Bota, Sergiu Nedevschi
Vision based obstacle tracking in urban traffic environments. 231-238 - Andrei Vatavu, Radu Danescu
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Environment perception using dynamic polylines and particle based occupancy grids. 239-244 - Claudia Pantiruc, Mihai Negru
FPGA based CAN Data Visualization. 245-252 - K. K. Lee, Michael Ming Yuen Chang, K. H. Wong, Y. K. Yu:
A hand-held augmented reality projection system using trifocal tensors and Kalman filter. 253-260 - Maneesha Singh, Sameer Singh:
A machine learning approach for optimising image segmentation algorithms. 261-265 - Corneliu Florea, Laura Florea:
A parametric non-linear algorithm for contrast based auto-focus. 267-271 - Mihai Negru
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Improving image quality by camera signal adaptation to lighting conditions. 273-279 - Laura Florea, Raluca Boia:
Eyebrows localization for expression analysis. 281-284 - Htwe Pa Pa Win, Phyo Thu Thu Khine, Khin Nwe Ni Tun:
OCRMPD: OCR system for Myanmar printed document image with a novel segmentation method and hierarchical classification scheme. 285-291 - Tiberiu Marita
, Mihai Negru
, Radu Danescu
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Stop-line detection and localization method for intersection scenarios. 293-298 - Raluca Brehar
, Sergiu Nedevschi
A comparative study of pedestrian detection methods using classical Haar and HoG features versus bag of words model computed from Haar and HoG features. 299-306 - Madalin Frunzete, Bogdan Florea, Valentin Stefanescu, Dan Alexandru Stoichescu:
Image enciphering by using Rössler Map. 307-310 - Mircea Giurgiu, Ahsanul Kabir:
Improving automatic speech recognition in noise by energy normalization and signal resynthesis. 311-314 - Tamas Vajda, Abram Zoltán:
Pictorial structure based people detection and pose estimation in videos. 315-318 - Ahmed S. Fahmy, Nael F. Osman, Heba A. Shalaby:
Maximum likelihood estimator for signal intensity in STEAM-based MR imaging techniques. 319-322 - Adina Petrovici, Corneliu Lazar
Estimation of the directional field anisotropy based on Mohr's Circle in fingerprint images. 323-326 - Ionut Mironica, Constantin Vertan, Bogdan Ionescu:
A relevance feedback approach to video genre retrieval. 327-330 - Iulian Nita, Teodor Costachioiu, Vasile Lazarescu, Tiberiu Seceleanu
Multiprocessor real time edge detection using FPGA IP cores. 331-334 - Florin Oniga
, Melania Miron, Radu Danescu
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Automatic recognition of low earth orbit objects from image sequences. 335-338 - Puthipong Sthitpattanapongsa, Thitiwan Srinark:
A two-stage Otsu'S thresholding based method on a 2D histogram. 345-348 - Matti Kutila, Pasi Pyykönen, Kimmo Kauvo, Pekka Eloranta:
In-vehicle sensor data fusion for road friction monitoring. 349-352 - Mihaela Tilneac, Valer Dolga:
Extrinsic calibration of a multi-camera network used for individual plant phenotyping. 353-359 - Muhammad Hameed Siddiqi, Phan Tran Ho Truc, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee:
Automatic human body segmentation using level-set based active contours followed by optical flow in video surveillance. 361-364 - Nenad Tomasev
, Raluca Brehar
, Dunja Mladenic
, Sergiu Nedevschi
The influence of hubness on nearest-neighbor methods in object recognition. 367-374 - Nenad Tomasev
, Blaz Fortuna, Dunja Mladenic
OntoGen extension for exploring image collections. 375-376 - Raluca Brehar
, Carolina Fortuna
, Silviu Bota, Dunja Mladenic
, Sergiu Nedevschi
Spatio-temporal reasoning for traffic scene understanding. 377-384 - Eiji Watanabe, Takashi Ozeki, Takeshi Kohama:
Analysis of behaviors by lecturer and students in lectures based on piecewise auto-regressive modeling. 385-390 - Sanda-Maria Dragos:
Why integrated E-learning Analytics are the best solution? 393-398 - Lauren Burdusel:
Cryptographic protocol for secure dissemination of notification messages. 399-405 - Johannes Weiß, Peter Mandl
, Alexander Schill:
Functional testing of Complex Event Processing applications. 407-413 - Anghel Botos, Vasile Bota, Mihai Petru Stef:
Study of a linear coding enhanced swarm network. 415-421 - Florin Catalin Braescu, Lavinia Ferariu
, Andrei Nacu:
OSEK-based gateway algorithm for multi-domain CAN systems. 423-428 - Ramiro Voicu, Iosif Charles Legrand, Ciprian Dobre
A monitoring framework for large scale networks. 429-432 - Ariel Chelsau, Adrian Iftene
Magenta - A model for improving information retrieval in peer-to-peer networks. 433-436 - Anca Burlacu-Zane, Andreea Nicolescu, Nicolae Tapus
Alias property propagation and reuse after variable scope change. 437-440 - Anca Hangan
, Gheorghe Sebestyen:
Cyclic executive-based method for scheduling hard real-time transactions on distributed systems. 441-444 - Alin Suciu, Daniel Lebu, Kinga Marton:
Unpredictable random number generator based on mobile sensors. 445-448 - Timea Bagosi, Zoltan Baruch:
Indoor localization by WiFi. 449-452 - Paolo Cremonesi
, Andrea Sansottera, Stefano Gualandi
Optimizing cooling and server power consumption. 455-462 - Cinzia Cappiello
, Maria Grazia Fugini
, Alexandre Mello Ferreira, Pierluigi Plebani
, Monica Vitali
Business process co-design for energy-aware adaptation. 463-470 - Georgiana Copil, Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel
, Ioan Salomie, Daniel Moldovan, Diana Borza:
A genetic-inspired negotiation algorithm for QoS and energy consumption tradeoffs in virtualized service centers. 471-476 - Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel
, Ioan Salomie, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Marius Grindean:
Time series based dynamic frequency scaling solution for optimizing the CPU energy consumption. 477-483 - Ionut Anghel
, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Georgiana Copil, Daniel Moldovan, Cristina Pop:
Dynamic frequency scaling algorithms for improving the CPU's energy efficiency. 485-491 - Alexander Kipp, Jia Liu, Tao Jiang, Dmitry Khabi, Yevgeniya Kovalenko, Lutz Schubert
, Micha vor dem Berge, Wolfgang Christmann:
Approach towards an energy-aware and energy-efficient high performance computing environment. 493-499 - Cristina Amza, Catalin Adrian Leordeanu
, Valentin Cristea:
Hybrid network Intrusion Detection. 503-510 - Elena Apostol
, Iulia Baluta, Alexandru Gorgoi, Valentin Cristea:
Efficient manager for virtualized resource provisioning in Cloud Systems. 511-517 - Ioan Lucian Muntean, Marius Joldos
Experiences with the development of applications for heterogeneous grids. 519-526 - Gabriel Neagu, Alexandru Stanciu
, Vladimir Florian:
Contributions to the Grid infrastructure for e-Science communities. 527-532 - Ciprian Dobre
, Flavius Manea, Valentin Cristea:
CAPIM: A context-aware platform using integrated mobile services. 533-540 - Denisa Rodila
, Dorian Gorgan:
A mediation approach in Geospatial Web services gridification. 541-548 - Florin Pop, Alexandra Arcalianu, Ciprian Dobre
, Valentin Cristea:
Enhanced security for monitoring services in large scale distributed systems. 549-556

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