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12th SYNASC 2010: Timisoara, Romania
- Tetsuo Ida, Viorel Negru, Tudor Jebelean, Dana Petcu, Stephen M. Watt, Daniela Zaharie:
12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2010, Timisoara, Romania, 23-26 September 2010. IEEE Computer Society 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-4324-6
Invited Talks
- Virgil Emil Cazanescu:
Programming via Rewriting. 3 - Hoon Hong:
Connectivity in Semi-algebraic Sets. 4-7 - Solomon Marcus:
Mathematical and Computational Mistakes and Failures as a Source of Creativity. 8-11 - Peter Paule, Veronika Pillwein:
Automatic Improvements of Wallis' Inequality. 12-16 - Stephen M. Watt:
On the Mathematics of Mathematical Handwriting Recognition. 17
Symbolic Computing: Regular Papers
- Madalina Hodorog, Bernard Mourrain, Josef Schicho:
A Symbolic-Numeric Algorithm for Computing the Alexander Polynomial of a Plane Curve Singularity. 21-28 - Daniel Lichtblau:
Polynomial GCD and Factorization via Approximate Gröbner Bases. 29-36 - Juan Félix San-Juan, Rosario María López, Luis María López
, Iván Pérez:
Symbolic-Numeric Cooperation in an Open Science Project. 37-46
Numerical Computing: Regular Papers
- Michele Martone, Salvatore Filippone
, Marcin Paprzycki
, Salvatore Tucci
On BLAS Operations with Recursively Stored Sparse Matrices. 49-56 - Michele Martone, Salvatore Filippone
, Marcin Paprzycki
, Salvatore Tucci
On the Usage of 16 Bit Indices in Recursively Stored Sparse Matrices. 57-64 - Alina Dudeanu, George-Razvan Oancea, Sorin Iftene:
An x-Coordinate Point Compression Method for Elliptic Curves over Fp. 65-71 - Charlotte Truchet, Marie Pelleau, Frédéric Benhamou:
Abstract Domains for Constraint Programming, with the Example of Octagons. 72-79 - Jérémy Jean, Stef Graillat:
A Parallel Algorithm for Dot Product over Word-Size Finite Field Using Floating-Point Arithmetic. 80-87
Numerical Computing: Short Papers
- Romeo Negrea, Ciprian Hedrea:
Numerical Solutions for a Class of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations. 91-94 - Ruxandra-Ioana Rusnac, Aurel Stefan Gontean
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Algorithm Evaluation for Wireless Sensor Networks. 95-98 - Elzbieta Gawronska
, Norbert Sczygiol
Application of Mixed Time Partitioning Methods to Raise the Efficiency of Solidification Modeling. 99-103
Logic and Programming: Regular Papers
- Yasuhiko Minamide, Yuto Sakuma, Andrei Voronkov:
Translating Regular Expression Matching into Transducers. 107-115 - María Alpuente
, Michele Baggi, Moreno Falaschi
, Demis Ballis:
Completeness of Unfolding for Rewriting Logic Theories. 116-123 - Mauricio Alba-Castro
, María Alpuente
, Santiago Escobar
Approximating Non-interference and Erasure in Rewriting Logic. 124-132 - Irina Mariuca Asavoae, Mihail Asavoae, Dorel Lucanu:
Path Directed Symbolic Execution in the K Framework. 133-141 - Madalina Erascu, Tudor Jebelean:
A Purely Logical Approach to the Termination of Imperative Loops. 142-149
Logic and Programming: Short Paper
- Nikolaj Popov, Tudor Jebelean:
Proving Partial Correctness and Termination of Mutually Recursive Programs. 153-156
Artificial Intelligence: Regular Papers
- Emilian Necula, Raluca Necula, Adrian Iftene
Distributed Traffic Management System. 159-166 - Octav Brudaru, Rüdiger Ebendt, Iulian Marius Furdu
Optimizing Variable Ordering of BDDs with Double Hybridized Embryonic Genetic Algorithm. 167-173 - Corina Rotar
Endocrine Control Evolutionary Algorithm. 174-181 - Cristian Gratie
, Adina Magda Florea
Generic Representation for Extension-Based Semantics of Argumentation Frameworks. 182-187 - Vlad Saveluc, Liviu Ciortuz:
FCGlight: A System for Studying the Evolution of Natural Language. 188-193 - Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dînsoreanu
, Cristina Bianca Pop, Razvan Lar:
Knowledge Acquisition and Processing System for Romanian Historical Documents. 194-201 - Cristian Giumale, Lorina Negreanu, Mihnea Muraru, Matei Popovici:
Modeling Ontologies for Time-Dependent Applications. 202-208 - D. Dumitrescu, Rodica Ioana Lung
, Noémi Gaskó
, Réka Nagy:
Job Scheduling and Bin Packing from a Game Theoretical Perspective: An Evolutionary Approach. 209-214 - Robert Andrei Buchmann, Radu Meza
, Anita Hejja:
An Eye Tracking Semantic Repository for User Profiling. 215-222 - Doina Tatar, Epaminondas Kapetanios
, Christian Sacarea
, Diana Tanase:
Text Segments as Constrained Formal Concepts. 223-228 - Octav Brudaru, Cristian Rotaru:
Dynamic Segregative Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Lines Balancing. 229-236
Artificial Intelligence: Short Paper
- Laurentiu Bucur, Adina Florea
Exploring Chaos with Sparse Kernel Machines. 239-242
Distributed Computing: Regular Papers
- Stefan Andrei, Albert M. K. Cheng
, Gheorghe Grigoras, Vlad Radulescu:
An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for the Multiprocessor Platform. 245-252 - Adriana Szekeres, Silviu Horia Baranga, Ciprian Dobre
, Valentin Cristea:
A Keyword Search Algorithm for Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks. 253-260 - Alexandru Costan
, Florin Pop, Ciprian Dobre
, Valentin Cristea:
A Worklow Management Platform for Scientific Applications in Grid Environments. 261-268 - Denisa Rodila
, Dorian Gorgan:
Integration of Spatial Data Infrastructures with Grid Environment. 269-277 - Mihail Ionescu:
Flexible Fault Tolerance in Distributed Enterprise Communities. 278-285 - Ionut Ungureanu, Catalin Adrian Leordeanu
, Valentin Cristea:
Grid-Aware Intrusion Detection System Using Gossip Algorithms. 286-292 - Ioana Leahu:
Linear Algebraic Approach for Home Markings in Live and Bounded Equal Conflict Systems. 293-300 - Cristina Mindruta, Dana Petcu
A Semantic Services Architecture for Solving ODE Systems. 301-307 - Teodor Stefanut
, George Popescu, Dorian Gorgan:
E-Learning Platform for Educational Resources Repurposing in Earth Observation. 308-314 - Qiang Li, Yike Guo:
Optimization of Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing. 315-320 - Catalin Gosman, Ciprian Dobre
, Valentin Cristea:
A Security Protocol for Vehicular Distributed Systems. 321-327
Distributed Computing: Short Papers
- Rémi Bertin, Pierre Coucheney, Arnaud Legrand, Corinne Touati:
Practical Implementation Issues of Lagrangian Based Distributed Optimization Algorithms. 331-334 - Ionut Anghel
, Tudor Cioara, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dînsoreanu
An Autonomic Context Management Model Based on Machine Learning. 335-338 - Kevin Atighehchi, Traian Muntean, Sylvain Parlanti, Robert Rolland
, Laurent Vallet:
A Cryptographic Keys Transfer Protocol for Secure Communicating Systems. 339-343
Advanced Theory of Computing: Regular Papers
- Zoltán Ádám Mann, Aniko Szajko:
Improved Bounds on the Complexity of Graph Coloring. 347-354 - Adriana Popovici, Dan Popovici:
Dilatability to Quantum Linear Cellular Automata. 355-361 - Peter Scheiblechner:
On Lower Bounds for Algebraic Decision Trees over the Complex Numbers. 362-365 - Mircea Marin
, Adrian Craciun
Type Inference for Regular Expression Pattern Matching. 366-373
Global Computing Models and Technologies: Regular Paper
- Luís Soares Barbosa
, Marco Antonio Barbosa
, César Jesus Rodrigues:
Revisiting Context-Aware Component Interconnection. 377-384
Global Computing Models and Technologies: Short Paper
- Gabriel Ciobanu
, Eneia Nicolae Todoran:
Continuation Semantics for Concurrency Applied to Parallel Rewriting of Multisets. 387-391
Software Services - Frameworks and Platforms: Invited Papers
- Spyridon V. Gogouvitis
, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
An Architectural Approach for Event-Based Execution Management in Service Oriented Infrastructures. 395-399 - Ladislav Hluchý
, Peter Krammer
, Ondrej Habala, Martin Seleng
, Viet D. Tran
Advanced Data Integration and Data Mining for Enviromental Scenarios. 400-406 - Huy Tran, Ta'id Holmes, Ernst Oberortner, Emmanuel Mulo, Agnieszka Betkowska Cavalcante, Jacek Serafinski, Marek Tluczek, Aliaksandr Birukou
, Florian Daniel
, Patrícia Silveira, Uwe Zdun, Schahram Dustdar
An End-to-End Framework for Business Compliance in Process-Driven SOAs. 407-414 - Mircea Trifu:
The Q-ImPrESS Method - An Overview. 415-416 - Michele Barletta, Alberto Calvi, Silvio Ranise
, Luca Viganò, Luca Zanetti:
WSSMT: Towards the Automated Analysis of Security-Sensitive Services and Applications. 417-424
Software Services - Frameworks and Platforms: Regular Papers
- Damian Mierzwinski, Dariusz Walczak, Marcin Wolski, Marcin Wrzos:
Surveillance System in Service-Oriented Manner. 427-433 - Alexandra Coldea, Adrian Colesa
, Iosif Ignat:
OrcFS: Organized Relationships between Components of the File System for Efficient File Retrieval. 434-441 - Adrian Colesa
, Ioan Stan, Iosif Ignat:
Transparent Fault-Tolerance Based on Asynchronous Virtual Machine Replication. 442-448 - Cristina Bianca Pop, Viorica R. Chifu, Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dînsoreanu
, Tudor David, Vlad Acretoaie:
Ant-Inspired Technique for Automatic Web Service Composition and Selection. 449-455 - Alberto Calvi, Silvio Ranise
, Luca Viganò:
Automated Validation of Security-Sensitive Web Services Specified in BPEL and RBAC. 456-464 - Martin Lason
, Ondrej Jakl:
Role-Based Access Control in Software Services: Theory vs. Practice. 465-470 - Pawel Bachara, Krzysztof Zielinski:
SOA-Compliant Programming Model for Intelligent Sensor Networks - SCA-Based Solution. 471-478 - Andreea Marin, Ciprian Dobre
, Decebal Popescu, Valentin Cristea:
E-System for Automatic Data Migration. 479-484 - Javier Vázquez-Salceda
, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos, Julian A. Padget
, Frank Dignum, Siobhán Clarke
, Manel Palau, Paul Sergeant, Kees Nieuwenhuis:
ALIVE: A Model-Driven Framework to Develop Dynamic, Flexible, Distributed Service-Oriented Systems. 485-492 - Raffaela Mirandola, Pasqualina Potena:
Self-Adaptation of Service Based Systems Based on Cost/Quality Attributes Tradeoffs. 493-501 - Andrei Arusoaie
, Alexandru Ionut Cristei, Cristian Chircu, Mihai Andrei Livadariu, Vlad Manea
, Adrian Iftene
Augmented Reality. 502-509 - Aneta Poniszewska-Maranda
Platform for Access Control Management in Information System Based on Extended RBAC Model. 510-517 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Anca Goron:
An Argumentation Approach to Incompletely Specified Software Services. 518-525 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Radu Razvan Slavescu:
Helpful Behavior Based on Trust for Web Services. 526-533 - Florin Pop:
SORMSYS: Towards a Resource Management Platform for Self-Organizing Large Scale Distributed Systems. 534-541
Software Services - Frameworks and Platforms: Short Papers
- Adriana Draghici, Marius Sandu-Popa, Razvan Deaconescu
, Nicolae Tapus
A Peer-to-Peer Swarm Creation and Management Framework. 545-548 - Peter Bartalos, Mária Bieliková:
Composition and Undesired Web Service Execution Effects. 549-552 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Anca Nicoleta Marginean
Expectations for Assessment of Services Quality. 553-556 - Valentin Pavlov, Borislav Borisov, Sylvia Ilieva
, Dessislava Petrova-Antonova
Framework for Testing Service Compositions. 557-560 - Ioan Alfred Letia, Octavian Pop:
Semantic Service Alignment Using Concept Description Refinement. 561-564 - Maya Dimitrova
, Anna K. Lekova
, Mo Adda:
Personality Filter in Mobile Networks with Communication Constraints. 565-568 - Jaroslav Sedenka, Matej Bosak, Tomás Pitner
Monitoring and Support of Unreliable Services. 569-572 - Alina Andreica, Daniel Stuparu
, Florina Covaci, Gabriel Pop, Arpad Imre:
A Software Services Framework for Providing E-Learning and Dedicated Information Systems Facilities. 573-576 - Jaroslav Skrabalek
, Tomás Ludík, Jiri Slaby, Tomás Pitner
Web-Based Service for Collaborative Organization of Academic Events - Case Study of "Takeplace". 577-580 - Vlad Ciobanu
, Florin Pop, Decebal Popescu, Valentin Cristea:
A Distributed Approach to Business Intelligence Systems Synchronization. 581-585

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