dblp: IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face Recognition 1998

3rd FG 1998: Nara, Japan

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Invited Speaker, Chair: Masahiko Yachida, Osaka University

Session P1: Extraction of Trajectory and Modeling, Chairs: Larry Davis, Maryland University and Kosuke Sato, NAIST

Session P2: Face Recognition and Verification, Chairs: Cris Taylor, University of Manchester and Hiroshi Murase, NTT

Poster Session PD1: Extraction and Detection of Gaze, Face and Head

Session P3: Face as a Deformable Object, Chairs: Shimon Edelman, University of Sussex and Naokazu Yokoya, NAIST

Invited Speaker, Chair: Kenji Mase, ATR MIC

Session P4: Tracking and Segmentation of Moving Figures, Chairs: Michael Black, Xerox PARC and Jun Ohya, ATR MIC

Session P5: Feature Extraction, Detection and Learning, Chairs: Thomas Huang, University of Illinois and Shigeo Morishima, Seikei University

Session P6: Hand Gesture Analysis, Chair: Norihiro Hagita, NTT

Poster Session PD2: Identification of Face and Expression

Invited Speaker, Chair: Shigeru Akamatsu, ATR HIP

Session P7: Gesture Recognition, Chairs: Jim Rehg, DEC and Osamu Hasegawa, ETL

Session P8: Classification of Face and Expression, Chairs: P. Jonathon Phillips, NIST and Yoshinori Kuno, Osaka University

Poster Session PD3: Gesture Tracking and Recognition and Applications

Session P9: Applications, Chairs: Peter Stucki, University of Zurich and Shuji Hashimoto, Waseda University