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Operations Research 2006: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Karl-Heinz Waldmann, Ulrike M. Stocker:
Operations Research, Proceedings 2006, Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations ResearchSociety (GOR), Jointly Organized with the Austrian Society of Operations Research (ÖGOR) and the Swiss Society of Operations Research (SVOR), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 6-8, 2006. 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-69994-1
GOR Unternehmenspreis 2006
- Ulrich Dorndorf:
Staff and Resource Scheduling at Airports. 3-7
GOR Dissertationspreis 2006
- Nils Boysen:
Produktionsplanung bei Variantenfließfertigung. 11-15 - Armin Fügenschuh:
Scheduling Buses and School Starting Times. 17-22 - Rainer Kleber
Dynamisches Bestandsmanagement in der Kreislauflogistik. 23-28 - Christian Liebchen:
Periodic Timetable Optimization in Public Transport. 29-36 - Sebastian Sager, Moritz Diehl, Gundeep Singh, Achim Küpper, Sebastian Engell:
Determining SMB Superstructures by Mixed-Integer Optimal Control. 37-42
GOR Diplomarbeitspreis 2006
- Juliane Dunke:
Complexity of Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games. 45-51 - Felix G. König:
Traffic Optimization Under Route Constraints with Lagrangian Relaxation and Cutting Plane Methods. 53-59 - Marika Neumann:
Fare Planning for Public Transport. 61-66
Plenary and Semi-Plenary Talks
- Aharon Ben-Tal:
Recent Advances in Robust Optimization. 69 - Dimitri P. Bertsekas:
Neuro-Dynamic Programming: An Overview and Recent Results. 71-72 - Klaus Duellmann:
Basel II - Achievements and Challenges. 73-79 - Paul Embrechts:
How to Model Operational Risk If You Must. 81 - Harvey J. Greenberg:
Integer Quadratic Programming Models in Computational Biology. 83-95 - Jörg Doege, Max Fehr, Juri Hinz, Hans-Jakob Lüthi, Martina Wilhelm:
On Value of Flexibility in Energy Risk Management. Concepts, Models, Solutions. 97-108 - Martine Labbé:
Bilevel Programming and Price Setting Problems. 109 - Kurt Mehlhorn:
Reliable Geometric Computing. 111 - Teemu Pennanen:
Financial Optimization. 113 - Ian Gow
, Stefan Reichelstein:
Capital Budgeting: The Role of Cost Allocations. 115-121 - Claudia Archetti, Maria Grazia Speranza:
An Overview on the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem. 123-127 - Hartmut Stadtler:
Collaborative Planning - Concepts, Framework and Challenges. 129 - Margaret M. Wiecek, Alexander Engau
Promoting epsilon-Efficiency in Multiple Objective Programming: Theory, Methodology, and Application. 131
Business Intelligence, Forecasting and Marketing
- Ralf Stecking, Klaus B. Schebesch:
Combining Support Vector Machines for Credit Scoring. 135-140 - Jonas Rommelspacher:
Nutzung von Data-Mining-Verfahren zur Indexprognose. 141-146 - Karl-Heinz Lüke, Klaus Ambrosi, Felix Hahne:
Zur Entscheidungsunterstützung bei netzeffektbasierten Gütern. 147-152
Discrete and Combinatorial Optimization
- Oleg Shcherbina:
Nonserial Dynamic Programming and Tree Decomposition in Discrete Optimization. 155-160 - Alireza Rahimi-Vahed, Masoud Rabbani, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Fariborz Jolai, Neda Manavizadeh:
Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Using Real Options. 161-167 - Masoud Rabbani, Alireza Rahimi-Vahed, Babak Javadi, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam:
A New Approach for Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing. 169-174 - Yury Glazkov:
On Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for One Modification of Planar 3-dimensional Assignment Problem. 175-179 - S. M. Mirghorbani, Masoud Rabbani, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Alireza Rahimi-Vahed:
A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm for a Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing. 181-186 - Tim Hultberg:
FLOPC++ An Algebraic Modeling Language Embedded in C++. 187-190 - Saied Samie, Behrooz Karimi:
Two-Machine No-Wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Precedence Constraints. 191-196 - Daniel Wagner, Günther R. Raidl, Ulrich Pferschy, Petra Mutzel
, Peter Bachhiesl:
A Multi-Commodity Flow Approach for the Design of the Last Mile in Real-World Fiber Optic Networks. 197-202 - Egon Balas, Rüdiger Stephan:
On the Cycle Polytope of a Directed Graph and Its Relaxations. 203-208 - Diah Chaerani, Cornelis Roos:
Modelling Some Robust Design Problems via Conic Optimization. 209-214 - Alexey Baburin, Edward Gimadi
Polynomial Algorithms for Some Hard Problems of Finding Connected Spanning Subgraphs of Extreme Total Edge Weight. 215-220
Econometrics, Game Theory and Mathematical Economics
- Gerhard Kockläuner:
A Multidimensional Poverty Index. 223-225 - Markus Hahn, Wolfgang Putschögl, Jörn Sass:
Parameter Estimation for Stock Models with Non-Constant Volatility Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods. 227-232 - Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger, Silja Meyer-Nieberg, Stefan Pickl, Jörg Schütze:
A Simulation Application for Predator-Prey Systems. 233-238 - Bernd Brandl:
Robustness of Econometric Variable Selection Methods. 239-244 - Anke Thede, Andreas Geyer-Schulz:
Using Shadow Prices to Reveal Personal Preferences in a Two-Stage Assignment Problem. 245-250
Energy and Environment
- Anke Eßer, Andreas Kamper, Markus Franke, Dominik Möst, Otto Rentz:
Scheduling of Electrical Household Appliances with Price Signals. 253-258 - Thomas Hartmann, Boris Blaesig, Gerd Hinüber, Hans-Jürgen Haubrich:
Stochastic Optimization in Generation and Trading Planning. 259-264 - Kejing Zhang, Daning Guo, Baoan Yang, Fugen Song:
Design of Electronic Waste Recycling System in China. 265-270 - Lea Bloechlinger:
A Coherent Spot/Forward Price Model with Regime-Switching. 271-278
Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Martin Eling, Thomas Parnitzke, Hato Schmeiser:
A Management Rule of Thumb in Property-Liability Insurance. 281-286 - Andreas Mitschele, Ingo Oesterreicher, Frank Schlottmann, Detlef Seese:
Heuristic Optimization of Reinsurance Programs and Implications for Reinsurance Buyers. 287-292 - Marc Gürtler, Dirk Heithecker, Martin Hibbeln:
Optimizing Credit Risk Mitigation Effects of Collaterals Under Basel II. 293-298 - Oliver Entrop, Christoph Memmel, Marco Wilkens, Alexander Zeisler:
A New Methodology to Derive a Bank's Maturity Structure Using Accounting-Based Time Series Information. 299-304 - Marc-Gregor Czaja, Hendrik Scholz
Sensitivity of Stock Returns to Changes in the Term Structure of Interest Rates - Evidence from the German Market. 305-310 - Gül Gökay Emel, Pinar özkeserli:
The Valuation of Localization Investments with Real Options: A Case from Turkish Automotive Industry. 311-316
Health and Life Science
- Bettina Klinz, Ulrich Pferschy, Joachim Schauer
ILP Models for a Nurse Scheduling Problem. 319-324 - Gert Zülch, Patricia Stock, Jan Hrdina:
Process Optimization and Efficient Personnel Employment in Hospitals. 325-330
Logistics and Transport
- Bernd Scholz-Reiter
, Salima Delhoum:
Inventory Control in Logistic and Production Networks. 333-337 - András Kéri, Knut Haase
Vehicle and Crew Scheduling with Flexible Timetable. 339-342 - Asvin Goel
, Volker Gruhn:
Lenk- und Ruhezeiten in der Tourenplanung. 343-348 - Jürgen Branke, Denis Häußler, Christian Schmidt:
Transport Channel Selection. 349-354 - Julia Rieck
, Jürgen Zimmermann:
A Sampling Procedure for Real-Life Rich Vehicle Routing Problems. 355-360 - Cornelia Schön:
Market-Oriented Airline Service Design. 361-366 - Johan Joubert:
'T' for Tabu and Time Dependent Travel Time. 367-372 - Herbert Kopfer, Marta Anna Krajewska:
Integrated Operational Transportation Planning in Theory and Practice. 373-378
Managerial Accounting and Auditing
- Markus Arnold, Robert Gillenkirch, Susanne Welker:
Investment Incentives from Goal-Incongruent Performance Measures: Experimental Evidence. 381-386
Metaheuristics and Decision Support Systems
- Volker Nissen, Giorgi Ananidze:
Modelling Qualitative Information in a Management Simulation Game. 389-394 - Felix Bomsdorf, Ulrich Derigs, Olaf Jenal:
Schedule This - A Decision Support System for Movie Shoot Scheduling. 395-401 - Brett Bojduj, Ben George Weber, Dennis Taylor:
A Framework for Truth Maintenance in Multi-Agent Systems. 403-408
Multi Criteria Decision Theory
- Valentin Bertsch
, Jutta Geldermann, Otto Rentz:
Preference Sensitivity Analyses for Multi-Attribute Decision Support. 411-416 - Santha Chenayah, Agamuthu Periathamby, Eiji Takeda:
MCDA in Analyzing the Recycling Strategies in Malaysia. 417-422 - Dimo Brockhoff, Eckart Zitzler:
Dimensionality Reduction in Multiobjective Optimization: The Minimum Objective Subset Problem. 423-429 - Gerrit Reiniger, Martin Josef Geiger
Multikriterielle Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Auswahl von Lagersystemen in der Ersatzteillogistik. 431-436
Network Optimization, Graphs and Traffic
- Bettina Hoser, Jan Schröder:
Automatic Determination of Clusters. 439-444 - Anke Fabri, Peter Recht:
Online Dial-A-Ride Problem with Time Windows: An Exact Algorithm Using Status Vectors. 445-450
Operational and Credit Risk
- Frank Beekmann, Peter Stemper:
Die Anwendung des Verlustverteilungsansatzes zur Quantifizierung operationeller Risiken. 453-457
Production and Supply Chain Management
- Dirk Eichhorn, Alexander K. Schömig:
Betriebskennlinien-Management als Performancemessungs- und -planungskonzept bei komplexen Produktionsprozessen. 461-466 - Alexander K. Schömig, Dirk Eichhorn, Georg Obermaier:
Über verschiedene Ansätze zur Ermittlung von Betriebskennlinien - Eine Anwendungsstudie aus der Halbleiterindustrie. 467-472 - Ian Langella, Rainer Kleber
The Use of Chance Constrained Programming for Disassemble-to-Order Problems with Stochastic Yields. 473-478 - Gazi Askar, Jürgen Zimmermann:
Optimal Usage of Flexibility Instruments in Automotive Plants. 479-484 - Steffen Klosterhalfen, Stefan Minner:
Comparison of Stochastic- and Guaranteed-Service Approaches to Safety Stock Optimization in Supply Chains. 485-490 - Sven Grothklags, Ulf Lorenz, Jan Wesemann:
A Stochastic Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Model. 491-496 - Tobias Schulz:
A Disassemble-to-Order Heuristic for Use with Constrained Disassembly Capacities. 497-502 - Norbert Trautmann, Cord-Ulrich Fündeling:
Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning in the Process Industries. 503-508 - Jutta Geldermann, Jens Ludwig, Martin Treitz, Otto Rentz:
Production Planning in Dynamic and Seasonal Markets. 509-514 - Nguyen Nam, Le Thi Hoai An, Pham Dinh Tao:
A Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on DC Programming and DCA for Strategic Capacity Planning in Supply Chain Design for a New Market Opportunity. 515-520
Scheduling and Project Management
- Dirk Briskorn, Andreas Drexl:
Branching Based on Home-Away-Pattern Sets. 523-528 - Cord-Ulrich Fündeling:
Priority-Rule Methods for Project Scheduling with Work Content Constraints. 529-534 - Antonia Knübel, Natalia Kliewer:
Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Projektportfolioplanung mit mehrfacher Zielsetzung. 535-540 - Jörg Homberger, Raphael Vullriede, Jörn Horstmann, René Lanzl, Stephan Kistler, Thomas Göttlich:
Eine Web-Service basierte Architektur für ein Multi-Agenten System zur dezentralen Multi-Projekt Planung. 541-546 - Ivan Rykov:
Approaches to Solving RCPSP Using Relaxed Problem with Consumable Resources. 547-552
Simulation and Applied Probability
- Karel Sladký:
Risk-Sensitive Optimality Criteria in Markov Decision Processes. 555-561 - Karl Kunisch, Jörn Sass:
Trading Regions Under Proportional Transaction Costs. 563-568 - Thomas Morgenstern:
Uniform Random Rational Number Generation. 569-574 - Mirko Kötter, Nicole Bäuerle
The Markov-Modulated Risk Model with Investment. 575-580 - Ralf Wunderlich, Jörn Sass, Abdelali Gabih:
Optimal Portfolios Under Bounded Shortfall Risk and Partial Information. 581-586 - Nico M. van Dijk, Erik van der Sluis:
OR for Simulation and Its Optimization. 587-592
Stochastic Programming
- Vlasta Kanková:
Multistage Stochastic Programming Problems; Stability and Approximation. 595-600 - Willem K. Klein Haneveld, Matthijs H. Streutker, Maarten H. van der Vlerk:
ALM Modeling for Dutch Pension Funds in an Era of Pension Reform. 601-606
System Dynamics and Dynamic Modelling
- Myrjam Stotz, Andreas Größler:
Identifying Fruitful Combinations Between System Dynamics and Soft OR. 609-616

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