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ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, March 2008
- Jing Wang, Bobby Bodenheimer:
Synthesis and evaluation of linear motion transitions. 1:1-1:15 - Wenping Wang, Bert Jüttler
, Dayue Zheng, Yang Liu
Computation of rotation minimizing frames. 2:1-2:18 - Evgueni Parilov, Denis Zorin:
Real-time rendering of textures with feature curves. 3:1-3:15 - Christian Lessig, Eugene Fiume:
SOHO: Orthogonal and symmetric Haar wavelets on the sphere. 4:1-4:11 - Michael Neff
, Michael Kipp
, Irene Albrecht, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Gesture modeling and animation based on a probabilistic re-creation of speaker style. 5:1-5:24 - Andrea Weidlich, Alexander Wilkie
Realistic rendering of birefringency in uniaxial crystals. 6:1-6:12 - Wojciech Jarosz, Craig Donner, Matthias Zwicker
, Henrik Wann Jensen:
Radiance caching for participating media. 7:1-7:11 - Charles T. Loop, Scott Schaefer:
Approximating Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces with bicubic patches. 8:1-8:11 - Jiaping Wang, Shuang Zhao, Xin Tong
, Stephen Lin, Zhouchen Lin, Yue Dong, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Modeling and rendering of heterogeneous translucent materials using the diffusion equation. 9:1-9:18
Volume 27, Number 2, April 2008
- Nicolas Ray, Bruno Vallet, Wan-Chiu Li, Bruno Lévy:
N-symmetry direction field design. 10:1-10:13 - Xuejin Chen, Sing Bing Kang, Ying-Qing Xu, Julie Dorsey, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Sketching reality: Realistic interpretation of architectural designs. 11:1-11:15 - Scott Kircher, Michael Garland:
Free-form motion processing. 12:1-12:13 - Aner Ben-Artzi, Kevin Egan, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Frédo Durand:
A precomputed polynomial representation for interactive BRDF editing with global illumination. 13:1-13:13
Volume 27, Number 3, August 2008 - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH
- Huamin Wang
, Yonatan Wexler, Eyal Ofek
, Hugues Hoppe:
Factoring repeated content within and among images. 14 - Michael Rubinstein, Ariel Shamir, Shai Avidan:
Improved seam carving for video retargeting. 16 - Alex Rav-Acha, Pushmeet Kohli, Carsten Rother, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon:
Unwrap mosaics: a new representation for video editing. 17
- Larry Seiler, Doug Carmean, Eric Sprangle, Tom Forsyth, Michael Abrash, Pradeep Dubey, Stephen Junkins, Adam T. Lake, Jeremy Sugerman, Robert Cavin, Roger Espasa, Ed Grochowski, Toni Juan, Pat Hanrahan:
Larrabee: a many-core x86 architecture for visual computing. 18 - Qiming Hou, Kun Zhou, Baining Guo:
BSGP: bulk-synchronous GPU programming. 19 - Li-Yi Wei:
Parallel Poisson disk sampling. 20 - Michael M. Kazhdan, Hugues Hoppe:
Streaming multigrid for gradient-domain operations on large images. 21
- Sung-Hee Lee, Demetri Terzopoulos:
Spline joints for multibody dynamics. 22 - David Harmon, Etienne Vouga, Rasmus Tamstorf
, Eitan Grinspun:
Robust treatment of simultaneous collisions. 23 - Nicolas Bonneel
, George Drettakis, Nicolas Tsingos, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon
, Doug L. James
Fast modal sounds with scalable frequency-domain synthesis. 24 - Christopher D. Twigg, Doug L. James
Backward steps in rigid body simulation. 25
- Rachel McDonnell
, Michéal Larkin, Simon Dobbyn, Steven Collins, Carol O'Sullivan
Clone attack! Perception of crowd variety. 26 - Chris Hecker, Bernd Raabe, Ryan W. Enslow, John DeWeese, Jordan Maynard, Kees van Prooijen:
Real-time motion retargeting to highly varied user-created morphologies. 27 - Michael Kass, John Anderson:
Animating oscillatory motion with overlap: wiggly splines. 28 - Xiaohan Shi, Kun Zhou, Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun
, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo:
Example-based dynamic skinning in real time. 29
- Sylvain Paris, Will Chang, Oleg I. Kozhushnyan, Wojciech Jarosz
, Wojciech Matusik, Matthias Zwicker
, Frédo Durand:
Hair photobooth: geometric and photometric acquisition of real hairstyles. 30 - Jonathan T. Moon, Bruce Walter, Steve Marschner:
Efficient multiple scattering in hair using spherical harmonics. 31 - Arno Zinke, Cem Yuksel
, Andreas Weber
, John Keyser
Dual scattering approximation for fast multiple scattering in hair. 32 - Toshiya Hachisuka, Wojciech Jarosz
, Richard Peter Weistroffer, Kevin Dale, Greg Humphreys, Matthias Zwicker
, Henrik Wann Jensen:
Multidimensional adaptive sampling and reconstruction for ray tracing. 33
- Thomas Annen, Zhao Dong, Tom Mertens, Philippe Bekaert, Hans-Peter Seidel, Jan Kautz:
Real-time, all-frequency shadows in dynamic scenes. 34 - Xin Sun, Kun Zhou, Eric J. Stollnitz, Jiaoying Shi, Baining Guo:
Interactive relighting of dynamic refractive objects. 35 - Kun Zhou, Zhong Ren, Stephen Lin, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Real-time smoke rendering using compensated ray marching. 36 - Jaakko Lehtinen, Matthias Zwicker
, Emmanuel Turquin, Janne Kontkanen, Frédo Durand, François X. Sillion, Timo Aila:
A meshless hierarchical representation for light transport. 37
- Tommer Leyvand, Daniel Cohen-Or, Gideon Dror, Dani Lischinski
Data-driven enhancement of facial attractiveness. 38 - Dmitri Bitouk, Neeraj Kumar, Samreen Dhillon, Peter N. Belhumeur, Shree K. Nayar:
Face swapping: automatically replacing faces in photographs. 39 - Xiaobo An, Fabio Pellacini:
AppProp: all-pairs appearance-space edit propagation. 40 - Jiaping Wang, Shuang Zhao, Xin Tong
, John M. Snyder, Baining Guo:
Modeling anisotropic surface reflectance with example-based microfacet synthesis. 41
- Hongbo Fu
, Daniel Cohen-Or, Gideon Dror, Alla Sheffer:
Upright orientation of man-made objects. 42 - Mark Pauly
, Niloy J. Mitra, Johannes Wallner, Helmut Pottmann, Leonidas J. Guibas:
Discovering structural regularity in 3D geometry. 43 - Oscar Kin-Chung Au, Chiew-Lan Tai, Hung-Kuo Chu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tong-Yee Lee:
Skeleton extraction by mesh contraction. 44 - Tamal K. Dey, Kuiyu Li, Jian Sun, David Cohen-Steiner:
Computing geometry-aware handle and tunnel loops in 3D models. 45
- Avi Robinson-Mosher, Tamar Shinar
, Jon Gretarsson, Jonathan Su, Ronald Fedkiw:
Two-way coupling of fluids to rigid and deformable solids and shells. 46 - Christopher Wojtan
, Greg Turk:
Fast viscoelastic behavior with thin features. 47 - Jeong-Mo Hong, Ho-Young Lee, Jong-Chul Yoon, Chang-Hun Kim:
Bubbles alive. 48 - Toon Lenaerts, Bart Adams, Philip Dutré
Porous flow in particle-based fluid simulations. 49 - Theodore Kim, Nils Thürey, Doug L. James
, Markus H. Gross
Wavelet turbulence for fluid simulation. 50
- Charles Han, Eric Risser, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Eitan Grinspun:
Multiscale texture synthesis. 51 - Li-Yi Wei, Jianwei Han, Kun Zhou, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Inverse texture synthesis. 52 - Kenshi Takayama
, Makoto Okabe, Takashi Ijiri, Takeo Igarashi:
Lapped solid textures: filling a model with anisotropic textures. 53 - Alexander Goldberg, Matthias Zwicker
, Frédo Durand:
Anisotropic noise. 54
- Chia-Kai Liang
, Tai-Hsu Lin, Bing-Yi Wong, Chi Liu, Homer H. Chen
Programmable aperture photography: multiplexed light field acquisition. 55 - Ramesh Raskar, Amit K. Agrawal, Cyrus A. Wilson, Ashok Veeraraghavan:
Glare aware photography: 4D ray sampling for reducing glare effects of camera lenses. 56 - Oliver Cossairt, Shree K. Nayar, Ravi Ramamoorthi:
Light field transfer: global illumination between real and synthetic objects. 57 - Martin Fuchs, Ramesh Raskar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. Lensch:
Towards passive 6D reflectance field displays. 58
- Mashhuda Glencross
, Gregory J. Ward, Francho Melendez, Caroline Jay
, Jun Liu, Roger J. Hubbold:
A perceptually validated model for surface depth hallucination. 59 - Ganesh Ramanarayanan, Kavita Bala
, James A. Ferwerda:
Perception of complex aggregates. 60 - Hamilton Y. Chong, Steven J. Gortler, Todd E. Zickler:
A perception-based color space for illumination-invariant image processing. 61 - Ming-Te Chi
, Tong-Yee Lee, Yingge Qu, Tien-Tsin Wong:
Self-animating images: illusory motion using repeated asymmetric patterns. 62
- Miklós Bergou, Max Wardetzky, Stephen Robinson, Basile Audoly
, Eitan Grinspun:
Discrete elastic rods. 63 - Andrew Selle, Michael Lentine, Ronald Fedkiw:
A mass spring model for hair simulation. 64 - Jonathan M. Kaldor, Doug L. James
, Steve Marschner:
Simulating knitted cloth at the yarn level. 65 - Elliot English, Robert Bridson:
Animating developable surfaces using nonconforming elements. 66
- Zeev Farbman, Raanan Fattal, Dani Lischinski
, Richard Szeliski:
Edge-preserving decompositions for multi-scale tone and detail manipulation. 67 - Rafal Mantiuk
, Scott J. Daly, Louis Kerofsky:
Display adaptive tone mapping. 68 - Tunç Ozan Aydin, Rafal Mantiuk
, Karol Myszkowski
, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Dynamic range independent image quality assessment. 69 - Eugene Hsu, Tom Mertens, Sylvain Paris, Shai Avidan, Frédo Durand:
Light mixture estimation for spatially varying white balance. 70
- Anat Levin, Peter Sand, Taeg Sang Cho, Frédo Durand, William T. Freeman:
Motion-invariant photography. 71 - Raanan Fattal:
Single image dehazing. 72 - Qi Shan, Jiaya Jia
, Aseem Agarwala:
High-quality motion deblurring from a single image. 73 - Lu Yuan, Jian Sun, Long Quan, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Progressive inter-scale and intra-scale non-blind image deconvolution. 74
- Martin Kilian
, Simon Flöry
, Zhonggui Chen
, Niloy J. Mitra, Alla Sheffer, Helmut Pottmann:
Curved folding. 75 - Helmut Pottmann, Alexander Schiftner, Pengbo Bo, Heinz Schmiedhofer, Wenping Wang, Niccolo Baldassini, Johannes Wallner:
Freeform surfaces from single curved panels. 76 - Boris Springborn, Peter Schröder, Ulrich Pinkall:
Conformal equivalence of triangle meshes. 77 - Yaron Lipman, David Levin, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Green Coordinates. 78 - Thomas W. Sederberg, G. Thomas Finnigan, Xin Li
, Hongwei Lin, Heather Ipson:
Watertight trimmed NURBS. 79
- Taesoo Kwon, Kang Hoon Lee, Jehee Lee, Shigeo Takahashi
Group motion editing. 80 - KangKang Yin, Stelian Coros
, Philippe Beaudoin, Michiel van de Panne:
Continuation methods for adapting simulated skills. 81 - Marco da Silva, Yeuhi Abe, Jovan Popovic:
Interactive simulation of stylized human locomotion. 82 - Shinjiro Sueda, Andrew Kaufman, Dinesh K. Pai:
Musculotendon simulation for hand animation. 83
- Benedict J. Brown, Corey Toler-Franklin, Diego Nehab
, Michael Burns, David P. Dobkin, Andreas Vlachopoulos, Christos Doumas, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
, Tim Weyrich
A system for high-volume acquisition and matching of fresco fragments: reassembling Theran wall paintings. 84 - Dror Aiger, Niloy J. Mitra, Daniel Cohen-Or:
4-points congruent sets for robust pairwise surface registration. 85 - Thorsten Thormählen, Hans-Peter Seidel:
3D-modeling by ortho-image generation from image sequences. 86 - Matthias B. Hullin, Martin Fuchs, Ivo Ihrke, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. Lensch:
Fluorescent immersion range scanning. 87
- Forrester Cole, Aleksey Golovinskiy, Alex Limpaecher, Heather Stoddart Barros, Adam Finkelstein, Thomas A. Funkhouser, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Where do people draw lines? 88 - Wai-Man Pang, Yingge Qu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Daniel Cohen-Or, Pheng-Ann Heng
Structure-aware halftoning. 89 - Tobias Ritschel, Kaleigh Smith, Matthias Ihrke
, Thorsten Grosch, Karol Myszkowski
, Hans-Peter Seidel:
3D unsharp masking for scene coherent enhancement. 90 - Wei-Wen Feng, Byung-Uck Kim, Yizhou Yu:
Real-time data driven deformation using kernel canonical correlation analysis. 91
- Alexandrina Orzan, Adrien Bousseau, Holger Winnemöller, Pascal Barla, Joëlle Thollot, David Salesin:
Diffusion curves: a vector representation for smooth-shaded images. 92 - James McCann, Nancy S. Pollard
Real-time gradient-domain painting. 93 - Yoshinori Dobashi, Katsutoshi Kusumoto, Tomoyuki Nishita, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto:
Feedback control of cumuliform cloud formation based on computational fluid dynamics. 94 - Yotam I. Gingold
, Denis Zorin:
Shading-based surface editing. 95
- Sang Il Park, Jessica K. Hodgins:
Data-driven modeling of skin and muscle deformation. 96 - Daniel Vlasic, Ilya Baran, Wojciech Matusik, Jovan Popovic:
Articulated mesh animation from multi-view silhouettes. 97 - Edilson de Aguiar, Carsten Stoll, Christian Theobalt
, Naveed Ahmed
, Hans-Peter Seidel, Sebastian Thrun:
Performance capture from sparse multi-view video. 98 - Derek Bradley, Tiberiu Popa, Alla Sheffer, Wolfgang Heidrich, Tamy Boubekeur:
Markerless garment capture. 99
- Floraine Grabler, Maneesh Agrawala, Robert W. Sumner, Mark Pauly
Automatic generation of tourist maps. 100 - Wilmot Li, Maneesh Agrawala, Brian Curless, David Salesin:
Automated generation of interactive 3D exploded view diagrams. 101 - Markus Lipp, Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer:
Interactive visual editing of grammars for procedural architecture. 102 - Guoning Chen
, Gregory Esch, Peter Wonka, Pascal Müller, Eugene Zhang:
Interactive procedural street modeling. 103
Volume 27, Number 4, October 2008
- Ofir Weber, Yohai S. Devir, Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel:
Parallel algorithms for approximation of distance maps on parametric surfaces. 104:1-104:16 - Ladislav Kavan, Steven Collins, Jirí Zára
, Carol O'Sullivan
Geometric skinning with approximate dual quaternion blending. 105:1-105:23 - Brandon Lloyd, Naga K. Govindaraju, Cory Quammen, Steven E. Molnar, Dinesh Manocha
Logarithmic perspective shadow maps. 106:1-106:32 - James E. Gain, Dominique Bechmann:
A survey of spatial deformation from a user-centered perspective. 107:1-107:21
Volume 27, Number 5, December 2008
Shape modelling
- Ping Tan, Tian Fang, Jianxiong Xiao, Peng Zhao, Long Quan:
Single image tree modeling. 108 - Xuejin Chen, Boris Neubert, Ying-Qing Xu, Oliver Deussen, Sing Bing Kang:
Sketch-based tree modeling using Markov random field. 109 - Andrei Sharf
, Dan A. Alcantara, Thomas Lewiner
, Chen Greif, Alla Sheffer, Nina Amenta, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Space-time surface reconstruction using incompressible flow. 110 - Vladislav Kraevoy, Alla Sheffer, Ariel Shamir, Daniel Cohen-Or:
Non-homogeneous resizing of complex models. 111
- Yuting Ye
, C. Karen Liu:
Animating responsive characters with dynamic constraints in near-unactuated coordinates. 112 - Stelian Coros
, Philippe Beaudoin, KangKang Yin, Michiel van de Panne:
Synthesis of constrained walking skills. 113 - Hubert P. H. Shum
, Taku Komura, Masashi Shiraishi
, Shuntaro Yamazaki:
Interaction patches for multi-character animation. 114 - Jackie Assa, Daniel Cohen-Or, I-Cheng Yeh
, Tong-Yee Lee:
Motion overview of human actions. 115
- Johannes Kopf, Boris Neubert, Billy Chen, Michael F. Cohen, Daniel Cohen-Or, Oliver Deussen, Matthew Uyttendaele, Dani Lischinski
Deep photo: model-based photograph enhancement and viewing. 116 - Xuemiao Xu, Liang Wan, Xiaopei Liu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Liansheng Wang, Chi-Sing Leung
Animating animal motion from still. 117 - Yu-Shuen Wang, Chiew-Lan Tai, Olga Sorkine, Tong-Yee Lee:
Optimized scale-and-stretch for image resizing. 118 - Tai-Pang Wu, Jian Sun, Chi-Keung Tang, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Interactive normal reconstruction from a single image. 119 - Diego Gutierrez
, Francisco J. Serón
, Jorge Lopez-Moreno
, Maria P. Sanchez, Jorge Fandos, Erik Reinhard
Depicting procedural caustics in single images. 120
- Wan-Chun Ma, Andrew Jones
, Jen-Yuan Chiang, Tim Hawkins, Sune Frederiksen, Pieter Peers, Marko Vukovic, Ming Ouhyoung
, Paul E. Debevec:
Facial performance synthesis using deformation-driven polynomial displacement maps. 121 - Tao Ju, Qian-Yi Zhou, Michiel van de Panne, Daniel Cohen-Or, Ulrich Neumann:
Reusable skinning templates using cage-based deformations. 122 - Takaaki Shiratori, Jessica K. Hodgins:
Accelerometer-based user interfaces for the control of a physically simulated character. 123 - Connelly Barnes, David E. Jacobs, Jason Sanders, Dan B. Goldman, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
, Adam Finkelstein, Maneesh Agrawala:
Video puppetry: a performative interface for cutout animation. 124 - Paul C. DiLorenzo, Victor B. Zordan, Benjamin L. Sanders:
Laughing out loud: control for modeling anatomically inspired laughter using audio. 125
- Kun Zhou, Qiming Hou, Rui Wang, Baining Guo:
Real-time KD-tree construction on graphics hardware. 126 - Pitchaya Sitthi-amorn, Jason Lawrence, Lei Yang
, Pedro V. Sander, Diego Nehab
, Jiahe Xi:
Automated reprojection-based pixel shader optimization. 127 - Ewen Cheslack-Postava, Rui Wang, Oskar Åkerlund, Fabio Pellacini:
Fast, realistic lighting and material design using nonlinear cut approximation. 128 - Tobias Ritschel, Thorsten Grosch, Min H. Kim, Hans-Peter Seidel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Jan Kautz:
Imperfect shadow maps for efficient computation of indirect illumination. 129 - Toshiya Hachisuka, Shinji Ogaki
, Henrik Wann Jensen:
Progressive photon mapping. 130
- Douglas Lanman, Ramesh Raskar, Amit K. Agrawal, Gabriel Taubin
Shield fields: modeling and capturing 3D occluders. 131 - Bradley Atcheson, Ivo Ihrke, Wolfgang Heidrich, Art Tevs, Derek Bradley, Marcus A. Magnor
, Hans-Peter Seidel:
Time-resolved 3d capture of non-stationary gas flows. 132 - Michael Holroyd, Jason Lawrence, Greg Humphreys, Todd E. Zickler:
A photometric approach for estimating normals and tangents. 133 - Yosuke Bando, Bing-Yu Chen
, Tomoyuki Nishita:
Extracting depth and matte using a color-filtered aperture. 134
- Diego Nehab
, Hugues Hoppe:
Random-access rendering of general vector graphics. 135 - Yu-Wing Tai
, Michael S. Brown, Chi-Keung Tang, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Texture amendment: reducing texture distortion in constrained parameterization. 136 - Ismael García, Gustavo Patow
IGT: inverse geometric textures. 137 - Jirí Filip, Mike J. Chantler
, Patrick R. Green, Michal Haindl
A psychophysically validated metric for bidirectional texture data reduction. 138
- Abhijeet Ghosh, Tim Hawkins, Pieter Peers, Sune Frederiksen, Paul E. Debevec:
Practical modeling and acquisition of layered facial reflectance. 139 - Craig Donner, Tim Weyrich
, Eugene d'Eon
, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Szymon Rusinkiewicz
A layered, heterogeneous reflectance model for acquiring and rendering human skin. 140 - Tamy Boubekeur
, Marc Alexa
Phong Tessellation. 141 - Marc Alexa
, Tamy Boubekeur:
Subdivision shading. 142 - Anjul Patney, John D. Owens:
Real-time Reyes-style adaptive surface subdivision. 143
- Pedro V. Sander, Diego Nehab
, Eden Chlamtac, Hugues Hoppe:
Efficient traversal of mesh edges using adjacency primitives. 144 - Aleksey Golovinskiy, Thomas A. Funkhouser:
Randomized cuts for 3D mesh analysis. 145 - Shujin Lin, Fang You
, Xiaonan Luo, Zheng Li:
Deducing interpolating subdivision schemes from approximating subdivision schemes. 146 - Jin Huang, Muyang Zhang, Jin Ma, Xinguo Liu, Leif Kobbelt
, Hujun Bao:
Spectral quadrangulation with orientation and alignment control. 147 - Joel Daniels II, Cláudio T. Silva, Jason Shepherd, Elaine Cohen:
Quadrilateral mesh simplification. 148
- Daniel G. Aliaga, Alvin J. Law, Yu Hong Yeung
A virtual restoration stage for real-world objects. 149 - Oliver Bimber, Daisuke Iwai
Superimposing dynamic range. 150 - Anselm Grundhöfer, Oliver Bimber:
VirtualStudio2Go: digital video composition for real environments. 151 - Xiaopei Liu, Liang Wan, Yingge Qu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Stephen Lin, Chi-Sing Leung
, Pheng-Ann Heng
Intrinsic colorization. 152 - Qi Shan, Zhaorong Li, Jiaya Jia
, Chi-Keung Tang:
Fast image/video upsampling. 153
- Michael Burns, Adam Finkelstein:
Adaptive cutaways for comprehensible rendering of polygonal scenes. 154 - Yingge Qu, Wai-Man Pang, Tien-Tsin Wong, Pheng-Ann Heng
Richness-preserving manga screening. 155 - Yongjin Kim, Jingyi Yu, Xuan Yu, Seungyong Lee:
Line-art illustration of dynamic and specular surfaces. 156 - Michael Kolomenkin, Ilan Shimshoni
, Ayellet Tal:
Demarcating curves for shape illustration. 157
- Paul Merrell
, Dinesh Manocha
Continuous model synthesis. 158 - Sudipta N. Sinha, Drew Steedly, Richard Szeliski, Maneesh Agrawala, Marc Pollefeys
Interactive 3D architectural modeling from unordered photo collections. 159 - Daniel G. Aliaga, Carlos A. Vanegas, Bedrich Benes
Interactive example-based urban layout synthesis. 160 - Jianxiong Xiao, Tian Fang, Ping Tan, Peng Zhao, Eyal Ofek
, Long Quan:
Image-based façade modeling. 161
- Bernhard Thomaszewski
, Andreas Gumann, Simon Pabst, Wolfgang Straßer:
Magnets in motion. 162 - Jernej Barbic, Jovan Popovic:
Real-time control of physically based simulations using gentle forces. 163 - Danny M. Kaufman, Shinjiro Sueda, Doug L. James
, Dinesh K. Pai:
Staggered projections for frictional contact in multibody systems. 164 - Steven S. An, Theodore Kim, Doug L. James
Optimizing cubature for efficient integration of subspace deformations. 165 - Rahul Narain
, Jason Sewall, Mark Carlson, Ming C. Lin:
Fast animation of turbulence using energy transport and procedural synthesis. 166

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