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11th WEBIST 2015: Lisbon, Portugal
- Valérie Monfort, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Tim A. Majchrzak, Ziga Turk:
WEBIST 2015 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, 20-22 May, 2015. SciTePress 2015, ISBN 978-989-758-106-9
Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers
- Victor Chang:
Cloud Computing and Big Data Can Improve the Quality of Our Life. WEBIST 2015: IS-5 - Paolo Traverso:
Change Alone is Unchanging - Continuous Context-aware Adaptation of Service-based Systems for Smart Cities and Communities. WEBIST 2015: IS-7 - Bernd Amann:
Selective Information Dissemination on the Real-time Web - A Database Perspective. WEBIST 2015: IS-9 - Nishanth Sastry:
Predicting Pinterest - Organising the World's Images with Human-machine Collaboration. WEBIST 2015: IS-11 - Alberto Broggi:
Vision-based Perception for Intelligent Vehicles. WEBIST 2015: IS-13 - Cornel Klein:
Software- and Systems Architecture for Smart Vehicles. WEBIST 2015: IS-15
Internet Technology
Full Papers
- Vitaliy Schreibmann, Peter Braun:
Model-driven Development of RESTful APIs. 5-14 - Karthik Senthil, Karthik S. Bhat, Nitin Jamadagni, Sudeep Sureshan, Gaurav Prasad
O3 - A Webpage Preprocessing Tool. 15-20 - Maarten Wijnants, Kris Van Erum, Peter Quax
, Wim Lamotte:
Web-mediated Augmentation and Interactivity Enhancement of Omni-directional Video in Both 2D and 3D. 21-34 - Florian Reimair, Peter Teufl, Thomas Zefferer:
WebCrySIL - Web Cryptographic Service Interoperability Layer. 35-44
Short Papers
- Hans Findel, Jaime Navon:
A Test Environment for Web Single Page Applications (SPA). 47-54 - Matteo Ciman, Yari Formaggio, Ombretta Gaggi, Marco Regazzo:
May SmartPhones Help to Maintain Audience Attention During Presentations?. 55-63 - Flavio Corradini, Francesco De Angelis, Daniele Fanì, Andrea Polini:
A Flexible Architecture to Monitor Dynamic Web Services Composition. 64-72 - Maria Chroni, Stavros D. Nikolopoulos:
Watermarking PDF Documents using Various Representations of Self-inverting Permutations. 73-80 - Eric Bonnici, Samia Oussena:
mPOW - Mobile Support for Health Care Students on Work Placements. 81-88 - Alexander Gröflin, Dominic Bosch, Martin Guggisberg, Helmar Burkhart:
Facilitating the Reactive Web - A Condition Action System using Node.js. 89-95 - Francesco De Angelis, Fausto Marcantoni, Alberto Polzonetti, Samuele Rilli:
Identity Management in Cloud Platforms using VOMS and SPID. 96-103 - Hernán Casalánguida, Juan Eduardo Durán:
User Interface Design for Responsive Web Applications. 104-111 - Fatima Al-Sedairi, Mohammed Al-Badawi, Abdallah Al-Hamdani:
Towards a Comprehensive XML Benchamrk. 112-117 - Nidhi Kushwaha, O. P. Vyas:
SemTopMF - Prediction Recomendation by Semantic Topics Through Matrix Factorization Approach. 118-123 - V. V. Klimov, A. A. Chernyshov, Boris A. Shchukin:
Composition of Web-services Based on Semantic Description. 124-128 - Mayka de Souza Lima, Admilson de Ribamar L. Ribeiro, Edward David Moreno:
Proposal of a Standard Vocabulary for Services Discovery on the Internet of Things. 129-134 - Wagner Luís de A. M. Macêdo, Tarcísio da Rocha, Edward David Moreno:
GoThings - An Application-layer Gateway Architecture for the Internet of Things. 135-140 - Mansour Alsaleh, Abdulrahman Alarifi, Ziyad Alshaikh, Mohammad Zarour
Online Banking Security and Usability - Towards an Effective Evaluation Framework. 141-149 - Afef Walha, Faiza Ghozzi
, Faïez Gargouri
ETL Transformation Algorithm for Facebook Opinion Data. 150-155 - Bernd Zwattendorfer:
Using Anonymous Credentials for eID Authentication in the Public Cloud. 156-163 - Pavel Shapkin, Gregory Pomadchin:
A Type-theoretic Approach to Cloud Data Integration. 164-169 - Fatma Ezzahra Gmati, Nadia Yacoubi Ayadi
, Afef Bahri
, Salem Chakhar
, Alessio Ishizaka
A Tree-based Algorithm for Ranking Web Services. 170-178
Web Interfaces and Applications
Full Papers
- Martin Leginus, Leon Derczynski
, Peter Dolog
Enhanced Information Access to Social Streams Through Word Clouds with Entity Grouping. 183-193 - Li Li, Wu Chou:
Compatibility Modeling and Testing of REST API based on REST Chart. 194-202 - Paula Escudeiro, Nuno Filipe Escudeiro, Rosa M. Reis
, Pedro Rodrigues, Jorge Lopes, Marcelo Norberto, Ana Bela Baltasar, Maciel Barbosa, José Bidarra
Real Time Bidirectional Translator of Portuguese Sign Language. 203-213
Short Papers
- Luigi Lo Iacono
, Hoai Viet Nguyen
Towards Conformance Testing of REST-based Web Services. 217-227 - Jaime A. Pavlich-Mariscal, Yolima Uribe, Luisa Fernanda Barrera-León
, Nadia Alejandra Mejia-Molina, Angela Carrillo Ramos
, Alexandra Pomares-Quimbaya, Rosa Maria Vicari, Ramón Fabregat, Silvia Baldiris
An Architecture for Dynamic and Adaptive User Activity Planning Systems. 228-235 - Juan Eduardo Durán, Hernán Casalánguida:
Development of a Design Model for Functionality and Content Access from Rich Internet Application Requirements. 236-244 - Jefferson Amaral da Silva, Karla Donato Fook
COP-VW: Cone-over-Projection Directional Model Viewer. 245-252 - Clóvis Holanda do Nascimento, Ricardo Alexandre Afonso, Vinicius Cardoso Garcia, Carlo Marcelo Revoredo da Silva:
ConvertView - A Tool for Conversion and Visualization of Open Heterogenic Governmental Data to the RDF Standard. 253-258 - Firmino Silva
, Claudia-Melania Chituc, Paul Grefen:
An Approach for Automated Service Selection and Ranking using Services Choreography. 259-266 - David Adrian Sanders
, Alexander E. Gegov:
Post Processing Method that Acts on Two-dimensional Clusters of User Data to Produce Dead Bands and Improve Classification. 267-272 - Nizar Omheni, Anis Kalboussi, Omar Mazhoud, Ahmed Hadj Kacem:
Automatic Recognition of Personality from Digital Annotations. 273-280 - José Bocanegra, Jaime A. Pavlich-Mariscal, Angela Carrillo Ramos:
MiDAS: A Model-Driven Approach for Adaptive Software. 281-286 - Hanen Karamti
, Mohamed Tmar, Faïez Gargouri
Content-based Image Retrieval System with Relevance Feedback. 287-292 - Wolfgang Kluth, Markus C. Beutel, Sevket Gökay, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Christian Samsel, Christoph Terwelp:
IXSI - Interface for X-Sharing Information. 293-298
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Full Papers
- Juliana de Melo Bezerra, Lara Santos Diniz, Victor da Silva Montalvão, Celso Massaki Hirata:
Effects of Task Significance, Coordination and Incentive Mechanisms on Motivation of Online Teams. 303-310 - Juliana de Melo Bezerra, Gabriel Marques, Celso Massaki Hirata:
AHP-based Metric for Tie Strength of Online Friendships. 311-320 - Thomas Lenz, Bernd Zwattendorfer:
A Modular and Flexible Identity Management Architecture for National eID Solutions. 321-331
Short Papers
- Volker Stich, Roman Emonts-Holley, Roman Senderek:
Social Media Analytics in Customer Service: A Literature Overview - An Overview of Literature and Metrics Regarding Social Media Analysis in Customer Service. 335-344 - David A. Sanders, Giles Tewkesbury:
It Is Artificial Idiocy That Is Alarming, Not Artificial Intelligence. 345-350 - Sang Cheol Park:
An Individual's Two Thinking Systems in Online C2C Auctions. 351-357
Web Intelligence
Full Papers
- Toon De Pessemier, Kris Vanhecke, Luc Martens:
The Information Value of Context for a Mobile News Service. 363-369 - Manuela Angioni, Maria Laura Clemente
, Franco Tuveri:
Combining Opinion Mining with Collaborative Filtering. 370-380 - Benjamin Gras, Armelle Brun, Anne Boyer:
Identifying Users with Atypical Preferences to Anticipate Inaccurate Recommendations. 381-389 - Jaroslav Kuchar, Milan Dojchinovski, Tomas Vitvar
Time-aware Link Prediction in RDF Graphs. 390-401 - Panagiotis Gourgaris, Andreas Kanavos, Christos Makris
, Georgios Perrakis:
Review-based Entity-ranking Refinement. 402-410 - Najlah Gali, Andrei Tabarcea, Pasi Fränti:
Extracting Representative Image from Web Page. 411-419 - Andrea Horch
, Holger Kett, Anette Weisbecker:
A Lightweight Approach for Extracting Product Records from the Web. 420-430 - Giseli Rabello Lopes, Bernardo Pereira Nunes
, Luiz André P. Paes Leme
, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller, Marco A. Casanova:
Knowing the past to Plan for the Future - An In-depth Analysis of the First 10 Editions of the WEBIST Conference. 431-442 - Franck Michel
, Loïc Djimenou, Catherine Faron-Zucker
, Johan Montagnat:
Translation of Relational and Non-relational Databases into RDF with xR2RML. 443-454 - Silvia Rossi, Francesco Barile, Antonio Caso:
User and Group Profiling in Touristic Web Portals Through Social Networks Analysis. 455-465 - Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron-Zucker
STTL - A SPARQL-based Transformation Language for RDF. 466-476
Short Papers
- Irene Giakoumi, Christos Makris
, Yiannis Plegas:
Language Model and Clustering based Information Retrieval. 479-486 - Jari Veijalainen, Alexander Semenov, Miika Reinikainen:
User Influence and Follower Metrics in a Large Twitter Dataset. 487-497 - Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Alberto Serra, Andrea Manchinu:
Humanizing the Internet of Things - Toward a Human-centered Internet-and-web of Things. 498-503 - Pavel Shapkin, Leonid Shumsky:
A Language for Transforming the RDF Data on the Basis of Ontologies. 504-511 - Clara Bacciu
, Fabio Valsecchi, Matteo Abrate
, Maurizio Tesconi, Andrea Marchetti
ASIA - An Investigation Platform for Exploiting Open Source Information in the Fight Against Tax Evasion. 512-517 - Oleksiy Khriyenko:
Customer Feedback System - Evolution towards Semantically-enhanced Systems. 518-525 - Özlem Özgöbek
, Jon Atle Gulla, Riza Cenk Erdur
Recommending Sources in News Recommender Systems. 526-532 - Leandro F. Rojas-Peña, Reinhard Langmann
Web of Things in an Industrial Environment. 533-539 - Alexandra González Eras
, Pablo Quezada S., Patricia Ludeña González, Carolina Gallardo:
Comparing Competences on Academia and Occupational Contexts based on Similarity Measures. 540-546 - Eric Bernardes Chagas Barros, Admilson de Ribamar L. Ribeiro, Edward David Moreno:
Problems and Limitations in the Design of a Web-API for IoT. WEBIST 2015: 547-551 - Amir Hossein Nabizadeh, Alípio Mário Jorge
, José Paulo Leal
Long Term Goal Oriented Recommender Systems. 552-557 - Pasi Fränti, Karol Waga, Chaitanya Khurana:
Can Social Network Be Used for Location-aware Recommendation?. 558-565 - Fabian Ohler, Christoph Terwelp:
A Notation for Discrimination Network Analysis. 566-570
Mobile Information Systems
Full Papers
- Béatrice Lamche, Nada Sahinagic, Wolfgang Wörndl:
User Interaction Design for Mobile Product Recommender Systems. 575-585 - Thomas Zefferer:
Towards Transactional Electronic Services on Mobile End-user Devices - A Sustainable Architecture for Mobile Signature Solutions. 586-597
Short Papers
- Tim A. Majchrzak, Timo Hillmann:
Offline-provisioning and Synchronization of Content for Mobile Webapps. 601-612 - Francesco Ficarola, Andrea Vitaletti:
Capturing Interactions in Face-To-Face Social Networks. 613-620 - Soon Jae Kwon:
Utilitarian Value and Hedonic Value of Mobile Service - Focusing on Mobile Addiction. 621-626 - Melyara Mezzi, Nadjia Benblidia:
Aspects of Context in Daily Search Activities - Survey about Nowadays Search Habits. 627-634 - Christian Samsel, Igor Dudschenko, Wolfgang Kluth, Karl-Heinz Krempels:
Using Wearables for Travel Assistance. 635-641
Special Session on Socio-technical Dynamics in Information Systems
Full Papers
- Pia Keysers, Fabian Storch, Julia Nitsche, Henning Staar:
More Glitter than Gold? - An Analysis of Virtual Impression Management Behavior in Online Career-networks. 647-654 - Monique Janneck, Marcus Kluetmann, Sophie Jent, Henning Staar:
Facebook@Work - The Use of Social Media for Work-related Exchange and Support. 655-661 - Jana-Eva Dietel:
Do They? - About the Possible Motive-related Influence on User Behavior in (Business-) Social Network Sites: A Theroretical State of Research. 662-669 - Henning Staar, Pia Keysers, Fabian Storch, Christian Kempny, Monique Janneck:
Political Skills 2.0 - An Analysis of Success-oriented Strategic Behavior in Online Business Networks. 670-676

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