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Operations Research 2019: Brussels, Belgium
- Janis S. Neufeld
, Udo Buscher
, Rainer Lasch, Dominik Möst
, Jörn Schönberger:
Operations Research Proceedings 2019, Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Dresden, Germany, September 4-6, 2019. Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-48438-5
GOR Awards
- Kai Mainzer
Analysis and Optimization of Urban Energy Systems. 3-9 - Stefan Schwerdfeger
Optimization in Outbound Logistics - An Overview. 11-17 - Mathias Sirvent:
Incorporating Differential Equations into Mixed-Integer Programming for Gas Transport Optimization. 19-25 - Christoph Hertrich
Scheduling a Proportionate Flow Shop of Batching Machines. 27-33 - Luisa Karzel:
Vehicle Scheduling and Location Planning of the Charging Infrastructure for Electric Buses Under the Consideration of Partial Charging of Vehicle Batteries. 35-41 - Anita Regler:
Data-Driven Integrated Production and Maintenance Optimization. 43-49
Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Forecasting
- Josef Schosser:
Multivariate Extrapolation: A Tensor-Based Approach. 53-59
Business Track
- Katerina Klimova, Una Benlic:
Heuristic Search for a Real-World 3D Stock Cutting Problem. 63-69
Control Theory and Continuous Optimization
- Robert Scholz, Armin Nurkanovic, Amer Mesanovic, Jürgen Gutekunst, Andreas Potschka, Hans Georg Bock, Ekaterina A. Kostina:
Model-Based Optimal Feedback Control for Microgrids with Multi-Level Iterations. 73-79 - Dominik H. Cebulla
, Christian Kirches
, Andreas Potschka
Mixed-Integer Nonlinear PDE-Constrained Optimization for Multi-Modal Chromatography. 81-87 - Alberto De Marchi
, Matthias Gerdts
Sparse Switching Times Optimization and a Sweeping Hessian Proximal Method. 89-95 - Jens Deussen, Jonathan J. Hüser, Uwe Naumann:
Toward Global Search for Local Optima. 97-104 - Ambros M. Gleixner
, Nils-Christian Kempke
, Thorsten Koch, Daniel Rehfeldt, Svenja Uslu:
First Experiments with Structure-Aware Presolving for a Parallel Interior-Point Method. 105-111 - Biressaw C. Wolde, Torbjörn Larsson:
A Steepest Feasible Direction Extension of the Simplex Method. 113-121 - Simone Göttlich, Kathinka Hameister, Michael Herty:
Convex Quadratic Mixed-Integer Problems with Quadratic Constraints. 123-129
Decision Theory and Multiple Criteria Decision Making
- Luca E. Schäfer
, Tobias Dietz, Marco V. Natale, Stefan Ruzika, Sven O. Krumke, Carlos M. Fonseca:
The Bicriterion Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem in s-t-Planar Graphs. 133-139 - Erik Pohl
, Christina Scharpenberg, Jutta Geldermann:
Assessment of Energy and Emission Reduction Measures in Container Terminals using PROMETHEE for Portfolio Selection. 141-147 - Dorota Górecka
Decision-Making for Projects Realization/Support: Approach Based on Stochastic Dominance Rules Versus Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis. 149-155
Discrete and Integer Optimization
- John Martinovic, Markus Hähnel
, Waltenegus Dargie, Guntram Scheithauer:
A Stochastic Bin Packing Approach for Server Consolidation with Conflicts. 159-165 - Steffen Goebbels, Timo Pfeiffer:
Optimal Student Sectioning at Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. 167-173 - Uledi Ngulo, Torbjörn Larsson, Nils-Hassan Quttineh:
A Dissection of the Duality Gap of Set Covering Problems. 175-181 - Michael Stiglmayr:
Layout Problems with Reachability Constraint. 183-189 - Nils-Hassan Quttineh:
Modeling of a Rich Bin Packing Problem from Industry. 191-197 - Betül Ahat, Necati Aras, I. Kuban Altinel, Ahmet Cihat Baktir, Cem Ersoy:
Optimized Resource Allocation and Task Offload Orchestration for Service-Oriented Networks. 199-205 - Andreas Bley, Andreas Linß:
Job Shop Scheduling with Flexible Energy Prices and Time Windows. 207-213 - Philipp Hungerländer, Anna Jellen, Stefan Jessenitschnig, Lisa Knoblinger, Manuel Lackenbucher, Kerstin Maier
Solving the Multiple Traveling Salesperson Problem on Regular Grids in Linear Time. 215-221 - Jessica Hautz, Philipp Hungerländer, Tobias Lechner, Kerstin Maier
, Peter Rescher:
The Weighted Linear Ordering Problem. 223-229 - Maialen Murua, Diego Galar, Roberto Santana:
Adaptation of a Branching Algorithm to Solve the Multi-Objective Hamiltonian Cycle Problem. 231-237
Energy and Environment
- Laura S. Granada, Fernanda Nakano Kazama, Paulo de Barros Correia:
Combinatorial Reverse Auction to Coordinate Transmission and Generation Assets in Brazil: Conceptual Proposal Based on Integer Programming. 241-247 - Andreas Bley
, Angela Pape, Frank Fischer:
A Lagrangian Decomposition Approach to Solve Large Scale Multi-Sector Energy System Optimization Problems. 249-255 - Masato Dei, Tomoki Fukuba, Takayuki Shiina, Ken-ichi Tokoro:
Operational Plan for the Energy Plants Considering the Fluctuations in the Spot Price of Electricity. 257-263 - Marius Madsen, Marc Gennat:
Design of an Electric Bus Fleet and Determination of Economic Break-Even. 265-271 - Leopold Kuttner
Tradeoffs Between Battery Degradation and Profit from Market Participation of Solar-Storage Plants. 273-279 - Claudia D'Ambrosio, Leo Liberti, Pierre-Louis Poirion, Sonia Toubaline:
On the Observability of Smart Grids and Related Optimization Methods. 281-287
- Chris Stetter, Maximilian Heumann
, Martin Westbomke, Malte Stonis, Michael H. Breitner:
A Real Options Approach to Determine the Optimal Choice Between Lifetime Extension and Repowering of Wind Turbines. 291-297 - Nikolay Nenovsky, Cornelia Sahling
Measuring Changes in Russian Monetary Policy: An Indexed-Based Approach. 299-305
Graphs and Networks
- Marek Kvet, Jaroslav Janácek:
Usage of Uniform Deployment for Heuristic Design of Emergency System. 309-314 - Jaroslav Janácek, Marek Kvet:
Uniform Deployment of the p-Location Problem Solutions. 315-321 - Rebekka Haese, Till Heller, Sven O. Krumke:
Algorithms and Complexity for the Almost Equal Maximum Flow Problem. 323-329 - Frank Gurski, Stefan Hoffmann, Dominique Komander, Carolin Rehs, Jochen Rethmann, Egon Wanke:
Exact Solutions for the Steiner Path Cover Problem on Special Graph Classes. 331-338 - Frank Gurski, Dominique Komander, Carolin Rehs:
Subset Sum Problems with Special Digraph Constraints. 339-346
Health Care Management
- Matthias Grot, Tristan Becker, Pia Mareike Steenweg
, Brigitte Werners
A Capacitated EMS Location Model with Site Interdependencies. 349-355 - Roberto Aringhieri
Online Optimization in Health Care Delivery: Overview and Possible Applications. 357-363
Logistics and Freight Transportation
- Hannes Hahne, Thorsten Schmidt:
On a Supply-Driven Location Planning Problem. 367-373 - Patrick Boden, Hannes Hahne, Sebastian Rank, Thorsten Schmidt:
Dispatching of Multiple Load Automated Guided Vehicles Based on Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search. 375-380 - Jérémy Decerle, Francesco Corman:
Freight Pickup and Delivery with Time Windows, Heterogeneous Fleet and Alternative Delivery Points. 381-387 - Mohamed Kais Msakni
, Abeera Akbar, Anna K. A. Aasen, Kjetil Fagerholt, Frank Meisel
, Elizabeth Lindstad:
Can Autonomous Ships Help Short-Sea Shipping Become More Cost-Efficient? 389-395 - Sanjeev Sabnis, Shravana Kumar Yadav, Shripad Salsingikar:
Identification of Defective Railway Wheels from Highly Imbalanced Wheel Impact Load Detector Sensor Data. 397-403 - Stefan Schaudt, Uwe Clausen
Exact Approach for Last Mile Delivery with Autonomous Robots. 405-411 - Boris Grimm, Ralf Borndörfer, Mats Olthoff:
A Solution Approach to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Perishable Goods. 413-419
Optimization Under Uncertainty
- Marc Goerigk, Adam Kasperski, Pawel Zielinski
Solving Robust Two-Stage Combinatorial Optimization Problems Under Convex Uncertainty. 423-429 - Romain Guillaume
, Adam Kasperski, Pawel Zielinski
Production Planning Under Demand Uncertainty: A Budgeted Uncertainty Approach. 431-437 - Michael Hartisch
, Ulf Lorenz:
Robust Multistage Optimization with Decision-Dependent Uncertainty. 439-445 - Martin Lindner, Hartmut Fricke:
Examination and Application of Aircraft Reliability in Flight Scheduling and Tail Assignment. 447-453
OR in Engineering
- Philipp Leise, Nicolai Simon, Lena C. Altherr:
Comparison of Piecewise Linearization Techniques to Model Electric Motor Efficiency Maps: A Computational Study. 457-463 - Christian Reintjes, Michael Hartisch
, Ulf Lorenz:
Support-Free Lattice Structures for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing Processes via Mixed-Integer Programming. 465-471 - Jonas B. Weber, Michael Hartisch
, Ulf Lorenz:
Optimized Design of Thermofluid Systems Using the Example of Mold Cooling in Injection Molding. 473-480 - Tim M. Müller
, Lena C. Altherr, Philipp Leise, Peter F. Pelz:
Optimization of Pumping Systems for Buildings: Experimental Validation of Different Degrees of Model Detail on a Modular Test Rig. 481-488 - Helene Krieg
, Jan Schwientek
, Dimitri Nowak
, Karl-Heinz Küfer:
Optimal Product Portfolio Design by Means of Semi-infinite Programming. 489-495 - Marc E. Pfetsch
, Andreas Schmitt:
Exploiting Partial Convexity of Pump Characteristics in Water Network Design. 497-503 - Marvin M. Meck, Tim M. Müller
, Lena C. Altherr, Peter F. Pelz:
Improving an Industrial Cooling System Using MINLP, Considering Capital and Operating Costs. 505-512 - Jan Schwientek, Charlie Vanaret, Johannes Höller, Patrick Schwartz, Philipp Seufert, Norbert Asprion, Roger Böttcher, Michael Bortz:
A Two-Phase Approach for Model-Based Design of Experiments Applied in Chemical Engineering. 513-519 - Imke-Sophie Lorenz, Lena C. Altherr, Peter F. Pelz:
Assessing and Optimizing the Resilience of Water Distribution Systems Using Graph-Theoretical Metrics. 521-527
Production and Operations Management
- Elisabeth Finhold, Tobias Fischer, Sandy Heydrich
, Karl-Heinz Küfer:
A Flexible Shift System for a Fully-Continuous Production Division. 531-537 - Janis S. Neufeld
, Felix J. Schmidt, Tommy Schultz, Udo Buscher
Capacitated Lot Sizing for Plastic Blanks in Automotive Manufacturing Integrating Real-World Requirements. 539-544 - Eduardo A. Alarcón Gerbier
Facility Location with Modular Capacities for Distributed Scheduling Problems. 545-551
Project Management and Scheduling
- Kathrin Maassen, Paz Perez-Gonzalez:
Diversity of Processing Times in Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problems. 555-561 - Xiajie Yi, Dries R. Goossens:
Proactive Strategies for Soccer League Timetabling. 563-568 - Andreas Hipp, Jutta Geldermann:
Constructive Heuristics in Hybrid Flow Shop Scheduling with Unrelated Machines and Setup Times. 569-574 - Markus Berg, Tobias Fischer, Sebastian Velten:
A Heuristic Approach for the Multi-Project Scheduling Problem with Resource Transition Constraints. 575-581 - Sven Schulz, Florian Linß
Time-Dependent Emission Minimization in Sustainable Flow Shop Scheduling. 583-589 - Heiner Ackermann, Sandy Heydrich
, Christian Weiß:
Analyzing and Optimizing the Throughput of a Pharmaceutical Production Process. 591-597 - Franz Ehm
A Problem Specific Genetic Algorithm for Disassembly Planning and Scheduling Considering Process Plan Flexibility and Parallel Operations. 599-605 - Niels-Fabian Baur
, Julia Rieck
Project Management with Scarce Resources in Disaster Response. 607-614
Revenue Management and Pricing
- Ralf Gössinger, Jacqueline Wand:
Capacitated Price Bundling for Markets with Discrete Customer Segments and Stochastic Willingness to Pay: ABasic Decision Model. 617-623 - Valentin Wagner, Stephan Dlugosz, Sang-Hyeun Park, Philipp Bartke:
Insourcing the Passenger Demand Forecasting System for Revenue Management at DB Fernverkehr: Lessons Learned from the First Year. 625-631 - Markus Diller, Johannes Lorenz
, David Meier:
Tax Avoidance and Social Control. 633-639
Simulation and Statistical Modelling
- Maren Martens:
How to Improve Measuring Techniques for the Cumulative Elevation Gain upon Road Cycling. 643-649 - Adrian Stämpfli:
A Domain-Specific Language to Process Causal Loop Diagrams with R. 651-657 - Gonzalo Barbeito, Maximilian Moll, Wolfgang Bein, Stefan Pickl:
Deterministic and Stochastic Simulation: A Combined Approach to Passenger Routing in Railway Systems. 659-665 - Maximilian Moll, Thomas Berg, Simon Ewers, Michael Schmidt:
Predictive Analytics in Aviation Management: Passenger Arrival Prediction. 667-674
Software Applications and Modelling Systems
- Susanne Heipcke, Yves Colombani:
Xpress Mosel: Modeling and Programming Features for Optimization Projects. 677-683
Supply Chain Management
- Michael Dreyfuss
, Yahel Giat
The Optimal Reorder Policy in an Inventory System with Spares and Periodic Review. 687-692 - Heiner Ackermann, Erik Diessel, Michael Helmling, Christoph Hertrich
, Neil Jami, Johanna Schneider:
Decision Support for Material Procurement. 693-699 - Andreas Holzapfel, Heinrich Kuhn, Tobias Potoczki
Design of Distribution Systems in Grocery Retailing. 701-706 - Mehmet Alegoz
, Onur Kaya
, Z. Pelin Bayindir
A Comparison of Forward and Closed-Loop Supply Chains. 707-714
Traffic, Mobility and Passenger Transportation
- Julian Reisch, Natalia Kliewer:
Black-Box Optimization in Railway Simulations. 717-723 - Norman Weik, Emma Hemminki, Nils Nießen
The Effective Residual Capacity in Railway Networks with Predefined Train Services. 725-731 - Nicolas Rückert
, Daniel Sturm, Kathrin Fischer:
A Heuristic Solution Approach for the Optimization of Dynamic Ridesharing Systems. 733-739 - Florian Hauck, Natalia Kliewer:
Data Analytics in Railway Operations: Using Machine Learning to Predict Train Delays. 741-747 - Sota Nakano, Jun Imaizumi, Takayuki Shiina:
Optimization of Rolling Stock Rostering Under Mutual Direct Operation. 749-755 - Fabian Löbel
, Niels Lindner, Ralf Borndörfer:
The Restricted Modulo Network Simplex Method for Integrated Periodic Timetabling and Passenger Routing. 757-763 - Henning Preis
, Hartmut Fricke:
Optimizing Winter Maintenance Service at Airports. 765-771 - Ehsan Asadi
, Jan Evler
, Henning Preis
, Hartmut Fricke:
Coping with Uncertainties in Predicting the Aircraft Turnaround Time at Airports. 773-780 - Martin Scheffler:
Strategic Planning of Depots for a Railway Crew Scheduling Problem. 781-787 - Stephan Bütikofer, Albert Steiner, Raimond Wüst:
Periodic Timetabling with Flexibility Based on a Mesoscopic Topology. 789-795 - Stefan Frank, Karl Nachtigall:
Capacity Planning for Airport Runway Systems. 797-803 - Maros Janovec
, Michal Koháni:
Data Reduction Algorithm for the Electric Bus Scheduling Problem. 805-812 - Naman Kasliwal, Sudarshan Pulapadi, Madhu N. Belur, Narayan Rangaraj, Suhani Mishra, Shamit Monga, Abhishek Singh, S. G. Sagar, P. K. Majumdar, M. K. Jagesh:
Crew Planning for Commuter Rail Operations, a Case Study on Mumbai, India. 813-819

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