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19. ICANN 2009: Limassol, Cyprus
- Cesare Alippi, Marios M. Polycarpou, Christos G. Panayiotou, Georgios Ellinas:
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009, 19th International Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, September 14-17, 2009, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5768, Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-04273-7
Learning Algorithms
- Alberto Guillén
, Antti Sorjamaa, Ginés Rubio, Amaury Lendasse
, Ignacio Rojas:
Mutual Information Based Initialization of Forward-Backward Search for Feature Selection in Regression Problems. 1-9 - Hong Zeng
, Yiu-ming Cheung
Kernel Learning for Local Learning Based Clustering. 10-19 - Zhirong Yang
, Erkki Oja:
Projective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with α-Divergence. 20-29 - Ricardo Bastos Cavalcante Prudêncio, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir:
Active Generation of Training Examples in Meta-Regression. 30-39 - Edmondo Trentin, Leonardo Rigutini
A Maximum-Likelihood Connectionist Model for Unsupervised Learning over Graphical Domains. 40-49 - Dimitris Tzikas, Aristidis Likas, Nikolas P. Galatsanos:
Local Feature Selection for the Relevance Vector Machine Using Adaptive Kernel Learning. 50-59 - Vanya Van Belle, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Sabine Van Huffel:
MINLIP: Efficient Learning of Transformation Models. 60-69 - Alexander Hans, Steffen Udluft:
Efficient Uncertainty Propagation for Reinforcement Learning with Limited Data. 70-79 - Krzysztof Patan
, Maciej Patan
Optimal Training Sequences for Locally Recurrent Neural Networks. 80-89 - Gonzalo Martínez-Muñoz
, Daniel Hernández-Lobato, Alberto Suárez
Statistical Instance-Based Ensemble Pruning for Multi-class Problems. 90-99 - Kris De Brabanter, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Jos De Brabanter, Michiel Debruyne, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Mia Hubert
, Bart De Moor:
Robustness of Kernel Based Regression: A Comparison of Iterative Weighting Schemes. 100-110 - Kristina Davoian, Wolfram-Manfred Lippe:
Mixing Different Search Biases in Evolutionary Learning Algorithms. 111-120 - Mohamed Farouk Abdel Hady, Friedhelm Schwenker, Günther Palm:
Semi-supervised Learning for Regression with Co-training by Committee. 121-130 - Rodrigo G. F. Soares, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Francisco de A. T. de Carvalho
An Analysis of Meta-learning Techniques for Ranking Clustering Algorithms Applied to Artificial Data. 131-140 - Cezary Dendek, Jacek Mandziuk
Probability-Based Distance Function for Distance-Based Classifiers. 141-150 - Marek Grochowski, Wlodzislaw Duch
Constrained Learning Vector Quantization or Relaxed k-Separability. 151-160 - Leonid B. Litinskii:
Minimization of Quadratic Binary Functional with Additive Connection Matrix. 161-170 - Kazuyuki Hara, Yoichi Nakayama, Seiji Miyoshi, Masato Okada:
Mutual Learning with Many Linear Perceptrons: On-Line Learning Theory. 171-180
Computational Neuroscience
- Karim El-Laithy, Martin Bogdan:
Synchrony State Generation in Artificial Neural Networks with Stochastic Synapses. 181-190 - Florian Hauser, David Bouchain, Günther Palm:
Coexistence of Cell Assemblies and STDP. 191-197 - Kevin N. Gurney, Amir Hussain
, Jonathan M. Chambers, Rudwan Abdullah:
Controlled and Automatic Processing in Animals and Machines with Application to Autonomous Vehicle Control. 198-207 - Jindong Liu, David Pérez-González
, Adrian Rees
, Harry R. Erwin, Stefan Wermter:
Multiple Sound Source Localisation in Reverberant Environments Inspired by the Auditory Midbrain. 208-217 - Emmanuel Daucé
A Model of Neuronal Specialization Using Hebbian Policy-Gradient with "Slow" Noise. 218-228 - Vassilis Cutsuridis, Stuart Cobb, Bruce P. Graham:
How Bursts Shape the STDP Curve in the Presence/Absence of GABAergic Inhibition. 229-238 - Prashant Joshi, Jochen Triesch:
Optimizing Generic Neural Microcircuits through Reward Modulated STDP. 239-248 - Takashi Nakano
, Junichiro Yoshimoto
, Jeff Wickens, Kenji Doya:
Calcium Responses Model in Striatum Dependent on Timed Input Sources. 249-258 - Rodolfo V. García, Fernando Rojas
, Jesús González
, Belén San Román, Olga Valenzuela
, Alberto Prieto, Luís Velázquez, Roberto Rodríguez:
Independent Component Analysis Aided Diagnosis of Cuban Spino Cerebellar Ataxia 2. 259-266 - Ansgar R. Koene
, Tony J. Prescott
Hippocampus, Amygdala and Basal Ganglia Based Navigation Control. 267-276 - Vladyslav V. Shaposhnyk, Pierre Dutoit, Victor Contreras-Lámus, Stephen Perrig, Alessandro E. P. Villa
A Framework for Simulation and Analysis of Dynamically Organized Distributed Neural Networks. 277-286 - Haixian Zhang, Jiali Yu, Zhang Yi:
Continuous Attractors of Lotka-Volterra Recurrent Neural Networks. 287-295 - Kiran V. Byadarhaly, Mithun Perdoor, Suresh Vasa, Emmanuel Fernandez, Ali A. Minai
Learning Complex Population-Coded Sequences. 296-305 - Hideyuki Kato, Tohru Ikeguchi, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Structural Analysis on STDP Neural Networks Using Complex Network Theory. 306-314 - Márton Albert Hajnal:
Time Coding of Input Strength Is Intrinsic to Synapses with Short Term Plasticity. 315-324 - Andrea Guazzini
, Pietro Liò, Andrea Passarella
, Marco Conti
Information Processing and Timing Mechanisms in Vision. 325-334 - German D. Valderrama-Gonzalez, T. Martin McGinnity
, Liam P. Maguire
, Qingxiang Wu:
Review of Neuron Types in the Retina: Information Models for Neuroengineering. 335-344 - Wichian Sittiprapaporn, Jun Soo Kwon:
Brain Electric Microstate and Perception of Simultaneously Audiovisual Presentation. 345-355 - José R. A. Torreão, João L. Fernandes, Silvia M. C. Victer
A Model for Neuronal Signal Representation by Stimulus-Dependent Receptive Fields. 356-362
Hardware Implementations and Embedded Systems
- Emil Raschman, Daniela Duracková:
Area Chip Consumption by a Novel Digital CNN Architecture for Pattern Recognition. 363-372 - Alexander Guzhva, Sergey Dolenko
, Igor Persiantsev:
Multifold Acceleration of Neural Network Computations Using GPU. 373-380 - Michal Cernanský
Training Recurrent Neural Network Using Multistream Extended Kalman Filter on Multicore Processor and Cuda Enabled Graphic Processor Unit. 381-390 - Norihiro Takahashi, Tadashi Shibata:
A Non-subtraction Configuration of Self-similitude Architecture for Multiple-Resolution Edge-Filtering CMOS Image Sensor. 391-400 - Chih-Cheng Lu, Hsin Chen:
Current-Mode Computation with Noise in a Scalable and Programmable Probabilistic Neural VLSI System. 401-409 - Chih-Cheng Lu, Hsin Chen:
Minimising Contrastive Divergence with Dynamic Current Mirrors. 410-420 - José Luis Rosselló, Ivan de Paúl, Vincent Canals
, Antoni Morro:
Spiking Neural Network Self-configuration for Temporal Pattern Recognition Analysis. 421-428 - Gonzalo Carvajal, Waldo Valenzuela
, Miguel E. Figueroa
Image Recognition in Analog VLSI with On-Chip Learning. 429-438 - Lambert Spaanenburg, Mona Akbarniai Tehrani, Richard P. Kleihorst, Peter B. L. Meijer:
Behavior Modeling by Neural Networks. 439-448 - Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis
, Cristian Mesiano, Salvatore Rinaudo, Angelo Ciccazzo, Angelo Marotta:
Statistical Parameter Identification of Analog Integrated Circuit Reverse Models. 449-458 - Cosmin Radu Popa:
A New FGMOST Euclidean Distance Computational Circuit Based on Algebraic Mean of the Input Potentials. 459-466 - Marta Ruiz-Llata
, Mar Yébenes-Calvino:
FPGA Implementation of Support Vector Machines for 3D Object Identification. 467-474 - Rodrigo Martins da Silva, Nadia Nedjah
, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle
Reconfigurable MAC-Based Architecture for Parallel Hardware Implementation on FPGAs of Artificial Neural Networks Using Fractional Fixed Point Representation. 475-484
Self Organization
- Jefferson R. Souza, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Leandro M. Almeida
A Two Stage Clustering Method Combining Self-Organizing Maps and Ant K-Means. 485-494 - Philip Prentis, Mats Sjöberg, Markus Koskela, Jorma Laaksonen
Image Theft Detection with Self-Organising Maps. 495-504 - Tomonori Shirotori, Yuko Osana:
Improved Kohonen Feature Map Associative Memory with Area Representation for Sequential Analog Patterns. 505-514 - Renata L. M. E. do Rego, Hansenclever de F. Bassani
, Daniel Filgueiras, Aluízio F. R. Araújo:
Surface Reconstruction Method Based on a Growing Self-Organizing Map. 515-524 - Agusti Solanas
, Arnau Gavalda, Robert Rallo
Micro-SOM: A Linear-Time Multivariate Microaggregation Algorithm Based on Self-Organizing Maps. 525-535 - Riccardo Rizzo
, Alfonso Urso
Identifying Clusters Using Growing Neural Gas: First Results. 536-545 - Masumi Ishikawa, Kosuke Ueno:
Hierarchical Architecture with Modular Network SOM and Modular Reinforcement Learning. 546-556 - Ivna Valença, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir:
Hybrid Systems for River Flood Forecasting Using MLP, SOM and Fuzzy Systems. 557-566 - Nikolaos Gianniotis
, Peter Tiño
, Steve Spreckley, Somak Raychaudhury:
Topographic Mapping of Astronomical Light Curves via a Physically Inspired Probabilistic Model. 567-576 - Hujun Yin, He Ni
Generalized Self-Organizing Mixture Autoregressive Model for Modeling Financial Time Series. 577-586 - A. Ravishankar Rao, Guillermo A. Cecchi:
Self-Organizing Map Simulations Confirm Similarity of Spatial Correlation Structure in Natural Images and Cortical Representations. 587-597
Intelligent Control and Adaptive Systems
- Takashi Mitsuishi, Yasunari Shidama
Height Defuzzification Method on L∞ Space. 598-607 - Takeshi Mori, Shin Ishii
An Additive Reinforcement Learning. 608-617 - Arünas Tamasevicius, Elena Tamaseviciute, Gytis Mykolaitis
, Skaidra Bumeliene
, Raimundas Kirvaitis, Ruedi Stoop:
Neural Spike Suppression by Adaptive Control of an Unknown Steady State. 618-627 - Naoki Tomi, Manabu Gouko, Koji Ito:
Combined Mechanisms of Internal Model Control and Impedance Control under Force Fields. 628-637 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Manolis Diamantis
, Markos Papageorgiou:
Neural Network Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems with Efficient Transient Performance. 638-647 - Haris E. Psillakis
High-Order Fuzzy Switching Neural Networks: Application to the Tracking Control of a Class of Uncertain SISO Nonlinear Systems. 648-657
Neural and Hybrid Architectures
- Rua-Huan Tsaih
, Yat-wah Wan:
A Guide for the Upper Bound on the Number of Continuous-Valued Hidden Nodes of a Feed-Forward Network. 658-667 - Amit Bhaya
, Fernando Agustin Pazos, Eugenius Kaszkurewicz
Comparative Study of the CG and HBF ODEs Used in the Global Minimization of Nonconvex Functions. 668-677 - Toshihiko Matsuka, Hidehito Honda, Arieta Chouchourelou, Sachiko Kiyokawa:
On the Knowledge Organization in Concept Formation: An Exploratory Cognitive Modeling Study. 678-687 - Yoshitsugu Kakemoto, Shinichi Nakasuka:
Dynamics of Incremental Learning by VSF-Network. 688-697 - Gábor Horváth
, Kristóf Gáti:
Kernel CMAC with Reduced Memory Complexity. 698-707 - Vera Kurková
Model Complexity of Neural Networks and Integral Transforms. 708-717 - Yevgeniy V. Bodyanskiy
, Sergiy Popov, Mykola Titov:
Function Decomposition Network. 718-727 - Stephen Hobson
, Jim Austin:
Improved Storage Capacity in Correlation Matrix Memories Storing Fixed Weight Codes. 728-736 - Vassilis Vassiliades
, Aristodemos Cleanthous, Chris Christodoulou
Multiagent Reinforcement Learning with Spiking and Non-Spiking Agents in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. 737-746 - Eric A. Antonelo, Benjamin Schrauwen:
Unsupervised Learning in Reservoir Computing: Modeling Hippocampal Place Cells for Small Mobile Robots. 747-756 - Matthias Höffken, Daniel Oberhoff, Marina Kolesnik:
Switching Hidden Markov Models for Learning of Motion Patterns in Videos. 757-766 - Yasuo Matsuyama, Fumiya Matsushima, Youichi Nishida, Takashi Hatakeyama, Nimiko Ochiai, Shogo Aida:
Multimodal Belief Integration by HMM/SVM-Embedded Bayesian Network: Applications to Ambulating PC Operation by Body Motions and Brain Signals. 767-778 - Asuka Terai, Masanori Nakagawa:
A Neural Network Model of Metaphor Generation with Dynamic Interaction. 779-788 - Wlodzislaw Duch
, Tomasz Maszczyk:
Almost Random Projection Machine. 789-798 - Renata M. C. R. de Souza, Telmo de Menezes e Silva Filho:
Optimized Learning Vector Quantization Classifier with an Adaptive Euclidean Distance. 799-806 - Ivan Nunes da Silva
, Rogério Andrade Flauzino
Efficient Parametric Adjustment of Fuzzy Inference System Using Error Backpropagation Method. 807-816 - Marcin Korytkowski
, Robert Nowicki
, Rafal Scherer
Neuro-fuzzy Rough Classifier Ensemble. 817-823 - Iago Porto-Díaz, David Martínez-Rego
, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
, Oscar Fontenla-Romero:
Combining Feature Selection and Local Modelling in the KDD Cup 99 Dataset. 824-833 - Masato Yonekawa, Hiroaki Kurokawa:
An Automatic Parameter Adjustment Method of Pulse Coupled Neural Network for Image Segmentation. 834-843 - Vladimir Kryzhanovsky:
Pattern Identification by Committee of Potts Perceptrons. 844-853
Support Vector Machine
- Shigeo Abe
Is Primal Better Than Dual. 854-863 - Wataru Kasai, Yutaro Tobe, Osamu Hasegawa:
A Fast BMU Search for Support Vector Machine. 864-873 - Panayiotis Ch. Andreou
, Chris Charalambous, Spiros H. Martzoukos
European Option Pricing by Using the Support Vector Regression Approach. 874-883 - Guillaume Stempfel, Liva Ralaivola:
Learning SVMs from Sloppily Labeled Data. 884-893 - Friedhelm Schwenker, Stefan Scherer, Yasmine M. Magdi, Günther Palm:
The GMM-SVM Supervector Approach for the Recognition of the Emotional Status from Speech. 894-903 - Jorge López Lázaro, José R. Dorronsoro:
A Simple Proof of the Convergence of the SMO Algorithm for Linearly Separable Problems. 904-912 - Shaoning Pang
, Tao Ban, Youki Kadobayashi, Nikola K. Kasabov
Spanning SVM Tree for Personalized Transductive Learning. 913-922 - Catarina Silva
, Bernardete Ribeiro
Improving Text Classification Performance with Incremental Background Knowledge. 923-931 - Vladimir Cherkassky, Wuyang Dai:
Empirical Study of the Universum SVM Learning for High-Dimensional Data. 932-941 - Apostolos Marakakis, Nikolas P. Galatsanos, Aristidis Likas, Andreas Stafylopatis:
Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Support Vector Machines and Feature Selection. 942-951
Recurrent Neural Network
- Alejandro Chinea Manrique De Lara:
Understanding the Principles of Recursive Neural Networks: A Generative Approach to Tackle Model Complexity. 952-963 - Jan Unkelbach
, Yi Sun, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
An EM Based Training Algorithm for Recurrent Neural Networks. 964-974 - Derrick Takeshi Mirikitani, Lahcen Ouarbya:
Modeling Dst with Recurrent EM Neural Networks. 975-984 - David Verstraeten, Benjamin Schrauwen:
On the Quantification of Dynamics in Reservoir Computing. 985-994 - Lei Zhang, Pheng-Ann Heng
, Zhang Yi:
Solving the CLM Problem by Discrete-Time Linear Threshold Recurrent Neural Networks. 995-1004 - Tom Schaul, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Scalable Neural Networks for Board Games. 1005-1014 - Luís A. Alexandre
, Mark J. Embrechts:
Reservoir Size, Spectral Radius and Connectivity in Static Classification Problems. 1015-1024

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