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IPDPS 2011: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
- 25th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, IPDPS 2011, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 16-20 May, 2011 - Conference Proceedings. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-61284-372-8
- Peter Sanders:
Algorithm Engineering for Scalable Parallel External Sorting. 1
Resource Management
- Anne Benoit
, Paul Renaud-Goud, Yves Robert
Power-Aware Replica Placement and Update Strategies in Tree Networks. 2-13 - Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Gyana R. Parija, Sambuddha Roy, Yogish Sabharwal, Amit Kumar
Minimum Cost Resource Allocation for Meeting Job Requirements. 14-23 - Kaiqi Xiong:
Power and Performance Management in Priority-Type Cluster Computing Systems. 24-35 - Krishna Kant, Muthukumar Murugan, David H. C. Du:
Willow: A Control System for Energy and Thermal Adaptive Computing. 36-47
Communication and I/O Optimization
- Michael J. Anderson, Grey Ballard
, James Demmel, Kurt Keutzer:
Communication-Avoiding QR Decomposition for GPUs. 48-58 - James Buford White III
, Jack J. Dongarra:
Overlapping Computation and Communication for Advection on Hybrid Parallel Computers. 59-67 - Christopher Mitchell, James P. Ahrens
, Jun Wang
VisIO: Enabling Interactive Visualization of Ultra-Scale, Time Series Data via High-Bandwidth Distributed I/O Systems. 68-79 - Abhinav Bhatele, Pritish Jetley, Hormozd Gahvari, Lukasz Wesolowski, William D. Gropp
, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
Architectural Constraints to Attain 1 Exaflop/s for Three Scientific Application Classes. 80-91
Hardware-Software Interaction
- Pengju Shang, Jun Wang
A Novel Power Management for CMP Systems in Data-Intensive Environment. 92-103 - Seetharami Seelam, Liana Fong, John Lewars, John Divirgilio, Brian F. Veale, Kevin J. Gildea:
Characterization of System Services and Their Performance Impact in Multi-core Nodes. 104-117 - Jiahua He, Allan Snavely, Rob F. Van der Wijngaart, Michael A. Frumkin:
Automatic Recognition of Performance Idioms in Scientific Applications. 118-127 - Shuaiwen Song, Chun-Yi Su, Rong Ge, Abhinav Vishnu, Kirk W. Cameron
Iso-Energy-Efficiency: An Approach to Power-Constrained Parallel Computation. 128-139
Runtime Systems
- Pieter Bellens, Josep M. Pérez
, Rosa M. Badia
, Jesús Labarta
A Study of Speculative Distributed Scheduling on the Cell/B.E. 140-151 - Susmit Biswas, Bronis R. de Supinski, Martin Schulz
, Diana Franklin, Timothy Sherwood
, Frederic T. Chong
Exploiting Data Similarity to Reduce Memory Footprints. 152-163 - Andriy Kot, Andrey N. Chernikov, Nikos Chrisochoides:
The Evaluation of an Effective Out-of-Core Run-Time System in the Context of Parallel Mesh Generation. 164-175 - Romain Cledat, Tushar Kumar, Jaswanth Sreeram, Santosh Pande
Enriching 3-D Video Games on Multicores. 176-187
Routing and Communication
- Xin Yuan:
On Nonblocking Folded-Clos Networks in Computer Communication Environments. 188-196 - Wei Lin Guay, Bartosz Bogdanski, Sven-Arne Reinemo
, Olav Lysne, Tor Skeie:
vFtree - A Fat-Tree Routing Algorithm Using Virtual Lanes to Alleviate Congestion. 197-208 - Arnaud Casteigts, Paola Flocchini, Bernard Mans
, Nicola Santoro:
Measuring Temporal Lags in Delay-Tolerant Networks. 209-218
Self-Stabilization and Security
- Ali Ebnenasir, Aly Farahat:
A Lightweight Method for Automated Design of Convergence. 219-230 - Borzoo Bonakdarpour, Stéphane Devismes
, Franck Petit
Snap-Stabilizing Committee Coordination. 231-242 - Zhongjian Le, Naixue Xiong, Bo Yang, Yuezhi Zhou:
SC-OA: A Secure and Efficient Scheme for Origin Authentication of Interdomain Routing in Cloud Computing Networks. 243-254
Numerical Algorithms
- Huimin Cui, Lei Wang, Jingling Xue
, Yang Yang, Xiaobing Feng:
Automatic Library Generation for BLAS3 on GPUs. 255-265 - Che-Rung Lee, Zhaojun Bai:
Redesign of Higher-Level Matrix Algorithms for Multicore and Distributed Architectures and Applications in Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation. 266-274 - Allison H. Baker, Todd Gamblin, Martin Schulz
, Ulrike Meier Yang
Challenges of Scaling Algebraic Multigrid Across Modern Multicore Architectures. 275-286
Reliability and Security
- Keun Soo Yim, Cuong Manh Pham, Mushfiq Saleheen, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer:
Hauberk: Lightweight Silent Data Corruption Error Detector for GPGPU. 287-300 - Govind Sreekar Shenoy, Jordi Tubella, Antonio González
A Performance and Area Efficient Architecture for Intrusion Detection Systems. 301-310 - Martin Dimitrov, Huiyang Zhou
Time-Ordered Event Traces: A New Debugging Primitive for Concurrency Bugs. 311-321
Wireless and Sensor Networks
- Murat Demirbas, Serafettin Tasci, Hanifi Gunes, Atri Rudra:
Singlehop Collaborative Feedback Primitives for Threshold Querying in Wireless Sensor Networks. 322-333 - Bo Jiang, Binoy Ravindran
Completely Distributed Particle Filters for Target Tracking in Sensor Networks. 334-344 - Evangelos Kranakis
, Danny Krizanc, Ashish Modi, Oscar Morales-Ponce:
Connectivity Trade-offs in 3D Wireless Sensor Networks Using Directional Antennae. 345-351 - Sushmita Ruj, Amiya Nayak
, Ivan Stojmenovic:
Distributed Fine-Grained Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. 352-362
GPU Acceleration
- Guochun Shi, Steven A. Gottlieb, Aaron Torok, Volodymyr V. Kindratenko
Design of MILC Lattice QCD Application for GPU Clusters. 363-371 - Thomas George, Vaibhav Saxena, Anshul Gupta, Amik Singh, Anamitra R. Choudhury:
Multifrontal Factorization of Sparse SPD Matrices on GPUs. 372-383 - Mamadou Diao, Chrysostomos Nicopoulos
, Jongman Kim:
Large-Scale Semantic Concept Detection on Manycore Platforms for Multimedia Mining. 384-394 - Rejith George Joseph, Girish Ravunnikutty, Sanjay Ranka
, Eduardo F. D'Azevedo, Scott Klasky:
Efficient GPU Implementation for Particle in Cell Algorithm. 395-406
Multiprocessing and Concurrency
- Junghee Lee
, Chrysostomos Nicopoulos
, Yongjae Lee, Hyung Gyu Lee, Jongman Kim:
Hardware-Based Job Queue Management for Manycore Architectures and OpenMP Environments. 407-418 - Javier Lira, Carlos Molina, Antonio González
HK-NUCA: Boosting Data Searches in Dynamic Non-Uniform Cache Architectures for Chip Multiprocessors. 419-430 - Juan M. Cebrian
, Juan L. Aragón
, Stefanos Kaxiras:
Power Token Balancing: Adapting CMPs to Power Constraints for Parallel Multithreaded Workloads. 431-442 - Olivier Certner, Zheng Li, Arun Raman, Olivier Temam:
A Very Fast Simulator for Exploring the Many-Core Future. 443-454
- Sandya S. Mannarswamy, Ramaswamy Govindarajan:
Variable Granularity Access Tracking Scheme for Improving the Performance of Software Transactional Memory. 455-466 - Andrei Hagiescu, Huynh Phung Huynh, Weng-Fai Wong
, Rick Siow Mong Goh:
Automated Architecture-Aware Mapping of Streaming Applications Onto GPUs. 467-478 - Haibo Lin, Tao Liu, Lakshminarayanan Renganarayanan, Huoding Li, Tong Chen, Kevin O'Brien, Ling Shao:
Automatic Loop Tiling for Direct Memory Access. 479-489 - Nathaniel Azuelos, Idit Keidar, Ayal Zaks:
Tolerant Value Speculation in Coarse-Grain Streaming Computations. 490-501
Special 25th IPDPS Panel: Looking Back
- Yves Robert, William J. Dally, Jack J. Dongarra, Satoshi Matsuoka, Robert Schreiber, Horst D. Simon, Uzi Vishkin:
Panel Statement. 505
Tutorial: Parallel Programming Using the Global Arrays Toolkit: Now and into the Future
- Bruce J. Palmer
, Manojkumar Krishnan, Abhinav Vishnu:
Tutorial Statement. 506
- Jack J. Dongarra:
Architecture-aware Algorithms and Software for Peta and Exascale Computing. 507
Distributed Algorithms and Models
- Florent Becker, Martín Matamala
, Nicolas Nisse, Ivan Rapaport, Karol Suchan
, Ioan Todinca:
Adding a Referee to an Interconnection Network: What Can(not) Be Computed in One Round. 508-514 - Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Anamitra R. Choudhury, Yogish Sabharwal:
Improved Algorithms for the Distributed Trigger Counting Problem. 515-523 - Vijay K. Garg, John Bridgman:
The Weighted Byzantine Agreement Problem. 524-531 - Ze Li, Haiying Shen, Karan Sapra:
Leveraging Social Networks to Combat Collusion in Reputation Systems for Peer-to-Peer Networks. 532-543
Parallel Graph and Particle Algorithms
- Jiri Barnat, Petr Bauch, Lubos Brim
, Milan Ceska
Computing Strongly Connected Components in Parallel on CUDA. 544-555 - Mathias Jacquelin
, Loris Marchal
, Yves Robert, Bora Uçar
On Optimal Tree Traversals for Sparse Matrix Factorization. 556-567 - Jyothish Soman, Ankur Narang:
Fast Community Detection Algorithm with GPUs and Multicore Architectures. 568-579 - Tom Peterka, Robert B. Ross, Boonthanome Nouanesengsy, Teng-Yok Lee
, Han-Wei Shen, Wesley Kendall, Jian Huang:
A Study of Parallel Particle Tracing for Steady-State and Time-Varying Flow Fields. 580-591
Distributed Systems and Networks
- Lizhong Chen, Ruisheng Wang, Timothy Mark Pinkston:
Critical Bubble Scheme: An Efficient Implementation of Globally Aware Network Flow Control. 592-603 - Junyao Zhang, Pengju Shang, Jun Wang
A Scalable Reverse Lookup Scheme Using Group-Based Shifted Declustering Layout. 604-615 - Jens Domke, Torsten Hoefler, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Deadlock-Free Oblivious Routing for Arbitrary Topologies. 616-627 - Ryan E. Grant, Mohammad J. Rashti, Ahmad Afsahi, Pavan Balaji:
RDMA Capable iWARP over Datagrams. 628-639
Programming Environments and Tools
- Zoltán Szebenyi, Todd Gamblin, Martin Schulz
, Bronis R. de Supinski, Felix Wolf, Brian J. N. Wylie:
Reconciling Sampling and Direct Instrumentation for Unintrusive Call-Path Profiling of MPI Programs. 640-651 - Bogdan Marius Tudor, Yong Meng Teo
A Practical Approach for Performance Analysis of Shared-Memory Programs. 652-663 - Pierre-Nicolas Clauss, Mark Stillwell
, Stéphane Genaud
, Frédéric Suter
, Henri Casanova
, Martin Quinson
Single Node On-Line Simulation of MPI Applications with SMPI. 664-675 - Matthias Christen, Olaf Schenk
, Helmar Burkhart:
PATUS: A Code Generation and Autotuning Framework for Parallel Iterative Stencil Computations on Modern Microarchitectures. 676-687
Parallel Algorithms
- Guojing Cong, Konstantin Makarychev:
Optimizing Large-Scale Graph Analysis on a Multi-threaded, Multi-core Platform. 688-697 - Rasmus Resen Amossen, Rasmus Pagh:
A New Data Layout for Set Intersection on GPUs. 698-708 - Erik Saule, Erdeniz Ö. Bas, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
Partitioning Spatially Located Computations Using Rectangles. 709-720 - Aydin Buluç
, Samuel Williams
, Leonid Oliker, James Demmel:
Reduced-Bandwidth Multithreaded Algorithms for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication. 721-733
Distributed Systems
- Nikos Tziritas, Thanasis Loukopoulos, Spyros Lalis, Petros Lampsas:
GRAL: A Grouping Algorithm to Optimize Application Placement in Wireless Embedded Systems. 734-745 - Fatemeh Rahimian, Sarunas Girdzijauskas
, Amir Hossein Payberah
, Seif Haridi:
Vitis: A Gossip-based Hybrid Overlay for Internet-scale Publish/Subscribe Enabling Rendezvous Routing in Unstructured Overlay Networks. 746-757 - Ciprian Docan, Manish Parashar, Julian Cummings, Scott Klasky:
Moving the Code to the Data - Dynamic Code Deployment Using ActiveSpaces. 758-769 - Karthik Channakeshava, Keith R. Bisset, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marathe, Shrirang M. Yardi:
High Performance Scalable and Expressive Modeling Environment to Study Mobile Malware in Large Dynamic Networks. 770-781
Storage Systems and Memory
- Chentao Wu, Shenggang Wan, Xubin He, Qiang Cao, Changsheng Xie:
H-Code: A Hybrid MDS Array Code to Optimize Partial Stripe Writes in RAID-6. 782-793 - Yong Chen
, Xian-He Sun, Rajeev Thakur
, Philip C. Roth, William D. Gropp
LACIO: A New Collective I/O Strategy for Parallel I/O Systems. 794-804 - Feng Ji, Xiaosong Ma:
Using Shared Memory to Accelerate MapReduce on Graphics Processing Units. 805-816 - Woojin Choi, Jeff Draper:
Unified Signatures for Improving Performance in Transactional Memory. 817-827
Operating Systems and Resource Management
- Wei Tang, Zhiling Lan, Narayan Desai, Daniel Buettner, Yongen Yu:
Reducing Fragmentation on Torus-Connected Supercomputers. 828-839 - Ziming Zheng, Li Yu, Wei Tang, Zhiling Lan, Rinku Gupta, Narayan Desai, Susan Coghlan, Daniel Buettner:
Co-analysis of RAS Log and Job Log on Blue Gene/P. 840-851 - Alessandro Morari, Roberto Gioiosa, Robert W. Wisniewski, Francisco J. Cazorla
, Mateo Valero
A Quantitative Analysis of OS Noise. 852-863 - Hiroyuki Takizawa
, Kentaro Koyama, Katsuto Sato, Kazuhiko Komatsu
, Hiroaki Kobayashi:
CheCL: Transparent Checkpointing and Process Migration of OpenCL Applications. 864-876
Special 25th IPDPS Panel: What's Ahead
- Per Stenström, Doug Burger, Wen-mei W. Hwu, Vipin Kumar, Kunle Olukotun, David A. Padua, Burton Smith:
Panel Statement. 877
- Bill Dally:
Power, Programmability, and Granularity: The Challenges of ExaScale Computing. 878
Plenary Session: Best Papers
- Ananta Tiwari, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth:
Online Adaptive Code Generation and Tuning. 879-892 - José L. Abellán, Juan Fernández, Manuel E. Acacio
GLocks: Efficient Support for Highly-Contended Locks in Many-Core CMPs. 893-905 - Andrew Nere, Atif Hashmi, Mikko H. Lipasti:
Profiling Heterogeneous Multi-GPU Systems to Accelerate Cortically Inspired Learning Algorithms. 906-920 - Daniel Delling, Andrew V. Goldberg, Andreas Nowatzyk, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
PHAST: Hardware-Accelerated Shortest Path Trees. 921-931
Numerical Algorithms
- Emmanuel Agullo, Cédric Augonnet
, Jack J. Dongarra, Mathieu Faverge, Hatem Ltaief, Samuel Thibault, Stanimire Tomov
QR Factorization on a Multicore Node Enhanced with Multiple GPU Accelerators. 932-943 - Piotr Luszczek, Hatem Ltaief, Jack J. Dongarra:
Two-Stage Tridiagonal Reduction for Dense Symmetric Matrices Using Tile Algorithms on Multicore Architectures. 944-955 - Andrew A. Davidson, Yao Zhang, John D. Owens:
An Auto-tuned Method for Solving Large Tridiagonal Systems on the GPU. 956-965 - Mark Hoemmen:
A Communication-Avoiding, Hybrid-Parallel, Rank-Revealing Orthogonalization Method. 966-977
Fault Tolerance
- Björn Kolbeck, Mikael Högqvist, Jan Stender, Felix Hupfeld:
Flease - Lease Coordination Without a Lock Server. 978-988 - Amina Guermouche, Thomas Ropars, Elisabeth Brunet, Marc Snir, Franck Cappello:
Uncoordinated Checkpointing Without Domino Effect for Send-Deterministic MPI Applications. 989-1000 - Tristan Fevat, Emmanuel Godard:
Minimal Obstructions for the Coordinated Attack Problem and Beyond. 1001-1011 - Henri Casanova, Fanny Dufossé, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien
Scheduling Parallel Iterative Applications on Volatile Resources. 1012-1023
Resource Utilization
- Jaideep Moses, Ravi R. Iyer, Ramesh Illikkal, Sadagopan Srinivasan, Konstantinos Aisopos:
Shared Resource Monitoring and Throughput Optimization in Cloud-Computing Datacenters. 1024-1033 - Qingyang Wang, Simon Malkowski, Deepal Jayasinghe, PengCheng Xiong
, Calton Pu, Yasuhiko Kanemasa, Motoyuki Kawaba, Lilian Harada:
The Impact of Soft Resource Allocation on n-Tier Application Scalability. 1034-1045 - Rui Yang, Joseph Antony, Alistair P. Rendell, Danny Robson, Peter E. Strazdins:
Profiling Directed NUMA Optimization on Linux Systems: A Case Study of the Gaussian Computational Chemistry Code. 1046-1057 - Kevin Stock, Thomas Henretty, Iyyappa Murugandi, P. Sadayappan, Robert J. Harrison
Model-Driven SIMD Code Generation for a Multi-resolution Tensor Kernel. 1058-1067
Parallel Programming Models and Languages
- Jeff A. Stuart, John D. Owens:
Multi-GPU MapReduce on GPU Clusters. 1068-1079 - Josh Milthorpe
, V. Ganesh, Alistair P. Rendell, David Grove:
X10 as a Parallel Language for Scientific Computation: Practice and Experience. 1080-1088 - Guohua Jin, John M. Mellor-Crummey
, Laksono Adhianto
, William N. Scherer III, Chaoran Yang:
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the HPC Challenge Benchmarks in Coarray Fortran 2.0. 1089-1100 - Rajkishore Barik, Jisheng Zhao, David Grove
, Igor Peshansky, Zoran Budimlic, Vivek Sarkar:
Communication Optimizations for Distributed-Memory X10 Programs. 1101-1113
Algorithms for Distributed Computing
- Deepak Ajwani
, Nodari Sitchinava, Norbert Zeh:
I/O-Optimal Distribution Sweeping on Private-Cache Chip Multiprocessors. 1114-1123 - Zheng Wei, Joseph F. JáJá:
A Fast Algorithm for Constructing Inverted Files on Heterogeneous Platforms. 1124-1134 - Daniel Delling, Andrew V. Goldberg, Ilya P. Razenshteyn, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Graph Partitioning with Natural Cuts. 1135-1146 - Shaojie Tang, Cheng Wang, Xiang-Yang Li, Changjun Jiang:
Reader Activation Scheduling in Multi-reader RFID Systems: A Study of General Case. 1147-1155
- Peter Sanders, Jochen Speck:
Efficient Parallel Scheduling of Malleable Tasks. 1156-1166 - Veronika Rehn-Sonigo, Denis Trystram, Frédéric Wagner, Haifeng Xu, Guochuan Zhang
Offline Scheduling of Multi-threaded Request Streams on a Caching Server. 1167-1176 - Daniel Cordeiro
, Pierre-François Dutot, Grégory Mounié, Denis Trystram:
Tight Analysis of Relaxed Multi-organization Scheduling Algorithms. 1177-1186 - Yuxiong He, Jie Liu, Hongyang Sun:
Scheduling Functionally Heterogeneous Systems with Utilization Balancing. 1187-1198
Computational Biology and Simulations
- Edans Flavius de Oliveira Sandes, Alba Cristina Magalhaes Alves de Melo
Smith-Waterman Alignment of Huge Sequences with GPU in Linear Space. 1199-1211 - Shucai Xiao, Heshan Lin, Wu-chun Feng:
Accelerating Protein Sequence Search in a Heterogeneous Computing System. 1212-1222 - Xiao Yang, Jaroslaw Zola, Srinivas Aluru:
Parallel Metagenomic Sequence Clustering Via Sketching and Maximal Quasi-clique Enumeration on Map-Reduce Clouds. 1223-1233 - Tobias C. Kerscher, Stefan Müller, Quinn O. Snell, Gus L. W. Hart
Large-Scale Lattice Gas Monte Carlo Simulations for the Generalized Ising Model. 1234-1241
Cloud Computing
- Henry M. Monti, Ali Raza Butt
, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai:
CATCH: A Cloud-Based Adaptive Data Transfer Service for HPC. 1242-1253 - Ming Li, Fan Ye, Minkyong Kim, Han Chen, Hui Lei:
A Scalable and Elastic Publish/Subscribe Service. 1254-1265 - Yujuan Tan, Hong Jiang, Dan Feng, Lei Tian, Zhichao Yan:
CABdedupe: A Causality-Based Deduplication Performance Booster for Cloud Backup Services. 1266-1277 - Mihai Budiu, Daniel Delling, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
DryadOpt: Branch-and-Bound on Distributed Data-Parallel Execution Engines. 1278-1289

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