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ProComm 2022: Limerick, Ireland
- IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, ProComm 2022, Limerick, Ireland, July 17-20, 2022. IEEE 2022, ISBN 978-1-6654-9517-2
- Elena Kalodner-Martin:
(Un)housed and (Un)heard: The Power of Narrative in Reimagining Long-Term Crisis Communication. 1-6 - Alfred Owusu-Ansah
, Michelle Jarvie-Eggart:
"It Can't Tell You How to Do That." Suggesting a Faculty-Focused Subgenre of Instructional Writing. 7-11 - Andrew Booth, Maclain Scott, Drake Gossi, Tristin Hooker, Nigel O'Hearn, Vanessa López, Clay Spinuzzi:
"The Somebody Elses Is Getting Few and Far between": Solidarity and Individuality in Rural Texas Communities. 13-20 - Sarah Read:
100% Say Writing Is Important to Their Work, But What Harm Does This Uncontroversial Finding Obscure? Early Results from a Survey of Scientists and Technical Professionals About Writing and Communication. 21-28 - Derek G. Ross, Brett Oppegaard, Russell Willerton, Yingying Tang, Austin Pearson:
A Bear on a Wall: Disruptive Agents of Space- and Place-Based Ethical Boundaries. 29-35 - Divya John
A Life-skills Course for Engineers to Acquire Communication Skills and Team Skills. 36-41 - William J. Makowski, Thomas L. Martin, W. Andy Schaudt
A Research Focused Approach to Customer Discovery. 42-48 - Sherena Huntsman:
An Image for All: The Rhetoric for Writing Alt-Text. 49-52 - Amy Hodges, Timothy Ponce:
Anti-Racism, Linguistic Diversity, and Technical Editing. 53-56 - Robert Irish, Lisa Romkey:
Articulating and Challenging Sustainable Development in Undergraduate Engineering. 57-64 - Shelton Weech, Hadi Riad Banat, Michelle McMullin
, Aleksandra M. Swatek, Anuj Gupta
, Bradley Dilger:
Assessing Equity and Inclusion in Research Teams through Constructive Distributed Work. 65-71 - Shuwen Li:
Bringing the World: Capitalizing on Multilingual and Multicultural Resources in a Technical and Professional Communication Classroom. 72-75 - Bin Wang, Xinyue Wan:
Building a Product Knowledge Base in the OneStop-Shop Way: a case study in a Multinational Technology Corporation. 76-80 - Constance Van Horne, Tzipora Rakedzon:
Extended Abstract: Collaboration, Communication, Curiosity and Critical Thinking: the 4 Cs of Developing Teamwork in Chinese STEM Students. 81-83 - Patricia K. Sheridan, Robert Irish:
Communicating in Large Classes In-Person vs. Online: Facilitating Students' Interactive, Integrated Learning of Design, Communication, and Teamwork. 84-88 - Michelle Trim
, Siobhan Meï, Justin Obara:
Connecting analysis, cultural competency, and technical writing in a computing context. 89-96 - Darina M. Slattery:
Consultation Approaches for Large Scale Systems Adoption in Higher Education. 97-100 - Sonia Verma, Bremen R. Vance:
Content Strategy for Academic Units: A Case Study for Developing a Plan within Constraints. 101-104 - Yaxing Li
, Joyce Karreman, Menno de Jong:
Cultural Differences in Web Design on Chinese and Western Websites: A Literature Review. 105-111 - Carolyn Gubala, Lisa Melonçon:
Data Visualizations: An Integrative Literature Review of Empirical Studies Across Disciplines. 112-119 - Yunye Yu, Yiying Wu
Design fiction as a Novel Approach to Cultivate Awareness of Social Responsibilities in Engineering Students. 120-123 - Maha Issa
, Sara I. Khaddaj, Niveen AbiGhannam
, Dima Al Hassanieh:
Developing, Pilot-Testing, and Evaluating an Approach to Teach Technical and Professional Communication Skills in an Introductory Engineering Course. 124-127 - Xinyue Wan:
Development of Technical Communication in China: Program Building and Industrial Trends. 128-132 - Liza Potts, Michael Trice:
Digital Community Moderation Values: Politics, News, and Hot Beverages on Reddit. 133-139 - Ekaterina Rzyankina
, Zach Simpson:
Digital Literacy Practices of Engineering Students Using E-Textbooks at a University of Technology in South Africa. 140-145 - Maclain Scott, Andrew Booth, Nigel O'Hearn, Vanessa López, Drake Gossi, Tristin Hooker, Clay Spinuzzi:
Discursive Manifestations of Contradictions in Rural Texas Communities. 146-153 - John Timothy Sherrill, Michael J. Salvo:
Distant Collaborations: Designing for Australia, Ireland, Qatar, and the USA. 154-159 - Khawar Latif Khan:
Documentation in Open-Source Organizations: Content Audit and Gap Analysis for Perl. 160-165 - Robert Prince, Zach Simpson:
Does Higher Education Entrance Assessment in Academic Literacy Predict Success in Engineering Study? 166-171 - Michal Horton, Debra Burleson:
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in the Classroom, in Writing, on Teams. 172-174 - Mika Stepankiw:
Examining Proposal Writing Courses to Bolster Student Skills that Apply to All Fundraising Rhetorical Situations. 175-180 - Rachel W. Lott, Lisa Bernotski Johnson:
Experiential Learning Documentation Project in the Technical Communication Classroom. 181-186 - Sean D. Williams:
Exploring the User Experience Design of Commercially Available Cybersecurity Products for Personal Mobile Devices. 187-191 - Sarah Beth Hopton, Sarah Zurhellen:
Exploring Writing Transfer in an Advanced Curriculum for Technical and Professional Writing and Computer Science Majors. 192-198 - Clay Spinuzzi, Andrew Booth, Gregory Pogue, Maclain Scott, Drake Gossi, Tristin Hooker, Vanessa López, Nigel O'Hearn:
Extended Abstract: How Can Professional Communicators Aid Rural Economic Development? Solidarity, Double Binds, and Constructive Dialogue in Rural Texas Communities. 199-200 - Ann Hill Duin, Heidi A. McKee, Alan M. Knowles, Isabel Pedersen
, James E. Porter:
Extended Abstract: Human-AI Teaming: Cases and Considerations for Professional Communicators. 201-202 - Rabail Qayyum, Helaleh Khoshkam:
Extended Abstract: International Graduate Students' Experiences in Teaching and Learning Academic Writing in Engineering: The Case of a Genre Analysis Course. 203-205 - Rachael Jordan
Extended Abstract: Sex Workers & Technical Communication Genres: Creating a Discourse Community Online. 206-207 - Russell Kirkscey, Anilchandra Attaluri:
Extended Abstract: Student Technical Editors as Consultants for Engineering Capstone Design Teams: A Case Study. 208-209 - Alan Chong:
Extended Abstract: What Are Engineers Looking for in Professional Communication Training? 210 - Aimee Kendall Roundtree
Facial Recognition Technology Codes of Ethics: Content Analysis and Review. 211-220 - E. Jonathan Arnett:
Failure Is Always an Option: Lessons from Creating Authentic, Renewable Assignments. 221-227 - Jessica Lauer, Alexis F. Piper:
Feminist Rhetorical Theory in Program Building: "Saturday Tapes" with Janice Lauer. 228-233 - Zach Simpson, Muaaz Bhamjee
First-Year Mechanical Engineering Students' Strategies Around Integrating Text and Image in Design Reports. 234-240 - Sara Doan:
Formative Feedback Conferences in the Technical Communication Classroom. 241-243 - Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch, Ann Hill Duin, Daniel Card
, Katlynne Davis:
Workshop: Forming Advisory Boards in Connection with Technical Communication Academic Programs. 244-245 - Gabriel Lorenzo Aguilar:
Framing Undocumented Migrants as Tactical Technical Communicators: The Tactical in Humanitarian Technical Communication. 246-250 - Maren Johnson:
Grading for Process: Using the Portfolio to Emphasize Process in Technical Communication. 251-256 - Alan M. Knowles:
Human-AI Collaborative Writing: Sharing the Rhetorical Task Load. 257-261 - Razan Badran, Niveen AbiGhannam
, Ali Tehrani-Bagha, Maya Sfeir:
Improving Students' Soft Skills in an Engineering Lab Course: Developing and Testing a Discipline-Specific Approach. 262-266 - Zarah C. Moeggenberg, Hannah L. Stevens
, Rebecca Walton, Jamal-Jared Alexander
Inclusive Editing: Actionable Recommendations for Editors and Instructors. 267-276 - Hua Wang:
Integrating Intercultural Communication into a Required Engineering Communication Course with a Critical and Activist Approach: towards Engineering Justice. 277-280 - Nora K. Rivera
, Victor Del Hierro, Valentina Sierra Nino, McKinley Green, Raquelle Paulsen, Shewonda Leger, Suban Nur Cooley, Laura Gonzales:
Extended Abstract: Intercultural Professional Communication in Community. 281-283 - Samantha Cosgrove, Allison Hutchison, Bremen R. Vance, Paul Beck, Johan Bregler, Kimberly Lopez, Ronin Sharma:
Investigating Job Advertisements as Interdisciplinary Research. 284-286 - Germán Varas, Omar Sabaj:
Justifying Innovations in a Start-up Accelerator Program: How Entrepreneurs Create Value through Pitch Discourse. 287-289 - Karen Gulbrandsen:
Kairos as a Heuristic to Analyze Context of Use. 290-294 - Hua Wang:
Extended Abstract: Localized Usability and Agency in App Design to Accommodate China's Social and Healthcare Exigency. 295-297 - Franklin Cordova-Buiza
, Rocio Del Pilar Paredes-Vasquez:
Loyalty Strategies in Latin American SMEs: a Systematic Review of Scientific Literature Between 2012 and 2021. 298-302 - Arthur Berger, Shane O'Donnell:
Making Content Decisions between Open Source and Enterprise Versions of a Software Product. 303-310 - Joseph Jeyaraj
Metonymic Technical Writing for the 737 Max: Appropriate Genres, Effective Procedures. 311-317 - Olga Menagarishvili, Andy Frazee, Rebecca E. Burnett:
Peer Feedback in Linked Courses: Perceptions of Benefits and Problems. 318-324 - Elizabeth A. Pitts:
Extended Abstract: NSF Merit Review Criteria as Points of Entry for Advancing Social Justice. 326-327 - Jon Balzotti, Jason K. McDonald, Lila Rice, Melissa Franklin:
Presenting in Virtual Spaces: Students' Experience in a Simulated Playable Case Study. 328-332 - Nils Hellmuth, Eva-Maria Jakobs:
Quality Criteria for Conflict Communication within Infrastructure Projects. 333-338 - Morgan C. Banville
, Kasen Christensen:
Ready, Set, Bake: A Heuristic Analysis Teaching Case. 339-345 - Sonia Arellano, J. Blake Scott, Steffen Guenzel:
Extended Abstract: Reconfiguring the Relationship between Graduate Professional Writing and Rhetoric & Composition Programs - Innovations toward Transdisciplinary Integration. 345-346 - Cynthia Pope:
Re-envisioning US Paper Currency within Technical Communications through Ethical Frameworks. 347-350 - David Wright, Daniel B. Shank:
Rejecting and Restricting Smart Home Technology. 352-357 - Sushil K. Oswal
Reshaping the Philosophical Backdrop for Disability-Inclusive User Experience Design: The Case of a Socially-Aware, Collaborative, International Translation Project. 358-363 - Eva Brumberger:
Extended Abstract: Re-thinking the Role of the Visual in Professional Communication: the Case for a Liberal Arts Core. 364-365 - Steve P. Zwilling:
Rhetoric of Place: Exploring Environmental Narratives and Everyday Spaces in Composition Classrooms. 366-372 - Calvin Pollak
Rhetorical Accessibility as Political Legitimacy: The Role of Style in NSA Surveillance Discourse. 373-379 - Erik Juergensmeyer:
Teaching Engineering Writing through Rhetorical Genre Studies. 380-383 - Heidi A. McKee, James E. Porter:
Team Roles & Rhetorical Intelligence in Human-Machine Writing. 384-391 - Louise Zamparutti:
The "Antenarrative" in Online-Asynchronous Technical Communication Courses: A Social Justice Approach to Teaching. 392-396 - Gregory P. Pogue, Clay Spinuzzi:
The 5D's: A New Framework to Understand and Overcome Interpersonal and Inter-institutional Challenges Facilitating Growth of Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. 397-404 - Allison Durazzi
Extended Abstract: The Case for Supplemental Style Guides. 406-408 - Rick Mott:
The Praxis of Visual Rhetoric: One Way to Teach Visual Design Skills to PTC Students. 409-417 - Franklin Cordova-Buiza
, Maria Fernanda Aguirre-Maldonado, Dorkas Angelica Alor-Rau:
The profile of the Apple brand consumer: electronic equipment and software in Lima-Peru. 418-422 - Katlynne Davis, Dan Card
, Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch, Ann Hill Duin:
The Technical Communication Advisory Board: Expanding Professional Pathways for PhD Students in Writing Studies Fields. 423-428 - Sarah K. Gunning
Undergraduates' Perceptions on Data Visualization Consumption versus Production: It's Communication, but Is It "Writing"? 429-434 - Eva-Maria Jakobs, Simone Wirtz-Brückner:
User Support for Everyday Technology from the Perspective of the Elderly. 435-443 - Jessica Lynn Campbell, David Katan:
User-centered Design (UCD) and Transcreation of Non-profit Communications in a Technical Communication Classroom. 444-450 - S. B. McCullouch
Extended Abstract: UX and the Audience: Audience Experience. 451-452 - Laura Gonzales, Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq
, Corina Kramer, Chris Lindgren
, Suban Nur Cooley, Daniel P. Richards, Emma J. Rose, Kellie Sharp-Hoskins:
Extended Abstract: UX in/as political renegotiation. 453-455 - Emily L. W. Bowers, Emma J. Harris, Ruby Mendoza:
UX Methods as Transformative Institutional Change: Stacey Abrams' Georgia Campaign as a Formative Example. 456-461 - Kim Wallace:
Workshop: Accessibility in Web Design. 462-463 - Lorena Niebuhr, Nina Rußkamp
, Eva-Maria Jakobs:
Workshop: Designing Instructional Videos for the Use of Complex Software Systems in Manufacturing Companies. 465-466 - Heather Falconer, Elizabeth Payne:
Workshop: Incorporating Ethics and Justice in STEM Communication Courses. 467-468 - Joe Moses, Jason Tham:
Workshop: Like the Idea of Writing to Learn but Don't Like the Idea of Grading Papers? Take These New Directions in Collaborative Writing. 469-470 - Anna Bos-Nehles, Alieke Mattia van Dijk, Veronica Junjan, Joyce Karreman, lpek Seyran Topan:
Workshop: Optimal Feedback for Students: How to Implement Feedback Mechanisms in Education that Respond to Students' Needs? 471-472 - Frank DiBartolomeo:
Workshop: Technical Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals. 473-474 - Michael Laudenbach, Suguru Ishizaki, David West Brown
Write & Audit: Teaching Genre Features of Statistics Writing with a Student-Facing Text Analysis Tool. 476-481

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