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IHC 2019: Vitoria, ES, Brazil
- Rodrigo Laiola Guimarães, Celso Alberto Saibel Santos, Vagner Figuerêdo de Santana, Artur Henrique Kronbauer:
Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, IHC 2019, Vitoria, ES, Brazil, October 22-25, 2019. ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-6971-8 - Rafael Eiki Matheus Imamura, Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas:
A framework for socio-enactive educational systems: linking learning, design, and technology. 1:1-1:11 - Adson R. P. Damasceno, Andressa M. de O. Ferreira, Eliakim Gama, José Paulo Rodrigues Moraes, Lucas Vieira Alves, Marx Haron Barbosa, Matheus Lima Chagas, Emmanuel Sávio Silva Freire, Mariela Inés Cortés:
A landscape of the adoption of empirical evaluations in the brazilian symposium on human factors in computing systems. 2:1-2:11 - João Batista da Silva Júnior, Artur Henrique Kronbauer, Jorge Campos:
A platform for UX assessment based on self-reporting techniques. 3:1-3:10 - Lucas Pedroso Carvalho, Raquel Oliveira Prates, André Pimenta Freire:
A proposal to adapt the semiotic inspection method to analyze screen reader mediated interaction. 4:1-4:11 - Flávia de Souza Santos, Débora Maria Barroso Paiva, Renata P. M. Fortes:
A specialized cognitive walkthrough to evaluate digital games for elderly users. 5:1-5:11 - Caio Pinheiro de Carvalho, Suzane Santos dos Santos, Gabriel de Magalhães Escudeiro, Kelly Vale Pinheiro, Nelson Cruz Sampaio Neto, Marcelle Pereira Mota:
A study on customizing interaction in adaptable games. 6:1-6:11 - Daniel Domingos Alves, Ecivaldo de Souza Matos:
A survey on interaction design in distributed software development. 7:1-7:12 - Talita Cristina Pagani Britto Pichiliani, Ednaldo Brigante Pizzolato:
A survey on the awareness of brazilian web development community about cognitive accessibility. 8:1-8:11 - Ezequiel Duque, Guilherme Fonseca, Heitor Vieira, Gustavo Gontijo, Lucila Ishitani:
A systematic literature review on user centered design and participatory design with older people. 9:1-9:11 - Luã Marcelo Muriana, José Valderlei da Silva, Andressa Cristina dos Santos, Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas:
Affective state, self-esteem and technology: an exploratory study with children in hospital context. 10:1-10:11 - Ana Paula de Carvalho, Fabrício Horácio Sales Pereira, Oto Braz Assunção, Amanda Fernandes Pereira, Raquel Oliveira Prates:
An analysis of MoLIC's consolidation. 11:1-11:15 - Franklin Matheus da Costa Lima, Leonardo Cunha de Miranda, Gabriel Alves Vasiljevic Mendes, M. Cecília C. Baranauskas:
An intra and inter-conferences correlation analysis of the field of HCI: revealing new trends from the international and brazilian communities. 12:1-12:11 - Arlindo Gómes, Cristiana Soares, Francisco Simões, Walter Correia:
Art accessibility for blind people: a process to create and understand photography. 13:1-13:9 - Priscyla G. F. Barbosa, Patrícia Felippe Amorim, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira:
Augmented reality and museum accessibility: a case study to support hard of hearing people. 14:1-14:10 - Igor Fillippe Goldstein, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras:
CargoAffect: usage of affective computing to assess stress from truck drivers' verbal communication. 15:1-15:11 - Lesandro Ponciano, Thiago Emmanuel Pereira:
Characterising volunteers' task execution patterns across projects on multi-project citizen science platforms. 16:1-16:11 - Igor da Silva Solecki, João Vitor Araujo Porto, Karla Aparecida Justen, Nathalia da Cruz Alves, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, Adriano Ferreti Borgatto, Jean Carlo Rossa Hauck:
CodeMaster UI design - app inventor: a rubric for the assessment of the interface design of Android apps developed with app inventor. 17:1-17:10 - Rafael Ferreira Vitor, Breno N. S. Keller, Thiago D'Angelo, Héctor Azpúrua, Andrea G. C. Bianchi, Saul E. Delabrida:
Collaborative teleoperation evaluation for drones. 18:1-18:11 - Polianna dos Santos Paim, Soraia Silva Prietch:
Communicability evaluation of video-exam in libras of the ENEM platform. 19:1-19:11 - Vinícius Ferreira Galvão, Cristiano Maciel, Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia:
Creating chatbots to talk with humans: HCI evaluations and perspectives. 20:1-20:11 - Giovanna Magda S. Silva, Rossana M. de Castro Andrade, Ticianne de Gois R. Darin:
Design and evaluation of mobile applications for people with visual impairments: a compilation of usable accessibility guidelines. 21:1-21:10 - Lanna Lima, Vasco Furtado, Elizabeth Sucupira Furtado, Virgilio de Almeida, Thiago Hellen O. da Silva:
Discrimination analysis of intelligent voice assistants. 22:1-22:7 - Marcelo Medeiros Eler, Leandro Orlandin, Alberto Dumont Alves Oliveira:
Do Android app users care about accessibility?: an analysis of user reviews on the Google play store. 23:1-23:11 - Erick M. Campos, Denis D. Diniz Martins, Suzane Santos dos Santos, Renan F. Cunha, Cassio T. Batista, Nelson C. Sampaio Neto:
Evaluating alternative interfaces based on puff, electromyography and dwell time for mouse clicking. 24:1-24:11 - Andrey Antonio de O. Rodrigues, Eduardo Feitosa, Maria Lúcia Bento Villela, Natasha M. Costa Valentim:
Evaluating PIT-OSN 1 in inspecting the privacy levels of an online social network. 25:1-25:11 - Camilla V. L. T. Brennand, Celso A. R. L. Brennand, Emanuel Felipe Duarte, Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas:
Evaluating the user experience in interactive installations: a case study. 26:1-26:10 - Andréia Sias Rodrigues, Marcelo Bender Machado, Ana Margarida Pisco Almeida, Jorge Ferraz de Abreu, Tatiana Aires Tavares:
Evaluation methodologies of assistive technology interaction devices: a participatory mapping in Portugal based on community-based research. 27:1-27:9 - Bruno Dias, Breno N. S. Keller, Saul E. Delabrida:
Evaluation of augmented reality SDKs for classroom teaching. 28:1-28:11 - José Cezar de Souza Filho, Andréia Libório Sampaio, Ingrid Teixeira Monteiro, Paulyne Matthews Jucá:
Exploring how expert and novice evaluators perceive G4H to consolidate heuristic evaluation. 29:1-29:11 - Gênesis Medeiros do Carmo, Débora Maria Barroso Paiva, Maria Istela Cagnin:
How to develop accessible web interfaces for deaf people? 30:1-30:10 - Thaís Justi de Toledo, Cristiano Maciel, Luã Marcelo Muriana, Patricia Cristiane de Souza, Vinícius Carvalho Pereira:
Identity and volition in Facebook digital memorials and the challenges of anticipating interaction. 31:1-31:11 - Tiago do Carmo Nogueira, Deller James Ferreira, Matheus Rudolfo Diedrich Ullmann:
Impact of accessibility and usability barriers on the emotions of blind users in responsive web design. 32:1-32:8 - Andressa Cristina dos Santos, Luã Marcelo Muriana, Josiane Rosa de Oliveira Gaia Pimenta, José Valderlei da Silva, Eliana Alves Moreira, Júlio Cesar dos Reis:
Investigating aspects of affectibility for universal access in socioenactive system scenarios. 33:1-33:11 - Maria Clara G. de Almeida, Luciana Cardoso de Castro Salgado:
Investigating Google dashboard's explainability to support individual privacy decision making. 34:1-34:11 - Willian Garcias de Assunção, Vânia Paula de Almeida Néris:
m-Motion: a mobile application for music recommendation that considers the desired emotion of the user. 35:1-35:11 - Deógenes P. da Silva Junior, Emerson André Fedechen, Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas, Roberto Pereira:
Open design: a systematic mapping. 36:1-36:11 - Natália Caspar Dias da Silva, Aline Marques Del Valle, Ieda Mayumi Sabino Kawashita:
Participatory design with the elderly in software development: a case study. 37:1-37:10 - Rúbia Eliza de Oliveira Schultz Ascari, Luciano Silva, Roberto Pereira:
Personalized interactive gesture recognition assistive technology. 38:1-38:12 - Michelle C. Colin, Maurício F. Galimberti, Raul Sidnei Wazlawick:
Proposal of a user interaction model in CASE tools based on metaphors and touch screen technology. 39:1-39:7 - Erico de Souza Veriscimo, João Luiz Bernardes Jr.:
Proprioception and audio feedback as a means of accessible 3D interaction for the visually impaired. 40:1-40:10 - Alex Santos de Oliveira, Bruno Merlin, João Elias Vidueira Ferreira, Heleno Fülber, Allan Veras:
QUIMIVOX MOBILE 2.0: application for helping visually impaired people in learning periodic table and electron configuration. 41:1-41:10 - José Valderlei da Silva, M. Cecília C. Baranauskas, Eliana Alves Moreira, Luã Marcelo Muriana, Andressa Cristina dos Santos:
Reclaiming human space at IoT: contributions of the socially aware design. 42:1-42:11 - Adriana Lopes, Tayana Conte, Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza:
Reducing the risks of communication failures through software models. 43:1-43:10 - Bianca Melo, Ticianne Darin:
Scope and definition of user experience in Brazil: a survey to explore community's perspectives. 44:1-44:11 - Paula Maia de Souza, Kamila Rios da Hora Rodrigues, Vânia Paula de Almeida Néris:
SemTh: an approach to the design of therapeutic digital games. 45:1-45:11 - Mateus de Oliveira, Adriana Prest Mattedi, Rodrigo Duarte Seabra:
Social dimensions in the acceptance of and access to technology: a usability study in a collaborative security application. 46:1-46:11 - Patrícia Felippe Amorim, Carolina Sacramento, Eliane Pinheiro Capra, Patricia Zamprogno Tavares, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira:
Submit or not my HCI research project to the ethics committee, that is the question. 47:1-47:11 - Leonardo Zamprogno, Bruno Merlin, João Ferreira, Heleno Fülber, Allan Veras:
T-TATIL: mobile application for helping visually impaired people in reading and interpreting tactile drawings. 48:1-48:9 - Vinícius Ferreira Galvão, Cristiano Maciel, Roberto Pereira, Isabela Gasparini, José Viterbo:
Talking about digital immortality: a value-oriented discussion. 49:1-49:8 - Yusseli Lizeth Méndez Mendoza, M. Cecília C. Baranauskas:
TangiTime: designing a (socio)enactive experience for deep time in an educational exhibit. 50:1-50:11 - Paloma Bispo dos Santos Silva, Thiago Hellen Oliveira da Silva, Marília Soares Mendes, Maria Elizabeth Sucupira Furtado:
Temporal analysis of posts related to use: case study of use of an academic management system. 51:1-51:10 - Carlos Alberto Silva, Arthur Floriano Barbosa Andrade de Oliveira, Delvani Antônio Mateus, Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa, André Pimenta Freire:
Types of problems encountered by automated tool accessibility assessments, expert inspections and user testing: a systematic literature mapping. 52:1-52:11 - Stênio Abreu, Jorge Sassaki Resende Silva, Graciela Pires dos Anjos, Hérlon Manollo Cândido Guedes, Soraia Silva Prietch, Paula Christina Figueira Cardoso, André Pimenta Freire:
Usability evaluation of a resource to read mathematical formulae in a screen reader for people with visual disabilities. 53:1-53:11 - Gabriela Amaral Araújo de Oliveira, Oto Braz Assunção, Raquel Oliveira Prates:
Using cultural viewpoint metaphors in the analysis of computational thinking teaching. 54:1-54:13 - Marleny Luque Carbajal, M. Cecília C. Baranauskas:
Using ethnographic data to support preschool children's game design. 55:1-55:10 - Nayana Carneiro, Ticianne Darin, Windson Viana:
What are we talking about when we talk about location-based games evaluation?: a systematic mapping study. 56:1-56:13 - Beatriz Hencklein Giassi, Rodrigo Duarte Seabra:
Usability assessment of the instagram application on smartphones with emphasis on elderly users. 57:1-57:4 - Walter Correia, Marcelo Penha, Jefté Macedo, Weynner Santos, Jonysberg P. Quintino, Marcelo Anjos, André L. M. Santos, Fabio Q. B. da Silva:
Full mobile accessibility is a matter of respect: GuAMA update process for motor and hearing disability users. 58:1-58:4 - Guilherme Corredato Guerino, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim:
Evaluating a voice-based interaction: a qualitative analysis. 59:1-59:4 - Valéria Maria da S. Pinheiro, Anna Beatriz dos Santos Marques:
USINN cards: supporting novice designers in usability modeling with USINN notation. 60:1-60:4 - Arthur Floriano Barbosa Andrade de Oliveira, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras:
AccessibiLint: a tool for early accessibility verification for android native applications. 61:1-61:4 - Elaine Alves de Carvalho, Alessandro Jatobá, Paulo Victor R. de Carvalho:
Usability for complex systems?: an experimental evaluation with functional resonance analysis method. 62:1-62:4 - Patrícia Felippe Amorim, Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira:
An online survey design approach considering the diversity of pre-linguistic deaf respondents. 63:1-63:5 - Alex Felipe Ferreira Costa, Anna Beatriz dos Santos Marques:
USINN modeler: a web support tool for creating interaction and navigation models with USINN. 64:1-64:4 - Ana Maria Amorim, Vaninha Vieira:
Exploratory study on the motivation of brazilian elderly people in crowdsourcing systems. 65:1-65:4 - Geanderson Esteves dos Santos, Raquel Oliveira Prates:
Recommendations for sharing economy design based on user trust. 66:1-66:4 - Tatiany Xavier de Godoi, Natasha Malveira Costa Valentim, Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno:
Evaluation of the usability and accessibility of a keyboard for people with motor paralysis and paresthesia. 67:1-67:4 - Yan Fontão, Tayana Conte, Juliana Saraiva:
Using playability evaluation techniques in first person shooter games for virtual reality. 68:1-68:4 - Gustavo Borba, Anolan Milanés, Glívia A. R. Barbosa:
A responsible approach towards user and personal voice assistants interaction. 69:1-69:4 - Marcelo Barbosa da Cruz, Paulo Victor R. de Carvalho, José Orlando Gomes:
COMSenso: a framework to support emergency team communication and sensemaking. 70:1-70:4 - Andressa Cristina dos Santos, Taffarel Brant-Ribeiro:
Evaluator self-efficacy analysis in a usability test. 71:1-71:4 - Igor Fillippe Goldstein, Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras:
Truck drivers' fatigue and stress: a user study for requirements elicitation of an affective computer application. 72:1-72:5
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