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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j26]Ekaterina Gilman
, Francesca Bugiotti
, Ahmed Khalid
, Hassan Mehmood
, Panos Kostakos
, Lauri Tuovinen
, Johanna Ylipulli
, Xiang Su
, Denzil Ferreira
Addressing Data Challenges to Drive the Transformation of Smart Cities. ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol. 15(5): 88:1-88:65 (2024) - 2023
- [j25]Elina Kuosmanen
, Eetu Huusko, Niels van Berkel
, Francisco Nunes
, Julio Vega
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Mohamed Khamis
, Augusto Esteves
, Denzil Ferreira
, Simo Hosio
Exploring crowdsourced self-care techniques: A study on Parkinson's disease. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 177: 103062 (2023) - [j24]Niels van Berkel, Simon D'Alfonso, Rio Kurnia Susanto, Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos:
AWARE-Light: a smartphone tool for experience sampling and digital phenotyping. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 27(2): 435-445 (2023) - [j23]Saba Kheirinejad, Aku Visuri
, Denzil Ferreira, Simo Hosio
"Leave your smartphone out of bed": quantitative analysis of smartphone use effect on sleep quality. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 27(2): 447-466 (2023) - 2022
- [j22]Elina Kuosmanen, Aku Visuri
, Saba Kheirinejad, Niels van Berkel, Heli Koskimäki, Denzil Ferreira, Simo Hosio
How Does Sleep Tracking Influence Your Life?: Experiences from a Longitudinal Field Study with a Wearable Ring. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 6(MHCI): 1-19 (2022) - [j21]Kennedy Opoku Asare
, Isaac Moshe
, Yannik Terhorst
, Julio Vega, Simo Hosio
, Harald Baumeister
, Laura Pulkki-Råback, Denzil Ferreira
Mood ratings and digital biomarkers from smartphone and wearable data differentiates and predicts depression status: A longitudinal data analysis. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 83: 101621 (2022) - 2021
- [j20]Aku Visuri
, Niels van Berkel, Jorge Gonçalves
, Reza Rawassizadeh, Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos:
Understanding usage style transformation during long-term smartwatch use. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 25(3): 535-549 (2021) - [c62]Andy Alorwu, Saba Kheirinejad, Niels van Berkel, Marianne Kinnula, Denzil Ferreira, Aku Visuri
, Simo Hosio
Assessing MyData Scenarios: Ethics, Concerns, and the Promise. CHI 2021: 209:1-209:11 - [c61]Kennedy Opoku Asare
, Aku Visuri
, Julio Vega
, Denzil Ferreira
Me in the Wild: An Exploratory Study Using Smartphones to Detect the Onset of Depression. MobiHealth 2021: 121-145 - 2020
- [j19]Ella Peltonen
, Parsa Sharmila, Kennedy Opoku Asare
, Aku Visuri
, Eemil Lagerspetz
, Denzil Ferreira:
When phones get personal: Predicting Big Five personality traits from application usage. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 69: 101269 (2020) - [c60]Abdallah El Ali
, Monica Perusquía-Hernández
, Pete Denman, Yomna Abdelrahman, Mariam Hassib, Alexander Meschtscherjakov
, Denzil Ferreira, Niels Henze:
MEEC: First Workshop on Momentary Emotion Elicitation and Capture. CHI Extended Abstracts 2020: 1-8 - [c59]Elina Kuosmanen, Valerii Kan, Aku Visuri
, Simo Hosio
, Denzil Ferreira:
Let's Draw: Detecting and Measuring Parkinson's Disease on Smartphones. CHI 2020: 1-9 - [c58]Yuuki Nishiyama, Denzil Ferreira, Yusaku Eigen, Wataru Sasaki, Tadashi Okoshi, Jin Nakazawa, Anind K. Dey, Kaoru Sezaki:
IOS Crowd-Sensing Won't Hurt a Bit!: AWARE Framework and Sustainable Study Guideline for iOS Platform. HCI (23) 2020: 223-243 - [c57]Yuuki Nishiyama, Denzil Ferreira, Wataru Sasaki, Tadashi Okoshi, Jin Nakazawa, Anind K. Dey, Kaoru Sezaki:
Using iOS for inconspicuous data collection: a real-world assessment. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2020: 261-266
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j18]Niels van Berkel
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Lauri Lovén
, Denzil Ferreira
, Simo Hosio
, Vassilis Kostakos
Effect of experience sampling schedules on response rate and recall accuracy of objective self-reports. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud. 125: 118-128 (2019) - [j17]Chu Luo
, Aku Visuri
, Simon Klakegg, Niels van Berkel
, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva
, Antti Möttönen, Jorge Gonçalves
, Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Denzil Ferreira, Huber Flores
, Eduardo Velloso
, Vassilis Kostakos
Energy-efficient prediction of smartphone unlocking. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 23(1): 159-177 (2019) - [j16]Upal Mahbub
, Jukka Komulainen
, Denzil Ferreira
, Rama Chellappa:
Continuous Authentication of Smartphones Based on Application Usage. IEEE Trans. Biom. Behav. Identity Sci. 1(3): 165-180 (2019) - [j15]Jiangtao Wang
, Yasha Wang
, Daqing Zhang, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira
, Aku Visuri
, Sen Ma:
Learning-Assisted Optimization in Mobile Crowd Sensing: A Survey. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 15(1): 15-22 (2019) - [c56]Niels van Berkel
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Peter Koval
, Simo Hosio
, Tilman Dingler
, Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos:
Context-Informed Scheduling and Analysis: Improving Accuracy of Mobile Self-Reports. CHI 2019: 51 - [c55]Kennedy Opoku Asare
, Aku Visuri
, Denzil Ferreira:
Towards early detection of depression through smartphone sensing. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2019: 1158-1161 - [c54]Elina Kuosmanen, Valerii Kan, Aku Visuri
, Assam Boudjelthia, Lokmane Krizou, Denzil Ferreira:
Measuring Parkinson's disease motor symptoms with smartphone-based drawing tasks. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2019: 1182-1185 - [c53]Elina Kuosmanen, Valerii Kan, Julio Vega, Aku Visuri
, Yuuki Nishiyama, Anind K. Dey, Simon Harper
, Denzil Ferreira:
Challenges of Parkinson's Disease: User Experiences with STOP. MobileHCI 2019: 22:1-22:11 - 2018
- [j14]Niels van Berkel
, Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos
The Experience Sampling Method on Mobile Devices. ACM Comput. Surv. 50(6): 93:1-93:40 (2018) - [j13]Simon Klakegg, Jorge Gonçalves
, Chu Luo, Aku Visuri, Alexey Popov, Niels van Berkel
, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Simo Hosio, Scott Savage, Alexander Bykov, Igor V. Meglinski, Denzil Ferreira:
Assisted Medication Management in Elderly Care Using Miniaturised Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 2(2): 69:1-69:24 (2018) - [c52]Assam Boudjelthia, Sofeem Nasim, Janne Eskola, Joshua Muyiwa Adeegbe, Oula Hourula, Simon Klakegg, Denzil Ferreira:
Enabling Mid-air Browser Interaction with Leap Motion. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2018: 335-338 - [c51]Valerii Kan, Dorina Rajanen, Kennedy Opoku Asare, Denzil Ferreira:
STOP: A Smartphone-based Game for Parkinson's Disease Medication Adherence. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2018: 373-376 - [c50]Aku Visuri
, Kennedy Opoku Asare, Elina Kuosmanen, Yuuki Nishiyama, Denzil Ferreira, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva
, Jorge Gonçalves, Niels van Berkel
, Greg Wadley, Vassilis Kostakos
, Sarah Clinch
, Oludamilare Matthews, Simon Harper
, Amy Jenkins, Stephen Snow
, m. c. schraefel
Ubiquitous Mobile Sensing: Behaviour, Mood, and Environment. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2018: 1140-1143 - [c49]Yuuki Nishiyama, Anind K. Dey, Denzil Ferreira, Takuro Yonezawa, Jin Nakazawa:
Senbay: a platform for instantly capturing, integrating, and restreaming of synchronized multiple sensor-data stream. MobileHCI Adjunct 2018: 291 - [c48]Kennedy Opoku Asare
, Tore Leikanger, Christian Schuss, Simon Klakegg, Aku Visuri
, Denzil Ferreira:
S3: environmental fingerprinting with a credit card-sized NFC powered sensor board. MobileHCI Adjunct 2018: 298-305 - [c47]Yazan Barhoush, Miikka Mustonen, Denzil Ferreira, Georgi V. Georgiev, Daniel Nguyen
, Matti Pouke:
The gravity of thought: exploring positively surprising interactions. MobileHCI Adjunct 2018: 333-338 - [c46]Elina Kuosmanen, Valerii Kan, Aku Visuri
, Julio Vega
, Yuuki Nishiyama, Anind K. Dey, Simon Harper
, Denzil Ferreira:
Mobile-based Monitoring of Parkinson's Disease. MUM 2018: 441-448 - [c45]Hanna-Leena Huttunen, Raija Halonen
, Denzil Ferreira:
Identifying bottlenecks in work processes: Elderly care. SeGAH 2018: 1-8 - [i1]Upal Mahbub, Jukka Komulainen, Denzil Ferreira, Rama Chellappa:
Continuous Authentication of Smartphones Based on Application Usage. CoRR abs/1808.03319 (2018) - 2017
- [j12]Anabela Berenguer, Jorge Gonçalves
, Simo Hosio
, Denzil Ferreira, Theodoros Anagnostopoulos
, Vassilis Kostakos
Are Smartphones Ubiquitous?: An in-depth survey of smartphone adoption by seniors. IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag. 6(1): 104-110 (2017) - [j11]Sangwon Bae
, Denzil Ferreira, Brian Suffoletto
, Juan C. Puyana, Ryan Kurtz, Tammy Chung, Anind K. Dey:
Detecting Drinking Episodes in Young Adults Using Smartphone-based Sensors. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 1(2): 5:1-5:36 (2017) - [j10]Chu Luo, Miikka Kuutila, Simon Klakegg, Denzil Ferreira, Huber Flores, Jorge Gonçalves
, Mika Mäntylä, Vassilis Kostakos
TestAWARE: A Laboratory-Oriented Testing Tool for Mobile Context-Aware Applications. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 1(3): 80:1-80:29 (2017) - [j9]Yong Liu
, Denzil Ferreira, Jorge Gonçalves
, Simo Hosio
, Pratyush Pandab, Vassilis Kostakos
Donating Context Data to Science: The Effects of Social Signals and Perceptions on Action-Taking. Interact. Comput. 29(2): 132-146 (2017) - [j8]Andreas Komninos
, Jeries Besharat, Denzil Ferreira, John D. Garofalakis, Vassilis Kostakos
Where's everybody? Comparing the use of heatmaps to uncover cities' tacit social context in smartphones and pervasive displays. J. Inf. Technol. Tour. 17(4): 399-427 (2017) - [j7]Huber Flores
, Rajesh Sharma, Denzil Ferreira
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Jukka Manner
, Sasu Tarkoma
, Pan Hui, Yong Li:
Social-aware hybrid mobile offloading. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 36: 25-43 (2017) - [j6]Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Juan Camilo Garcia, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira, Simo Hosio
, Vassilis Kostakos
Environmental exposure assessment using indoor/outdoor detection on smartphones. Pers. Ubiquitous Comput. 21(4): 761-773 (2017) - [c44]Simon Klakegg, Niels van Berkel, Aku Visuri
, Chu Luo, Jorge Gonçalves
, Simo Hosio
, Hanna-Leena Huttunen, Denzil Ferreira:
Informing Caregivers Through an Assistive Tool: An Investigation of Elderly Care Metrics. BCS HCI 2017 - [c43]Aku Visuri
, Niels van Berkel, Chu Luo, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos
Challenges of Quantified-Self: Encouraging Self-Reported Data Logging During Recurrent Smartphone Usage. BCS HCI 2017 - [c42]Aku Visuri
, Zhanna Sarsenbayeva
, Niels van Berkel
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Reza Rawassizadeh, Vassilis Kostakos
, Denzil Ferreira:
Quantifying Sources and Types of Smartwatch Usage Sessions. CHI 2017: 3569-3581 - [c41]Aku Visuri
, Denzil Ferreira, Susanna Pirttikangas
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Kåre Synnes, Janne Lindqvist, Yuuki Nishiyama:
UbiMI'17: ubiquitous mobile instrumentation. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2017: 448-451 - [c40]Eija Ferreira, Denzil Ferreira:
Towards altruistic data quality assessment for mobile sensing. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2017: 464-469 - [c39]Zhanna Sarsenbayeva
, Denzil Ferreira, Niels van Berkel
, Chu Luo, Mikko Vaisanen, Vassilis Kostakos
, Jorge Gonçalves:
Vision-based happiness inference: a feasibility case-study. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2017: 494-499 - [c38]Aku Visuri
, Zeyun Zhu, Denzil Ferreira, Shin'ichi Konomi
, Vassilis Kostakos
Smartphone detection of collapsed buildings during earthquakes. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2017: 557-562 - [c37]Simon Klakegg, Niels van Berkel
, Aku Visuri
, Hanna-Leena Huttunen, Simo Hosio
, Chu Luo, Jorge Gonçalves, Denzil Ferreira:
Designing a context-aware assistive infrastructure for elderly care. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2017: 563-568 - [c36]Hanna-Leena Huttunen, Simon Klakegg, Niels van Berkel
, Aku Visuri
, Denzil Ferreira, Raija Halonen
Understanding elderly care: a field-study for designing future homes. iiWAS 2017: 390-394 - [c35]Aku Visuri
, Niels van Berkel
, Chu Luo, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos
Predicting interruptibility for manual data collection: a cluster-based user model. MobileHCI 2017: 12:1-12:14 - [c34]Aku Visuri
, Simo Hosio
, Denzil Ferreira:
Exploring mobile ad formats to increase brand recollection and enhance user experience. MUM 2017: 311-319 - [p2]Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos
, Immanuel Schweizer:
Human Sensors on the Move. Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness 2017: 9-19 - [p1]Vassilis Kostakos
, Jakob Rogstadius, Denzil Ferreira, Simo Hosio
, Jorge Gonçalves
Human Sensors. Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness 2017: 69-92 - 2016
- [j5]Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Denzil Ferreira
, Alexander Samodelkin, Muzamil Ahmed, Vassilis Kostakos
Cyclist-aware traffic lights through distributed smartphone sensing. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 31: 22-36 (2016) - [j4]Matti Pouke, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira
, Vassilis Kostakos
Practical simulation of virtual crowds using points of interest. Comput. Environ. Urban Syst. 57: 118-129 (2016) - [c33]Simo Hosio
, Denzil Ferreira, Jorge Gonçalves, Niels van Berkel
, Chu Luo, Muzamil Ahmed, Huber Flores, Vassilis Kostakos
Monetary Assessment of Battery Life on Smartphones. CHI 2016: 1869-1880 - [c32]Niels van Berkel
, Chu Luo, Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Denzil Ferreira, Jorge Gonçalves
, Simo Hosio
, Vassilis Kostakos
A Systematic Assessment of Smartphone Usage Gaps. CHI 2016: 4711-4721 - [c31]Vassilis Kostakos
, Denzil Ferreira, Jorge Gonçalves
, Simo Hosio
Modelling smartphone usage: a markov state transition model. UbiComp 2016: 486-497 - [c30]Denzil Ferreira, Tadashi Okoshi
, Yuuki Nishiyama, Christian Koehler, Jung Wook Park, Andrés Lucero:
3rd international workshop on ubiquitous mobile instrumentation. UbiComp Adjunct 2016: 608-611 - [c29]Ahsan Manzoor
, Denzil Ferreira:
Contact lingo keyboard. UbiComp Adjunct 2016: 647-651 - [c28]Chu Luo
, Miikka Kuutila, Simon Klakegg, Denzil Ferreira, Huber Flores, Jorge Gonçalves, Vassilis Kostakos
, Mika Mäntylä
How to validate mobile crowdsourcing design? leveraging data integration in prototype testing. UbiComp Adjunct 2016: 1448-1453 - [c27]Huber Flores, Denzil Ferreira, Chu Luo
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Pan Hui, Rajesh Sharma, Sasu Tarkoma, Yong Li:
Social-aware device-to-device communication: a contribution for edge and fog computing? UbiComp Adjunct 2016: 1466-1471 - [c26]Denzil Ferreira, Huber Flores, Karel Vandenbroucke, Aku Visuri
Online?: a study of smartphone Internet availability. MUM 2016: 347-349 - [c25]Denzil Ferreira, Christian Schuss, Chu Luo, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Timo Rahkonen
Indoor light scavenging on smartphones. MUM 2016: 369-371 - 2015
- [j3]Vassilis Kostakos
, Denzil Ferreira:
The Rise of Ubiquitous Instrumentation. Frontiers ICT 2: 3 (2015) - [j2]Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos
, Anind K. Dey:
AWARE: mobile context instrumentation framework. Frontiers ICT 2: 6 (2015) - [c24]Niels van Berkel
, Chu Luo
, Denzil Ferreira, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vassilis Kostakos
The curse of quantified-self: an endless quest for answers. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2015: 973-978 - [c23]Simon L. Jones
, Denzil Ferreira, Simo Hosio
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vassilis Kostakos
Revisitation analysis of smartphone app use. UbiComp 2015: 1197-1208 - [c22]Jorge Gonçalves, Simo Hosio
, Denzil Ferreira, Theodoros Anagnostopoulos, Vassilis Kostakos
Bazaar: a situated crowdsourcing market. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct 2015: 1385-1390 - [c21]Karen Church, Denzil Ferreira, Nikola Banovic
, Kent Lyons:
Understanding the Challenges of Mobile Phone Usage Data. MobileHCI 2015: 504-514 - [c20]Denzil Ferreira, Vassilis Kostakos
, Alastair R. Beresford, Janne Lindqvist, Anind K. Dey:
Securacy: an empirical investigation of Android applications' network usage, privacy and security. WISEC 2015: 11:1-11:11 - 2014
- [c19]Jorge Gonçalves
, Simo Hosio
, Denzil Ferreira
, Vassilis Kostakos
Game of words: tagging places through crowdsourcing on public displays. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2014: 705-714 - [c18]Yong Liu
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira
, Bei Xiao, Simo Hosio
, Vassilis Kostakos
CHI 1994-2013: mapping two decades of intellectual progress through co-word analysis. CHI 2014: 3553-3562 - [c17]Yong Liu
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Denzil Ferreira
, Simo Hosio
, Vassilis Kostakos
Identity crisis of ubicomp?: mapping 15 years of the field's development and paradigm change. UbiComp 2014: 75-86 - [c16]Weiwei Jiang
, Denzil Ferreira
, Jani Ylioja, Jorge Gonçalves, Vassilis Kostakos
Pulse: low bitrate wireless magnetic communication for smartphones. UbiComp 2014: 261-265 - [c15]Jorge Gonçalves, Pratyush Pandab
, Denzil Ferreira
, Mohammad Ghahramani, Guoying Zhao
, Vassilis Kostakos
Projective testing of diurnal collective emotion. UbiComp 2014: 487-497 - [c14]Denzil Ferreira
, Jorge Gonçalves, Vassilis Kostakos
, Louise Barkhuus, Anind K. Dey:
Contextual experience sampling of mobile application micro-usage. Mobile HCI 2014: 91-100 - [c13]Karel Vandenbroucke, Denzil Ferreira
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Katrien De Moor
Mobile cloud storage: a contextual experience. Mobile HCI 2014: 101-110 - [c12]Simo Hosio
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vili Lehdonvirta, Denzil Ferreira
, Vassilis Kostakos
Situated crowdsourcing using a market model. UIST 2014: 55-64 - 2013
- [b1]Denzil Ferreira:
AWARE:a mobile context instrumentation middleware to collaboratively understand human behavior. University of Oulu, Finland, 2013 - [c11]Denzil Ferreira
, Eija Ferreira
, Jorge Gonçalves
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Anind K. Dey:
Revisiting human-battery interaction with an interactive battery interface. UbiComp 2013: 563-572 - [c10]Jorge Gonçalves, Denzil Ferreira
, Simo Hosio
, Yong Liu
, Jakob Rogstadius, Hannu Kukka, Vassilis Kostakos
Crowdsourcing on the spot: altruistic use of public displays, feasibility, performance, and behaviours. UbiComp 2013: 753-762 - [c9]Denzil Ferreira
, Christian Koehler, Evangelos Karapanos
, Vassilis Kostakos
Ubiquitous mobile instrumentation. UbiComp (Adjunct Publication) 2013: 1409-1412 - [c8]Andreas Komninos
, Jeries Besharat, Denzil Ferreira
, John D. Garofalakis:
HotCity: enhancing ubiquitous maps with social context heatmaps. MUM 2013: 52:1-52:10 - 2012
- [j1]Denzil Ferreira
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Anind K. Dey:
Lessons Learned from Large-Scale User Studies: Using Android Market as a Source of Data. Int. J. Mob. Hum. Comput. Interact. 4(3): 28-43 (2012) - [c7]Denzil Ferreira, Emiliano Miluzzo, Jonna Häkkilä, Tom Lovett, Vassilis Kostakos
UbiMI: ubiquitous mobile instrumentation. UbiComp 2012: 715-716 - [c6]Tomi Juntunen, Vassilis Kostakos
, Mikko Perttunen, Denzil Ferreira
Web tool for traffic engineers: direct manipulation and visualization of vehicular traffic using Google maps. MindTrek 2012: 209-210 - [c5]Jouko Kaasila, Denzil Ferreira
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Timo Ojala:
Testdroid: automated remote UI testing on Android. MUM 2012: 28 - [c4]Tomas Lindén, Tommi Heikkinen, Vassilis Kostakos
, Denzil Ferreira
, Timo Ojala:
Towards multi-application public interactive displays. PerDis 2012: 9 - 2011
- [c3]Anind K. Dey, Katarzyna Wac
, Denzil Ferreira
, Kevin Tassini, Jin-Hyuk Hong
, Julian Ramos:
Getting closer: an empirical investigation of the proximity of user to their smart phones. UbiComp 2011: 163-172 - [c2]Jayant Venkatanathan, Denzil Ferreira
, Michael Benisch, Jialiu Lin, Evangelos Karapanos
, Vassilis Kostakos
, Norman M. Sadeh
, Eran Toch
Improving Users' Consistency When Recalling Location Sharing Preferences. INTERACT (1) 2011: 380-387 - [c1]Denzil Ferreira
, Anind K. Dey, Vassilis Kostakos
Understanding Human-Smartphone Concerns: A Study of Battery Life. Pervasive 2011: 19-33
Coauthor Index

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