dblp: PETRA 2020

13th PETRA 2020: Corfu, Greece

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Accessibility tools, methods & applications

Assistive robotic systems and HRI

Multimodal interfaces and HCI

Human affect, physiology & biosignal analysis

Activity recognition & human tracking

Pattern recognition in assistive application

Pervasive systems for the aged & smart health

Telepresence, virtual and augmented reality

Wearable systems and monitoring devices

AGENT: The 2nd International Workshop on MultimodAl SiGnal Sensing/Analysis, Innovative Interactive Environments and PersoNalized Behavioral Modeling for Improving QualiTy-of-Life

DAEM: The 4th International Workshop on Designing Assistive Environments for Manufacturing

DigiTAI: The 1st International Workshop on Digital Health Systems for the Aging Population

HealthWear: The 1st International Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications for Smart Healthcare

IoT-MAT: The 1st International hands-on Workshop on Internet-of-Things and Multimodal Assistive Technologies at Home

NOTION: The 5th International Workshop on Human Behaviour Monitoring, Interpretation and Understanding

Smart-Access: The 2nd International Workshop on Accessibility and the Smart City: Technological Challenges and Open Accessibility Issues

PerInt: The 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Intelligence in Engineering

RAI4Children: The 1st International Workshop on Innovative Technological and Robot-Assisted Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum or other Neurodevelopmental Disorders

RoboSense: The 2nd International Workshop onRobotic Sensing in Human-Robot Interaction

POSTER SESSION: Poster papers