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Beatriz López 0001
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- affiliation: University of Girona, eXiT Research Group, Spain
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- Beatriz López 0002
— Portsmouth University, Department of Psychology, UK
- Beatriz López 0003 — Spanish University for Distance Education, Madrid, Spain
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [c69]Beatriz López
, David Galera, Abel López-Bermejo
, Judit Bassols
Frequent Patterns of Childhood Overweight from Longitudinal Data on Parental and Early-Life of Infants Health. AIME (1) 2024: 64-69 - [c68]Cristina Montserrat, Jonah Fernandez
, Bianca Innocenti
, Beatriz López
Detection of Epileptic Seizures with EEG Sequential Patterns. CCIA 2024: 54-57 - [c67]Jonah Fernandez
, Guillem Hernández Guillamet
, Cristina Montserrat, Bianca Innocenti
, Beatriz López
Examining the Potential of Sequence Patterns from EEG Data as Alternative Case Representation for Seizure Detection. ICCBR 2024: 258-272 - 2023
- [j32]Guillem Hernández Guillamet
, Francesc López Seguí, Josep Vidal-Alaball
, Beatriz López
CauRuler: Causal irredundant association rule miner for complex patient trajectory modelling. Comput. Biol. Medicine 155: 106636 (2023) - [j31]Alihuén García-Pavioni
, Beatriz López
Dimensionality reduction and features visual representation based on conditional probabilities applied to activity classification. Comput. Biol. Medicine 167: 107595 (2023) - [c66]Òscar Raya
, Xavier Castells
, David Ramírez
, Beatriz López
Management of Patient and Physician Preferences and Explanations for Participatory Evaluation of Treatment with an Ethical Seal. AIME 2023: 378-383 - [c65]Guillem Hernández Guillamet, Beatriz López
, Oriol Estrada
, Francesc López Seguí
Hipertension Demand Forecasting Using Cross-Correlation and Lagged Multiple Linear Regression Models for Anticipating Health Resources Needs. CCIA 2023: 193-203 - [c64]Beatriz López
, Roger Campdepadros
, Albert Sabater
Sequence Pattern Mining for Citizens Behaviour Learning in Fair-Purpose Social Games. Some Preliminary Results. CCIA 2023: 231-240 - [c63]Beatriz López
, Gloria Mateu
, Yenny Leal
Problem based Learning for Training in Statistics and Artificial Intelligence to Biomedical Engineers. ICETC 2023: 391-396 - 2022
- [j30]Beatriz López
, Ferran Torrent-Fontbona
, Luis Masana Marín
, Alberto Zamora
HTE 3.0: Knowledge-based systems in cascade for familial hypercholesterolemia detection and dyslipidemia treatment. Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng. 39(1) (2022) - [j29]Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Albert Bifet
, Beatriz López
VEPRECO: Vertical databases with pre-pruning strategies and common candidate selection policies to fasten sequential pattern mining. Expert Syst. Appl. 204: 117517 (2022) - [j28]Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Beatriz López, Albert Bifet
TA4L: Efficient temporal abstraction of multivariate time series. Knowl. Based Syst. 244: 108554 (2022) - [c62]Alihuén García-Pavioni, Beatriz López:
A New Method of Dimensionality Reduction for Large Time Series Applied to Accelerometer Wristbands' Signals. BIOSIGNALS 2022: 103-110 - 2021
- [j27]Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Beatriz López, Albert Bifet
vertTIRP: Robust and efficient vertical frequent time interval-related pattern mining. Expert Syst. Appl. 168: 114276 (2021) - [j26]Joaquim Massana
, Òscar Raya
, Jaume Gauchola
, Beatriz López
Signaleeg. Neuroinformatics 19(4): 567-583 (2021) - [c61]Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Jaume Gauchola, Beatriz López:
Understanding affective behaviour from physiological signals: Feature learning versus pattern mining. CBMS 2021: 438-443 - 2020
- [c60]David A. Duce
, Clare Martin
, Alex Russell, Dan Brown, Arantza Aldea, Bedour Alshaigy, Rachel Harrison, Marion Waite, Yenny Leal, Marzena Wos, Mercè Fernandez-Balsells
, José Manuel Fernández Real, Lucian Nita, Beatriz López, Joaquim Massana, Parizad Avari, Pau Herrero, Narvada Jugnee, Nick Oliver
, Monika Reddy:
Visualizing Usage Data from a Diabetes Management System. CGVC 2020: 1-9
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j25]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona
, Joaquim Massana, Beatriz López
Case-base maintenance of a personalised and adaptive CBR bolus insulin recommender system for type 1 diabetes. Expert Syst. Appl. 121: 338-346 (2019) - [j24]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona
, Beatriz López
Personalized Adaptive CBR Bolus Recommender System for Type 1 Diabetes. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics 23(1): 387-394 (2019) - [e5]Fernando Koch, Andrew Koster, David Riaño, Sara Montagna, Michael Schumacher, Annette ten Teije
, Christian Guttmann, Manfred Reichert, Isabelle Bichindaritz, Pau Herrero, Richard Lenz, Beatriz López, Cindy Marling, Clare Martin, Stefania Montani, Nirmalie Wiratunga:
Artificial Intelligence in Health - First International Workshop, AIH@IJCAI 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-14, 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11326, Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-12737-4 [contents] - 2018
- [j23]Beatriz López
, Clare Martin
, Pau Herrero Viñas
Special section on artificial intelligence for diabetes. Artif. Intell. Medicine 85: 26-27 (2018) - [j22]Beatriz López
, Ferran Torrent-Fontbona
, Ramón Viñas, José Fernández-Real:
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism relevance learning with Random Forests for Type 2 diabetes risk prediction. Artif. Intell. Medicine 85: 43-49 (2018) - [c59]Beatriz López, Carles Pous:
eXiT*CBR: A Tool Supporting RRI. CCIA 2018: 176-179 - [c58]Beatriz López, Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Pablo Gay, Albert Pla:
Knowledge representation and machine learning on wearable sensor data: a study on gait monitoring. DATA 2018: 45:1-45:2 - [c57]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona, Joaquim Massana, Beatriz López:
Case-base maintenance of a personalized insulin dose recommender system for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. AIH@IJCAI 2018: 22-32 - [e4]Isabelle Bichindaritz, Christian Guttmann, Pau Herrero, Fernando Koch, Andrew Koster, Richard Lenz, Beatriz López Ibáñez, Cindy Marling, Clare Martin, Sara Montagna, Stefania Montani, Manfred Reichert, David Riaño, Michael Ignaz Schumacher, Annette ten Teije, Nirmalie Wiratunga:
Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on AI in Health organized as part of the Federated AI Meeting (FAIM 2018), co-located with AAMAS 2018, ICML 2018, IJCAI 2018 and ICCBR 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-14, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2142, CEUR-WS.org 2018 [contents] - 2017
- [j21]Albert Pla
, Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Beatriz López
, Marco Raaben
, Taco J. Blokhuis, Herman R. Holtslag:
Bag-of-steps: Predicting lower-limb fracture rehabilitation length by weight loading analysis. Neurocomputing 268: 109-115 (2017) - [c56]Beatriz López, Sreynoch Soung, Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Albert Pla, Pablo Gay, Abel López-Bermejo:
MATCHuP: An mHealth Tool for Children and Young People Health Promotion. HEALTHINF 2017: 313-318 - [c55]Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Ferran Torrent-Fontbona, Beatriz López
Prediction of Glucose Level Conditions from Sequential Data. CCIA 2017: 227-232 - 2016
- [j20]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona
, Beatriz López
, Dídac Busquets, Jeremy V. Pitt:
Self-organising energy demand allocation through canons of distributive justice in a microgrid. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 52: 108-118 (2016) - [c54]Albert Pla, Beatriz López, Cristofor Nogueira, Natalia Mordvaniuk, Taco J. Blokhuis, Herman R. Holtslag:
Bag-of-Steps: predicting lower-limb fracture rehabilitation length. ESANN 2016 - 2015
- [j19]Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Javier Murillo:
Multi-dimensional fairness for auction-based resource allocation. Knowl. Based Syst. 73: 134-148 (2015) - [c53]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona, Albert Pla, Beatriz López:
A New Perspective of Trust Through Multi-Attribute Auctions. AAAI Workshop: Incentive and Trust in E-Communities 2015 - [c52]Pablo Gay, Beatriz López
, Joaquím Meléndez
Sequence learning with informed gaps. CCIA 2015: 263-266 - [c51]Pablo Gay, Beatriz López
, Joaquím Meléndez
Learning Complex Events from Sequences with Informed Gaps. ICMLA 2015: 1089-1094 - 2014
- [j18]Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Javier Murillo, Nicolas Maudet:
Multi-attribute auctions with different types of attributes: Enacting properties in multi-attribute auctions. Expert Syst. Appl. 41(10): 4829-4843 (2014) - [j17]Albert Pla
, Pablo Gay, Joaquím Meléndez
, Beatriz López
Petri net-based process monitoring: a workflow management system for process modelling and monitoring. J. Intell. Manuf. 25(3): 539-554 (2014) - [c50]Beatriz López, Francisco Gamero, Jordi Coll, Natalia Mordvaniuk, Judit Bassols, Eva Bargallo, Borja Guarch, Abel López-Bermejo:
Intelligent System for Premature Babies Healthcare at Home based on Case-based Reasoning. IWBBIO 2014: 1278-1289 - [c49]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona, Albert Pla, Beatriz López:
Using Multi-attribute Combinatorial Auctions for Resource Allocation. MATES 2014: 57-71 - [c48]Albert Pla, Beatriz López, Jordi Coll, Natalia Mordvaniuk, Abel López-Bermejo:
Context Management in Health Care Apps. MIE 2014: 1207 - [c47]Albert Pla, Jordi Coll
, Natalia Mordvaniuk, Beatriz López:
Context-Aware Case-Based Reasoning. MIKE 2014: 229-238 - [c46]Beatriz López, Aditya K. Ghose, Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, Mariusz Nowostawski, Michael Winikoff, Stephen Cranefield:
Towards Energy-aware Optimisation of Business Processes. SMARTGREENS 2014: 68-75 - 2013
- [b1]Beatriz López
Case-Based Reasoning: A Concise Introduction. Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Morgan & Claypool Publishers 2013, ISBN 9781627050074, pp. 1-103 - [j16]Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Pablo Gay, Carles Pous:
eXiT*CBR.v2: Distributed case-based reasoning tool for medical prognosis. Decis. Support Syst. 54(3): 1499-1510 (2013) - [j15]Ferran Torrent-Fontbona
, Víctor Muñoz
, Beatriz López
Solving large immobile location-allocation by affinity propagation and simulated annealing. Application to select which sporting event to watch. Expert Syst. Appl. 40(11): 4593-4599 (2013) - [j14]Pablo Gay, Beatriz López
, Albert Pla
, Jordi Saperas
, Carles Pous:
Enabling the use of hereditary information from pedigree tools in medical knowledge-based systems. J. Biomed. Informatics 46(4): 710-720 (2013) - [c45]Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Javier Murillo:
How to Demonstrate Incentive Compatibility in Multi-Attribute Auctions. CCIA 2013: 303-306 - 2012
- [j13]Javier Murillo, Beatriz López
, Víctor Muñoz
, Dídac Busquets
Fairness in Recurrent Auctions with Competing Markets and Supply fluctuations. Comput. Intell. 28(1): 24-50 (2012) - [c44]Ferran Torrent, Víctor Muñoz
, Beatriz López
Exploring Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing for Immobile Location-Allocation Problem. CCIA 2012: 163-172 - [c43]Pablo Gay, Beatriz López, Joaquím Meléndez:
Constraint-programming Approach for Multiset and Sequence Mining. KDIR 2012: 212-220 - [c42]Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Javier Murillo:
Multi Criteria Operators for Multi-attribute Auctions. MDAI 2012: 318-328 - [c41]Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Javier Murillo:
Multi-Attribute Auction Mechanism for Supporting Resource Allocation in Business Process Enactment. STAIRS 2012: 228-239 - [e3]Vicenç Torra
, Yasuo Narukawa, Beatriz López, Mateu Villaret:
Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence - 9th International Conference, MDAI 2012, Girona, Catalonia, Spain, November 21-23, 2012. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7647, Springer 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-34619-4 [contents] - 2011
- [j12]Javier Murillo, Víctor Muñoz
, Dídac Busquets
, Beatriz López
Schedule coordination through egalitarian recurrent multi-unit combinatorial auctions. Appl. Intell. 34(1): 47-63 (2011) - [j11]Beatriz López
, Carles Pous, Pablo Gay, Albert Pla
, Judit Sanz, Joan Brunet
eXiT*CBR: A framework for case-based medical diagnosis development and experimentation. Artif. Intell. Medicine 51(2): 81-91 (2011) - [j10]Javier Murillo, Dídac Busquets, Jordi Dalmau, Beatriz López
, Víctor Muñoz
, Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda
Improving urban wastewater management through an auction-based management of discharges. Environ. Model. Softw. 26(6): 689-696 (2011) - [c40]Albert Pla, Pablo Gay, Joaquím Meléndez, Beatriz López:
Petri Net based Agents for Coordinating Resources in a Workflow Management System. ICAART (1) 2011: 514-523 - [c39]Marc Compta, Beatriz López
Integration of Sequence Learning and CBR for Complex Equipment Failure Prediction. ICCBR 2011: 408-422 - 2010
- [c38]Pablo Gay, Beatriz López
, Albert Pla
, Joaquím Meléndez
Complex Event Processing for Public-Cycling Transport Supervision. CCIA 2010: 121-130 - [c37]Javier Murillo, Beatriz López
Fair Mechanisms for Recurrent Multi Unit Combinatorial Auctions. ECAI 2010: 1009-1010 - [c36]Pablo Gay, Albert Pla
, Beatriz López
, Joaquím Meléndez
, Regine Meunier:
Service workflow monitoring through complex event processing. ETFA 2010: 1-4 - [c35]Beatriz López
, Albert Pla
, David Daroca, Luis Collantes, Sara Lozano, Joaquím Meléndez
Medical Equipment Maintenance Support with Service-Oriented Multi-agent Services. PRIMA 2010: 487-498 - [c34]Javier Murillo, Beatriz López
Fair Mechanisms for Recurrent Multi Unit Combinatorial Auctions. STAIRS 2010: 186-198
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j9]Beatriz López
, Víctor Muñoz
, Javier Murillo, Federico Barber
, Miguel A. Salido
, Montserrat Abril, Mariamar Cervantes, Luis F. Caro, Mateu Villaret
Experimental analysis of optimization techniques on the road passenger transportation problem. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 22(3): 374-388 (2009) - [j8]Carles Pous, Dani Caballero, Beatriz López:
Diagnosing patients with a combination of principal component analysis and case based reasoning. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 6(2): 111-122 (2009) - [c33]Beatriz López
, Víctor Barrera, Joaquím Meléndez
, Carles Pous, Joan Brunet
, Judit Sanz:
Subgroup Discovery for Weight Learning in Breast Cancer Diagnosis. AIME 2009: 360-364 - [c32]Javier Murillo, Víctor Muñoz, Beatriz López
, Dídac Busquets
Developing Strategies for the ART Domain. CAEPIA 2009: 171-180 - [c31]Joaquím Meléndez
, Beatriz López
, David Millán-Ruiz:
Probabilistic Models to Assist Maintenance of Multiple Instruments. ETFA 2009: 1-4 - [c30]Beatriz López
, Carles Pous, Albert Pla
, Pablo Gay:
Boosting CBR Agents with Genetic Algorithms. ICCBR 2009: 195-209 - [c29]Beatriz López
, Carles Pous, Pablo Gay, Albert Pla
Multi Criteria Decision Methods for Coordinating Case-Based Agents. MATES 2009: 54-65 - [c28]Víctor Muñoz, Javier Murillo, Beatriz López
, Dídac Busquets
Strategies for Exploiting Trust Models in Competitive Multi-Agent Systems. MATES 2009: 79-90 - 2008
- [j7]Beatriz López
, Bianca Innocenti, Dídac Busquets
A Multiagent System for Coordinating Ambulances for Emergency Medical Services. IEEE Intell. Syst. 23(5): 50-57 (2008) - [c27]Carles Pous, Pablo Gay, Albert Pla
, Joan Brunet
, Judit Sanz, Teresa Ramon y Cajal, Beatriz López
Modeling Reuse on Case-Based Reasoning with Application to Breast Cancer Diagnosis. AIMSA 2008: 322-332 - [c26]Víctor Barrera, Beatriz López
, Joaquím Meléndez
, Jorge Sánchez:
Voltage Sag Source Location From Extracted Rules Using Subgroup Discovery. CCIA 2008: 225-235 - [c25]Carles Pous, Albert Pla, Pablo Gay, Beatriz López:
Collecting methods for medical CBR development and experimentation. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 89-98 - [c24]Bianca Innocenti
, Beatriz López
, Joaquim Salvi
Design Patterns for Combining Social and Individual Intelligences on Modular-Based Agents. HAIS 2008: 70-77 - [c23]Carles Pous, Dani Caballero, Beatriz López
Diagnosing Patients Combining Principal Components Analysis and Case Based Reasoning. HIS 2008: 819-824 - [c22]Carles Pous, Albert Pla, Pablo Gay, Beatriz López:
eXiT*CBR: A framework for case-based medical diagnosis development and experimentation. ICDM (Posters and Workshops) 2008: 96-105 - [c21]Beatriz López
, Pablo Gay, Albert Pla
, Carles Pous:
A Framework for CBR Development and Experimentation with Application to Medical Diagnosis. IWPACBB 2008: 45-54 - [c20]Javier Murillo, Víctor Muñoz, Beatriz López
, Dídac Busquets
A Fair Mechanism for Recurrent Multi-unit Auctions. MATES 2008: 147-158 - [c19]Bianca Innocenti
, Beatriz López
, Joaquim Salvi
Integrating individual and social intelligence into module-based agents without central coordinator. STAIRS 2008: 82-93 - 2007
- [j6]Bianca Innocenti
, Beatriz López
, Joaquim Salvi
A multi-agent architecture with cooperative fuzzy control for a mobile robot. Robotics Auton. Syst. 55(12): 881-891 (2007) - [c18]Javier Murillo, Beatriz López:
An efficient estimation function for the crew scheduling problem. CCIA 2007: 11-18 - [c17]Javier Murillo, Víctor Muñoz, Beatriz López, Dídac Busquets
Dynamic Configurable Auctions for Coordinating Industrial Waste Discharges. MATES 2007: 109-120 - 2006
- [c16]Bianca Innocenti, Beatriz López, Joaquim Salvi:
A multi-agent collaborative control architecture with fuzzy adjustment for a mobile robot. ICINCO-RA 2006: 523-526 - [e2]Monique Polit, Thierry Talbert, Beatriz López, Joaquím Meléndez:
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the ACIA, CCIA 2006, October 26-27, 2006, Perpignan, France. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 146, IOS Press 2006, ISBN 978-1-58603-663-8 [contents] - 2005
- [c15]Martí Fàbregas, Beatriz López, Josep Masana:
How Bee-Like Agents Support Cultural Heritage. Engineering Self-Organising Systems 2005: 197-211 - [c14]Gustavo González, Beatriz López, Cecilio Angulo, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Acquiring Unobtrusive Relevance Feedback through Eye-Tracking in Ambient Recommender Systems. CCIA 2005: 181-188 - [c13]Beatriz López, Joaquím Meléndez, Silvia Suárez:
Ontology for integrating heterogeneous tools for supervision, fault detection and diagnosis. ICINCO 2005: 125-132 - [e1]Beatriz López, Joaquím Meléndez, Petia Radeva, Jordi Vitrià:
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the ACIA, CCIA 2005, October 26-28, 2005, Alguer, Italy. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 131, IOS Press 2005, ISBN 978-1-58603-560-0 [contents] - 2004
- [j5]Armin Shmilovici
, Foaid Ramkddam, Beatriz López
, José Lluís de la Rosa:
Measuring progress in multirobot research with rating methods - the RoboCup example. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B 34(2): 1305-1308 (2004) - [c12]Jordi Palau, Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Collaboration Analysis in Recommender Systems Using Social Networks. CIA 2004: 137-151 - [c11]Gustavo González, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Managing Emotions in Smart User Models for Recommender Systems. ICEIS (5) 2004: 187-194 - [c10]Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Evaluation of Recommender Systems Through Simulated Users. ICEIS (3) 2004: 303-308 - 2003
- [j4]Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López
, Josep Lluís de la Rosa
A Taxonomy of Recommender Agents on the Internet. Artif. Intell. Rev. 19(4): 285-330 (2003) - [j3]Gustavo González, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Smart User Models for Tourism: A Holistic Approach for Personalized Tourism Services. J. Inf. Technol. Tour. 6(4): 273-286 (2003) - [c9]Josep Lluís de la Rosa, Esteve del Acebo, Beatriz López, Miquel Montaner:
From Physical Agents to Recommender Agents. AgentLink 2003: 165-178 - [c8]Beatriz López:
Holiday Scheduling for City Visitors. ENTER 2003: 252-260 - 2002
- [c7]Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Developing trust in recommender agents. AAMAS 2002: 304-305 - [c6]Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Opinion-Based Filtering through Trust. CIA 2002: 164-178 - [c5]Miquel Montaner, Beatriz López, Josep Lluís de la Rosa:
Improving Case Representation and Case Base Maintenance in Recommender Agents. ECCBR 2002: 234-248 - 2001
- [c4]Arantza Aldea, Beatriz López, Antonio Moreno, David Riaño
, Aïda Valls:
A Multi-agent System for Organ Transplant Co-ordination. AIME 2001: 413-416 - 2000
- [c3]Miguel A. García, Albert Larré, Beatriz López
, Albert Oller:
Reducing the complexity of geometric selective disassembly. IROS 2000: 1474-1479
1990 – 1999
- 1997
- [j2]Beatriz López
, Enric Plaza:
Case-based learning of plans and goal states in medical diagnosis. Artif. Intell. Medicine 9(1): 29-60 (1997) - 1993
- [c2]Beatriz López, Enric Plaza:
Case-Based Planning for Medical Diagnosis. ISMIS 1993: 96-105 - 1991
- [c1]Beatriz López
, Enric Plaza
Case-Based Learning of Strategic Knowledge. EWSL 1991: 398-411 - 1990
- [j1]Beatriz López
, Pedro Meseguer, Enric Plaza:
Knowledge Based Systems Validation: A State of the Art. AI Commun. 3(2): 58-72 (1990)
Coauthor Index
aka: Josep Lluís de la Rosa
aka: Natalia Mordvanyuk
aka: Ferran Torrent

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