dblp: International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2007

9th ICEC 2007: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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Keynote address

Session M1: privacy in e-commerce

Session M2: mechanisms and institutions I

Session M3: recommender systems

Keynote address

Session M4: sponsored search on the internet I

Session M5: e-business systems and applications

Session M6: adaptive communication protocols for e-business

Session M7: sponsored search on the internet II

Session M8: electronic commerce

Session M9: digital rights and marketing

Session T1: technology and information goods (invited session)

Session T2: modeling consumers in e-markets

Session T3: panel: collaborative research for the study of e-commerce and e-business in China

Keynote address

Session T4: new dimensions of IT-enabled business value

Session T5: data mining in e-commerce I

Session T6: mechanisms and institutions II

Keynote address

Session T7: network competition & services

Session T8: data mining in e-commerce II

Session T9: panel: pesearch in services-oriented technology and management


Session W1: trust in electronic markets

Session W2: pricing information goods

Session W3: resource allocation and optimization