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Elissa M. Redmiles
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- affiliation: Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
- affiliation (former): Microsoft Research
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j17]Elissa M. Redmiles
Friction Matters: Balancing the Pursuit of Perfect Protection With Target Hardening. IEEE Secur. Priv. 22(1): 76-75 (2024) - [j16]Vaughn Hamilton, Gabriel Kaptchuk
, Allison McDonald
, Elissa M. Redmiles
Safer Digital Intimacy for Sex Workers and Beyond: A Technical Research Agenda. IEEE Secur. Priv. 22(2): 17-28 (2024) - [j15]Veronica A. Rivera
, Daricia Wilkinson
, Aurelia Augusta
, Sophie Li
, Elissa M. Redmiles
, Angelika Strohmayer
Safer Algorithmically-Mediated Offline Introductions: Harms and Protective Behaviors. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 8(CSCW2): 1-43 (2024) - [c58]Kevin Childs
, Cassidy Gibson
, Anna Crowder
, Kevin Warren
, Carson Stillman
, Elissa M. Redmiles
, Eakta Jain
, Patrick Traynor
, Kevin R. B. Butler
"I Had Sort of a Sense that I Was Always Being Watched...Since I Was": Examining Interpersonal Discomfort From Continuous Location-Sharing Applications. CCS 2024: 4197-4211 - [c57]Savvas Zannettou
, Olivia Nemes Nemeth
, Oshrat Ayalon
, Angelica Goetzen
, Krishna P. Gummadi
, Elissa M. Redmiles
, Franziska Roesner
Analyzing User Engagement with TikTok's Short Format Video Recommendations using Data Donations. CHI 2024: 731:1-731:16 - [c56]Jaron Mink
, Miranda Wei
, Collins W. Munyendo
, Kurt Hugenberg
, Tadayoshi Kohno
, Elissa M. Redmiles
, Gang Wang
It's Trying Too Hard To Look Real: Deepfake Moderation Mistakes and Identity-Based Bias. CHI 2024: 778:1-778:20 - [c55]Yuliia Lut, Michael Wang, Elissa M. Redmiles, Rachel Cummings:
How We Browse: Measurement and Analysis of Browsing Behavior. CogMI 2024: 257-264 - [c54]Natalie Grace Brigham, Miranda Wei, Tadayoshi Kohno, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Violation of my body: " Perceptions of AI-generated non-consensual (intimate) imagery. SOUPS @ USENIX Security Symposium 2024: 373-392 - [c53]Lea Gröber, Waleed Arshad, Shanza, Angelica Goetzen, Elissa M. Redmiles, Maryam Mustafa, Katharina Krombholz:
"I chose to fight, be brave, and to deal with it": Threat Experiences and Security Practices of Pakistani Content Creators. USENIX Security Symposium 2024 - [c52]Lucy Qin, Vaughn Hamilton, Sharon Wang, Yigit Aydinalp, Marin Scarlett, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Did They F***ing Consent to That?": Safer Digital Intimacy via Proactive Protection Against Image-Based Sexual Abuse. USENIX Security Symposium 2024 - [c51]Ananta Soneji, Vaughn Hamilton, Adam Doupé, Allison McDonald, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"I feel physically safe but not politically safe": Understanding the Digital Threats and Safety Practices of OnlyFans Creators. USENIX Security Symposium 2024 - [c50]Miranda Wei, Jaron Mink, Yael Eiger, Tadayoshi Kohno, Elissa M. Redmiles, Franziska Roesner:
SoK (or SoLK?): On the Quantitative Study of Sociodemographic Factors and Computer Security Behaviors. USENIX Security Symposium 2024 - [i28]Lucy Qin, Vaughn Hamilton, Sharon Wang, Yigit Aydinalp, Marin Scarlett, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Did They Consent to That?": Safer Digital Intimacy via Proactive Protection Against Image-Based Sexual Abuse. CoRR abs/2403.04659 (2024) - [i27]Vaughn Hamilton, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Allison McDonald, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Safer Digital Intimacy For Sex Workers And Beyond: A Technical Research Agenda. CoRR abs/2403.10688 (2024) - [i26]Miranda Wei, Jaron Mink
, Yael Eiger, Tadayoshi Kohno, Elissa M. Redmiles, Franziska Roesner:
SoK (or SoLK?): On the Quantitative Study of Sociodemographic Factors and Computer Security Behaviors. CoRR abs/2404.10187 (2024) - [i25]Natalie Grace Brigham, Miranda Wei, Tadayoshi Kohno, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Violation of my body:" Perceptions of AI-generated non-consensual (intimate) imagery. CoRR abs/2406.05520 (2024) - [i24]Ruizhe Wang, Roberta De Viti, Aarushi Dubey, Elissa M. Redmiles:
The Role of Privacy Guarantees in Voluntary Donation of Private Data for Altruistic Goals. CoRR abs/2407.03451 (2024) - [i23]Gabriel Lima, Nina Grgic-Hlaca, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Laypeople's Egocentric Perceptions of Copyright for AI-Generated Art. CoRR abs/2407.10546 (2024) - [i22]Mary Anne Smart, Priyanka Nanayakkara, Rachel Cummings, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Models Matter: Setting Accurate Privacy Expectations for Local and Central Differential Privacy. CoRR abs/2408.08475 (2024) - [i21]Cassidy Gibson, Daniel Olszewski, Natalie Grace Brigham, Anna Crowder, Kevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Traynor, Elissa M. Redmiles, Tadayoshi Kohno:
Analyzing the AI Nudification Application Ecosystem. CoRR abs/2411.09751 (2024) - 2023
- [j14]Elissa M. Redmiles
, Mia M. Bennett, Tadayoshi Kohno
Power in Computer Security and Privacy: A Critical Lens. IEEE Secur. Priv. 21(2): 48-52 (2023) - [j13]Rachel Cummings
, Gabriel Kaptchuk
, Elissa M. Redmiles
"I need a better description": An Investigation Into User Expectations For Differential Privacy. J. Priv. Confidentiality 13(1) (2023) - [c49]Vaughn Hamilton
, Ananta Soneji
, Allison McDonald
, Elissa M. Redmiles
"Nudes? Shouldn't I charge for these?": Motivations of New Sexual Content Creators on OnlyFans. CHI 2023: 666:1-666:14 - [c48]Oshrat Ayalon, Dana Turjeman, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Exploring Privacy and Incentives Considerations in Adoption of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps. USENIX Security Symposium 2023: 517-534 - [c47]Priyanka Nanayakkara, Mary Anne Smart, Rachel Cummings, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Elissa M. Redmiles:
What Are the Chances? Explaining the Epsilon Parameter in Differential Privacy. USENIX Security Symposium 2023: 1613-1630 - [c46]Muhammad Ali, Angelica Goetzen, Alan Mislove, Elissa M. Redmiles, Piotr Sapiezynski:
Problematic Advertising and its Disparate Exposure on Facebook. USENIX Security Symposium 2023: 5665-5682 - [i20]Savvas Zannettou, Olivia Nemes Nemeth, Oshrat Ayalon, Angelica Goetzen, Krishna P. Gummadi
, Elissa M. Redmiles, Franziska Roesner:
Leveraging Rights of Data Subjects for Social Media Analysis: Studying TikTok via Data Donations. CoRR abs/2301.04945 (2023) - [i19]Priyanka Nanayakkara, Mary Anne Smart, Rachel Cummings, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Elissa M. Redmiles:
What Are the Chances? Explaining the Epsilon Parameter in Differential Privacy. CoRR abs/2303.00738 (2023) - [i18]Angelica Goetzen, Ruizhe Wang, Elissa M. Redmiles, Savvas Zannettou, Oshrat Ayalon:
Likes and Fragments: Examining Perceptions of Time Spent on TikTok. CoRR abs/2303.02041 (2023) - [i17]Muhammad Ali, Angelica Goetzen, Alan Mislove, Elissa M. Redmiles, Piotr Sapiezynski:
Problematic Advertising and its Disparate Exposure on Facebook. CoRR abs/2306.06052 (2023) - 2022
- [j12]Gabriel Kaptchuk, Fabio Massacci, Sara Nieves Matheu-García
, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Security and Privacy for COVID-19. DTRAP 3(3): 24:1-24:2 (2022) - [j11]Gabriel Kaptchuk, Daniel G. Goldstein
, Eszter Hargittai, Jake M. Hofman, Elissa M. Redmiles:
How Good is Good Enough? Quantifying the Impact of Benefits, Accuracy, and Privacy on Willingness to Adopt COVID-19 Decision Aids. DTRAP 3(3): 27:1-27:18 (2022) - [j10]Oshrat Ayalon
, Sophie Li
, Bart Preneel
, Elissa M. Redmiles
Not Only for Contact Tracing: Use of Belgium's Contact Tracing App among Young Adults. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 6(4): 202:1-202:26 (2022) - [j9]Rasika Bhalerao, Nora McDonald, Hanna Barakat, Vaughn Hamilton, Damon McCoy, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Ethics and Efficacy of Unsolicited Anti-Trafficking SMS Outreach. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 6(CSCW2): 1-39 (2022) - [j8]Vaughn Hamilton, Hanna Barakat, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Risk, Resilience and Reward: Impacts of Shifting to Digital Sex Work. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 6(CSCW2): 1-37 (2022) - [j7]Angelica Goetzen, Samuel Dooley, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Ctrl-Shift: How Privacy Sentiment Changed from 2019 to 2021. Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol. 2022(4): 457-485 (2022) - [j6]Mahmoudreza Babaei
, Juhi Kulshrestha
, Abhijnan Chakraborty
, Elissa M. Redmiles, Meeyoung Cha
, Krishna P. Gummadi
Analyzing Biases in Perception of Truth in News Stories and Their Implications for Fact Checking. IEEE Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst. 9(3): 839-850 (2022) - [c45]Casey F. Breen
, Cormac Herley, Elissa M. Redmiles:
A Large-Scale Measurement of Cybercrime Against Individuals. CHI 2022: 122:1-122:41 - [c44]Samuel Dooley, Dana Turjeman, John P. Dickerson, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Field Evidence of the Effects of Privacy, Data Transparency, and Pro-social Appeals on COVID-19 App Attractiveness. CHI 2022: 622:1-622:21 - [c43]Yue Huang, Borke Obada-Obieh, Elissa M. Redmiles, Satya Lokam, Konstantin Beznosov:
COVID-19 Information-Tracking Solutions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Factors Influencing People's Adoption Intention. CHIIR 2022: 12-24 - [c42]Nina Grgic-Hlaca, Gabriel Lima, Adrian Weller, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Dimensions of Diversity in Human Perceptions of Algorithmic Fairness. EAAMO 2022: 21:1-21:12 - [c41]Rasika Bhalerao, Vaughn Hamilton, Allison McDonald
, Elissa M. Redmiles, Angelika Strohmayer:
Ethical Practices for Security Research with At-Risk Populations. EuroS&P Workshops 2022: 546-553 - [c40]Hanna Barakat, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Community Under Surveillance: Impacts of Marginalization on an Online Labor Forum. ICWSM 2022: 12-21 - [c39]Christine Geeng, Mike Harris, Elissa M. Redmiles, Franziska Roesner:
"Like Lesbians Walking the Perimeter": Experiences of U.S. LGBTQ+ Folks With Online Security, Safety, and Privacy Advice. USENIX Security Symposium 2022: 305-322 - [p1]Elissa M. Redmiles:
The Need for Respectful Technologies: Going Beyond Privacy. Perspectives on Digital Humanism 2022: 309-313 - [i16]Rasika Bhalerao, Nora McDonald, Hanna Barakat, Vaughn Hamilton, Damon McCoy, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Ethics and Efficacy of Unsolicited Anti-Trafficking SMS Outreach. CoRR abs/2202.09527 (2022) - [i15]Vaughn Hamilton, Hanna Barakat, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Risk, Resilience and Reward: Impacts of Shifting to Digital Sex Work. CoRR abs/2203.12728 (2022) - [i14]Vaughn Hamilton, Ananta Soneji, Allison McDonald, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Nudes? Shouldn't I charge for these?" : Exploring What Motivates Content Creation on OnlyFans. CoRR abs/2205.10425 (2022) - [i13]Nikita Samarin
, Aparna Krishnan, Moses Namara, Joanne Ma, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Examining the Landscape of Digital Safety and Privacy Assistance for Black Communities. CoRR abs/2210.17511 (2022) - 2021
- [j5]Elissa M. Redmiles
User Concerns 8 Tradeoffs in Technology-facilitated COVID-19 Response. Digit. Gov. Res. Pract. 2(1): 6:1-6:12 (2021) - [j4]Sean Kross
, Eszter Hargittai, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Characterizing the Online Learning Landscape: What and How People Learn Online. Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact. 5(CSCW1): 146:1-146:19 (2021) - [c38]Rachel Cummings, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"I need a better description": An Investigation Into User Expectations For Differential Privacy. CCS 2021: 3037-3052 - [c37]Miuyin Yong Wong, Matthew Landen, Manos Antonakakis, Douglas M. Blough, Elissa M. Redmiles, Mustaque Ahamad:
An Inside Look into the Practice of Malware Analysis. CCS 2021: 3053-3069 - [c36]Catherine Barwulor
, Allison McDonald
, Eszter Hargittai, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Disadvantaged in the American-dominated Internet": Sex, Work, and Technology. CHI 2021: 563:1-563:16 - [c35]Paul England, Henrique S. Malvar, Eric Horvitz, Jack W. Stokes, Cédric Fournet, Rebecca Burke-Aguero, Amaury Chamayou, Sylvan Clebsch, Manuel Costa, John Deutscher, Shabnam Erfani, Matt Gaylor, Andrew Jenks, Kevin Kane, Elissa M. Redmiles, Alex Shamis
, Isha Sharma, John C. Simmons, Sam Wenker, Anika Zaman:
AMP: authentication of media via provenance. MMSys 2021: 108-121 - [c34]Imani N. Sherman, Jack W. Stokes, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Designing Media Provenance Indicators to Combat Fake Media. RAID 2021: 324-339 - [c33]Maximilian Golla, Grant Ho, Marika Lohmus, Monica Pulluri, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Driving 2FA Adoption at Scale: Optimizing Two-Factor Authentication Notification Design Patterns. USENIX Security Symposium 2021: 109-126 - [c32]Allison McDonald, Catherine Barwulor, Michelle L. Mazurek, Florian Schaub, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"It's stressful having all these phones": Investigating Sex Workers' Safety Goals, Risks, and Practices Online. USENIX Security Symposium 2021: 375-392 - [c31]Omer Akgul, Ruba Abu-Salma, Wei Bai, Elissa M. Redmiles, Michelle L. Mazurek, Blase Ur:
From Secure to Military-Grade: Exploring the Effect of App Descriptions on User Perceptions of Secure Messaging. WPES@CCS 2021: 119-135 - [i12]Sean Kross, Eszter Hargittai, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Characterizing the Online Learning Landscape: What and How People Learn Online. CoRR abs/2102.05268 (2021) - [i11]Yuliia Lut, Michael Wang, Elissa M. Redmiles, Rachel Cummings:
How we browse: Measurement and analysis of digital behavior. CoRR abs/2108.06745 (2021) - [i10]Rachel Cummings, Gabriel Kaptchuk, Elissa M. Redmiles:
"I need a better description": An Investigation Into User Expectations For Differential Privacy. CoRR abs/2110.06452 (2021) - [i9]Angelica Goetzen, Samuel Dooley, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Ctrl-Shift: How Privacy Sentiment Changed from 2019 to 2021. CoRR abs/2110.09437 (2021) - 2020
- [j3]Eszter Hargittai, Elissa M. Redmiles, Jessica Vitak
, Michael Zimmer:
Americans' willingness to adopt a COVID-19 tracking app The role of app distributor. First Monday 25(11) (2020) - [c30]Dana McFarlane, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Get Paid to Program: Evaluating an Employment-Aware After-School Program for High School Women of Color. ITiCSE 2020: 212-218 - [c29]Elissa M. Redmiles, Noel Warford, Amritha Jayanti, Aravind Koneru, Sean Kross, Miraida Morales, Rock Stevens, Michelle L. Mazurek:
A Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of Security and Privacy Advice on the Web. USENIX Security Symposium 2020: 89-108 - [i8]Elissa M. Redmiles:
User Concerns & Tradeoffs in Technology-Facilitated Contact Tracing. CoRR abs/2004.13219 (2020) - [i7]Nina Grgic-Hlaca
, Adrian Weller, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Dimensions of Diversity in Human Perceptions of Algorithmic Fairness. CoRR abs/2005.00808 (2020) - [i6]Gabriel Kaptchuk, Daniel G. Goldstein, Eszter Hargittai, Jake M. Hofman, Elissa M. Redmiles:
How good is good enough for COVID19 apps? The influence of benefits, accuracy, and privacy on willingness to adopt. CoRR abs/2005.04343 (2020) - [i5]Imani N. Sherman, Elissa M. Redmiles, Jack W. Stokes:
Designing Indicators to Combat Fake Media. CoRR abs/2010.00544 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j2]Rock Stevens
, Daniel Votipka, Elissa M. Redmiles
, Colin Ahern, Michelle L. Mazurek:
Applied Digital Threat Modeling: It Works. IEEE Secur. Priv. 17(4): 35-42 (2019) - [j1]Elissa M. Redmiles, Eszter Hargittai
New Phone, Who Dis? Modeling Millennials' Backup Behavior. ACM Trans. Web 13(1): 4:1-4:14 (2019) - [c28]Elissa M. Redmiles, Lisa N. Maszkiewicz, Emily Hwang, Dhruv Kuchhal, Everest Liu, Miraida Morales, Denis Peskov, Sudha Rao, Rock Stevens, Kristina Gligoric
, Sean Kross
, Michelle L. Mazurek, Hal Daumé III:
Comparing and Developing Tools to Measure the Readability of Domain-Specific Texts. EMNLP/IJCNLP (1) 2019: 4830-4841 - [c27]Mahmoudreza Babaei, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Juhi Kulshrestha, Elissa M. Redmiles, Meeyoung Cha
, Krishna P. Gummadi
Analyzing Biases in Perception of Truth in News Stories and Their Implications for Fact Checking. FAT 2019: 139 - [c26]Filipe Nunes Ribeiro, Koustuv Saha, Mahmoudreza Babaei, Lucas Henrique C. Lima, Johnnatan Messias
, Fabrício Benevenuto, Oana Goga
, Krishna P. Gummadi
, Elissa M. Redmiles:
On Microtargeting Socially Divisive Ads: A Case Study of Russia-Linked Ad Campaigns on Facebook. FAT 2019: 140-149 - [c25]Elissa M. Redmiles, Jessica E. Bodford, Lindsay Blackwell:
"I Just Want to Feel Safe": A Diary Study of Safety Perceptions on Social Media. ICWSM 2019: 405-416 - [c24]Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Should I Worry?" A Cross-Cultural Examination of Account Security Incident Response. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2019: 920-934 - [c23]Elissa M. Redmiles, Sean Kross, Michelle L. Mazurek:
How Well Do My Results Generalize? Comparing Security and Privacy Survey Results from MTurk, Web, and Telephone Samples. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2019: 1326-1343 - [c22]Giridhari Venkatadri, Piotr Sapiezynski, Elissa M. Redmiles, Alan Mislove, Oana Goga
, Michelle L. Mazurek, Krishna P. Gummadi
Auditing Offline Data Brokers via Facebook's Advertising Platform. WWW 2019: 1920-1930 - 2018
- [c21]Elissa M. Redmiles, Ziyun Zhu, Sean Kross, Dhruv Kuchhal, Tudor Dumitras, Michelle L. Mazurek:
Asking for a Friend: Evaluating Response Biases in Security User Studies. CCS 2018: 1238-1255 - [c20]Maximilian Golla, Miranda Wei, Juliette Hainline, Lydia Filipe, Markus Dürmuth
, Elissa M. Redmiles, Blase Ur:
"What was that site doing with my Facebook password?": Designing Password-Reuse Notifications. CCS 2018: 1549-1566 - [c19]Elissa M. Redmiles, John P. Dickerson, Krishna P. Gummadi
, Michelle L. Mazurek:
Equitable Security: Optimizing Distribution of Nudges and Resources. CCS 2018: 2270-2272 - [c18]Elissa M. Redmiles, Neha Chachra, Brian Waismeyer:
Examining the Demand for Spam: Who Clicks? CHI 2018: 212 - [c17]Kayla M. Booth, Bryan Dosono, Elissa M. Redmiles, Miraida Morales, Michael Depew, Rosta Farzan, Everett Herman, Keith Trahan, Cindy Tananis:
Diversifying the Next Generation of Information Scientists: Six Years of Implementation and Outcomes for a Year-Long REU Program. iConference 2018: 655-664 - [c16]Elissa M. Redmiles:
Net Benefits: Digital Inequities in Social Capital, Privacy Preservation, and Digital Parenting Practices of U.S. Social Media Users. ICWSM 2018: 270-279 - [c15]Elissa M. Redmiles, Michelle L. Mazurek, John P. Dickerson:
Dancing Pigs or Externalities?: Measuring the Rationality of Security Decisions. EC 2018: 215-232 - [c14]Devon Adams, Alseny Bah, Catherine Barwulor, Nureli Musaby, Kadeem Pitkin, Elissa M. Redmiles:
Ethics Emerging: the Story of Privacy and Security Perceptions in Virtual Reality. SOUPS @ USENIX Security Symposium 2018: 427-442 - [c13]Daniel Votipka, Rock Stevens, Elissa M. Redmiles, Jeremy Hu, Michelle L. Mazurek:
Hackers vs. Testers: A Comparison of Software Vulnerability Discovery Processes. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2018: 374-391 - [c12]Ruba Abu-Salma, Elissa M. Redmiles, Blase Ur, Miranda Wei:
Exploring User Mental Models of End-to-End Encrypted Communication Tools. FOCI @ USENIX Security Symposium 2018 - [c11]Rock Stevens, Daniel Votipka, Elissa M. Redmiles, Colin Ahern, Patrick Sweeney, Michelle L. Mazurek:
The Battle for New York: A Case Study of Applied Digital Threat Modeling at the Enterprise Level. USENIX Security Symposium 2018: 621-637 - [c10]Nina Grgic-Hlaca
, Elissa M. Redmiles, Krishna P. Gummadi
, Adrian Weller:
Human Perceptions of Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making: A Case Study of Criminal Risk Prediction. WWW 2018: 903-912 - [i4]Nina Grgic-Hlaca, Elissa M. Redmiles, Krishna P. Gummadi, Adrian Weller:
Human Perceptions of Fairness in Algorithmic Decision Making: A Case Study of Criminal Risk Prediction. CoRR abs/1802.09548 (2018) - [i3]Elissa M. Redmiles, Michelle L. Mazurek, John P. Dickerson:
Dancing Pigs or Externalities? Measuring the Rationality of Security Decisions. CoRR abs/1805.06542 (2018) - [i2]Elissa M. Redmiles:
"Should I Worry?" A Cross-Cultural Examination of Account Security Incident Response. CoRR abs/1808.08177 (2018) - [i1]Filipe Nunes Ribeiro, Koustuv Saha, Mahmoudreza Babaei, Lucas Henrique C. Lima, Johnnatan Messias, Oana Goga, Fabrício Benevenuto, Krishna P. Gummadi, Elissa M. Redmiles:
On Microtargeting Socially Divisive Ads: A Case Study of Russia-Linked Ad Campaigns on Facebook. CoRR abs/1808.09218 (2018) - 2017
- [c9]Elissa M. Redmiles, Sean Kross
, Michelle L. Mazurek:
Where is the Digital Divide?: A Survey of Security, Privacy, and Socioeconomics. CHI 2017: 931-936 - [c8]Elissa M. Redmiles, Everest Liu, Michelle L. Mazurek:
You Want Me To Do What? A Design Study of Two-Factor Authentication Messages. SOUPS 2017 - [c7]Angelisa C. Plane, Elissa M. Redmiles, Michelle L. Mazurek, Michael Carl Tschantz:
Exploring User Perceptions of Discrimination in Online Targeted Advertising. USENIX Security Symposium 2017: 935-951 - [c6]Christian Stransky, Yasemin Acar, Duc Cuong Nguyen, Dominik Wermke, Doowon Kim
, Elissa M. Redmiles, Michael Backes, Simson L. Garfinkel, Michelle L. Mazurek, Sascha Fahl:
Lessons Learned from Using an Online Platform to Conduct Large-Scale, Online Controlled Security Experiments with Software Developers. CSET @ USENIX Security Symposium 2017 - 2016
- [c5]Emily Grace, Ankit Rai, Elissa M. Redmiles, Rayid Ghani:
Detecting fraud, corruption, and collusion in international development contracts: The design of a proof-of-concept automated system. IEEE BigData 2016: 1444-1453 - [c4]Elissa M. Redmiles, Sean Kross
, Michelle L. Mazurek:
How I Learned to be Secure: a Census-Representative Survey of Security Advice Sources and Behavior. CCS 2016: 666-677 - [c3]Elissa M. Redmiles, Amelia R. Malone, Michelle L. Mazurek:
I Think They're Trying to Tell Me Something: Advice Sources and Selection for Digital Security. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2016: 272-288 - 2015
- [c2]Elissa M. Redmiles, Mary Allison Abad, Isabella Coronado, Sean Kross
, Amelia Malone:
A Classroom Tested Accessible Multimedia Resource for Engaging Underrepresented Students in Computing: The University of Maryland Curriculum In A Box. SIGCSE 2015: 178 - 2014
- [c1]Elissa M. Redmiles, Jandelyn D. Plane:
An exploration of mentor-protégé relationships and how to train future mentors (abstract only). SIGCSE 2014: 727
Coauthor Index

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