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IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, January 1978
- S. S. Reddi, Edward A. Feustel:
A Restructurable Computer System. 1-20 - Earl E. Swartzlander Jr., Barry K. Gilbert, Irving S. Reed:
Inner Product Computers. 21-31 - Morton Kanefsky, Michael G. Strintzis:
A Decision Theory Approach to Picture Smoothing. 32-36 - John P. Hayes:
Generation of Optimal Transition Count Tests. 36-41 - Masateru Harao, Shoichi Noguchi:
On Some Dynamical Properties of Finite Cellular Automaton. 42-52 - Richard A. Thompson, F. Gail Gray:
Universal Modular Trees: A Design Procedure. 53-63 - R. C. Pearce, Jayanti C. Majithia:
Analysis of a Shared Resource MIMD Computer Organization. 64-67 - Efim A. Galperin:
Loop Properties and Controllability of Linear Congruential Sequences. 68-76
- C. V. Kameswara Rao, Kenneth Balck:
Finding the Core Point in a Fingerprint. 77-81 - Steven L. Tanimoto:
An Optimal Algorithm for Computing Fourier Texture Descriptors. 81-84 - Gérard M. Baudet, David Stevenson:
Optimal Sorting Algorithms for Parallel Computers. 84-87 - H. Butin:
On an Ordering of Walsh Functions. 87-90 - Giacomo Cioffi:
Autotesting Speed-Independent Sequential Circuits. 90-94 - Kenichi Mase:
Comments on "A Measure of Computational Work" and "Logical Network Cost and Entropy". 94-95 - Chao-Chih Yang, Charmane P. May:
A Correction and Some Comments Concerning Graph Isomorphism by Finite Automata. 95-96
Volume 27, Number 2, February 1978
- Jon Louis Bentley, Jerome H. Friedman:
Fast Algorithms for Constructing Minimal Spanning Trees in Coordinate Spaces. 97-105 - John J. Shedletsky:
Error Correction by Alternate-Data Retry. 106-112 - David C. van Voorhis, Thomas H. Morrin:
Memory Systems for Image Processing. 113-125 - W. A. Perkins:
A Model-Based Vision System for Industrial Parts. 126-143 - Robert P. Roesser:
Two-Dimensional Microprocessor Pipelines for Image Processing. 144-156
- Glen G. Langdon Jr.:
A Decomposition Chart Technique to Aid in Realizations with Multiplexers. 157-159 - J. Joseph:
On Easily Diagnosable Sequential Machines. 159-162 - Ranan B. Banerji:
The Construction of Binary Matrices with Distinct Submatrices. 162-164 - Marcel J. E. Golay:
Topoglyphs. 164-167 - L. P. J. Veelenturf:
Inference of Sequential Machines from Sample Computations. 167-170 - Moshe Ben-Bassat:
Myopic Policies in Sequential Classification. 170-174 - J. Paul Roth:
Programmed Logic Array Optimization. 174-176 - Keinosuke Fukunaga, Robert D. Short II:
Generalized Clustering for Problem Localization. 176-181 - Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Universal Test Sets for Multiple Fault Detection in AND-EXOR Arrays. 181-187 - Edward J. McCluskey, Kenneth P. Parker, John J. Shedletsky:
Boolean Network Probabilities and Network Design. 187-189 - V. M. Gritsenko:
Comments on "Error-Correcting Codes for Byte-Organized Arithmetic Processors". 189-190 - T. R. N. Rao:
Autor's Replay and Comments on the Arithmetic Codes Generated by A = (r - 1) p 2. 190 - E. Barry Felstead, K. O. Hill, A. U. Tenne-Sens:
Comments on "Direct Coherent Optical Fourier Transforms of Curves". 190-191 - Andrzej Hlawiczka:
Comments on "Procedures for Eliminating Static and Dynamic-Hazards in Test Generation". 191 - Sureshchander:
Comments on "Delayed Universal Logic Modules and Sequential Machine Synthesis". 191
Volume 27, Number 3, March 1978
- Charles W. Cha, William E. Donath, Füsun Özgüner:
9-V Algorithm for Test Pattern Generation of Combinational Digital Circuits. 193-200 - Douglas C. Bossen, Lih C. Chang, Chin-Long Chen:
Measurement and Generation of Error Correcting Codes for Package Failures. 201-204 - Edward S. Deutsch, Jerry R. Fram:
A Quantitative Study of the Orientation Bias of Some Edge Detector Schemes. 205-213 - Tsutomu Sasao, Kozo Kinoshita:
Cascade Realization of 3-Input 3-Output Conservative Logic Circuits. 214-221 - Kenneth P. Parker, Edward J. McCluskey:
Sequential Circuit Output Probabilities From Regular Expressions. 222-231 - T. C. Wesselkamper:
Divided Difference Methods for Galois Switching Functions. 232-238 - Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
A Theory of Galois Switching Functions. 239-248
- Henry Y. H. Chuang, Santanu Das:
Design of Fail-Safe Sequential Machines Using Separable Codes. 249-252 - Samuel H. Fuller, Patrick F. McGehearty:
Minimizing Latency in CCD Memories. 252-254 - Stephen D. Shapiro:
Transform Method of Curve Detection for Textured Image Data. 254-255 - Paolo Corsini, Graziano Frosini:
Uniform Shift Multiplication Algorithms Without Overflow. 256-258 - Theodosios Pavlidis, Kenneth Steiglitz:
The Automatic Counting of Asbestos Fibers in Air Samples. 258-261 - John Fehlauer, Bruce A. Eisenstein:
A Declustering Criterion for Feature Extraction in Pattern Recognition. 261-266 - Dharma P. Agrawal:
A Novel Technique for Computing Negabinary Squares. 266-270 - L. C. Higbie:
Overlapped Operation with Microprogramming. 270-275 - F. Fusco, Stefano Levialdi, L. Ritondale:
A Quality Factor for Measuring Program Efficiency. 275-280 - Hideo Fujiwara, Kozo Kinoshita:
Connection Assignments for Probabilistically Diagnosable Systems. 280-283 - Dilip V. Sarwate:
Semi-Fast Fourier Transforms over GF(2m). 283-285 - Subrata Dasgupta:
Comments on "The Identification of Maximal Parallelism in Straight-Line Microprograms". 285-286 - Gary E. Barnes:
Comments on "The Identification of Maximal Parallelism in Straight-Line Microprograms". 286-287 - Edward N. Adams III:
Comments on "The Identification of Maximal Parallelism in Straight-Line Microprograms". 287 - Shachindra N. Maheshwari, S. Louis Hakimi:
Corrections and Comments on "On Models for Diagnosable Systems and Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis". 287
Volume 27, Number 4, April 1978
- Daniel P. Friedman, David S. Wise:
Aspects of Applicative Programming for Parallel Processing. 289-296 - Harvey L. Garner:
Theory of Computer Addition and Overflows. 297-301 - Behrooz Parhami, Algirdas Avizienis:
Detection of Storage Errors in Mass Memories Using Low-Cost Arithmetic Error Codes. 302-308 - Kolar L. Kodandapani, Sharad C. Seth:
On Combinational Networks with Restricted Fan-Out. 309-318 - Tsuneyo Chiba:
Impact of the LSI on High-Speed Computer Packaging. 319-325 - Graham A. Jullien:
Residue Number Scaling and Other Operations Using ROM Arrays. 325-336 - David H. Hartke, Warren M. Sterling, Jack E. Shemer:
Design of a Raster Display Processor for Office Applications. 337-348 - Vason P. Srini:
Fault Location in a Semiconductor Random-Access Memory Unit. 349-358 - Robert Y. Wong, Ernest L. Hall:
Sequential Hierarchical Scene Matching. 359-366 - Josef Kittler:
Classification of Incomplete Pattern Vectors Using Modified Discriminant Functions. 367-375
- Narendra Ahuja, Larry S. Davis, David L. Milgram, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Piecewise Approximation of Pictures Using Maximal Neighborhoods. 375-379 - Hideo Fujiwara, Kozo Kinoshita:
Some Existence Theorems for Probabilistically Diagnosable Systems. 379-384
Volume 27, Number 5, May 1978
- Fabrizio Luccio, Linda Pagli
Rebalancing Height Balanced Trees. 386-396 - Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Asynchronous State Assignments with Unateness Properties and Fault-Secure Design. 396-404 - Malcolm C. Easton:
Computation of Cold-Start Miss Ratios. 404-408 - Terry A. Welch:
Memory Hierarchy Configuration Analysis. 408-413 - Mark A. Franklin:
Parallel Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. 413-420 - Henry D. Shapiro:
Theoretical Limitations on the Efficient Use of Parallel Memories. 421-428 - Edward J. Wilkens:
Realizations of Sequential Machines Using Random Access Memory. 429-441 - Rangasami L. Kashyap, Mahesh C. Mittal:
Recognition of Spoken Words and Phrases in Multitalker Environment Using Syntactic Methods. 442-452
- Alexander Iosupovicz:
Optimal Detection of Bridge Faults and Stuck-At Faults in Two-Level Logic. 452-455 - Sudhakar M. Reddy:
A Class of Linear Codes for Error Control in Byte-per-Card Organized Digital Systems. 455-459 - John P. Hayes:
Path Complexity of Logic Networks. 459-462 - Kazumasa Ozawa:
Classification of the Keyhole Shaped Tombs by Template Matching Method. 462-467 - Jon G. Kuhl, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
On the Detection of Terminal Stuck-Faults. 467-469 - Keith W. Henderson:
Suggested Standard Forms for Certain Real Hadamard Matrices. 469-471
Volume 27, Number 6, June 1978
- Mohamed Abdelaziz Marouf, Arthur D. Friedman:
Efficient Design of Self-Checking Checker for any m-Out-of-n Code. 482-490 - James E. Smith, Gernot Metze:
Strongly Fault Secure Logic Networks. 491-499 - John J. Shedletsky:
A Rollback Interval for Networks with an Imperfect Self-Checking Property. 500-508 - Sheldon B. Akers Jr.:
Binary Decision Diagrams. 509-516 - Jacques Losq:
Efficiency of Random Compact Testing. 516-525 - Jack J. Stiffler:
Coding for Random-Access Memories. 526-531 - Daniel Davies, John F. Wakerly:
Synchronization and Matching in Redundant Systems. 531-539 - M. Danielle Beaudry:
Performance-Related Reliability Measures for Computing Systems. 540-547 - Alain Costes, Christian Landrault, Jean-Claude Laprie:
Reliability and Availability Models for Maintained Systems Featuring Hardware Failures and Design Faults. 548-560 - Sivanarayana Mallela, Gerald M. Masson:
Diagnosable Systems for Intermittent Faults. 560-566
- Stephen Y. H. Su, Israel Koren, Yashwant K. Malaiya:
A Continous-Parameter Markov Model and Detection Procedures for Intermittent Faults. 567-570 - René David:
A Totally Self-Checking 1-Out-of-3 Checker. 570-572 - Ravindra Nair, Satish M. Thatte, Jacob A. Abraham:
Efficient Algorithms for Testing Semiconductor Random-Access Memories. 572-576 - F. A. Gay:
Evaluation of Maintenance Software in Real-Time Systems. 576-582
Volume 27, Number 7, July 1978
- Eric Dubois, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
The Discrete Fourier Transform Over Finite Rings with Application to Fast Convolution. 586-593 - Donald T. Tang, Lin S. Woo, Lalit R. Bahl:
Optimization of Teleprocessing Networks with Concentrators and Multiconnected Terminals. 594-604 - Eiichi Tanaka, King-sun Fu:
Error-Correcting Parsers for Formal Languages. 605-616 - Chantal Robach, Gabriele Saucier:
Dynamic Testing of Control Units. 617-623 - Paulo T. de Sousa, Francis P. Mathur:
Sift-Out Modular Redundancy. 624-627 - William F. Appelbe, Mabo Robert Ito:
Scheduling Heuristics in a Multiprogramming Environment. 628-637 - Jacques Lenfant:
Parallel Permutations of Data: A Benes Network Control Algorithm for Frequently Used Permutations. 637-647 - Hai Do-Tu, Michel Installe:
Learning Algorithms for Nonparametric Solution to the Minimum Error Classification Problem. 648-659 - Dimitris G. Maritsas, Alexis C. Arvillias, Adam C. Bounas:
Phase-Shift Analysis of Linear Feedback Shift Register Structures Generating Pseudorandom Sequences. 660-669 - Franco P. Preparata:
New Parallel-Sorting Schemes. 669-673
- Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Fault-Tolerant Asynchronous Networks Using Read-Only Memories. 674-679
Volume 27, Number 8, August 1978
- Ronald E. Prather, Harold T. Casstevens II:
Realization of Boolean Expressions by Atomic Digraphs. 681-688 - Premachandran R. Menon, Stephen G. Chappell:
Deductive Fault Simulation with Functional Blocks. 689-695 - Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
Erasure and Error Decoding for Semiconductor Memories. 696-705 - Ram K. Gupta, Mark A. Franklin:
Working Set and Page Fault Frequency Paging Algorithms: A Performance Comparison. 706-712 - André Thayse:
Meet and Join Derivatives and Their Use in Switching Theory. 713-720 - Jürgen Schürmann:
A Multifont Word Recognition System for Postal Address Reading. 721-732 - David P. Casasent, Peter D. Rapp:
System Functions for an Optical/Digital Processor. 732-738
- Koichiro Deguchi, Iwao Morishita:
Texture Characterization and Texture-Based Image Partitioning Using Two-Dimensional Linear Estimation Technique. 739-745 - Moshe Ben-Bassat:
Irrelevant Features in Pattern Recognition. 746-749 - Tsutomu Sasao, Kozo Kinoshita:
Realization of Minimum Circuits with Two-Input Conservative Logic Elements. 749-752 - Hideaki Kobayashi, Hiroyoshi Ohara:
A Synthesizing Method for Large Parallel Counters with a Network of Smaller Ones. 753-757 - Boonsieng Benjauthrit, Irving S. Reed:
On the Fundamental Structure of Galois Switching Functions. 757-762 - Sanjit K. Mitra, Gregory K. Sorknes:
On the Implementation of a Two-Dimensional FIR Filter Using a Single Multiplier. 762-764 - Henri J. Nussbaumer:
Fast Multipliers for Number Theoretic Transforms. 764-765 - Vijay K. Bhargava:
Some Codes of Rahman and Blake for Computer Applications. 765-767 - Eduardo B. Fernández, Rita C. Summers, Tomás Lang, Charles D. Coleman:
Architectural Support for System Protection and Database Security. 767-771 - Ashok V. Kulkarni:
On the Mean Accuracy of Hierarchical Classifiers. 771-776 - Saburo Tsuji, Fumio Matsumoto:
Detection of Ellipses by a Modified Hough Transformation. 777-781 - Takashi Nanya, Yoshihiro Tohma:
On Universal Single Transition Time Asynchronous State Assignments. 781-782
Volume 27, Number 9, September 1978
- Jon T. Butler:
Tandem Networks of Universal Cells. 785-799 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, James L. Turner, Benjamin W. Wah:
A Design of a Fast Cellular Associative Memory of Ordered Retrieval. 800-815 - Philip S. Liu, Frederic J. Mowle:
Techniques of Program Execution with a Writable Control Memory. 816-827 - Siu-Chong Si:
Dynamic Testing of Redundant Logic Networks. 828-832 - Mabo Robert Ito, Robert D. Cameron:
Combined Binary Code Translation and Parallel-to-Serial Conversion Using Stored Logic Arrays. 833-841 - Ruth Shapira, Herbert Freeman:
Computer Description of Bodies Bounded by Quadric Surfaces from a Set of Imperfect Projections. 841-854 - J. Robert Jump, Sudhir Ahuja:
Effective Pipelining of Digital Systems. 855-865
- David Naccarato, Y. T. Chien:
Recursive Methods for Matrix Inversion in Pattern Recognition Environments. 866-869 - Charles R. Greer, Richard A. Thompson:
Combinational Logic Design with Decoders. 869-875 - Durga P. Panda, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification in (Gray Level, Edge Value) Space. 875-879
Volume 27, Number 10, October 1978
- Hideo Fujiwara, Kozo Kinoshita:
On the Computational Complexity of System Diagnosis. 881-885 - Abhaya Asthana:
Design and Control of a Three-Stage Switch Matrix in the Presence of Fan-Out. 886-895 - Eduard Cerny:
Controllability and Fault Observability in Modular Combinational Circuits. 896-903 - Luigi P. Cordella, Michael J. B. Duff, Stefano Levialdi:
An Analysis of Computational Cost in Image Processing: A Case Study. 904-910 - Yacoub M. El-Ziq, Stephen Y. H. Su:
Computer-Aided Logic Design of Two-Level MOS Combinational Networks with Statistical Results. 911-923 - Jack Sklansky:
On the Hough Technique for Curve Detection. 923-926 - Jon G. Kuhl, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
A Multicode Single Transition-Time State Assignment for Asynchronous Sequential Machines. 927-934 - Nenad Marovac:
Sieve Method for Real-Time Computer-Aided Extraction of Multivalued Analog Signals in the Presence of Noise. 935-944 - Martin L. Griss:
Using an Efficient Sparse Minor Expansion Algorithm to Compute Polynomial Subresultants and the Greatest Common Denominator. 945-950 - A. E. A. Almaini:
Sequential Machine Implementations Using Universal Logic Modules. 951-960
- H. A. Vink, B. van den Dolder, J. Al:
Reduction of CC-Tables Using Multiple Implication. 961-966 - Ben-Dau Tseng, William C. Miller:
On Computing the Discrete Cosine Transform. 966-968 - Adi Tzidon, Israel Berger, Michael Yoeli:
A Practical Approach to Fault Detection in Combinational Networks. 968-971 - C. K. Yuen:
Analog-to-Gray Code Conversion. 971-973
Volume 27, Number 11, November 1978
- Chao-Kai Liu, Tse Lin Wang:
Error-Correcting Codes in Binary-Coded-Decimal Arithmetic. 977-984 - Colin R. Edwards, Stanley L. Hurst:
A Digital Synthesis Procedure Under Function Symmetries and Mapping Methods. 985-997 - S. Karunanithi, Arthur D. Friedman:
Some New Types of Logical Completeness. 998-1005 - Tomlinson Gene Rauscher, Ashok K. Agrawala:
Dynamic Problem-Oriented Redefinition of Computer Architecture via Microprogramming. 1006-1014 - Mario R. Schaffner:
Processing by Data and Program Blocks. 1015-1028 - Zosimo Arevalo, Jon G. Bredeson:
A Method to Simplify a Boolean Function into a Near Minimal Sum-of-Products for Programmable Logic Arrays. 1028-1039 - Shin-Yee Lu, King-sun Fu:
Error-Correcting Tree Automata for Syntactic Pattern Recognition. 1040-1053
- Vishwani D. Agrawal:
When to Use Random Testing. 1054-1055 - Kolar L. Kodandapani, Rangaswamy V. Setlur:
A Cellular Array for Multivalued Logic Functions. 1055-1059 - Gerard G. L. Meyer, Gerald M. Masson:
An Efficient Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Symmetric Multiple Processor Architectures. 1059-1063 - Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis:
Irredundant Normal Forms and Minimal Dependece Sets of a Boolean Function. 1064-1068 - Dharma P. Agrawal, T. R. N. Rao:
On Multiple Operand Addition of Signed Binary Numbers. 1068-1070 - A. Druzeta, Zvonko G. Vranesic:
A. Higher Radix Technique for Fault Detection in Many-Valued Multithreshold Networks. 1070-1073 - H. A. Vink:
Minimal TANT Networks of Functions with DONT CARE's and Some Complemented Input Variables. 1073-1078 - Bruce J. Schachter:
Decomposition of Polygons into Convex Sets. 1078-1082 - Yuri Breitbart, Shmuel Gal:
Analysis of Algorithms for the Evaluation of Monotonic Boolean Functions. 1083-1087 - Raphael Rom:
Distribution of Runs in Binary Words. 1087-1089
Volume 27, Number 12, December 1978
- Dennis A. Reynolds, Gernot Metze:
Fault Detection Capabilities of Alternating Logic. 1093-1098 - Christos A. Papachristou
An Algorithm for Optimal NAND Cascade Logic Synthesis. 1099-1111 - Lucien M. Censier, Paul Feautrier:
A New Solution to Coherence Problems in Multicache Systems. 1112-1118 - Clark D. Thompson:
Generalized Connection Networks for Parallel Processor Intercommunication. 1119-1125 - Jan Van Campenhout
, Paul H. Notredame:
A Stochastic Model for Closed-Loop Preemptive Microprocessor I/O Organizations. 1126-1136 - Nikolaos Gaitanis, Constantine Halatsis:
A New Double-Rank Realization of Sequential Machines. 1137-1143 - Constantine Halatsis, Maria Sigala, George Philokyprou:
Polylinear Decomposition of Synchronous Sequential Machines. 1144-1152 - Svetlana P. Kartashev, Steven I. Kartashev:
On Modular Networks Satisfying the Shift-Register Rule. 1153-1176
- Deok Kyo Lee:
Method of Folding a Piecewise Polynomial Function in the Delta Function Integral Representation. 1177-1178 - R. F. Eschenbach, B. M. Oliver:
An Efficient Coordinate Rotation Algorithm. 1178-1180 - Edward A. Bender, Jon T. Butler:
Asymptotic Aproximations for the Number of Fanout-Free Functions. 1180-1183 - C. L. Chen:
On the Generation of Permutations in Magnetic Bubble Memories. 1183-1185 - Ferruccio Barsi, Piero Maestrini
Arithmetic Codes in Residue Number Systems with Magnitude Index. 1185-1188 - Constantine Halatsis, Nikolaos Gaitanis:
On the Minimization of the Control Store in Microprogrammed Computers. 1189-1192 - Farhad Hemmati, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
An Algebraic Construction for q-ary Shift Register Sequences. 1192-1195 - Jack J. Stiffler:
The Reliability of a Fault-Tolerant Configuration Having Variable Coverage. 1195-1197 - John R. Bennett, W. Vogel:
On the Characteristics of a Simple Architecture for Finite Impulse Response Digital Filtering. 1197-1202 - Hsiao-Peng Sherman Lee:
An Algorithm for Minimal TANT Network Generation. 1202-1206 - F. Gail Gray, Richard A. Thompson:
Fault Detection in Bilateral Arrays of Combinational Cells. 1206-1213 - S. Wendling, G. Gagneux, G. Stamon:
A Set of Invariants Within the Power Spectrum of Unitary Transformations. 1213-1216 - Jon W. Mark, Stephen F. W. Ng:
Satellite Packet Switching with Global Assignments and Batch Poisson Arrivals. 1216-1221 - James E. Smith:
On the Existence of Combinational Logic Circuits Exhibiting Multiple Redundancy. 1221-1226 - Philip G. McCrea, Peter C. Maxwell, Paul W. Baker:
Comments on "A Floating Point Multiplexed DDA System". 1226 - Geoff Hannington, Donald G. Whitehead:
Authors Reply. 1226-1227

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