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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, 1998
- William J. Layton
, H. K. Lee, J. Peterson:
Numerical Solution of the Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations Using a Multilevel Finite Element Method. 1-12 - Faker Ben Belgacem, Miloslav Grundmann:
Approximation of the Wave and Electromagnetic Diffusion Equations by Spectral Method. 13-32 - Scott Shaobing Chen, David L. Donoho, Michael A. Saunders:
Atomic Decomposition by Basis Pursuit. 33-61 - Jan S. Hesthaven:
A Stable Penalty Method for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations: III. Multidimensional Domain Decomposition Schemes. 62-93 - Diederik R. Fokkema, Gerard L. G. Sleijpen, Henk A. van der Vorst:
Jacobi-Davidson Style QR and QZ Algorithms for the Reduction of Matrix Pencils. 94-125 - Luhan Chuang, I. Norman Katz:
Numerical Methods for Finding Clustersolutions of Optimal Control Problems. 126-147 - Erding Luo, Heinz-Otto Kreiss:
Pseudospectral vs. Finite Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems with Discontinuous Coefficient. 148-163 - Peter White, James A. Powell:
Spatial Invasion of Pine Beetles into Lodgepole Forests: A Numerical Approach. 164-184 - Hans Olsson, Gustaf Söderlind:
Stage Value Predictors and Efficient Newton Iterations in Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods. 185-202 - James M. Banoczi, Nan-Chieh Chiu, Grace E. Cho, Ilse C. F. Ipsen:
The Lack of Influence of the Right-Hand Side on the Accuracy of Linear System Solution. 203-227 - Steve Schaffer:
A Semicoarsening Multigrid Method for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Highly Discontinuous and Anisotropic Coefficients. 228-242 - James Baglama
, Daniela Calvetti
, Gene H. Golub, Lothar Reichel:
Adaptively Preconditioned GMRES Algorithms. 243-269 - Chris Fraley:
Algorithms for Model-Based Gaussian Hierarchical Clustering. 270-281 - Todd D. Plantenga:
A Trust Region Method for Nonlinear Programming Based on Primal Interior-Point Techniques. 282-305 - Yoshimasa Nakamura:
Calculating Laplace Transforms in Terms of the Toda Molecule. 306-317 - Leslie Greengard, Mary Catherine A. Kropinski:
An Integral Equation Approach to the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Two Dimensions. 318-336 - Ananth Grama, Vipin Kumar, Ahmed H. Sameh:
Parallel Hierarchical Solvers and Preconditioners for Boundary Element Methods. 337-358 - George Karypis
, Vipin Kumar:
A Fast and High Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular Graphs. 359-392
Volume 20, Number 2, 1998
- E. Morano, Dimitri J. Mavriplis, V. Venkatakrishnan:
Coarsening Strategies for Unstructured Multigrid Techniques with Application to Anisotropic Problems. 393-415 - Laurent O. Jay:
Structure Preservation for Constrained Dynamics with Super Partitioned Additive Runge-Kutta Methods. 416-446 - Vipin Gopal, Lorenz T. Biegler
A Successive Linear Programming Approach for Initialization and Reinitialization after Discontinuities of Differential-Algebraic Equations. 447-467 - Bruce Hendrickson, Edward Rothberg:
Improving the Run Time and Quality of Nested Dissection Ordering. 468-489 - Panayot S. Vassilevski, Junping Wang:
Stabilizing the Hierarchical Basis by Approximate Wavelets II: Implementation and Numerical Results. 490-514 - Stephan Knapek:
Matrix-Dependent Multigrid Homogenization for Diffusion Problems. 515-533 - Jørgen Sand, Kevin Burrage:
A Jacobi Waveform Relaxation Method for ODEs. 534-552 - Bodo Heise, Michael Jung:
Efficiency, Scalability, and Robustness of Parallel Multilevel Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. 553-567 - Tony F. Chan
, Edmond Chow, Yousef Saad, Man-Chung Yeung:
Preserving Symmetry in Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods. 568-581 - J. W. Neuberger, Robert J. Renka:
Sobolev Gradients and the Ginzburg-Landau Functional. 582-590 - Chris J. Budd
, George P. Koomullil, Andrew M. Stuart:
On the Solution of Convection-Diffusion Boundary Value Problems Using Equidistributed Grids. 591-618 - Dionissios T. Hristopulos, George Christakos, Marc L. Serre:
Numerical Implementation of a Space-Transformation Approach for Solving the Three-Dimensional Flow Equation. 619-647 - David J. Haroldsen, Daniel I. Meiron:
Numerical Calculation of Three-Dimensional Interfacial Potential Flows Using the Point Vortex Method. 648-683 - Ke Chen:
On a Class of Preconditioning Methods for Dense Linear Systems from Boundary Elements. 684-698 - Norman Yarvin, Vladimir Rokhlin:
Generalized Gaussian Quadratures and Singular Value Decompositions of Integral Operators. 699-718 - Shengtai Li, Linda R. Petzold, Yuhe Ren:
Stability of Moving Mesh Systems of Partial Differential Equations. 719-738 - Norbert Heuer, Ernst P. Stephan:
Iterative Substructuring for Hypersingular Integral Equations in $\Bbb R^3$. 739-749 - F. Xabier Garaizar, John A. Trangenstein:
Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Front-Tracking for Shear Bands in an Antiplane Shear Model. 750-779
Volume 20, Number 3, 1998
- M. Hadjinicolaou, Dimitris A. Goussis:
Asymptotic Solution of Stiff PDEs with the CSP Method: The Reaction Diffusion Equation. 781-810 - Feng Liu, Shanhong Ji, Guojun Liao:
An Adaptive Grid Method and Its Application to Steady Euler Flow Calculations. 811-825 - Ludwig W. Dorodnicyn:
Kinetical-Consistent Algorithms for Simulation of Reactive Flows. 826-843 - Ole Christian Lingjærde, Knut Liestøl:
Generalized projection pursuit regression. 844-857 - Raz Kupferman:
A Numerical Study of the Axisymmetric Couette-Taylor Problem Using a Fast High-Resolution Second-Order Central Scheme. 858-877 - Jennifer M. Deang, Max D. Gunzburger:
Issues Related to Least-Squares Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Equations. 878-906 - Len G. Margolin, Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz
Antidiffusive Velocities for Multipass Donor Cell Advection. 907-929 - Bosco García-Archilla, Jesús María Sanz-Serna, Robert D. Skeel:
Long-Time-Step Methods for Oscillatory Differential Equations. 930-963 - Roberto Barrio, Javier Sabadell:
A Parallel Algorithm to Evaluate Chebyshev Series on a Message Passing Environment. 964-969 - Luca Bergamaschi, Stefano Mantica, Gianmarco Manzini
A Mixed Finite Element-Finite Volume Formulation of the Black-Oil Model. 970-997 - Weizhang Huang, Robert D. Russell:
Moving Mesh Strategy Based on a Gradient Flow Equation for Two-Dimensional Problems. 998-1015 - Michael Oettli:
A Robust, Parallel Homotopy Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblem. 1016-1032 - René-Edouard Plessix, Yann-Hervé De Roeck, Guy Chavent:
Waveform Inversion of Reflection Seismic Data for Kinematic Parameters by Local Optimization. 1033-1052 - Francesc Aràndiga
, Rosa Donat, Ami Harten:
Multiresolution Based on Weighted Averages of the Hat Function II: Nonlinear Reconstruction Techniques. 1053-1093 - Alan Edelman, Peter McCorquodale, Sivan Toledo:
The Future Fast Fourier Transform? 1094-1114 - Lei Tang, James D. Baeder:
Uniformly Accurate Finite Difference Schemes for p-Refinement. 1115-1131 - Bruce Hendrickson, Elizabeth R. Jessup, Christopher Smith:
Toward an Efficient Parallel Eigensolver for Dense Symmetric Matrices. 1132-1154 - Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
, Antoine Petitet:
Efficient Solution Of The Rank-Deficient Linear Least Squares Problem. 1155-1163
Volume 20, Number 4, 1999
- Mark Sussman
, Emad Fatemi:
An Efficient, Interface-Preserving Level Set Redistancing Algorithm and Its Application to Interfacial Incompressible Fluid Flow. 1165-1191 - Kai Bittner:
Fast Algorithms for Periodic Spline Wavelets on Sparse Grids. 1192-1213 - James M. Banoczi, Carl T. Kelley:
A Fast Multilevel Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Conductive-Radiative Heat Transfer Equations in Two Space Dimensions. 1214-1228 - Gabriella Puppo
A Vortex-Grid Method for Prandtl's Equations. 1229-1251 - Valmor F. De Almeida
Domain Deformation Mapping: Application to Variational Mesh Generation. 1252-1275 - Damaris Hermey, G. Alistair Watson:
Fitting Data with Errors in All Variables Using the Huber M-estimator. 1276-1298 - Howard C. Elman:
Preconditioning for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations with Low Viscosity. 1299-1316 - Kun Xu
A Gas-Kinetic Scheme for the Euler Equations with Heat Transfer. 1317-1335 - G. W. Stewart:
The QLP Approximation to the Singular Value Decomposition. 1336-1348 - Randolph E. Bank, R. Kent Smith:
The Incomplete Factorization Multigraph Algorithm. 1349-1364 - Jan Nordström
, Niklas Nordin, Dan S. Henningson:
The Fringe Region Technique and the Fourier Method Used in the Direct Numerical Simulation of Spatially Evolving Viscous Flows. 1365-1393 - Mo Mu:
Solving Composite Problems with Interface Relaxation. 1394-1416 - Achi Brandt, Jonathan Dym:
Fast Calculation of Multiple Line Integrals. 1417-1429 - Thomas F. Coleman, Gudbjorn F. Jonsson:
The Efficient Computation of Structured Gradients using Automatic Differentiation. 1430-1437 - Jie Shen
Efficient Spectral-Galerkin Methods IV. Spherical Geometries. 1438-1455 - Jan G. Verwer, E. J. Spee, Joke G. Blom, Willem Hundsdorfer:
A Second-Order Rosenbrock Method Applied to Photochemical Dispersion Problems. 1456-1480 - Tasso Lappas, Anthony Leonard, Paul E. Dimotakis:
Riemann Invariant Manifolds for the Multidimensional Euler Equations. 1481-1512 - Joseph Kolibal:
Importance of Convection and Damping on Rates of Convergence for the Lax-Wendroff Method. 1513-1529 - Marc I. Gerritsma
, Tim N. Phillips
Compatible Spectral Approximations for the Velocity-Pressure-Stress Formulation of the Stokes Problem. 1530-1550
Volume 20, Number 5, 1999
- Bradley K. Alpert:
Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules. 1551-1584 - Bo Strand:
Simulations of Acoustic Wave Phenomena Using High-Order Finite Difference Approximations. 1585-1604 - Carsten Carstensen, Oliver Scherf, Peter Wriggers
Adaptive Finite Elements for Elastic Bodies in Contact. 1605-1626 - Tien-Yien Li, Zhonggang Zeng:
The Homotopy Continuation Algorithm for the Real Nonsymmetric Eigenproblem: Further Development and Implementation. 1627-1651 - Michele Benzi
, Daniel B. Szyld
, Arno C. N. van Duin:
Orderings for Incomplete Factorization Preconditioning of Nonsymmetric Problems. 1652-1670 - Timothy C. Warburton
, Spencer J. Sherwin
, George E. Karniadakis:
Basis Functions for Triangular and Quadrilateral High-Order Elements. 1671-1695 - Axel Klar
A Numerical Method for Kinetic Semiconductor Equations in the Drift-Diffusion Limit. 1696-1712 - Elisabeth Larsson
A Domain Decomposition Method for the Helmholtz Equation in a Multilayer Domain. 1713-1731 - Nim Keung Leung, Robert J. Renka:
C1 Convexity-Preserving Interpolation of Scattered Data. 1732-1752 - L. S. Hou, S. S. Ravindran
Numerical Approximation of Optimal Flow Control Problems by a Penalty Method: Error Estimates and Numerical Results. 1753-1777 - Tuomo Rossi, Jari Toivanen:
A Parallel Fast Direct Solver for Block Tridiagonal Systems with Separable Matrices of Arbitrary Dimension. 1778-1793 - I. J. Anderson:
A Distillation Algorithm for Floating-Point Summation. 1797-1806 - Owe Axelsson, Alexander Padiy:
On the Additive Version of the Algebraic Multilevel Iteration Method for Anisotropic Elliptic Problems. 1807-1830 - Andreas Frommer, Peter Maass:
Fast CG-Based Methods for Tikhonov-Phillips Regularization. 1831-1850 - Zi-Niu Wu:
Steady and Unsteady Shock Waves on Overlapping Grids. 1851-1874 - Chris J. Budd, A. R. Humphries
, Andrew J. Wathen:
The Finite Element Approximation of Semilinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Critical Exponents in the Cube. 1875-1904 - James Glimm, Santiago R. Simanca, Dechun Tan, Folkert M. Tangerman, Glenn Vanderwoude:
Front Tracking Simulations of Ion Deposition and Resputtering. 1905-1920 - Nicola Mastronardi, Daniel Boley:
Computing the Smallest Eigenpair of a Symmetric Positive Definite Toeplitz Matrix. 1921-1927
Volume 20, Number 6, 1999
- Richard A. Redner:
Convergence Rates for Uniform B-Spline Density Estimators Part I: One Dimension. 1929-1953 - Tien-Yien Li, Xiulin Zou:
Implementing the Parallel Quasi-Laguerre's Algorithm for Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblems. 1954-1963 - Tony F. Chan
, Gene H. Golub, Pep Mulet
A Nonlinear Primal-Dual Method for Total Variation-Based Image Restoration. 1964-1977 - Weiming Cao, Weizhang Huang
, Robert D. Russell:
A Study of Monitor Functions for Two-Dimensional Adaptive Mesh Generation. 1978-1994 - N. Anders Petersson:
An Algorithm for Assembling Overlapping Grid Systems. 1995-2022 - Lori A. Freitag, Mark T. Jones, Paul E. Plassmann:
A Parallel Algorithm for Mesh Smoothing. 2023-2040 - Ian G. Graham, M. J. Hagger:
Unstructured Additive Schwarz-Conjugate Gradient Method for Elliptic Problems with Highly Discontinuous Coefficients. 2041-2066 - Charalampos Tsitouras, S. N. Papakostas:
Cheap Error Estimation for Runge-Kutta Methods. 2067-2088 - Ulrich Elsner, Volker Mehrmann, Frank Milde, Rudolf A. Römer
, Michael Schreiber:
The Anderson Model of Localization: A Challenge for Modern Eigenvalue Methods. 2089-2102 - Yousef Saad
, Jun Zhang:
BILUM: Block Versions of Multielimination and Multilevel ILU Preconditioner for General Sparse Linear Systems. 2103-2121 - Qiang Du
, Paul Gray:
Numerical Algorithms of the Lawrence-Doniach Model for Layered Superconductors and their Parallel Implementation. 2122-2139 - Claude Brezinski, Jean-Paul Chehab:
Multiparameter Iterative Schemes for the Solution of Systems of Linear and Nonlinear Equations. 2140-2159 - Hong Wang, Helge K. Dahle, Richard E. Ewing, Magne Espedal, Robert C. Sharpley
, Shushuang Man:
An ELLAM Scheme for Advection-Diffusion Equations in Two Dimensions. 2160-2194 - Christian Lage, Christoph Schwab:
Wavelet Galerkin Algorithms for Boundary Integral Equations. 2195-2222 - Françoise Tisseur
, Jack J. Dongarra:
A Parallel Divide and Conquer Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem on Distributed Memory Architectures. 2223-2236 - Elena Braverman, Moshe Israeli, Amir Averbuch:
A Fast Spectral Solver for a 3D Helmholtz Equation. 2237-2260 - Dexuan Xie, Loyce Adams:
New Parallel SOR Method by Domain Partitioning. 2261-2281 - John E. Tolsma, Paul I. Barton:
Efficient Calculation of Sparse Jacobians. 2282-2296 - Peter Wilders, Erik Brakkee:
Schwarz and Schur: An Algebraical Note on Equivalence Properties. 2297-2303

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