dblp: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 27

ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Volume 27

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Volume 27, Number 1, March 2008

Volume 27, Number 2, April 2008

Volume 27, Number 3, August 2008 - Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH

Image collections and video Parallelism Noisy collisions Characters Hair and realistic rendering Real time rendering (mostly) Faces & reflectance Shape analysis Jiggly fluids Texture Computational photography & display Perception & hallucination Hair, rods & cloth Tone & color Deblurring & dehazing Folding & unfolding surfaces Humans Shape acquisition NPR & deformation Painting & sketching Performance capture Procedural modeling & design

Volume 27, Number 4, October 2008

Volume 27, Number 5, December 2008

Proceedings of the First ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics a nd Interactive Techniques in Asia, SIGGRAPH Asia 2008, Singapore, 10-13 December 2008
Shape modelling Character animation I Fun with single images Character animation II Lighting, shading & GPUs Image-based capture Texture Reflectance & subdivision Mesh processing Colourisation & upsampling Non-photorealistic rendering Urban modelling Physically-based animation