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ISCRAM 2013: Baden-Baden, Germany
- Tina Comes, Frank Fiedrich, Simon Fortier, Jutta Geldermann, Tim Müller:
10th Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 12-15, 2013. ISCRAM Association 2013, ISBN 978-3-923704-80-4 - ISCRAM 2013 Conference Proceedings - Book of Papers.
Analytical Modelling and Simulation
- Michael R. Bartolacci, Albena Mihovska, Dilek Ozceylan Aubrecht:
Optimization modeling and decision support for wireless infrastructure deployment in disaster planning and management. - Jose J. Gonzalez, Geir Bø, John Einar Johansen:
A system dynamics model of the 2005 hatlestad slide emergency management. - Olof Görnerup, Per Kreuger, Daniel Gillblad:
Autonomous accident monitoring using cellular network data. - Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Jose J. Gonzalez, Murray Turoff:
ICT support and the effectiveness of decision making in disasters: A preliminary system dynamics model. - Fabiana Santos Lima, Bernd Hellingrath, Adam Widera, Mirian Buss Gonçalves:
A systemic process model for procurement decisions in humanitarian logistics. - Beate Rottkemper, Kathrin Fischer:
Decision making in humanitarian logistics - A multi-objective optimization model for relocating relief goods during disaster recovery operations. - X. L. Zhang, Jianguo Chen, Guofeng Su, Hongyong Yuan:
Study on source inversion technology for nuclear accidents based on gaussian puff model and ENKF. - Christopher W. Zobel:
Analytically comparing disaster recovery following the 2012 derecho.
Coordination and Collaboration
- Kenny Meesters, Bartel A. Van de Walle:
Disaster in my backyard: A serious game introduction to disaster information management. - Viveca Asproth, Erik A. M. Borglund, Lena-Maria Öberg:
Exercises for crisis management training in intra-organizational settings. - Laura Ardila, Israel Pérez-Llopis, Carlos Enrique Palau, Manuel Esteve:
Virtual reality training environment for strategic and tactical emergency operations. - Ali Benssam, Nadia Nouali-Taboudjemat, Omar Nouali:
Towards an It-based platform for disaster risks management in Algeria. - Bert Brugghemans, Koen Milis, Bartel A. Van de Walle:
Impact of the distribution and enrichment of information on the management and coordination of a human-made fast-burning crisis. - Ana C. Calderon, Joanne Hinds, Peter Johnson:
Leading cats: How to effectively command collectives. - Steven Curnin, Christine Owen:
A typology to facilitate multi-agency coordination. - Aslak Wegner Eide, Ida Maria Haugstveit, Ragnhild Halvorsrud, María Borén:
Inter-organizational collaboration structures during emergency response: A case study. - Nour El Mawas, Jean-Pierre Cahier:
Towards a knowledge-intensive serious game for training emergency medical services. - Tim J. Grant, F. L. E. Geugies, Peter A. Jongejan:
Social media in command & control: A proof-of principle experiment. - Erich Heumüller, Sebastian Richter, Ulrike Lechner:
Training, test and experimentation: A classification of command post exercises. - Shalini Kurapati, Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Alexander Verbraeck, Thomas M. Corsi, Frances M. T. Brazier:
Exploring shared situational awareness in supply chain disruptions. - Jaana Kuula, Pauli Kettunen, Vili Auvinen, Santtu Viitanen, Olli Kauppinen, Tuomo Korhonen:
Smartphones as an alerting, command and control system for the preparedness groups and civilians: Results of preliminary tests with the finnish police. - Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Fabio Ciravegna:
Evaluating the real usability of a C2 system - Short and controlled vs long and real. - Daniel Link, Bernd Hellingrath, Tom De Groeve:
Twitter integration and content moderation in GDACSmobile. - Torbjørg Meum, Bjørn Erik Munkvold:
Information infrastructure for crisis response coordination: A study of local emergency management in norwegian municipalities. - Stefan Sackmann, Marlen Hofmann, Hans Betke:
Towards the Integration of Place-related Information in Disaster Response Processes. - Ariën J. van der Wal, Tim J. Grant:
Simulating information sharing in crisis response coalitions as a minority game. - Jan Rudinsky, Ebba Thora Hvannberg:
Communication interface for virtual training of crisis management.
Critical Infrastructures
- Thomas Bernard, Mathias Braun, Olivier Piller, Denis Gilbert, Jochen Deuerlein, Andreas Korth, Reik Nitsche, Marie Maurel, Anne-Claire Sandraz, Fereshte Sedehizade, Jean-Marc Weber, Caty Werey:
SMaRT-OnlineWDN: Online security management and reliability toolkit for water distribution networks. - Han Che, Shuming Liu:
Monitoring data identification for a water distribution system based on data self-recognition approach. - Franclin S. Foping, Ioannis M. Dokas:
A saas-based early warning information fusion system for critical infrastructure safety. - Sung Pil Moon, Yikun Liu, Steven O. Entezari, Afarin Pirzadeh, Andrew Pappas, Mark S. Pfaff:
Top health trends: An information visualization tool for awareness of local health trends. - Benjamin L. Schooley, Abdullah Murad, Yousef Abed, Thomas A. Horan:
A mHealth system for patient handover in emergency medical services.
Decision Support Systems
- Simon French, Nikolaos Argyris, William J. Nuttall, John Moriarty, Phillips J. Thomas:
The early phase of a radiation accident: Revisiting thinking on evacuation and exclusion zones. - Tina Comes, Frank Schätter, Frank Schultmann:
Building robust supply networks for effective and efficient disaster response. - Tina Comes, Valentin Bertsch, Simon French:
Designing dynamic stress tests for improved critical infrastructure resilience. - Simone De Kleermaeker, Jan Verkade:
A decision support system for effective use of probability forecasts. - Philip Degener, Henning Gösling, Jutta Geldermann:
Decision support for the location planning in disaster areas using multi-criteria methods. - Jill L. Drury, Gary L. Klein, Jennifer Mathieu, Yikun Liu, Mark S. Pfaff:
Sympathetic decisions: Incorporating impacts on others into emergency response decision spaces. - Flávio E. A. Horita, João Porto de Albuquerque:
An approach to support decision-making in disaster management based on volunteer geographic information (VGI) and spatial decision support systems (SDSS). - Magnus Jändel, Sinna Lindquist, Linus J. Luotsinen:
Social coverage maps. - Stella Moehrle:
Modeling of countermeasures for large-scale disasters using high-level petri nets. - Kathleen A. Moore, Andrea H. Tapia, Christopher Griffin:
Research in progress: Understanding how emergency managers evaluate crowdsourced data: A trust game-based approach. - Thomas Münzberg, Tim Müller, Stella Möhrle, Tina Comes, Frank Schultmann:
An integrated multi-criteria approach on vulnerability analysis in the context of load reduction. - Thomas Münzberg, Ulrich Berbner, Tina Comes, Hanno Friedrich, Wendelin Groß, Hans-Christian Pfohl, Frank Schultmann:
Decision support for critical infrastructure disruptions: An integrated approach to secure food supply. - Ahmed Nagy, Lusine Mkrtchyan, Klaas Van Der Meer:
A CBRN detection framework using fuzzy logic. - Mohamed Sediri, Nada Matta, Sophie Loriette, Alain Hugerot:
Crisis clever, a system for supporting crisis managers. - Michael E. Stiso, Aslak Wegner Eide, Ragnhild Halvorsrud, Erik G. Nilsson, Jan Håvard Skjetne:
Building a flexible common operational picture to support situation awareness in crisis management. - Adam Widera, Hanns-Alexander Dietrich, Bernd Hellingrath, Jörg Becker:
Understanding humanitarian supply chains - Developing an integrated process analysis toolkit. - Shengcheng Yuan, Yefeng Ma, Hui Zhang, Yi Liu:
An urban traffic evacuation model with decision-making capability.
Emergency Management Information Systems
- Richard Arias-Hernández, Brian D. Fisher:
An interaction approach to enhance situational awareness and the production of anticipatory actions in emergency operation centers. - Anne-Marie Barthe-Delanoë, Frédérick Bénaben, Sébastien Truptil, Hervé Pingaud:
A flexible network of sensors: Case study. - Imane Benkhelifa, Samira Moussaoui, Nadia Nouali-Taboudjemat:
Locating emergency responders using mobile wireless sensor networks. - Monika Büscher, Markus Bylund, Pedro Sanches, Leonardo Ramirez, Lisa Wood:
A new manhattan project? Interoperability and ethics in emergency response systems of systems. - Monika Büscher, Lisa Wood, Sung-Yueh Perng:
Privacy, security, liberty: Informing the design of EMIS. - Javier Mulero Chaves, Cristina Parraga Niebla:
Design of an enhanced interface for composition of alert messages: Methodology and results. - Angela I. Chung, Jesse F. Lawrence, Carl Christensen:
Evaluating the integrability of the quake-catcher network (QCN). - Timothy Clark, Rich Curran:
Geospatial site suitability modeling for US department of defense humanitarian assistance projects. - Lívia Castro Degrossi, Guilherme G. Do Amaral, Eduardo S. M. de Vasconcelos, João Porto de Albuquerque, Jo Ueyama:
Using wireless sensor networks in the sensor web for flood monitoring in Brazil. - Jean-François Gagnon, François Couderc, Martin Rivest, Simon P. Banbury, Sébastien Tremblay:
Using SYnRGY to support design and validation studies of emergency management solutions. - Marlen Hofmann, Stefan Sackmann, Hans Betke:
A novel architecture for disaster response workflow management systems. - Simon Jirka, Daniel Nüst, Benjamin Proß:
Sensor web and web processing standards for crisis management. - Björn J. E. Johansson, Charlotte Hellgren, Per-Anders Oskarsson, Jonathan Svensson:
Supporting situation awareness on the move - The role of technology for spatial orientation in the field. - Erkki Kurkinen:
The effect of age on technology acceptance among field police officers. - Gwillim Law, Martin Hammitzsch:
Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. - Matthias Lendholt, Martin Hammitzsch, Peter Löwe:
Harmonization of data formats for tsunami simulation products. - Shuming Liu, Christopher Brewster, Duncan Shaw:
Ontologies for crisis management: A review of state of the art in ontology design and usability. - Yefeng Ma, Shengcheng Yuan, Hui Zhang, Yi Liu:
Framework design for operational scenario-based emergency response system. - Tilo Mentler, Michael Herczeg:
Applying ISO 9241-110 dialogue principles to tablet applications in emergency medical services. - Michael Morin, Irène Abi-Zeid, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Luc Lamontagne, Patrick Maupin:
Search and surveillance in emergency situations - A gis-based approach to construct optimal visibility graphs. - Jürgen Moßgraber, Fernando Chaves, Stuart E. Middleton, Zlatko Zlatev, Ran Tao:
The seven main challenges of an early warning system architecture. - Caroline Rizza, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Paula Curvelo:
Do-it-yourself justice: Considerations of social media use in a crisis situation: The case of the 2011 vancouver riots. - Frederik Schütte, Rubén Casado, Emilio Rubiera:
Solving interoperability issues in cross border emergency operations. - Massimiliano Tarquini, Maurizio Morgano:
Ethical challenges of participatory sensing for crisis information management. - Hans-Peter Thamm, Thomas Ludwig, Christian Reuter:
Design of a process model for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in emergencies. - Karim Touloum, Djilali Idoughi, Ahmed Seffah, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux:
Scenarios + touchpoints = A method for analyzing crisis situations and designing management and rescue services. - Hayley Watson, Rachel L. Finn:
Privacy and ethical implications of the use of social media during a volcanic eruption: Some initial thoughts. - Karl Wolf:
Location information interoperability of CAP and PIDF-LO for early warning systems.
Humanitarian Challenges
- Tao Bo, Bartel A. Van de Walle:
Meeting the sphere standards: An analysis of earthquake response in China. - Satria Hutomo Jihan, Aviv Segev:
Context ontology for humanitarian assistance in crisis response. - Kenny Meesters, Bartel A. Van de Walle:
Towards an impact evaluation framework for the collaborative information supply chain in humanitarian crisis response. - Martijn Neef, Kees van Dongen, Marijn Rijken:
Community-based comprehensive recovery: Closing collaboration gaps in urban disaster recovery.
Innovations in Research
- Louise K. Comfort, Brian Colella, Mark Voortman, Scott Connelly, Jill L. Drury, Gary L. Klein, Wukich:
Real-time decision making in urgent events: Modeling options for action. - Alayne Da Costa Duarte, Marcos R. S. Borges, José Orlando Gomes, Paulo Victor R. de Carvalho:
ASC model: A process model for the evaluation of simulated field exercises in the emergency domain. - Tom Duffy, Chris Baber, Neville A. Stanton:
Measuring collaborative sensemaking. - Corine H. G. Horsch, Nanja J. J. M. Smets, Mark A. Neerincx, Raymond H. Cuijpers:
Comparing performance and situation awareness in USAR unit tasks in a virtual and real environment. - David Passenier, Colin Mols, Jan Bím, Alexei Sharpanskykh:
Understanding crises: Investigating organizational safety culture by combining organizational ethnography and agent modeling. - Eduard Santamaria, Florian Segor, Igor Tchouchenkov:
Rapid aerial mapping with multiple heterogeneous unmanned vehicles. - David Jay Wald:
Adding secondary hazard and ground-truth observations to PAGER's loss modeling. - Friedemann Wenzel, Jochen Zschau, Michael Kunz, James E. Daniell, Bijan Khazai, Tina Kunz-Plapp:
Near real-time forensic disaster analysis.
Intelligent Systems
- Corine H. G. Horsch, Nanja J. J. M. Smets, Mark A. Neerincx, Raymond H. Cuijpers:
Revealing unexpected effects of rescue robots' team-membership in a virtual environment. - Svend-Anjes Pahl, Thomas Thiel-Clemen:
KIS - A crisis team information system. - Léon J. M. Rothkrantz:
Crisis management using multiple camera surveillance systems. - Alexander V. Smirnov, Tatiana Levashova, Nikolay Shilov:
Context-based knowledge fusion patterns in decision support system for emergency response. - Gerhard Wickler:
Validating procedural knowledge in the open virtual collaboration environment. - Duncan T. Wilson, Glenn I. Hawe, Graham Coates, Roger S. Crouch:
Scheduling response operations under transport network disruptions.
Open Track
- Nils Ellebrecht, Konrad Feldmeier, Stefan Kaufmann:
IT's about more than speed. The impact of IT on the management of mass casualty incidents in Germany. - L. T. Darryl Diptee, Jason Baker:
Tackling wicked problems: Suicide in the US military. - Stephen C. Fortier:
Developing an incident response process model for chemical facilities. - Yasir Javed, Tony Norris:
Computerized system to enhance situation awareness: Key challenges associated with the design, evaluation, and extension of a prototype.
Planning and Foresight
- Bruna Diirr, Marcos R. S. Borges:
Applying software engineering testing techniques to evaluate emergency plans. - Kostas Kolomvatsos, Kakia Panagidi, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades:
Optimal spatial partitioning for resource allocation. - Kimmo Laakso:
Emergency management: Identifying problem domains in communication. - Bruno B. Lage, Victor A. Bañuls, Marcos R. S. Borges:
Supporting course of actions development in emergency preparedness through cross-impact analysis. - Ana Laugé, Josune Hernantes, Jose M. Sarriegi:
Disaster impact assessment: A holistic framework. - Robin E. Mays, Rebecca Walton, Bridgette Savino:
Emerging trends toward holistic disaster preparedness. - Kayvan Yousefi Mojir, Sofie Pilemalm:
A framework for new actors in emergency response systems. - Murray Turoff, Victor A. Bañuls, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Linda Plotnick:
A cross impact scenario model of organizational behavior in emergencies. - Asa Weinholt, Tobias Andersson Granberg:
Evaluation of enhanced collaboration between fire and rescue services and security officers. - Kim Weyns, Martin Höst:
Case study on risk analysis for critical systems with reliability block diagrams.
Practitioners Track
- Matthias Max, Johannes Sautter:
Analysis of a German first responder exercise: Requirements for exercise-support and simulation. - Robert Munro, Tyler Schnoebelen, Schuyler Erle:
Quality analysis after action report for the crowdsourced aerial imagery assessment following hurricane sandy. - Maximilian Walther, Sven Schaust, Michael Kaisser:
Social media-based event detection for crisis management in the al za'atari refugee camp. - Benedikt Weber, Thomas Deckers, Frank Wilson:
Interoperability during a cross-border firefighting operation at the dutch-german border.
Social Media
- Roser Beneito-Montagut, Susan Anson, Duncan Shaw, Christopher Brewster:
Governmental social media use for emergency communication. - Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Rizwan Asghar, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Carlos Castillo:
Tweet4act: Using incident-specific profiles for classifying crisis-related messages. - André Dittrich, Christian Lucas:
A step towards real-time analysis of major disaster events based on tweets. - Zeno Franco, Syed Ahmed, Craig E. Kuziemsky, Paul A. Biedrzycki, Anne Kissack:
Using social network analysis to explore issues of latency, connectivity, interoperability & sustainability in community disaster response. - Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Linda Plotnick:
Dealing with information overload when using social media for emergency management: Emerging solutions. - Daniel Iland, Don Voita, Elizabeth M. Belding:
Delay tolerant disaster communication with the One Laptop per Child XO laptop. - Muhammad Imran, Shady Elbassuoni, Carlos Castillo, Fernando Diaz, Patrick Meier:
Extracting information nuggets from disaster- Related messages in social media. - Daniel E. Lane, Tracey L. O'Sullivan, Craig E. Kuziemsky, Fikret Berkes, Anthony Charles:
A structured equation model of collaborative community response. - Benedikt Ley, Volkmar Pipek, Tim Siebigteroth, Torben Wiedenhöfer:
Retrieving and exchanging of information in inter- Organizational crisis management. - David F. Merrick, Tom Duffy:
Utilizing community volunteered information to enhance disaster situational awareness. - Manne Messemaker, Jeroen Wolbers, Willem Treurniet, Kees Boersma:
Shaping societal impact: Between control and cooperation. - Tracey L. O'Sullivan, Wayne Corneil, Craig E. Kuziemsky, Daniel E. Lane:
Citizen participation in the specification and mapping of potential disaster assets. - Christian Reuter:
Power outage communications: Survey of needs, infrastructures and concepts. - Christian Reuter, Oliver Heger, Volkmar Pipek:
Combining real and virtual volunteers through social media. - Anthony C. Robinson, Alexander Savelyev, Scott Pezanowski, Alan M. MacEachren:
Understanding the utility of geospatial information in social media. - Jakob Rogstadius, Claudio Teixeira, Evangelos Karapanos, Vassilis Kostakos:
An introduction for system developers to volunteer roles in crisis response and recovery. - Sven Schaust, Maximilian Walther, Michael Kaisser:
Avalanche: Prepare, manage, and understand crisis situations using social media analytics. - Axel Schulz, Tung Dang Thanh, Heiko Paulheim, Immanuel Schweizer:
A fine-grained sentiment analysis approach for detecting crisis related microposts. - Andrea H. Tapia, Kathleen A. Moore, Nichloas J. Johnson:
Beyond the trustworthy tweet: A deeper understanding of microblogged data use by disaster response and humanitarian relief organizations. - Yulia Tyshchuk, William A. Wallace:
The use of social media by local government in response to an extreme event: Del norte county, CA response to the 2011 Japan tsunami. - Seungwon Yang, Haeyong Chung, Xiao Lin, Sunshin Lee, Liangzhe Chen, Andrew Wood, Andrea L. Kavanaugh, Steven D. Sheetz, Donald J. Shoemaker, Edward A. Fox:
PhaseVis1: What, when, where, and who in visualizing the four phases of emergency management through the lens of social media. - Andrea Zielinski, Stuart E. Middleton, Laurissa N. Tokarchuk, Xinyue Wang:
Social media text mining and network analysis for decision support in natural crisis management.

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