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Mikko Sams
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j33]Mareike Bacha-Trams
, Gökce Ertas Yorulmaz
, Enrico Glerean, Elisa Ryyppö, Karoliina T. Tapani
, Eero Virmavirta, Jenni Saaristo
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Mikko Sams:
Sisterhood predicts similar neural processing of a film. NeuroImage 297: 120712 (2024) - 2023
- [j32]Lauri Nummenmaa
, Tuulia Malén
, Sanaz Nazari-Farsani
, Kerttu Seppälä
, Lihua Sun
, Severi Santavirta
, Henry K. Karlsson, Matthew Hudson, Jussi Hirvonen
, Mikko Sams, Sophie K. Scott, Vesa Putkinen:
Decoding brain basis of laughter and crying in natural scenes. NeuroImage 273: 120082 (2023) - 2022
- [j31]Heini Saarimäki, Enrico Glerean, Dmitry Smirnov, Henri Mynttinen, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Mikko Sams, Lauri Nummenmaa
Classification of emotion categories based on functional connectivity patterns of the human brain. NeuroImage 247: 118800 (2022) - 2021
- [j30]Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Mikko Sams, Enrico Glerean, Jyrki Ahveninen:
Movies and narratives as naturalistic stimuli in neuroimaging. NeuroImage 224: 117445 (2021)
2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j29]Marina Kliuchko
, Tuomas Puoliväli, Marja Heinonen-Guzejev, Mari Tervaniemi
, Petri Toiviainen
, Mikko Sams, Elvira Brattico
Neuroanatomical substrate of noise sensitivity. NeuroImage 167: 309-315 (2018) - [j28]Athanasios Gotsopoulos, Heini Saarimäki, Enrico Glerean
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Mikko Sams, Lauri Nummenmaa
, Jouko Lampinen:
Reproducibility of importance extraction methods in neural network based fMRI classification. NeuroImage 181: 44-54 (2018) - 2017
- [j27]Juha Salmi, Olli-Pekka Koistinen
, Enrico Glerean
, Pasi Jylänki, Aki Vehtari
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Sasu Mäkelä, Lauri Nummenmaa
, Katarina Nummi-Kuisma, Ilari Nummi, Mikko Sams:
Distributed neural signatures of natural audiovisual speech and music in the human auditory cortex. NeuroImage 157: 108-117 (2017) - 2016
- [j26]Iballa Burunat
, Petri Toiviainen
, Vinoo Alluri
, Brigitte Bogert, Tapani Ristaniemi, Mikko Sams, Elvira Brattico
The reliability of continuous brain responses during naturalistic listening to music. NeuroImage 124: 224-231 (2016) - [j25]Jyrki Ahveninen, Samantha Huang, Seppo P. Ahlfors
, Matti S. Hämäläinen, Stephanie Rossi, Mikko Sams, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
Interacting parallel pathways associate sounds with visual identity in auditory cortices. NeuroImage 124: 858-868 (2016) - [j24]Jussi Alho
, Brannon M. Green, Patrick J. C. May, Mikko Sams, Hannu Tiitinen, Josef P. Rauschecker
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
Early-latency categorical speech sound representations in the left inferior frontal gyrus. NeuroImage 129: 214-223 (2016) - [j23]Lauri Nummenmaa
, Lauri Tuominen, Robin Dunbar, Jussi Hirvonen, Sandra Manninen, Eveliina Arponen, Anna Machin, Riitta Hari, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Mikko Sams:
Social touch modulates endogenous μ-opioid system activity in humans. NeuroImage 138: 242-247 (2016) - 2014
- [j22]Juha M. Lahnakoski
, Enrico Glerean
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Jukka Hyönä
, Riitta Hari, Mikko Sams, Lauri Nummenmaa
Synchronous brain activity across individuals underlies shared psychological perspectives. NeuroImage 100: 316-324 (2014) - [j21]Lauri Nummenmaa
, Heini Saarimäki, Enrico Glerean
, Athanasios Gotsopoulos, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Riitta Hari, Mikko Sams:
Emotional speech synchronizes brains across listeners and engages large-scale dynamic brain networks. NeuroImage 102: 498-509 (2014) - 2012
- [j20]Enrico Glerean
, Juha Salmi, Juha M. Lahnakoski
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Mikko Sams:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Phase Synchronization as a Measure of Dynamic Functional Connectivity. Brain Connect. 2(2): 91-101 (2012) - [j19]Vinoo Alluri
, Petri Toiviainen
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Enrico Glerean
, Mikko Sams, Elvira Brattico
Large-scale brain networks emerge from dynamic processing of musical timbre, key and rhythm. NeuroImage 59(4): 3677-3689 (2012) - [j18]Jussi Alho
, Marc Sato, Mikko Sams, Jean-Luc Schwartz, Hannu Tiitinen, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
Enhanced early-latency electromagnetic activity in the left premotor cortex is associated with successful phonetic categorization. NeuroImage 60(4): 1937-1946 (2012) - 2011
- [c14]Jukka-Pekka Kauppi, Heikki Huttunen
, Heikki Korkala, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Mikko Sams, Jussi Tohka
Face Prediction from fMRI Data during Movie Stimulus: Strategies for Feature Selection. ICANN (2) 2011: 189-196 - 2010
- [j17]Jukka-Pekka Kauppi, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Mikko Sams, Jussi Tohka
Inter-subject correlation of brain hemodynamic responses during watching a movie: localization in space and frequency. Frontiers Neuroinformatics 4: 5 (2010) - [c13]Kaisa Tiippana, Erin Hayes, Riikka Möttönen, Nina Kraus, Mikko Sams:
The Mcgurk effect at various auditory signal-to-noise ratios in american and Finnish listeners. AVSP 2010: 10
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j16]Jade Wang, Trent G. Nicol, Erika Skoe, Mikko Sams, Nina Kraus:
Emotion Modulates Early Auditory Response to Speech. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 21(11): 2121-2128 (2009) - [j15]Tobias S. Andersen
, Kaisa Tiippana
, Jari Laarni, Ilpo Kojo, Mikko Sams:
The role of visual spatial attention in audiovisual speech perception. Speech Commun. 51(2): 184-193 (2009) - 2008
- [j14]Jari Kätsyri, Mikko Sams:
The effect of dynamics on identifying basic emotions from synthetic and natural faces. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 66(4): 233-242 (2008) - [j13]Daniel S. Kislyuk, Riikka Möttönen
, Mikko Sams:
Visual Processing Affects the Neural Basis of Auditory Discrimination. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 20(12): 2175-2184 (2008) - [j12]Janne Lehtonen, Pasi Jylänki, Laura Kauhanen, Mikko Sams:
Online Classification of Single EEG Trials During Finger Movements. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 55(2): 713-720 (2008) - 2007
- [j11]Laura Kauhanen, Pasi Jylänki, Janne Lehtonen, Pekka Rantanen, Hannu Alaranta, Mikko Sams:
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface for Tetraplegics. Comput. Intell. Neurosci. 2007 (2007) - [j10]Alexander Degerman, Teemu Rinne, Johanna Pekkola, Taina Autti, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Mikko Sams, Kimmo Alho
Human brain activity associated with audiovisual perception and attention. NeuroImage 34(4): 1683-1691 (2007) - [j9]Aapo Nummenmaa, Toni Auranen, Matti S. Hämäläinen, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Jouko Lampinen, Mikko Sams, Aki Vehtari
Hierarchical Bayesian estimates of distributed MEG sources: Theoretical aspects and comparison of variational and MCMC methods. NeuroImage 35(2): 669-685 (2007) - [j8]Aapo Nummenmaa, Toni Auranen, Matti S. Hämäläinen, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Mikko Sams, Aki Vehtari
, Jouko Lampinen:
Automatic relevance determination based hierarchical Bayesian MEG inversion in practice. NeuroImage 37(3): 876-889 (2007) - 2006
- [j7]Johanna Pekkola, Marja Laasonen
, Ville Ojanen, Taina Autti, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Teija Kujala
, Mikko Sams:
Perception of matching and conflicting audiovisual speech in dyslexic and fluent readers: An fMRI study at 3 T. NeuroImage 29(3): 797-807 (2006) - [j6]Riikka Möttönen
, Gemma A. Calvert
, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Paul M. Matthews
, Thomas Thesen
, Jyrki Tuomainen, Mikko Sams:
Perceiving identical sounds as speech or non-speech modulates activity in the left posterior superior temporal sulcus. NeuroImage 30(2): 563-569 (2006) - 2005
- [j5]Riikka Möttönen
, Juha Järveläinen, Mikko Sams, Riitta Hari:
Viewing speech modulates activity in the left SI mouth cortex. NeuroImage 24(3): 731-737 (2005) - [j4]Ville Ojanen, Riikka Möttönen
, Johanna Pekkola, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Raimo Joensuu, Taina Autti, Mikko Sams:
Processing of audiovisual speech in Broca's area. NeuroImage 25(2): 333-338 (2005) - [j3]Toni Auranen, Aapo Nummenmaa, Matti S. Hämäläinen, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen
, Jouko Lampinen, Aki Vehtari
, Mikko Sams:
Bayesian analysis of the neuromagnetic inverse problem with ℓp-norm priors. NeuroImage 26(3): 870-884 (2005) - 2004
- [c12]Mikko Sams, Ville Ojanen, Jyrki Tuomainen, Vasily Klucharev:
Neurocognition of speech-specific audiovisual perception. INTERSPEECH 2004: 2021-2024 - 2003
- [j2]Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts
, Christina Krause, Alexander Ya. Kaplan
, Sergei V. Borisov, Mikko Sams:
Structural (operational) synchrony of EEG alpha activity during an auditory memory task. NeuroImage 20(1): 529-542 (2003) - [c11]Ville Ojanen, Jyrki Tuomainen, Mikko Sams:
Effect of audiovisual primes on identification of auditory target syllables. AVSP 2003: 71-75 - [c10]Michael Frydrych, Jari Kätsyri, Martin Dobsík, Mikko Sams:
Toolkit for animation of Finnish talking head. AVSP 2003: 199-204 - [c9]Jari Kätsyri, Vasily Klucharev, Michael Frydrych, Mikko Sams:
Identification of synthetic and natural emotional facial expressions. AVSP 2003: 239-243 - 2001
- [c8]Kaisa Tiippana, Mikko Sams, Tobias S. Andersen:
Visual attention influences audiovisual speech perception. AVSP 2001: 167-171 - [c7]Tobias S. Andersen, Kaisa Tiippana, Jouko Lampinen, Mikko Sams:
Modeling of audiovisual speech perception in noise. AVSP 2001: 172-176 - 2000
- [c6]Vili Jussila, Mikko Sams, Kimmo Kaski, Oili Salonen:
Physically based facial model. EUSIPCO 2000: 1-3 - [c5]Riikka Möttönen, Jean-Luc Olives, Janne Kulju, Mikko Sams:
Parameterized visual speech synthesis and its evaluation. EUSIPCO 2000: 1-4
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c4]Jean-Luc Olives, Riikka Möttönen, Janne Kulju, Mikko Sams:
Audio-visual speech synthesis for finnish. AVSP 1999: 27 - [c3]Jean-Luc Olives, Mikko Sams, Janne Kulju, Otto Seppälä, Matti Karjalainen, Toomas Altosaar, Sami Lemmetty, Kristian Töyrä, Martti Vainio:
Towards a high quality Finnish talking head. MMSP 1999: 433-437 - 1998
- [j1]Mikko Sams, Petri Manninen, Veikko Surakka, Pia Helin, Riitta Kättö:
McGurk effect in Finnish syllables, isolated words, and words in sentences: Effects of word meaning and sentence context. Speech Commun. 26(1-2): 75-87 (1998) - [c2]Mikko Sams, Sari Rusanen:
Integration of Dichotically and Visually Presented Speech Stimuli. AVSP 1998: 89-92 - 1997
- [c1]Mikko Sams, Veikko Surakka, Pia Helin, Riitta Kättö:
Audiovisual fusion in finnish syllables and words. AVSP 1997: 101-104
Coauthor Index

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