dblp: Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2012

ICMLC 2012: Xian, Shaanxi, China

SPARQL queries 

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Data Fusion and Ensemble Methods

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Feature Selection and Manifold Learning

Fuzzy Set Theories and Methods

Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines

Procedural Learning Methods

Intelligent Systems

Service Sciences

Statistical Classification

Symbolic, Structural and Syntactic Learning

Systems and Controls

Systems Modeling and Analysis

Text and Multimedia Information Retrieval

Visual and Audio Information Processing

Numerial Optimizations

Web Information Processing


Application of image possessing to Weather Forecasting, Traffic Flow, and Electric Tomography

Ensemble learning and multi-label learning

Fuzzy Systems

Image Feature Detection and Description

Information Retrieval and Optimization Modeling

Intelligent Information Mining

Intelligent Systems: Methodologies and Applications

Intelligent Systems

Intelligent Systems with Applications

International Workshop on Web Information Processing