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SII 2013: Kobe, Japan
- Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2013, Kobe, Japan, December 15-17, 2013. IEEE 2013
- Zhiwei Luo, Osamu Matoba:
Welcome message. 1-2 - Kiyoshi Itao:
Special talk 1: All creations send out information - Prospects for integrated sensing network service. 1-2 - Satish S. Udpa, Lalita Udpa, Amin Tayebi, Pavel Roy, Jacob Klaser:
Special talk 2: Microwave based systems for imaging tissue. 1-2 - Akira Kageyama
Keynote talk 1: Simulations and visualizations of magnetic fields in nature. 1 - Guojun Sheng:
Keynote talk 2: The primitive streak: - An interface between technology, embryology and morality. 1-2 - Sarot Srang, Masaki Yamakita:
Estimation of systems with multiple sliding surfaces. 1-6 - Yuto Takagi, Yoshifumi Kuriyama, Ryota Sakamoto
, Ken'ichi Yano, Shuhei Baba:
Fluid behavior control on die casting process by optimization of plunger tip shape based on practicable damage estimation algorithm. 7-12 - Pavel Vaclavek, Petr Blaha
PMSM model discretization for Model Predictive Control algorithms. 13-18 - Mohd Aliff, Shujiro Dohta, Tetsuya Akagi:
Trajectory control of simple-structured flexible mechanism using flexible pneumatic cylinders. 19-24 - Takato Saito, Yoji Kuroda:
Mobile robot localization by GPS and sequential appearance-based place recognition. 25-30 - Min-Fan Ricky Lee, Fu-Hsin Steven Chiu:
A hybrid visual servo control system for the autonomous mobile robot. 31-36 - Kenneth Renny Simba
, Naoki Uchiyama, Shigenori Sano:
Real-time trajectory generation for mobile robots in a corridor-like space using Bézier curves. 37-41 - Min-Fan Ricky Lee, Fu-Hsin Steven Chiu:
A networked intelligent control system for the mobile robot navigation. 42-47 - Tatsuya Yoshimoto, Kosuke Kaida, Takanori Fukao, Kenji Ishiyama, Tsuyoshi Kamiya, Noriyuki Murakami:
Backward path following control of an articulated vehicle. 48-53 - Sk. Md. Masudul Ahsan, Joo Kooi Tan, Hyoungseop Kim, Seiji Ishikawa:
Recognizing human actions using histogram of local binary patterns. 54-59 - Haruki Toda
, Akinori Nagano, Zhiwei Luo:
Contribution of lower extremity joint moment on ground reaction force during walking in elderly and younger people. 60-65 - Jinhwan Kwon, Ken-ichiro Ogawa, Taiki Ogata
, Jonghwan Kim, Yoshihiro Miyake:
Visual motion information influences audiovisual simultaneity. 66-69 - Yuki Inoue, Eisuke Ono, Jinhwan Kwon, Masanari Motohashi, Daisuke Ikari, Ken-ichiro Ogawa, Yoshihiro Miyake:
Head motion synchronization in the process of consensus building. 70-75 - Jumpei Sato, Kazuhiro Takemura, Naoki Yamada, Atsuhide Kishi, Kazuo Nishikawa, Takahide Nouzawa, Toshio Tsuji, Yuichi Kurita:
Investigation of the subjective force perception based on the estimation of the muscle activities during a steering operation. 76-81 - He Jiang, Min Hu, Hongbo Chen, Kun Li, Xiaohua Wang, Fuji Ren:
Facial expression recognition based on multi-scale vector triangle. 82-87 - Rui Li, Zhuguo Yu, Min Hu, Zhong Huang, Fuji Ren:
Facial expression recognition algorithm based on feature fusion adaptive weighted HLAC. 88-93 - Zhong Huang, Fuji Ren:
Facial expression recognition based on active appearance model & scale-invariant feature transform. 94-99 - Changqin Quan
, Xiquan Wei, Fuji Ren:
Combine sentiment lexicon and dependency parsing for sentiment classification. 100-104 - Ahmad Yasser Afaghani, Yasumichi Aiyama:
On-line collision avoidance between two robot manipulators using collision map and simple Escaping method. 105-110 - Tresna Dewi, Naoki Uchiyama, Shigenori Sano:
Simple obstacle avoidance for a mobile robot moving through via points. 111-114 - Kazunori Orita, Hotaka Takizawa, Mayumi Aoyagi, Nobuo Ezaki, Shinji Mizuno:
Obstacle detection by the Kinect cane system for the visually impaired. 115-118 - Nobuyuki Kita, Fumio Kanehiro, Mitsuharu Morisawa, Kenji Kaneko:
Obstacle detection for a bipedal walking robot by a fisheye stereo. 119-125 - Kanny Krizzy A. David, Ryan Rhay P. Vicerra, Argel A. Bandala, Laurence A. Gan Lim
, Elmer P. Dadios:
Unmanned underwater vehicle navigation and collision avoidance using fuzzy logic. 126-131 - Yohji Kobayashi:
Robust optimal control of flexible space structures by a proper controller using displacement output. 132-137 - Ru-Chang Wu, I-Haur Tsai, Fu-Cheng Wang, Jia-Yush Yen:
Design and control of a long-stroke nano-positioning stage. 138-143 - Yi-Fu Kuo, Po-Chen Kuo, Hsueh-Ju Chen, Chung-Huang Yu, Fu-Cheng Wang:
Control and power management of a hybrid stationary fuel cell system. 144-149 - Atsushi Tanaka, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama:
A study on the reduction of synchronization error using a relay of predictive control information in wireless control of multiple plants. 150-154 - Suthira Limkul, Masaki Yamakita:
Decomposition method with feedback compensation for parallel computation of NMPC. 155-160 - Min-Fan Ricky Lee, Fu-Hsin Steven Chiu, Chen Zhuo:
Novel design of a social mobile robot for the blind disabilities. 161-166 - Shogo Namatame, Nobuto Matsuhira:
Navigation method of a mobile robot in daily life environment considering environmental design. 167-172 - Min-Fan Ricky Lee, Fu-Hsin Steven Chiu, Chen Zhuo:
6 DOF manipulator design for maneuvering autonomous aerial mobile robot. 173-178 - Jian-Hao Hong, Chun-Feng Huang, Kuan-Ying Lu, Ting-Jen Yeh:
Analysis and design of a passive steering mechanism for a pedaled, self-balanced, personal mobility vehicle. 179-184 - Min-Fan Ricky Lee, Lin-Shuang Feng, Eric Yeh, Ivan Ivan:
Visual sensor integration on servoing the autonomous mobile robot. 185-189 - Takahiro Miura, Atsushi Hiyama, Masatomo Kobayashi, Hironobu Takagi, Naomi Yatomi, Michitaka Hirose:
Investigation on work motivation of Japanese seniors and skill discovery from their résumés. 190-197 - Gautam Narang, Weisheng Kong, Pu Xu, Arjun Narang, Soumya Singh, Kenji Hashimoto, Massimiliano Zecca, Atsuo Takanishi:
Comparison of bipedal humanoid walking with human being using inertial measurement units and force-torque sensors. 198-203 - Kiyoshi Hoshino, Hiroyuki Nakagomi:
Measurement of rotational eye movement under blue light irradiation by tracking conjunctival blood vessel ends. 204-209 - Genya Ishida, Tomohito Takubo, Atsushi Ueno:
Human's operation modeling based on Hidden Markov Model with consideration for the operation change and timing. 210-215 - Kentaro Ono, Joo-Ho Lee
A smart phone based interaction in intelligent space using object recognition and facing direction of human. 216-221 - Changqin Quan
, Dongyu Wan, Bin Zhang, Fuji Ren:
Reduce the dimensions of emotional features by principal component analysis for speech emotion recognition. 222-226 - Xiaohua Wang, Chao Jin, Wei Liu, Min Hu, Liangfeng Xu, Fuji Ren:
Feature fusion of HOG and WLD for facial expression recognition. 227-232 - Ning Liu, Fuji Ren, Xiao Sun, Changqin Quan
Microblogging hot events emotion analysis based on Ren-CECps. 233-238 - Yao Qian, Fuji Ren, Changqin Quan
A new preprocessing algorithm and local binary pattern based facial expression recognition. 239-244 - Nobuhiro Shin, Takanori Kiyota, Ikuo Yamamoto, Kayoko Tsuruga, Naohiro Inagawa:
Research on geological survey system based on robotic fish technology. 245-249 - Taichi Yamada, Takeru Ito, Akihisa Ohya
Detection of road surface damage using mobile robot equipped with 2D laser scanner. 250-256 - Sanngoen Wanayuth, Taichi Yamada, Akihisa Ohya
, Takashi Tsubouchi:
Under-vehicle inspection utilizing a mobile robot with a LRF sensor. 257-262 - Taichi Yamada, Akihisa Ohya
Matching evaluation of 2D laser scan points using observed probability in unstable measurement environment. 263-269 - Sam Ann Rahok, Akio Tanaka, Koichi Ozaki:
Trajectory tracking method using low cost magnetic sensors. 270-275 - Takehito Kikuchi, Sosuke Tanida, Takashi Yasuda, Takamitsu Fujikawa:
Automatic adjustment of initial drop speed of foot for intelligently controllable ankle foot orthosis. 276-281 - Wen-Xia Xu, Jian Huang, Yongji Wang, Hong Cai:
Study of reinforcement learning based shared control of walking-aid robot. 282-287 - Ryoichiro Shiraishi, Yoshiyuki Sankai:
Lower limb motion support integrated system for prevention of deep vein thrombosis. 288-293 - Nozomi Toyoda, Mami Nishida:
Study on life-supporting balloon walking and jumping robots for the elderly and children. 294-299 - Shun Ishikawa, Shogo Okamoto, Kaoru Isogai, Yasuhiro Akiyama, Naomi Yanagihara, Yoji Yamada:
Wearable dummy to simulate joint impairment: severity-based assessment of simulated spasticity of knee joint. 300-305 - Guan-Horng Liu, Hou-Yi Lin, Huai-Yu Lin, Shao-Tuan Chen
, Pei-Chun Lin:
Design of a kangaroo robot with dynamic jogging locomotion. 306-311 - Ying Cao, Soichiro Suzuki, Yohei Hoshino:
Turn control of a three-dimensional quasi-passive walking robot based on forced entrainment. 312-317 - Chen-xing Zhong, Ai-fang Lai, Yu Guo, Qingwei Chen:
On attitude maneuver control of flexible spacecraft without angular velocity sensors. 318-323 - Bambang Sumantri
, Naoki Uchiyama, Shigenori Sano:
Least square based sliding mode control for a quad-rotor helicopter. 324-328 - Mitsuka Morimoto, Kentaro Suda, Nobuto Hirakoso:
Study on navigation system to arbitrary direction for autonomous aerial robot with quad-rotor. 329-334 - Hiroyuki Yasuda, Mitsuharu Matsumoto:
Psychological impact on human when a robot makes mistakes. 335-339 - Takafumi Akashi, Yusuke Tamura
, Shiro Yano
, Hisashi Osumi:
Analysis of manipulating other's attention for smooth interaction between human and robot. 340-345 - Kaori Tanaka, Masahiro Yoshikawa, Yoshio Matsumoto, Shinya Sasaki
Change of personal space induced by operation of android robot synchronized with operator. 346-351 - Akihito Seki, Zhiwei Luo:
Motion sickness due to vibration on water massage bed. 352-357 - Lei Wang, Fuji Ren, Duoqian Miao:
A novel method for recognizing emotions of weblog sentences. 358-363 - Shinyo Muto, Hideaki Iwamoto, Tatsuaki Ito, Noriyoshi Uchida, Masakazu Urata, Hikaru Takenaka, Jun-ichi Nakagawa, Takashi Satou:
The concept of cooperative sidewalk supporting system that manages sensory information from mobile terminals and personal mobility. 364-369 - Seishi Yamagata, Hidenori Kawamura, Keiji Suzuki:
Trend analysis for flaming of SNS. 370-375 - Akihisa Hirata, Koji Kitamura
, Yoshifumi Nishida, Yoichi Motomura, Hiroshi Mizoguchi
Accident-data-aided design: visualizing typical and potential risks of consumer products by data mining an accident database. 376-381 - Sakmongkon Chumkamon, Eiji Hayashi:
Facial expression recognition using constrained local models and Hidden Markov models with consciousness-based architecture. 382-387 - Amalia Istiqlali Adiba, Kazuyuki Hatta, Baba Ryuzo, Tadahiro Kaneda, Jun Miyake:
'See What I See' sharing the cognition with an intelligent machine. 388-393 - Adrian Leu, Danijela Ristic-Durrant, Sinisa Slavnic, Cornelius Glackin, Christoph Salge, Daniel Polani, Atta Badii, Ali Khan, Rajkumar K. Raval:
CORBYS cognitive control architecture for robotic follower. 394-399 - Kazuaki Nakamura, Tomio Watanabe, Mitsuru Jindai:
Development of nodding detection system based on Active Appearance Model. 400-405 - Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Ryosuke Oya, Kotaro Nagahama, Masayuki Inaba:
A method of state recognition of dressing clothes based on dynamic state matching. 406-411 - Luis Canete, Takayuki Takahashi:
Analysis and control of the step climbing control of a wheeled Inverted Pendulum Type Assistant Robot. 412-417 - Aya Kaisumi, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge:
Assistive motion control of cycling wheelchair based on investigation of load on user. 418-423 - Yuta Kaku, Eita Sawaguchi, Takahito Ichikawa, Masami Iwase:
Modeling and analysis of walking chair "Ikkyu-san". 424-429 - Shyang-Jye Chang, Sheng Chih Shen:
Design and simulation of the piezoelectric actuator using Taguchi method. 430-435 - Daichi Hirano, Kenji Nagaoka, Kazuya Yoshida
Design of underactuated hand for caging-based grasping of free-flying object. 436-442 - Ferdinando Cannella, Fei Chen, Carlo Canali, Amit Eytan, Aldo Maria Bottero, Darwin G. Caldwell:
Design of an industrial robotic gripper for precise twisting and positioning in high-speed assembly. 443-448 - Kimimasa Tamura, Yoshimitsu Aoki:
Eyelid and iris tracking method with novel eye models. 449-453 - Kozo Ohtani, Li Li, Mitsuru Baba:
Determining surface shape of translucent objects by using laser rangefinder. 454-459 - Akira Kimachi, Motonori Doi, Shogo Nishi:
Enhancement of spectral matching imager output for discriminating multiple similar spectra by time-nonlinear wavelength sweeping. 460-465 - Ryo Wataya, Daisuke Iwai
, Kosuke Sato:
Community detection in real communication using body sway and voice information with ambient sensing chair. 466-471 - Kazutoshi Sakakibara:
Adaptive optimization by dynamic programming heuristics for logistics planning in dynamic environments. 472-476 - Takuya Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Nakamoto:
A study on tactile texture recognition using magnetic type tactile sensor. 477-481 - Minami Wazumi, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen:
Food recognition using Codebook-based model with sparse-coding. 482-485 - Xinyin Huang, Dingye Chen, Xian-Hua Han, Yen-Wei Chen:
Global and local features for accurate impression estimation of cloth fabric images. 486-489 - Yasuhiro Kakihara, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki, Yasushi Nakai, Satoshi Takada:
Acoustic feature selection utilizing multiple kernel learning for classification of children with autism spectrum and typically developing children. 490-494 - Takao Fujii, Ryo Aihara, Ryoichi Takashima, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki:
Voice conversion based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization in noisy environments. 495-498 - Kousuke Miyaji, Katsuyoshi Tsujita:
Development of a system for location finding of low-level sound source by using human acoustic system with stochastic resonance. 499-504 - Takahiko Mori, Yuya Tanaka, Misaki Mito
Clinical tests on bioinstrumentation using shape deformation of amputated upper limb. 505-510 - Kazuki Nishida, Zhiwei Luo, Akinori Nagano:
Development of a robot system for rehabilitation of upper limbs cooperative movement functions. 511-515 - Lawrence K. F. Wong, Zhiwei Luo, Nobuyuki Kurusu, Keiji Fujino:
Cervical spine simulation model for traction therapy analysis. 516-520 - Daisuke Yamada, Yoshinori Sano, Ryota Hori, Jian Huang, Tetsuro Yabuta:
Dynamic movement by admittance control of a multi-finger-arm robot with manipulability control of fingers. 521-526 - Yunduan Cui, Kazuhiko Takahashi, Masafumi Hashimoto:
Design of control systems using quaternion neural network and its application to inverse kinematics of robot manipulator. 527-532 - Wisanu Jitviriya, Eiji Hayashi:
Analysis of robotic arm's behavior using Self Organizing Map combined with consciousness-based architecture module. 533-538 - Kousuke Okabe, Yasumichi Aiyama:
Motion planning of a redundant manipulator for the purpose of speed-up of the hands constant speed tasks. 539-544 - Chi-Chih Yu, Toru Yamaguchi, Yasufumi Takama:
Integrating monitor functions of physiological data into the robotics service grid. 545-549 - Kazuyoshi Wada, Yusuke Suganuma, Takayoshi Tanaka:
Path planning for multi spatial configuration modules in Smart Variable Space. 550-555 - Chenghong Hu, Yoshiko Kato, Zhiwei Luo:
An fNIRS study of taste cortical areas in human brain: Sweetness and sourness. 556-561 - Yi Shi, Yasuhiro Kawahara, Zhiwei Luo:
Research and development of the wearable respiration sensor. 562-566 - Max Wielsch, Raik Bieniek, Bernd Grams, Jörg Lässig:
Dynamic integration of ALM tools for agile software development. 567-573 - Tomoyuki Kawaguchi, Ryota Sakamoto
, Ken'ichi Yano, Mustapha S. Fofana:
Equalization control of machining surface by cutting depth estimation using machining support system. 574-579 - Francesco Leali, Fabio Pini, Matteo Ansaloni:
Integration of CAM off-line programming in robot high-accuracy machining. 580-585 - Kaho Watanabe, Takanori Nomura:
Refractive index & physical thickness distributions measurement and consideration of dependence of measurement accuracy on scanning interval using low-coherence digital holography. 586-591 - Yonghee Lee, Yasunori Ito, Tatsuki Tahara, Junichi Inoue, Peng Xia, Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Kenzo Nishio, Shogo Ura, Osamu Matoba:
Single-shot 3-D sensing of micro-meter height by multi-wavelength parallel phase-shifting digital holography. 592-597 - Keisuke Nomura, Masayuki Yokota:
Study of hologram transmission by a high core-number plastic optical fiber (POF) image guide in phase-shifting digital holography. 598-603 - Akinori Funahashi, Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Tatsuya Okuda, Seiya Itoh, Shogo Ura, Kenzo Nishio, Toshihiro Kubota:
Motion-picture recording of polarized light propagating in optical medium. 604-609 - Kuo-Hsiang Chiang, Shih-Chung Chen, Chung-Min Wu, Ching-Hsing Luo:
The implementation of an assistive robot with real-time image recognition functions. 610-615 - Ming-Yuan Shieh, Yen-Hao Chen, Jeng-Han Li, Neng-Sheng Pai, Juing-Shian Chiou:
Fast object detection for human-robot interaction control. 616-619 - Chung-Min Wu, Shih-Chung Chen:
The fuzzy schmitt trigger algorithm regulates physiological action signals for disabilities auxiliary input devices. 620-623 - Ming-Shyan Wang, Che-Min Mi, Chich-Hung Wang, Pei-Lin Tsai:
Control of a feeding robot. 624-628 - Petr Blaha
, Pavel Vaclavek:
Rapid prototyping of robust motor control algorithms on freescale targets. 629-634 - Sheng Cao, Zhiwei Luo:
On energy-based robust passive control of a robot manipulator. 635-640 - Khairuddin Osman, Ahmad Athif Mohd Faudzi, Mohd Fua'ad Rahmat, Nu'man Din Mustafa, Koichi Suzumori:
Predictive Functional Controller design for pneumatic actuator with stiffness characteristic. 641-646 - Mitsuhiro Yamano, Daisuke Goto, Kenji Ujiie, Naoki Akiba, Jin Gong, Hidemitsu Furukawa
, Riichiro Tadakuma:
Experiments of a variable stiffness robot using shape memory gel. 647-652 - Yasuhiro Tan, Joo Kooi Tan, Hyoungseop Kim, Seiji Ishikawa:
Automatic classification of seabed sediments based on HLAC. 653-658 - Yuki Yamaguchi, Kuniaki Noda, Shun Nishide, Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Tetsuya Ogata:
Learning and association of synaesthesia phenomenon using deep neural networks. 659-664 - Ryuhei Sakurai, Joo-Ho Lee
Classification based person identification in group living environment. 665-670 - Przemyslaw Dobrowolski:
An efficient method of constructing cell graph in arrangement of quadrics in 3-dimensional space of rotations. 671-676 - Chien-Chou Lin, Yan-Deng Liao, Wun-Jhih Luo:
Calibration method for extending single-layer LIDAR to multi-layer LIDAR. 677-681 - Naoki Akai, Satoshi Hoshino, Kazumichi Inoue, Koichi Ozaki:
Monte Carlo Localization using magnetic sensor and LIDAR for real world navigation. 682-687 - Sousuke Nakamura, Hideki Hashimoto:
Basic study of magnetic resonance coupling-based distance sensor with adjustable sensing range using active quality factor control. 688-693 - Yuichi Ogawa, Shigeto Dobata
, Fumitoshi Matsuno
Relationship between survivability of ant colony and rate of state transition to rest. 694-699 - Ken Sugawara:
An object manipulation by swarm robots inspired by granular convection phenomenon. 700-705 - Hai Shan, Toshiyuki Yasuda, Kazuhiro Ohkura:
A self adaptive hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for solving CEC 2013 real-parameter optimization problems. 706-711 - Shunichi Sugihara, Toshiaki Tanaka
, Tomoya Miyasaka, Takashi Izumi, Koichi Shimizu
Assessment of visual space recognition in patients with unilateral spatial neglect using head mounted display (HMD) system: Case study with left unilateral spatial neglect. 712-716 - Makoto Aoki, Ken'ichi Koyanagi
, Tatsuo Motoyoshi, Toru Oshima:
Evaluation of force display touch pad for the visually impaired. 717-722 - Yasuhiro Hirata, Masamichi Hayashi, Masami Iwase:
Experimental verification for maneuverability of man-machine interface based on EMG. 723-728 - Mei-Li You, Kun-Li Wen, Wei-Ling Liu, Chen-En Lin:
Application of rough set method to the weightings of high temperature creep factors of boiler water wall. 729-734 - Jung-Chin Liang, Shu-Chen Huang, Jun-Chun Liang, Masatake Nagai:
Appling GM(0, N) in the user's cognition of design research - An example in smart phone holster. 735-740 - Kate Tzu-Ching Chen, Hsin-I Chen, Hsaio-Ching Chen, Cheng-Shen Huang:
Apply GM(0N) to analyze EFL learners' uses of listening comprehension strategies. 741-746 - Sheng Chih Shen, Shyang-Jye Chang, C. Y. Yeh:
A novel TIR-R concentration module of uniformly solar energy for HCPV systems. 747-752 - Takaaki Sato, Alessandro Moro, Atsushi Sugahara, Tsuyoshi Tasaki, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama
Spatio-temporal bird's-eye view images using multiple fish-eye cameras. 753-758 - Hiroaki Yaguchi, Yutaka Takaoka, Takashi Yamamoto, Masayuki Inaba:
A method of 3D model generation of indoor environment with Manhattan world assumption using 3D camera. 759-765 - Yoshinobu Hagiwara
, Tetsunari Inamura:
Object recognition using lighting condition database based on long-time observation in virtual environment. 766-771 - Linfei Xiong, Chee-Kong Chui, Chee Leong Teo, David P. C. Lau:
Incremental potential field based haptic guidance for medical simulation. 772-777 - Takahiro Kanno
, Daisuke Haraguchi
, Kotaro Tadano
, Kenji Kawashima
Design of a 4-DOF forceps manipulator for robotic surgery. 778-783 - Arjuna Mendis, Dedduwa Pathiranage Chandima, A. D. K. S. N. Yasawardene:
Assistive surgical manipulator for cochlear implant surgery. 784-789 - Toshiyuki Yasuda, Kazuhiro Ohkura, Nanami Wada, Yoshiyuki Matsumura:
Behavior sequence analysis of incrementally evolving robotic swarms in a foraging task. 790-795 - Shigekazu Fukui, Keitaro Naruse:
Swarm EKF localization for a multiple robot system with range-only measurements. 796-801 - Yoshiyuki Matsumura, Kiyotaka Sugiyama, Toshiyuki Yasuda, Kazuhiro Ohkura:
(μ, λ) evolutionary and particle swarm hybrid algorithm over cloud computing, with an application to dinosaur gait optimization. 802-807 - Ryusuke Fujisawa, Shigeto Dobata
Lévy walk enhances efficiency of group foraging in pheromone-communicating swarm robots. 808-813 - Keita Hamamatsu, Kiyoshi Hoshino:
Detection of pinching gestures using a depth sensor and its application to 3D modeling. 814-819 - Kouhei Fujimoto, Futoshi Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Nakamoto, Fumio Kojima:
Development of haptic device for five-fingered robot hand teleoperation. 820-825 - Kenji Iwamoto, Joo-Ho Lee
A simple pen-type device based interaction for the low cost calculation power. 826-831 - (Withdrawn) Appling GM(0, N) in the ranking of aromatherapy by using heart chakra essential oils. 832-837
- Jee-Ray Wang, Yu-Lung Tsai, Li-Nuo Wu, Yu-Cheng Lin:
The power system design of small unmanned aerial vehicle. 838-843 - Mei-Chuan Wei, Wen-Hui Fang, Show-Feng Chen, Yang-Fang Hsiao, Chia-Chang Tong:
Apply grey entropy to analyze the weighting of influence factor in sexual harassment on campus in Taiwan. 844-849 - Noritaka Sato, Katsuma Torii, Yoshifumi Morita:
Development of crawler type rescue robot with 2 DOF flipper arms. 850-854 - Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Gonzalo Aguirre Dominguez, Junjie Yang, Hiroyasu Iwata, Shigeki Sugano:
Development of a tele-operation simulator based on virtual reality environment for advanced unmanned construction. 855-860 - Daisuke Okabe, Noritaka Sato, Yoshifumi Morita:
Tele-operation system for rescue robot by inputting target position of end-effector. 861-866 - Shingo Hattori, Kentaro Kobayashi, Hiraku Okada, Masaaki Katayama:
A note on adaptive coding scheme for minimizing tracking error in wireless feedback control systems. 867-872 - Shiho Nakayama, Tomio Watanabe, Yutaka Ishii:
Video communication system with speech-driven embodied entrainment audience characters with partner's face. 873-878 - Shigeki Muta, Takeshi Tsujimura, Kiyotaka Izumi
Laser beam tracking system for active free-space optical communication. 879-884 - Hidehiko Okada:
Comparison of two interval models for interval-valued particle swarm optimization. 885-888 - Toru Murayama:
Trajectory planning for multi-vehicle system considering network connectivity and collision avoidance. 889-894 - Kosuke Sasahara, Akinori Nagano, Zhiwei Luo:
Cooperative stochastic position estimation of multiple mobile robots equipped with omnidirectional cameras. 895-900 - Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Tomohiro Nishino, Kotaro Nagahama, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
A vision system for daily assistive robots using character information in daily environments. 901-906 - HyungTae Kim, KyeongYong Cho, SeungTaek Kim, Jongseok Kim:
Color mixing and random search for optimal illumination in machine vision. 907-912 - Akihito Noda, Yuji Yamakawa, Masatoshi Ishikawa
High-speed object tracking across multiple networked cameras. 913-918 - Akira Yoshimura, Joo-Ho Lee
A phase estimation method for workflow based on optical flow and Hidden Markov Model. 919-924

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