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7. HPCN Europe 1999: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Peter M. A. Sloot, Marian Bubak
, Alfons G. Hoekstra, Louis O. Hertzberger:
High-Performance Computing and Networking, 7th International Conference, HPCN Europe 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 12-14, 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1593, Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-65821-1
(Industrial) End-User Applications of HPCN
- Peter Sanders, Tuomo Takkula, Dag Wedelin:
High Performance Integer Optimization for Crew Scheduling. 3-12 - Bernd Jung, Hans-Peter Lenhof, Peter Müller, Christine Rüb:
Simulating Synthetic Polymer Chains in Parallel. 13-22 - Gerard L. Reijns, Arjan J. C. van Gemund, Jan Schier, Peter J. F. Swart:
Real-Time Signal Processing in a Collision Avoidance Radar System using Parallel Computing. 23-32 - Reinhard Riedl:
The Impact of Workload on Simulation Results for Distributed Transaction Processing. 33-42 - Andrzej Zbigniew Maksymowicz, Marian Bubak
, Katarzyna Zajac, M. Magdón:
Computer Simulation of Ageing with an Extended Penna Model. 43-49 - R. P. van Sterkenburg, A. A. ten Dam:
The Scenario Management Tool SMARTFED for Real-Time Interactive High Performance Networks Simulations. 50-59 - François-Xavier Lebas, Thomas Usländer:
OPERA: An HPCN Architecture for Distributed Component-Based Real-Time Simulations. 60-69 - Günther Rackl, Filippo de Stefani, Francois Héran, Antonello Pasquarelli, Thomas Ludwig:
Airport Simulation using CORBA and DIS. 70-79 - Chao-Hsu Chang, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Ming-Hui Jin, Yueh-O Tseng:
Intelligent Routing for Global Broadband Satellite Internet. 80-89 - W. P. Kellar, A. M. Savill, W. N. Dawes:
Integrated CAD/CFD Visualisation of a Generic Formula 1 Car Front Wheel Flowfield. 90-98 - Dag Fritzson, Patrik Nordling:
Adaptive Scheduling Strategy Optimizer for Parallel Rolling Bearing Simulation. 99-108 - H. Radhakrishna, S. Divakar, N. Magotra, S. R. J. Bruek, A. Waters:
MPI-Based Parallel Omplementation of a Lithography Pattern Simulation Algorithm. 109-119 - Josef Schüle, Tomas Wilhelmsson:
Parallelizing a High Operation Ocean Model. 120-129 - J. Roads, S. Chen, Carol McCord, W. Smith, Duane Stevens, H. Juang, F. Fujioka:
Weather and Climate Forecasts and Analyses at MHPCC. 130-132 - Kazuteru Garatani, Hisashi Nakamura, Hiroshi Okuda, Genki Yagawa:
GeoFEM: High Performance Parallel FEM for Solid Earth. 133-140 - Jan Modersitzki, Wolfgang Obelöer, Oliver Schmitt, Gunther Lustig:
Elastic Matching of Very Large Digital Images on High Performance Clusters. 141-149 - Jason Lee, Brian Tierney, William E. Johnston:
Data Intensive Distributed Computing; A Medical Application Example. 150-158 - Nikos Papazis, Dimitris Dimitrelos:
Utilizing HPC Technology in 3D Cardiac Modeling. 159-167 - Robinson Rivas, María-Blanca Ibáñez-Espiga, Yudith Cardinale, P. Windyga:
A Parallel Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction of Angiographic Images. 168-177 - Theofanis A. Maniatis, Konstantina S. Nikita
, K. Voliotis:
A Diffraction Tomography Method for Medical Imaging Implementation on High Performance Computing Environment. 178-187
Computational Science
- Alexey Ya. Kalinov, Alexey L. Lastovetsky
Heterogeneous Distribution of Computations While Solving Linear Algebra Problems on Networks of Heterogeneous Computers. 191-200 - Dora Blanco Heras
, Vicente Blanco Pérez
, José Carlos Cabaleiro
, Francisco F. Rivera:
Modeling and Improving Locality for Irregular Problems: Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on Cache Memories as a Cache Study. 201-210 - Shigehisa Satoh, Kazuhiro Kusano, Yoshio Tanaka, Motohiko Matsuda, Mitsuhisa Sato:
Parallelization of Saprse Cholesky Factorization on an SMP Cluster. 211-220 - Olaf Schenk, Klaus Gärtner, Wolfgang Fichtner:
Scalable Parallel Sparse Factorization with Left-Right Looking Strategy on Shared Memory Multoprocessors. 221-230 - Alexander V. Bogdanov, Igor A. Grishin, Gregory O. Khanlarov, German A. Lukianov, Vladimir V. Zakharov:
Algorithm of Two-Level Parallelization for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo of Unsteady Floes in Molecular Gasdynamics. 231-240 - Sergio Briguglio, Gregorio Vlad
, Giuliana Fogaccia, Beniamino Di Martino:
Parallelization of Gridless Finite-Size-Particle Plasma Simulation Codes. 241-250 - Yudong Sun, Zhengyu Liang, Cho-Li Wang:
A Distributed Object-Oriented Method for Particle Simulations on Clusters. 251-259 - Naohito Sato, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
A Simple Dynamic Load-Balancing Scheme for Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Distributed Memory Machines. 260-269 - Axel Keller, Matthias Brune, Alexander Reinefeld:
Resource Management for High_performance PC Clusters. 270-280 - Qusay H. Mahmoud:
The Web as a Global Computing Platform. 281-290 - Tomasz Haupt, Erol Akarsu, Geoffrey C. Fox:
WebFlow: A Framework for Web Based Metacomputing. 291-299 - G. Dick van Albada, J. Clinckmaillie, A. H. L. Emmen, Jörn Gehring, Oliver Heinz, Frank van der Linden, Benno J. Overeinder, Alexander Reinefeld, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Dynamite - Blasting Obstacles to Parallel Cluster Computing. 300-310 - Drona Kandhai, Antti Koponen, Alfons G. Hoekstra, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Iterative Momentum Relaxation for Fast Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations. 311-318 - Alexandre Dupuis, Bastien Chopard:
Lattice Gas: An Efficient and Reusable Parallel Library Based on a Graph Partitioning Technique. 319-328 - M. A. Kraeva, Victor E. Malyshkin
Algorithms of Parallel Realisatiuon of the PIC Method with Assembly Technology. 329-338 - David Dubbeldam, Alfons G. Hoekstra, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Computational Aspects of Multi-Species Lattice-Gas Automata. 339-349 - Craig J. Patten, Kenneth A. Hawick, J. F. Hercus:
Towards a Scalable Metacomputing Storage Service. 350-359 - Jie Li, Elise de Doncker:
Dynamic Visualization of Computtations on the Internet. 360-369 - Adam Ferrari, Frederick Knabe, Marty Humphrey, Steve J. Chapin, Andrew S. Grimshaw:
A Flexible Security System for Metacomputing Environments. 370-380 - Allen D. Malony, Jenifer L. Skidmore, Matthew J. Sottile:
Computational Experiments using Distributed Tools in a Web-Based Electronic Notebook Environment. 381-390 - Thomas L. Casavant, Todd E. Scheetz
, Terry A. Braun, Kyle J. Munn, Sureshkumar Kaliannan:
A Parallel/Distributed Srchitecture for Hierarcally Heterogeneous Web-Based Cooperative Applications. 391-401 - Douglas Andrew Smith:
Effective Dynamic Poad Balancing of the UKMO Tracer Advection Routines. 402-408 - Arjen Schoneveld, Martin Lees, Erwan Karyadi, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Dynamic Load Balancing in Parallel Finite Element Simulations. 409-419 - Rupert W. Ford, Michael O'Brien:
A Load Balancing Routine for the NAG Parallel Library. 420-429 - Frank Munz, Thomas Ludwig, Sibylle Ziegler, Peter Bartenstein, Markus Schwaiger, Arndt Bode:
Performance Assessment of Parallel Spectral Analysis: Towards a Practical Performance Model for Parallel Medical Applications. 430-439 - Shuling Yu, Mark J. Clement, Quinn Snell, Bryan S. Morse:
Parallel Algorithm and Processor Selection Based on Fuzzy Logic. 440-449 - M. Tahar Kechadi
Recurrent Neural Network Approach for Partitioning Irregular Graphs. 450-459
Computer Science
- Weiwu Hu, Weisong Shi, Zhimin Tang:
JIAJIA: A Software DSM System Based on a New Cache Coherence Protocol. 463-472 - John Stuart Harper, Darren J. Kerbyson, Graham R. Nudd:
Efficient Analytical Modelling of Multi-Level Set-Associative Caches. 473-482 - Kamala Kotapati, Sivarama P. Dandamudi:
Buffer Management in Wormhole-Routed Torus Multicomputer Networks. 483-492 - Kuang-Hung Pan, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Rung-Ji Shang, Feipei Lai:
Performance Analysis of Broadcast in Synchronized Multihop Wireless Networks. 493-502 - Felix Wolf, Bernd Mohr:
EARL - A Programmable and Extensible Toolkit for Analyzing Event Traces of Message Passing Programs. 503-512 - Kent Blackburn, Albert Lazzarini, Thomas A. Prince, Roy Williams:
XSIL: Extensible Scientific Interchange Language. 513-524 - Christoph W. Keßler, Helmut Seidl:
ForkLight: A Control-Synchronous Parallel Programming Language. 525-534 - Beniamino Di Martino, Massimo Celino, Vittorio Rosato:
HPF Parallelization of a Molecular Dynamics Code: Strategies and Performances. 535-542 - Marian Bubak
, Jakub T. Moscicki, Jamie Shiers:
Design of High-Performance C++ Package for Handling of Multidimensional Histograms. 543-552 - Masato Oguchi, Masaru Kitsuregawa:
Dynamic Remote Memory Acquiring for Parallel Data Mining on PC Cluster: Prliminary Performance Results. 553-562 - Giovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Roy Williams:
The Digital Puglia Project: An Active Digital Library of Remote Sensing Data. 563-572 - Jaturon Chattratichat, John Darlington, Yike Guo, S. Hedvall, Martin Köhler, Jameel Syed:
An Architecture for Distributed Enterprise Data Mining. 573-582 - Shusheng Li, Akkihebbal L. Ananda:
Representatives Selection in Multicast Group. 583-592 - Franco Zambonelli:
Deadlock Prevention in Incremental Replay of Message-Passing Programs. 593-602 - Michael Hobbs, Andrzej M. Goscinski:
Remote and Concurrent Process Duplication for SPMD Based Parallel Processing on COWs. 603-612 - Andrea Zavanella, Susanna Pelagatti
Using BSP to optimize Data Distribution in Skeleton Programs. 613-622 - Stephan Brauss, Martin Frey, Anton Gunzinger, Martin Lienhard, Josef Nemecek:
Swiss-Tx Communication Libraries. 623-632 - Nicola Zingirian, Massimo Maresca:
Finding the Optimal Unroll-and-Jam. 633-642 - Andrea G. M. Cilio, Henk Corporaal:
A Linker for effective Whole-Program Optimization. 643-652 - Georges-André Silber, Alain Darte:
the NESTOR Library: A Tool for Implementing FORTRAN Source Transformations. 653-662 - Motoyasu Takabatake, Hiroki Honda, Toshitsugu Yuba:
Performance Measurements on Sandglass-Type Parallelization of Doacross Loops. 663-672 - Maarten Boekhold, Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal:
Transformatiing and Parallelizing ANSI C Programs using Pattern Recognition. 673-682 - Sijun Zeng, Sivarama P. Dandamudi:
Centralized Architecture for Parallel Query Processing on Networks of Workstations. 683-692 - Jacek Kitowski, Dariusz Wajs, Piotr Trzeciak:
Object-Oriented Database System for Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations. 693-701 - Vaibhav Deshpande, Luciano Fornasier, Edgar A. Gerteisen, Nils Hilbrink, Andrey A. Mezentsev, Silvio Merazzi, Thomas Wöhler:
Virtual Engineering of Multi-Disciplinary Applications and the Significance of Seamless Accessibility of Geometry Data. 702-712 - Neven Tomov, Euan W. Dempster, M. Howard Williams, Albert G. Burger, Hamish Taylor, Peter J. B. King, Phil Broughton:
Some Results from a New Technique for Response Time Estimation in Parallel DBMS. 713-721 - Brian Vinter, Otto J. Anshus, Tore Larsen:
Past-Set - A Distributed Structured Shared Memory System. 722-731 - Douglas Antony Louis Piriyakumar
, Paul Levi, C. Siva Ram Murthy:
Optimal Scheduling of Iterative Data-Flow Programs onto Multiprocessors with Non-Negligible Interprocessor Communication. 732-743 - Françoise Baude, Denis Caromel, Nathalie Furmento, David Sagnol:
Overlapping Communication with Computation in Distributed Object Systems. 744-754 - Pedro Marcuello, Antonio González:
Exploiting Speculative Thread-Level Parallelism on a SMT Processor. 754-763 - Motohiko Matsuda, Yoshio Tanaka, Kazuto Kubota, Mitsuhisa Sato:
Network Interface Active Messages for Low Overhead Communication on SMP PC Clusters. 764-773 - Massimo Bernaschi, Giulio Iannello, Mario Lauria
Experimental Results about MPI Collective Communication Operations. 774-783 - Dimitris Dimitrelos, Constantine Halatsis:
MaDCoWS: A Scalable Distributed Shared Memory Environment for Massively Parallel Multiprocessors. 784-793
Virtual Reality
- David Cleary, Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue:
VisualExpresso: Generating a Virtual Reality Internet. 797-806 - David R. S. Boyd, Julian R. Gallop, K. E. V. Palmen, R. T. Platon, C. D. Seelig:
VIVRE: User-Centred Visualization. 807-816 - Robert G. Belleman, Jaap A. Kaandorp, D. Dijkman, Peter M. A. Sloot:
GEOPROVE: Geometric Probes for Virtual Environments. 817-827
Distributed Computing and Metacomputing
- José E. Moreira, Hubertus Franke, Waiman Chan, Liana L. Fong, Morris A. Jette, Andy B. Yoo:
A Gang-Scheduling System for ASCI Blue-Pacific. 831-840 - Holger Karl:
Towards Quality of Service for Parallel Computing: An Overview of the MILAN Project. 841-850 - Uwe Schwiegelshohn
, Ramin Yahyapour
Resource Allocation and Scheduling in Metasystems. 851-860
- David W. Walker, Omer F. Rana
The Use of JAVA in High Performance Computing: A Data Mining Example. 863-872 - Paul D. Coddington, J. A. Mathew, Kenneth A. Hawick:
Interfaces and Implementations of Random Number Generators for JAVA Grande Appllications. 873-883 - Matthias Gimbel, Michael Philippsen, Bernhard Haumacher, Peter C. Lockemann, Walter F. Tichy:
JAVA as a Basis for Parallel Data Mining in Workstation Clusters. 884-894 - Andreas Krall, Philipp Tomsich:
Garbage Collection for Large Memory JAVA Applications. 895-905
- Andy Marsh, Tuomo Kauranne, Gudrun Zahlmann, Ad Emmen, Leslie Versweyveld:
The Emergence ofVirtual Medical Worlds. 909-911 - Mary Moore:
Characteristics of Users of Medical Innovations. 912-918 - Bernd Blobel, Peter Pharow, Francis Roger-France:
Security and Design Based on a General Conceptual Security Model and UML. 919-930 - Dimitris Dimitrelos, Lambis Tassakos, Nikos Papazis, Georgios Sakas, Jürgen Jäger, Hans Kehl, Zenon Kyriakides, Theofilos Kolettis, Katerina Karaiskou, Andy Marsh, Kostas Delibasis, Christian Michael:
3DHeartView: Introducing 3-Dimensional Angiographical Modelling. 931-940 - Mattias Ohlsson, Andreas Järund, Lars Edenbrandt:
WWW Based Service for Automated Interpretation of Diagnostic Imgages: The AIDI-Heart Project. 941-950 - Peter Kokol, Milan Zorman, Vili Podgorelec
, Ana Habjanic, Tanja Medos, Majda Brumec:
Decision Trees - A CIM Tool in Nursing Education. 951-958 - Yiannis Samiotakis, Sofia Anagnostopoulou, Antonis Alexakis:
HealthLine: Integrated Information Provision to Telemedicine Networks. 959-963 - Emil Jovanov, Dusan Starcevic, Andy Marsh, Zeljko Obrenovic, Vlada Radivojevic, Aleksandar B. Samardzic:
Multi Modal Presentation in Virtual Telemedical Environment. 964-972 - Georgios S. Stamatakos, Evangelia I. Zacharaki, Nicolaos A. Mouravliansky, Konstantinos K. Delibasis
, Konstantina S. Nikita
, Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu, Andy Marsh:
Using Web Technologies and Meta-Computing to Visualise a Simplified Simulation Model of Tumor Growth in Vitro. 973-982 - Despina Polemi, Andy Marsh:
The Electronic Commerce Component in Telemedicine. 983-988 - Konstantinos K. Delibasis
, George K. Matsopoulos, Nicolaos A. Mouravliansky, Konstantina S. Nikita
Efficient Implementation of the Marching Cubes Algorithm for Rendering Medical Data. 989-997
High Performance Numerical Computation and Applications
- Tony F. Chan, Petr Vanek:
Multilevel Algebraic Elliptic Solvers. 1001-1014 - Jacek Rokicki, Dimitris Drikakis, Jerzy Majewski, Jerzy Zóltak:
Parallel Performance of Chimera Overlapping Mesh Technique. 1015-1024 - Thierry Jacques, Laurent Nicolas, Christian Vollaire:
Electromagnetic Scattering with the Boundary Integral Method on MIMD Systems. 1025-1031 - Mark R. T. Roest, Edwin A. H. Vollebregt:
Decomposition of Complex Numerical Software into Cooperating Components. 1032-1041 - S. Baird, J. J. McGuirk:
Multi-Block Parallel Simulation of Fluid Flow in a Fuel Cell. 1042-1051 - Cornelis Vuik
, Jason Frank:
A Parallel Implementation of the Block Preconditioned GCR Method. 1052-1060 - S. W. Brok, Len Dekker:
Comparison of Two Parallel Analytic Simulation Models of Inhomogeneous Distributed Parameter Systems. 1061-1076 - Tim Cooper:
Case Studies of Four Industrial Meta-Applications. 1077-1086 - Manuel Arenaz, Ramon Doallo, Juan Touriño
, Carlos Vázquez:
A Parallel Approach for Solving a Lubrication Problem in Industrial Devices. 1087-1093
High Performance Computing on Very Large Datasets
- Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam
Restructuring I/O-Intensive Computations for Locality. 1097-1106 - Eddy Caron, Olivier Cozette, Dominique Lazure, Gil Utard:
Virtual Memory Management in Data Parallel Applications. 1107-1116 - Jaechun No, Jesús Carretero
, Alok N. Choudhary:
High Performance Parallel I/O Schemes for Irregular Applications on Clusters of Workstations. 1117-1126 - Peter Brezany, Marianne Winslett:
Advanced Data Repository Support for JAVA Scientific Programming. 1127-1136
- Gagan Agrawal:
Advanced Communication Optimaizations for Data-Parallel Programs. 1139-1142 - Scott D. Telford:
A Cellular Automata Simulation Environment for Modelling Soil Bioremediation. 1143-1146 - Weisong Shi, Jifu Ma, Zhimin Tang:
High Efficient Parallel Computation of Resonant Frequencies of Waveguide Loaded Cavities on JIAJIA Software DSMs. 1147-1150 - Michio Iikura, Kenichi Kobayashi, Tohru Yoshika, Seijiro Ihara:
A Study of Parallel Image Processing in a Distributed Processing Environment. 1151-1154 - Sathiamoorthy Manoharan
Data Prefetching for Digital Alpha. 1155-1158 - San-Yuan Wang, Yu-Chee Tseng, Sze-Yao Ni, Jang-Ping Sheu:
Circuit-Switched Broadcast in Multi-Port 2D Tori. 1159-1162 - Sandeep Koranne:
A Distributed Algorithm for the Estimation of Average Switching Activity in Combinational Circuits. 1163-1166 - Udaya A. Ranawake, John E. Dorband:
BVIEW: A Tool for Monitoring Distributed Systems. 1167-1170 - Sergi Girona
, Santi Bello, Jesús Labarta, Pablo Ribes, Roman Martin, José Soto, Gloria Laffitte:
The Queue System within PHASE. 1171-1174 - Victor N. Kasyanov
, Vladimir A. Evstigneev, J. V. Malaina, J. V. Birjukova, V. A. Markin, E. V. Haritonov, S. G. Tsikoza:
Support Tools for Supercomputing and Networking. 1175-1178 - Mikhail N. Dorojevets, Konstantin Likharev:
Ultra High-Speed Superconductor System Design: Phase 2. 1179-1182 - David A. Evensky, Ann C. Gentile, Pete Wyckoff:
Lilith Lights: A Network Traffic Visualization Tool for High Performance Clusters. 1183-1186 - Gregory O. Khanlarov, German A. Lukianov:
DSMC of the Inner Atmosphere of a Comet on Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 1187-1189 - Kira Smyllie:
Data Mining and Simulation Applied to a Staff Scheduling Problem. 1190-1194 - P. Lindén, R. Chakarova, T. Faxén, Imre Pázsit:
Neural Network Software for unfolding Positron Lifetime Spectra. 1194-1198 - Ana Paula Cláudio, João Duarte Cunha, Maria Beatriz Carmo:
MPVisualizer: A General Tool to Debug Message Passing Parallel Applications. 1199-1202 - Alberto Ferreira de Souza, Peter Rounce:
Effect of Multicycle Intructions on the Integer Performance of the Dynamixcally Trace Scheduled VLIW Architecture. 1203-1206 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Roland Hügl, Jens Volkert:
MAD - A Top Down Approach to Parallel Program Debugging. 1207-1210 - Pascal Adam, Hassane Essafi, Michel-Pierre Gayrard, Marc Pic:
High-Performance Programming Support for Multimedia Document DataBase Management. 1211-1214 - Mauro Migliardi
, Vaidy S. Sunderam:
Behavioral Objects and Layered Services: The Aplication Programming Style in the Harness Metacomputing System. 1215-1218 - Anatoly E. Doroshenko, Lars-Erik Thorelli, Vladimir Vlassov:
Coordination Models and Facilities could be Parallel Software Accelerators. 1219-1222 - Marco Dimas Gubitoso, Carlos Humes Jr.:
Delays in Asynchronous Communication Domain Decompostion. 1223-1226 - L. Bray, Jean-Paul Arcangeli, Patrick Sallé:
Experimenting Reflection for Programming Concurrent Objects Scheduling Strategies. 1227-1230 - W. Dymaczewski, Norbert Meyer, Maciej Stroinski, Pawel Wolniewicz:
Virtual User Account System for Distributed Batch Processing. 1231-1234 - Sanan Srakaew, Nikitas A. Alexandridis, Punpiti Piamsa-nga, George C. Blankenship Jr.:
Content-Based Multimedia Data Retrieval on Cluster System Environment. 1235-1241 - Sándor Forrai, Péter Kacsuk:
Industrial Supercomputing Center in Hungary - Pre-feasibility Study. 1242-1246 - Carlos Molina, Antonio González, Jordi Tubella:
Reducing Memory Traffic Via Redundant Store Instructions. 1246-1249 - Yuri E. Gorbachev, Elena V. Zudilova:
3D-Visualization for Presenting Results of Numerical Simulation. 1250-1253 - Zdzislaw Szczerbinski:
Optimal Distribuion of Loops containing no Dependence Cycles. 1254-1257 - Yan Zhang IV, Chi-Hung Chi:
Solving Maximum Clique and Independent Set of Graphs Based on Hopfield Network. 1258-1261 - Jacek Moscinski, Darin Nikolow, Marek Pogoda, Renata Slota:
Storing Large Volumes of Structured Scientific Data on Tertiary Storage. 1262-1265 - George Bilchev, Ian W. Marshall, Sverrir Olafsson, Chris M. Roadknight
Modelling HTTP Traffic Generated by Community of Users. 1266-1269 - Marian Bubak
, Wlodzimierz Funika, Kamil Iskra
, Radoslaw Maruszewski:
OCM-Based Tools for Performance Monitoring of Message Passing Applications. 1270-1273 - Marian Bubak
, Wlodzimierz Funika, Radoslaw Gembarowski, Pawel Hodurek, Roland Wismüller:
Enhancing OCM to Support MPI Applications. 1274-1277 - Marian Bubak
, Wlodzimierz Funika, Grzegorz Mlynarczyk, Krzysztof Sowa, Roland Wismüller:
Symbol Table Management in an HPF Debugger. 1278-1281 - James B. Fenwick Jr., Lori L. Pollock:
Tuple Counting Data Flow Analysis and its Use in Communication Optimization. 1282-1285 - Alexander V. Bogdanov, Ashot Gevorkyan, Armen Grigoryan, S. A. Matveev:
Investigation of High-Performance Algorithms for Numerical Calculation of Evolution of Quantum Systems Based on their Intrinsic Properties. 1286-1291 - Tsung-Tso Kan, Chuen-Liang Chen:
Processor Allocation and Task Scheduling to Minimize Ditributed Sparse Cholesky Faxtorization Time. 1292-1295
Late Papers
- S. Lakshminarayanan, S. S. Ghosh, N. Balakrishnan:
Implementation of MPI over HTTP. 1299-1302 - Apostolos Meliones, D. Baltas, P. Kammenos, Klaus Spinnler, Andreas Kuleschow, George Vardangalos, P. Lambadaris:
A Distributed Vision Network for Industrial Packaging Inspection. 1303-1307 - Alexander Tiountchik:
Implementation of Montgomery Exponentiation on Fine Grained FPGAs: A Note on Partitioning. 1308-1312

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