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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 69
Volume 69, Number 1, January 2023
- Adriano Pastore
, Sung Hoon Lim
, Chen Feng
, Bobak Nazer
, Michael Gastpar
A Unified Discretization Approach to Compute-Forward: From Discrete to Continuous Inputs. 1-46 - Yong Fang
-Ary Distributed Arithmetic Coding for Uniform -Ary Sources. 47-74 - Gaojun Luo
, Martianus Frederic Ezerman
, San Ling
Three New Constructions of Optimal Locally Repairable Codes From Matrix-Product Codes. 75-85 - Luca G. Tallini
, Nawaf Alqwaifly, Bella Bose:
Deletions and Insertions of the Symbol "0" and Asymmetric/Unidirectional Error Control Codes for the L Metric. 86-106 - Hanxu Hou
, Yunghsiang S. Han
, Patrick P. C. Lee
, You Wu, Guojun Han, Mario Blaum
A Generalization of Array Codes With Local Properties and Efficient Encoding/Decoding. 107-125 - Hiram H. López
, Gretchen L. Matthews
Multivariate Goppa Codes. 126-137 - Yan Xu, Changjiang Ji, Ran Tao
, Sihuang Hu
Extended Cyclic Codes Sandwiched Between Reed-Muller Codes. 138-146 - Wenjun Yu
, Yuanxiao Xi, Xin Wei
, Gennian Ge
Balanced Set Codes With Small Intersections. 147-156 - Shuangqing Liu
, Lijun Ji
Double Multilevel Constructions for Constant Dimension Codes. 157-168 - Ryan Gabrys
, Venkatesan Guruswami
, João Ribeiro
, Ke Wu:
Beyond Single-Deletion Correcting Codes: Substitutions and Transpositions. 169-186 - Kees A. Schouhamer Immink
, Jos H. Weber
Minimally Modified Balanced Codes. 187-193 - Mohamed Salman
, Mahesh K. Varanasi
The -User DM Broadcast Channel With Two Groupcast Messages: Achievable Rate Regions and the Combination Network as a Case Study. 194-222 - Mohamed Salman
, Mahesh K. Varanasi
Diamond Message Set Groupcasting: From an Inner Bound for the DM Broadcast Channel to the Capacity Region of the Combination Network. 223-237 - Antonino Favano
, Marco Ferrari
, Maurizio Magarini
, Luca Barletta
A Sphere Packing Bound for Vector Gaussian Fading Channels Under Peak Amplitude Constraints. 238-250 - Bang-Hai Wang
Internal Boundary Between Entanglement and Separability Within a Quantum State. 251-261 - Jihao Fan
, Jun Li, Ya Wang, Yonghui Li
, Min-Hsiu Hsieh
, Jiangfeng Du:
Partially Concatenated Calderbank-Shor-Steane Codes Achieving the Quantum Gilbert-Varshamov Bound Asymptotically. 262-272 - Qisheng Wang
, Zhicheng Zhang
, Kean Chen
, Ji Guan
, Wang Fang
, Junyi Liu
, Mingsheng Ying
Quantum Algorithm for Fidelity Estimation. 273-282 - Christoph Hirche
, Felix Leditzky
Bounding Quantum Capacities via Partial Orders and Complementarity. 283-297 - Yiming Liu, Ying-Chang Liang
, Guangming Pan
, Zhixiang Zhang:
Random or Nonrandom Signal in High-Dimensional Regimes. 298-315 - Mahsa Taheri
, Néhémy Lim, Johannes Lederer:
Balancing Statistical and Computational Precision: A General Theory and Applications to Sparse Regression. 316-333 - Yun Wei, Bala Rajaratnam, Alfred O. Hero III
A Unified Framework for Correlation Mining in Ultra-High Dimension. 334-382 - Jianjun Wang
, Jingyao Hou
, Yonina C. Eldar
Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis From Multilevel Quantized Observations. 383-406 - Changxiao Cai
, H. Vincent Poor
, Yuxin Chen
Uncertainty Quantification for Nonconvex Tensor Completion: Confidence Intervals, Heteroscedasticity and Optimality. 407-452 - Qiaosheng Eric Zhang
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Exact Recovery in the General Hypergraph Stochastic Block Model. 453-471 - Salem Said
, Simon Heuveline, Cyrus Mostajeran:
Riemannian Statistics Meets Random Matrix Theory: Toward Learning From High-Dimensional Covariance Matrices. 472-481 - Ingrid Daubechies, Ronald A. DeVore, Nadav Dym, Shira Faigenbaum-Golovin, Shahar Z. Kovalsky, Kung-Ching Lin, Josiah Park
, Guergana Petrova, Barak Sober
Neural Network Approximation of Refinable Functions. 482-495 - Eric Graves
, Allison Beemer
, Jörg Kliewer
, Oliver Kosut
, Paul L. Yu
Keyless Authentication for AWGN Channels. 496-519 - March Boedihardjo
, Thomas Strohmer
, Roman Vershynin:
Privacy of Synthetic Data: A Statistical Framework. 520-527 - Jiaming Xu
, Kuang Xu, Dana Yang
Learner-Private Convex Optimization. 528-547 - Mingjie Gao
, Ka-Fai Cedric Yiu:
Asymptotic Behaviors and Confidence Intervals for the Number of Operating Sensors in a Sensor Network. 548-560 - Weiqi Li
, Zhiying Wang
, Taiting Lu
, Hamid Jafarkhani
Storage Codes With Flexible Number of Nodes. 561-574 - Lutz Warnke
, Bill Correll Jr.
, Christopher N. Swanson
The Density of Costas Arrays Decays Exponentially. 575-581 - Ziran Tu, Nian Li
, Yanan Wu
, Xiangyong Zeng
, Xiaohu Tang
, Yupeng Jiang
On the Differential Spectrum and the APcN Property of a Class of Power Functions Over Finite Fields. 582-597 - Ming Li
, Dongdai Lin
Partial Cycle Structure of FSRs and Its Applications in Searching De Bruijn Sequences. 598-609 - Zhifan Ye
, Zhengchun Zhou
, Zi Long Liu
, Xiaohu Tang
, Pingzhi Fan:
New Spectrally Constrained Sequence Sets With Optimal Periodic Cross-Correlation. 610-625 - Touheed Anwar Atif
, Arun Padakandla
, S. Sandeep Pradhan
Source Coding for Synthesizing Correlated Randomness. 626-649 - Guangcan Liu
, Wayne Zhang
Recovery of Future Data via Convolution Nuclear Norm Minimization. 650-665 - Zai Yang
Nonasymptotic Performance Analysis of ESPRIT and Spatial-Smoothing ESPRIT. 666-681 - Holger Boche
, Yannik N. Böck
, Ullrich J. Mönich
On the Arithmetic Complexity of the Bandwidth of Bandlimited Signals. 682-702
Volume 69, Number 2, February 2023
- Abdellatif Zaidi
Rate-Exponent Region for a Class of Distributed Hypothesis Testing Against Conditional Independence Problems. 703-718 - Payam Delgosha
, Venkat Anantharam
A Universal Lossless Compression Method Applicable to Sparse Graphs and Heavy-Tailed Sparse Graphs. 719-751 - Francis R. Bach
Information Theory With Kernel Methods. 752-775 - Giuseppe Cocco
, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas
, Josep Font-Segura
Typical Error Exponents: A Dual Domain Derivation. 776-793 - Mihai-Alin Badiu
, Justin P. Coon
Structural Complexity of One-Dimensional Random Geometric Graphs. 794-812 - Vishesh Jain
, Ashwin Sah
, Mehtaab Sawhney:
Optimal Minimization of the Covariance Loss. 813-818 - Dongchun Han
, Yuan Ren
A Tight Upper Bound for the Maximal Length of MDS Elliptic Codes. 819-822 - Mustafa Cemil Coskun
, Gianluigi Liva
, Alexandre Graell i Amat
, Michael Lentmaier
, Henry D. Pfister
Successive Cancellation Decoding of Single Parity-Check Product Codes: Analysis and Improved Decoding. 823-841 - D. Shivakrishna
, Aaditya M. Nair, V. Lalitha
Maximally Recoverable Codes With Hierarchical Locality: Constructions and Field-Size Bounds. 842-859 - Gustavo Kasper Facenda
, Elad Domanovitz
, Ashish Khisti
, Wai-Tian Tan, John G. Apostolopoulos:
Streaming Erasure Codes Over Multi-Access Relayed Networks. 860-885 - Siyi Yang
, Ahmed H. Hareedy
, A. Robert Calderbank
, Lara Dolecek
Breaking the Computational Bottleneck: Probabilistic Optimization of High-Memory Spatially-Coupled Codes. 886-909 - Issam Maarouf
, Andreas Lenz
, Lorenz Welter
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Eirik Rosnes
, Alexandre Graell i Amat
Concatenated Codes for Multiple Reads of a DNA Sequence. 910-927 - Shu Liu
, Chaoping Xing
Bounds and Constructions for Insertion and Deletion Codes. 928-940 - Bocong Chen
, Hongwei Liu
New Bounds on the Code Size of Symbol-Pair Codes. 941-950 - Hengjia Wei
, Moshe Schwartz
Perfect Codes Correcting a Single Burst of Limited-Magnitude Errors. 951-962 - Abhishek Bhowmick
, Shachar Lovett
Bias vs Structure of Polynomials in Large Fields, and Applications in Information Theory. 963-977 - Ziling Heng
Projective Linear Codes From Some Almost Difference Sets. 978-994 - Bocong Chen
, Guanghui Zhang
A Tight Upper Bound on the Number of Non-Zero Weights of a Cyclic Code. 995-1004 - Bocong Chen
, San Ling
, Hongwei Liu
Hulls of Reed-Solomon Codes via Algebraic Geometry Codes. 1005-1014 - Jiajun Chen
, Chi Wan Sung
, Terence H. Chan
Heterogeneity Shifts the Storage-Computation Tradeoff in Secure Multi-Cloud Systems. 1015-1036 - Federico Brunero
, Petros Elia
Fundamental Limits of Combinatorial Multi-Access Caching. 1037-1056 - Gergely Bunth
, Péter Vrana
Equivariant Relative Submajorization. 1057-1073 - Milán Mosonyi
, Fumio Hiai
Test-Measured Rényi Divergences. 1074-1092 - Saurabh Sihag
, Ali Tajer
Estimating Structurally Similar Graphical Models. 1093-1124 - Rahul Parhi
, Robert D. Nowak
Near-Minimax Optimal Estimation With Shallow ReLU Neural Networks. 1125-1140 - Souvik Ray
, Subrata Pal
, Sumit Kumar Kar
, Ayanendranath Basu
Characterizing the Functional Density Power Divergence Class. 1141-1146 - Yuefeng Han
, Cun-Hui Zhang
Tensor Principal Component Analysis in High Dimensional CP Models. 1147-1167 - László Györfi, Aryeh Kontorovich
, Roi Weiss
Tree Density Estimation. 1168-1176 - Seyedehsara Nayer
, Namrata Vaswani
Fast and Sample-Efficient Federated Low Rank Matrix Recovery From Column-Wise Linear and Quadratic Projections. 1177-1202 - Masaaki Imaizumi
, Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
On Generalization Bounds for Deep Networks Based on Loss Surface Implicit Regularization. 1203-1223 - Nelvin Tan
, Way Tan, Jonathan Scarlett
Performance Bounds for Group Testing With Doubly-Regular Designs. 1224-1243 - Matey Neykov
On the Minimax Rate of the Gaussian Sequence Model Under Bounded Convex Constraints. 1244-1260 - Wei-Ning Chen
, Peter Kairouz, Ayfer Özgür:
Breaking the Communication-Privacy-Accuracy Trilemma. 1261-1281 - Kai Zhang
, Xuejia Lai, Lei Wang
, Jie Guan
, Bin Hu, Senpeng Wang
, Tairong Shi:
Rotational-XOR Differential Cryptanalysis and an Automatic Framework for AND-RX Ciphers. 1282-1294 - Haoyue Tang
, Yuchao Chen
, Jintao Wang
, Pengkun Yang
, Leandros Tassiulas:
Age Optimal Sampling Under Unknown Delay Statistics. 1295-1314 - Sihem Mesnager
, Mu Yuan
, Dabin Zheng
More About the Corpus of Involutions From Two-to-One Mappings and Related Cryptographic S-Boxes. 1315-1327 - Hui Zhang, Cuiling Fan
, Yang Yang, Sihem Mesnager
New Binary Cross Z-Complementary Pairs With Large CZC Ratio. 1328-1336 - Mohannad H. Al-Ali
, K. C. Ho
Objective Bayesian Approach for Binary Hypothesis Testing of Multivariate Gaussian Observations. 1337-1354 - Michele Cirillo
, Vincenzo Matta
, Ali H. Sayed
Estimating the Topology of Preferential Attachment Graphs Under Partial Observability. 1355-1380
Volume 69, Number 3, March 2023
- Masahito Hayashi
Analytical Algorithm for Capacities of Classical and Classical-Quantum Channels. 1381-1393 - Joel R. Peck
, David Waxman
Homogenizing Entropy Across Different Environmental Conditions: A Universally Applicable Method for Transforming Continuous Variables. 1394-1412 - Xiwei Cheng
, Sidharth Jaggi
, Qiaoqiao Zhou
Generalized Group Testing. 1413-1451 - Spencer Congero
, Kenneth Zeger
The 3/4 Conjecture for Fix-Free Codes With at Most Three Distinct Codeword Lengths. 1452-1485 - Sotirios K. Michos
, Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis
, Leonidas Georgiadis, George K. Karagiannidis
On the Computational Aspect of Coded Caching With Uncoded Prefetching. 1486-1508 - Fernando L. Piñero
, Prasant Singh
Orbit Structure of Grassmannian G2,m and a Decoder for Grassmann Code C(2, m). 1509-1520 - Yun Fan
, Hualu Liu
Double Constacyclic Codes Over Two Finite Commutative Chain Rings. 1521-1530 - Yu Luo, Zihui Liu
On the Subcode-Support-Weight Distributions of Some Classes of Optimal Codes. 1531-1543 - Bocong Chen
, Guanghui Zhang
, Wenyan Li
New Optimal Linear Codes With Hierarchical Locality. 1544-1550 - Jie Li
, Xiaohu Tang
, Hanxu Hou, Yunghsiang S. Han
, Bo Bai
, Gong Zhang:
PMDS Array Codes With Small Sub-Packetization, Small Repair Bandwidth/Rebuilding Access. 1551-1566 - Gaojun Luo
, Martianus Frederic Ezerman
, San Ling
, Xu Pan
New Families of MDS Symbol-Pair Codes From Matrix-Product Codes. 1567-1587 - Steven T. Dougherty, Adrian Korban
, Serap Sahinkaya
, Deniz Ustun
Construction of DNA Codes From Composite Matrices and a Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm. 1588-1603 - Mark A. Graham, Ayalvadi J. Ganesh
, Robert J. Piechocki
Low Latency Allcast Over Broadcast Erasure Channels. 1604-1617 - Junyuan Gao
, Yongpeng Wu
, Shuo Shao
, Wei Yang, H. Vincent Poor
Energy Efficiency of Massive Random Access in MIMO Quasi-Static Rayleigh Fading Channels With Finite Blocklength. 1618-1657 - Yash Deshpande
, Cedomir Stefanovic
, H. Murat Gürsu
, Wolfgang Kellerer
Corrections to "High-Throughput Random Access Using Successive Interference Cancellation in a Tree Algorithm". 1658-1659 - Eric Chitambar
, Ian George, Brian Doolittle
, Marius Junge:
The Communication Value of a Quantum Channel. 1660-1679 - Ke Li
, Yongsheng Yao
, Masahito Hayashi
Tight Exponential Analysis for Smoothing the Max-Relative Entropy and for Quantum Privacy Amplification. 1680-1694 - Nilanjana Laha
, Rajarshi Mukherjee
On Support Recovery With Sparse CCA: Information Theoretic and Computational Limits. 1695-1738 - Luiz F. O. Chamon
, Santiago Paternain
, Miguel Calvo-Fullana
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Constrained Learning With Non-Convex Losses. 1739-1760 - Sujay Bhatt, Ping Li
, Gennady Samorodnitsky
Extreme Bandits Using Robust Statistics. 1761-1776 - Kweku Abraham, Elisabeth Gassiat, Zacharie Naulet
Fundamental Limits for Learning Hidden Markov Model Parameters. 1777-1794 - Sébastien Bubeck, Mark Sellke
First-Order Bayesian Regret Analysis of Thompson Sampling. 1795-1823 - Cédric Gerbelot, Alia Abbara, Florent Krzakala
Asymptotic Errors for Teacher-Student Convex Generalized Linear Models (Or: How to Prove Kabashima's Replica Formula). 1824-1852 - Mati Wax
, Amir Adler
Vector Set Classification by Signal Subspace Matching. 1853-1865 - Andrew D. McRae
, Justin Romberg
, Mark A. Davenport
Optimal Convex Lifted Sparse Phase Retrieval and PCA With an Atomic Matrix Norm Regularizer. 1866-1882 - Alex Dytso
, H. Vincent Poor
, Shlomo Shamai Shitz
Conditional Mean Estimation in Gaussian Noise: A Meta Derivative Identity With Applications. 1883-1898 - Xiucai Ding, Hau-Tieng Wu
Impact of Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Bandwidth on Graph Laplacian Spectrum From High-Dimensional Noisy Point Cloud. 1899-1931 - Hong Hu
, Yue M. Lu
Universality Laws for High-Dimensional Learning With Random Features. 1932-1964 - Ajaykrishnan Nageswaran
, Prakash Narayan
Corrections to "Distribution Privacy Under Function Recoverability". 1965 - Adel M. Elmahdy
, Michelle Kleckler, Soheil Mohajer
Secure Determinant Codes for Distributed Storage Systems. 1966-1987 - Faruk Göloglu
Classification of (q, q)-Biprojective APN Functions. 1988-1999 - Jiajie Liu
, Bing Sun
, Guoqiang Liu, Xinfeng Dong, Li Liu
, Hua Zhang
, Chao Li:
New Wine Old Bottles: Feistel Structure Revised. 2000-2008 - Omer Bilgen
, Aaron B. Wagner
Rate Region of the One-Help-Two Quadratic Gaussian Source-Coding Problem With Markovity. 2009-2032 - Virginia Bordignon
, Vincenzo Matta
, Ali H. Sayed
Partial Information Sharing Over Social Learning Networks. 2033-2058
Volume 69, Number 4, April 2023
- Yikun Bai, Xiugang Wu
, Ayfer Özgür
Information Constrained Optimal Transport: From Talagrand, to Marton, to Cover. 2059-2073 - Tomasz Kociumaka, Gonzalo Navarro
, Nicola Prezza
Toward a Definitive Compressibility Measure for Repetitive Sequences. 2074-2092 - Kumar K. P. Vijith
, Brijesh Kumar Rai, Tony Jacob
Towards the Optimal Rate Memory Tradeoff in Caching With Coded Placement. 2093-2112 - Shota Saito
, Toshiyasu Matsushima:
Non-Asymptotic Bounds of Cumulant Generating Function of Codeword Lengths in Variable-Length Lossy Compression. 2113-2119 - Ran Tamir
Entropy Rate Bounds of Integer-Valued Processes via Second-Order Statistics. 2120-2134 - Shraga I. Bross
Source Coding With a Listening-Helper. 2135-2151 - Neri Merhav
, Georg Böcherer
Codebook Mismatch can be Fully Compensated by Mismatched Decoding. 2152-2164 - Nian Guo
, Victoria Kostina
Reliability Function for Streaming Over a DMC With Feedback. 2165-2192 - Martina Cardone
, Alex Dytso
, Cynthia Rush:
Entropic Central Limit Theorem for Order Statistics. 2193-2205 - Mikhail Kamenev
Recursive Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes Starting With the Higher-Rate Constituent Code. 2206-2217 - Venkatesan Guruswami
, Xiaoyu He
, Ray Li
The Zero-Rate Threshold for Adversarial Bit-Deletions is Less Than 1/2. 2218-2239 - Han Cai
, Moshe Schwartz
A Bound on the Minimal Field Size of LRCs, and Cyclic MR Codes That Attain It. 2240-2260 - Eitan Goldberg
, Chong Shangguan
, Itzhak Tamo
List-Decoding and List-Recovery of Reed-Solomon Codes Beyond the Johnson Radius for Every Rate. 2261-2268 - Guodong Li
, Min Ye
, Sihuang Hu
Adjacent-Bits-Swapped Polar Codes: A New Code Construction to Speed up Polarization. 2269-2299 - Shu Liu
, Chaoping Xing
Maximally Recoverable Local Repairable Codes From Subspace Direct Sum Systems. 2300-2310 - Hongwei Liu
, Xu Pan
Generalized b-Symbol Weights of Linear Codes and b-Symbol MDS Codes. 2311-2323 - Daniella Bar-Lev
, Tuvi Etzion
, Eitan Yaakobi
On the Size of Balls and Anticodes of Small Diameter Under the Fixed-Length Levenshtein Metric. 2324-2340 - Xiaoqiang Wang
, Chunming Tang
, Cunsheng Ding
Infinite Families of Cyclic and Negacyclic Codes Supporting 3-Designs. 2341-2354 - Zijing Wang
, Hairong Kong
New Constructions of Optimal Optical Orthogonal Codes Based on Partitionable Sets and Almost Partitionable Sets. 2355-2363 - Xu Chen
, Lina Liu
, Dongning Guo
, Gregory W. Wornell
Asynchronous Massive Access and Neighbor Discovery Using OFDMA. 2364-2384 - Zhiwei Song
, Lin Chen, Yize Sun, Mengyao Hu
Proof of a Conjectured 0-Rényi Entropy Inequality With Applications to Multipartite Entanglement. 2385-2399 - Eyuri Wakakuwa
, Yoshifumi Nakata:
One-Shot Triple-Resource Trade-Off in Quantum Channel Coding. 2400-2426 - Sheng Fu, Piao Chen
, Zhisheng Ye
Simplex-Based Proximal Multicategory Support Vector Machine. 2427-2451 - Dian Jin
, Xin Bing
, Yuqian Zhang
Unique Sparse Decomposition of Low Rank Matrices. 2452-2484 - Minjia Shi
, Hongwei Zhu
, Tor Helleseth:
The Connections Among Hamming Metric, b-Symbol Metric, and r-th Generalized Hamming Metric. 2485-2493 - Anirudh Sridhar
, H. Vincent Poor
Quickest Inference of Network Cascades With Noisy Information. 2494-2522 - Boxiang Wang
, Le Zhou
, Yuwen Gu
, Hui Zou
Density-Convoluted Support Vector Machines for High-Dimensional Classification. 2523-2536 - Fengzhuo Zhang
, Anshoo Tandon
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Active-LATHE: An Active Learning Algorithm for Boosting the Error Exponent for Learning Homogeneous Ising Trees. 2537-2555 - Rishabh Dixit
, Mert Gürbüzbalaban
, Waheed U. Bajwa
Boundary Conditions for Linear Exit Time Gradient Trajectories Around Saddle Points: Analysis and Algorithm. 2556-2602 - Yunlong Hou
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
, Zixin Zhong
Almost Optimal Variance-Constrained Best Arm Identification. 2603-2634 - Carsten Rudolf Janda
, Moritz Wiese
, Eduard Axel Jorswieck
, Holger Boche
Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels With Non-Causal Side Information at the Jammer. 2635-2663 - Raffaele Zippo
, Giovanni Stea
Computationally Efficient Worst-Case Analysis of Flow-Controlled Networks With Network Calculus. 2664-2690 - K. T. Arasu
, Michael R. Clark
, Jeffrey R. Hollon
Unimodular Perfect and Nearly Perfect Sequences: a Variation of Björck's Scheme. 2691-2701 - Enes Pasalic
, Sadmir Kudin, Alexandr Polujan
, Alexander Pott
Vectorial Bent-Negabent Functions - Their Constructions and Bounds. 2702-2712 - Gangsan Kim
, Hong-Yeop Song
Statistical Span Property of Binary Run Sequences. 2713-2721 - Zhichao Zhang
, Dong Li
, Yangfan He
, Yunjie Chen
, Jianwei Zhang, Chengxi Zhou:
K-Wigner Distribution: Definition, Uncertainty Principles and Time-Frequency Analysis. 2722-2736
Volume 69, Number 5, May 2023
- Ehsan Asadi Kangarshahi
, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas
A Sphere-Packing Error Exponent for Mismatched Decoding. 2737-2756 - Andreas Lenz
, Paul H. Siegel
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Eitan Yaakobi
The Noisy Drawing Channel: Reliable Data Storage in DNA Sequences. 2757-2778 - Lei Yu
, Venkat Anantharam
Sequential Channel Synthesis. 2779-2795 - Rui Yang
, Ercai Chen, Xiaoyao Zhou
Some Notes on Variational Principle for Metric Mean Dimension. 2796-2800 - Bingchen Qian, Xin Wang
, Gennian Ge
Improved Lower Bounds for Strongly Separable Matrices and Related Combinatorial Structures. 2801-2807 - Guanghui Song
, Kui Cai
, Ying Li
, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink
Maximum Achievable Rate of Resistive Random-Access Memory Channels by Mutual Information Spectrum Analysis. 2808-2819 - Yajuan Liu
, Han Cai
, Xiaohu Tang
A New Cooperative Repair Scheme With k + 1 Helper Nodes for (n, k) Hadamard MSR Codes With Small Sub-Packetization. 2820-2829 - Mengxiao Liu
, Yuejun Wei
, Zhenyuan Chen, Wenyi Zhang
ORBGRAND Is Almost Capacity-Achieving. 2830-2840 - Jaehoon Kim, Hong Liu, Tuan Tran
Exponential Decay of Intersection Volume With Applications on List-Decodability and Gilbert-Varshamov Type Bound. 2841-2854 - Peter Horák
, Viliam Hromada
, Otokar Grosek
On the Maximum Size of a Prefix Code. 2855-2859 - Nihar Gargava
, Vlad Serban
Dense Packings via Lifts of Codes to Division Rings. 2860-2873 - Zhifang Zhang
, Liyang Zhou
A Vertical-Horizontal Framework for Building Rack-Aware Regenerating Codes. 2874-2885 - Elyassaf Loyfer
, Nati Linial:
New LP-Based Upper Bounds in the Rate-Vs.-Distance Problem for Binary Linear Codes. 2886-2899 - Qinqin Ji, Dabin Zheng
, Hao Chen
, Xiaoqiang Wang
Strict Half-Singleton Bound, Strict Direct Upper Bound for Linear Insertion-Deletion Codes and Optimal Codes. 2900-2910 - Hao Chen
On the Hull-Variation Problem of Equivalent Linear Codes. 2911-2922 - Sagi Marcovich
, Tuvi Etzion
, Eitan Yaakobi
On Hierarchies of Balanced Sequences. 2923-2939 - Yuanyuan Tang
, Shuche Wang
, Hao Lou
, Ryan Gabrys, Farzad Farnoud
Low-Redundancy Codes for Correcting Multiple Short-Duplication and Edit Errors. 2940-2954 - Yanjun Li
, Jie Peng
, Haibin Kan
, Lijing Zheng
Minimal Binary Linear Codes From Vectorial Boolean Functions. 2955-2968 - Yubo Sun
, Gennian Ge
Correcting Two-Deletion With a Constant Number of Reads. 2969-2982 - Gaojun Luo
, Xiwang Cao
, Martianus Frederic Ezerman
, San Ling
A Construction of Maximum Distance Profile Convolutional Codes With Small Alphabet Sizes. 2983-2990 - Roni Con
, Amir Shpilka
, Itzhak Tamo
Reed Solomon Codes Against Adversarial Insertions and Deletions. 2991-3000 - Kangda Zhi
, Cunhua Pan
, Hong Ren
, Kezhi Wang
, Maged Elkashlan
, Marco Di Renzo
, Robert Schober
, H. Vincent Poor
, Jiangzhou Wang
, Lajos Hanzo
Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Massive MIMO Systems With Imperfect CSI. 3001-3033 - Dawei Ding, Sumeet Khatri
, Yihui Quek, Peter W. Shor, Xin Wang
, Mark M. Wilde
Bounding the Forward Classical Capacity of Bipartite Quantum Channels. 3034-3061 - Michel Broniatowski, Wolfgang Stummer
A Precise Bare Simulation Approach to the Minimization of Some Distances. I. Foundations. 3062-3120 - Devavrat Shah
, Christina Lee Yu
Robust Max Entrywise Error Bounds for Tensor Estimation From Sparse Observations via Similarity-Based Collaborative Filtering. 3121-3149 - Frank Nielsen
, Kazuki Okamura
On f-Divergences Between Cauchy Distributions. 3150-3171 - Ariel Neufeld
, Julian Sester
A Deep Learning Approach to Data-Driven Model-Free Pricing and to Martingale Optimal Transport. 3172-3189 - Doron Cohen, Aryeh Kontorovich
, Aaron Koolyk, Geoffrey Wolfer
Dimension-Free Empirical Entropy Estimation. 3190-3202 - Zongming Ma
, Sagnik Nandy
Community Detection With Contextual Multilayer Networks. 3203-3239 - P. N. Karthik
, Kota Srinivas Reddy
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Best Arm Identification in Restless Markov Multi-Armed Bandits. 3240-3262 - Yuxiang Lu
, Syed Ali Jafar
On Single Server Private Information Retrieval With Private Coded Side Information. 3263-3284 - Sihem Mesnager
, Liqin Qian
, Xiwang Cao
, Mu Yuan
Several Families of Binary Minimal Linear Codes From Two-to-One Functions. 3285-3301 - Rishiraj Bhattacharyya
, Mridul Nandi, Anik Raychaudhuri:
Subversion Resilient Hashing: Efficient Constructions and Modular Proofs for Crooked Indifferentiability. 3302-3315 - (Withdrawn) On the Inverses and Their Hamming Weights of Known APN, 4-Differentially Uniform and CPP Exponents Over F₂ⁿ. 3316-3329
- Satyam Kumar
, Santanu Sarkar
Conditional TMDTO as a MILP Instance. 3330-3346 - Virginia Bordignon
, Stefan Vlaski
, Vincenzo Matta
, Ali H. Sayed
Learning From Heterogeneous Data Based on Social Interactions Over Graphs. 3347-3371 - Teng-Hui Huang
, Aly El Gamal, Hesham El Gamal:
A Linearly Convergent Douglas-Rachford Splitting Solver for Markovian Information-Theoretic Optimization Problems. 3372-3399 - Yuchen Liang
, Alexander G. Tartakovsky
, Venugopal V. Veeravalli
Quickest Change Detection With Non-Stationary Post-Change Observations. 3400-3414
Volume 69, Number 6, June 2023
- Sufang Yang
, Longguang Li
, Haoyue Tang
, Jintao Wang
Tradeoff Between Diversity and Multiplexing Gains in Block Fading Optical Wireless Channels. 3415-3430 - Maciej Bialobrzeski, Piotr Nayar
Rényi Entropy and Variance Comparison for Symmetric Log-Concave Random Variables. 3431-3438 - Antonious M. Girgis
, Özgür Erçetin, Mohammed Nafie
, Tamer A. ElBatt
Fundamental Limits of Cache-Aided MIMO Wireless Networks. 3439-3459 - Masahito Hayashi
Bregman Divergence Based Em Algorithm and its Application to Classical and Quantum Rate Distortion Theory. 3460-3492 - Cheuk Ting Li
Undecidability of Network Coding, Conditional Information Inequalities, and Conditional Independence Implication. 3493-3510 - Yan Hao Ling
, Jonathan Scarlett
Multi-Bit Relaying Over a Tandem of Channels. 3511-3524 - Lin Bai
, Zhuangfei Wu, Lin Zhou
Achievable Refined Asymptotics for Successive Refinement Using Gaussian Codebooks. 3525-3543 - Michael Kiermaier
, Sascha Kurz
Classification of Δ-Divisible Linear Codes Spanned by Codewords of Weight Δ. 3544-3551 - Adeel Mahmood
, Aaron B. Wagner
Lossy Compression With Universal Distortion. 3552-3573 - Xue Chen, Kuan Cheng
, Xin Li
, Minghui Ouyang
Improved Decoding of Expander Codes. 3574-3589 - Zhicheng Gao
, Jiyou Li
Improved Error Bounds for the Distance Distribution of Reed-Solomon Codes. 3590-3596 - Amit Tsvieli
, Nir Weinberger
Learning Maximum Margin Channel Decoders. 3597-3626 - Daniele Bartoli
, Giovanni Zini
, Ferdinando Zullo
Linear Maximum Rank Distance Codes of Exceptional Type. 3627-3636 - Emna Ben Yacoub
Trapping and Absorbing Set Enumerators for Irregular Generalized Low-Density Parity-Check Code Ensembles. 3637-3662 - Jinjie Gao
, Haibin Kan
, Yuan Li
, Qichun Wang
The Covering Radius of the Third-Order Reed-Muller Code RM(3,7) is 20. 3663-3673 - Michael Rudow
, K. V. Rashmi
Online Versus Offline Rate in Streaming Codes for Variable-Size Messages. 3674-3690 - Xuan He
, Kui Cai
Basis-Finding Algorithm for Decoding Fountain Codes for DNA-Based Data Storage. 3691-3707 - Allison Beemer
, Altan Berdan Kilic
, Alberto Ravagnani
Network Decoding. 3708-3730 - Valerio Bioglio
, Ingmar Land
, Charles Pillet
Group Properties of Polar Codes for Automorphism Ensemble Decoding. 3731-3747 - Bingchen Qian, Xin Wang
, Chengfei Xie, Gennian Ge
Covering Grassmannian Codes: Bounds and Constructions. 3748-3758 - Jiun-Hung Yu
, Hans-Andrea Loeliger
The Partial-Inverse Approach to Linearized Polynomials and Gabidulin Codes With Applications to Network Coding. 3759-3774 - Ningning Wang
, Guodong Li
, Sihuang Hu
, Min Ye
Constructing MSR Codes With Subpacketization 2n/3 for k + 1 Helper Nodes. 3775-3792 - Ron M. Roth
Corrections to "Analog Error-Correcting Codes". 3793-3794 - Jieao Zhu
, Kunzan Liu
, Zhongzhichao Wan
, Linglong Dai
, Tie Jun Cui
, H. Vincent Poor
Sensing RISs: Enabling Dimension-Independent CSI Acquisition for Beamforming. 3795-3813 - Máté Farkas
, Jedrzej Kaniewski, Ashwin Nayak
Mutually Unbiased Measurements, Hadamard Matrices, and Superdense Coding. 3814-3824 - Felix Leditzky
, Debbie W. Leung, Vikesh Siddhu
, Graeme Smith, John A. Smolin:
The Platypus of the Quantum Channel Zoo. 3825-3849 - Burak Bartan
, Mert Pilanci
Distributed Sketching for Randomized Optimization: Exact Characterization, Concentration, and Lower Bounds. 3850-3879 - Jiaxin Hu
, Miaoyan Wang
Multiway Spherical Clustering Via Degree-Corrected Tensor Block Models. 3880-3919 - Yanjun Han
, Soham Jana
, Yihong Wu
Optimal Prediction of Markov Chains With and Without Spectral Gap. 3920-3959 - Antoine Gonon
, Nicolas Brisebarre
, Rémi Gribonval
, Elisa Riccietti
Approximation Speed of Quantized Versus Unquantized ReLU Neural Networks and Beyond. 3960-3977 - James Sharpnack
On L2-Consistency of Nearest Neighbor Matching. 3978-3988 - Hangjin Liu, Cynthia Rush
, Dror Baron
Rigorous State Evolution Analysis for Approximate Message Passing With Side Information. 3989-4013 - Azadeh Khaleghi
, Gábor Lugosi
Inferring the Mixing Properties of a Stationary Ergodic Process From a Single Sample-Path. 4014-4026 - Marko Caric
, Miodrag Zivkovic
The Number of Nonequivalent Monotone Boolean Functions of 8 Variables. 4027-4034 - Gaofei Wu
, Keqin Feng, Nian Li
, Tor Helleseth:
New Results on the -1 Conjecture on Cross-Correlation of m-Sequences Based on Complete Permutation Polynomials. 4035-4044 - Yuqing Zhu
, Jiqiang Liu
Constructing CM Fields for NFS to Accelerate DL Computation in Non-Prime Finite Fields. 4045-4055 - Xi Xie, Sihem Mesnager
, Nian Li
, Debiao He, Xiangyong Zeng
On the Niho Type Locally-APN Power Functions and Their Boomerang Spectrum. 4056-4064 - Shouri Hu
, Jingyan Huang
, Hao Chen
, Hock Peng Chan:
Likelihood Scores for Sparse Signal and Change-Point Detection. 4065-4080 - Lorenzo Finesso
, Peter Spreij
The Inverse Problem of Positive Autoconvolution. 4081-4092
Volume 69, Number 7, July 2023
- Yihan Zhang
Zero-Error Communication Over Adversarial MACs. 4093-4127 - Simon Becker, Nilanjana Datta, Michael G. Jabbour
From Classical to Quantum: Uniform Continuity Bounds on Entropies in Infinite Dimensions. 4128-4144 - Jennifer Tang
, Yury Polyanskiy
Capacity of Noisy Permutation Channels. 4145-4162 - Qiaosheng Eric Zhang
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
Covert Communication With Mismatched Decoders. 4163-4177 - Johannes Rosenberger
, Uzi Pereg
, Christian Deppe
Identification Over Compound Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Channels. 4178-4195 - Anelia Somekh-Baruch
Upper Bounds on the Mismatched Reliability Function and Capacity Using a Genie Receiver. 4196-4217 - Yuxin Dong
, Tieliang Gong
, Shujian Yu, Chen Li
Optimal Randomized Approximations for Matrix-Based Rényi's Entropy. 4218-4234 - Hsin-Po Wang
, Ting-Chun Lin
, Alexander Vardy
, Ryan Gabrys
Sub-4.7 Scaling Exponent of Polar Codes. 4235-4254 - Mustapha Hamad
, Michèle A. Wigger
, Mireille Sarkiss
Multi-Hop Network With Multiple Decision Centers Under Expected-Rate Constraints. 4255-4283 - Alex Dytso
, Martina Cardone
, Ian Zieder
Meta Derivative Identity for the Conditional Expectation. 4284-4302 - Myna Vajha
, Balaji Srinivasan Babu, P. Vijay Kumar
Small-d MSR Codes With Optimal Access, Optimal Sub-Packetization, and Linear Field Size. 4303-4332 - Huimin Lao
, Hao Chen
, Fagang Li
, Shanxiang Lyu
New Constant Dimension Subspace Codes From the Mixed Dimension Construction. 4333-4344 - Gustavo Kasper Facenda
, M. Nikhil Krishnan
, Elad Domanovitz
, Silas L. Fong
, Ashish Khisti
, Wai-Tian Tan, John G. Apostolopoulos:
Adaptive Relaying for Streaming Erasure Codes in a Three Node Relay Network. 4345-4360 - Pavlos Nikolopoulos
, Sundara Rajan Srinivasavaradhan
, Tao Guo
, Christina Fragouli
, Suhas N. Diggavi:
Community-Aware Group Testing. 4361-4383 - Anisha Banerjee
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Eitan Yaakobi
Insertion and Deletion Correction in Polymer-Based Data Storage. 4384-4406 - Yi Liu
, Jie Li
, Xiaohu Tang
A Generic Transformation to Enable Optimal Repair/Access MDS Array Codes With Multiple Repair Degrees. 4407-4428 - Yubo Sun
, Yiwei Zhang
, Gennian Ge
Improved Constructions of Permutation and Multi-Permutation Codes Correcting a Burst of Stable Deletions. 4429-4441 - Son Hoang Dau
, Ryan Gabrys
, Yu-Chih Huang
, Chen Feng
, Quang-Hung Luu
, Eidah J. Alzahrani
, Zahir Tari
Transition Waste Optimization for Coded Elastic Computing. 4442-4465 - Yubo Sun
, Yuanxiao Xi, Gennian Ge
Sequence Reconstruction Under Single-Burst-Insertion/Deletion/Edit Channel. 4466-4483 - Mengyuan Fan, Chengju Li
, Cunsheng Ding
The Hermitian Dual Codes of Several Classes of BCH Codes. 4484-4497 - Jun Zhang
, Daqing Wan:
On Deep Holes of Elliptic Curve Codes. 4498-4506 - Minjia Shi
, Shitao Li
, Jon-Lark Kim:
Two Conjectures on the Largest Minimum Distances of Binary Self-Orthogonal Codes With Dimension 5. 4507-4512 - Yihan Zhang
, Shashank Vatedka
Multiple Packing:Lower Bounds via Infinite Constellations. 4513-4527 - Olga Polverino
, Paolo Santonastaso
, John Sheekey
, Ferdinando Zullo
Divisible Linear Rank Metric Codes. 4528-4536 - Khac-Hoang Ngo
, Alejandro Lancho
, Giuseppe Durisi
, Alexandre Graell i Amat
Unsourced Multiple Access With Random User Activity. 4537-4558 - Javier Álvarez-Vizoso
, Diego Cuevas
, Carlos Beltrán
, Ignacio Santamaría
, Vít Tucek
, Gunnar Peters:
Constrained Riemannian Noncoherent Constellations for the MIMO Multiple Access Channel. 4559-4578 - Uzi Pereg
, Christian Deppe
, Holger Boche
Communication With Unreliable Entanglement Assistance. 4579-4599 - Filip B. Maciejewski
, Zbigniew Puchala, Michal Oszmaniec:
Exploring Quantum Average-Case Distances: Proofs, Properties, and Examples. 4600-4619 - Ryszard Kukulski
, Lukasz Pawela
, Zbigniew Puchala
On the Probabilistic Quantum Error Correction. 4620-4640 - Tudor Manole
, Aaditya Ramdas:
Martingale Methods for Sequential Estimation of Convex Functionals and Divergences. 4641-4658 - Hassan Hafez-Kolahi
, Behrad Moniri
, Shohreh Kasaei
Information-Theoretic Analysis of Minimax Excess Risk. 4659-4674 - Aditya Deshmukh
, Jing Liu, Venugopal V. Veeravalli
Robust Mean Estimation in High Dimensions: An Outlier-Fraction Agnostic and Efficient Algorithm. 4675-4690 - Minghe Zhang, Liyan Xie
, Yao Xie
Spectral CUSUM for Online Network Structure Change Detection. 4691-4707 - Surbhi Shaw
, Ratna Dutta:
Forward Secure Offline Assisted Group Key Exchange From Isogeny-Based Blinded Key Encapsulation Mechanism. 4708-4722 - Zilong Wang
, Guang Gong
Constructions of Complementary Sequence Sets and Complete Complementary Codes by Ideal Two-Level Autocorrelation Sequences and Permutation Polynomials. 4723-4739 - Sayed Jalal Zahabi
, Hamed Narimani
, Mohammadali Khosravifard
On the Shortest Codeword of the Optimal RVLC. 4740-4745 - Neri Merhav
D-Semifaithful Codes That are Universal Over Both Memoryless Sources and Distortion Measures. 4746-4757 - Surin Ahn
, Wei-Ning Chen
, Ayfer Özgür
Adaptive Group Testing on Networks With Community Structure: The Stochastic Block Model. 4758-4776
Volume 69, Number 8, August 2023
- Dor Tsur
, Ziv Aharoni
, Ziv Goldfeld
, Haim H. Permuter
Neural Estimation and Optimization of Directed Information Over Continuous Spaces. 4777-4798 - Laigang Guo
, Raymond W. Yeung
, Xiao-Shan Gao
Proving Information Inequalities and Identities With Symbolic Computation. 4799-4811 - Srilakshmi Pattabiraman
, Ryan Gabrys
, Olgica Milenkovic
Coding for Polymer-Based Data Storage. 4812-4836 - Irina E. Bocharova
, Boris D. Kudryashov
, Evgenii P. Ovsyannikov
, Vitaly Skachek
Nonbinary LDPC Coded QAM Signals With Optimized Mapping: Bounds and Simulation Results. 4837-4854 - Ting Yang
, Kai Wan
, Minquan Cheng
, Robert Caiming Qiu
, Giuseppe Caire
Multiple-Antenna Placement Delivery Array for Cache-Aided MISO Systems. 4855-4868 - Roman Sokolovskii
, Alexandre Graell i Amat
, Fredrik Brännström
Finite-Length Scaling of SC-LDPC Codes With a Limited Number of Decoding Iterations. 4869-4888 - Rajesh K. Mishra
, Deepanshu Vasal
, Hyeji Kim:
Linear Coding for AWGN Channels With Noisy Output Feedback via Dynamic Programming. 4889-4906 - Yaron Shany
, Amit Berman
Fast Syndrome-Based Chase Decoding of Binary BCH Codes Through Wu List Decoding. 4907-4926 - Elisa Gorla
, Flavio Salizzoni
Generalized Weights of Convolutional Codes. 4927-4943 - Laura Luzzi
, Cong Ling
, Matthieu R. Bloch
Optimal Rate-Limited Secret Key Generation From Gaussian Sources Using Lattices. 4944-4960 - Tuan Thanh Nguyen
, Kui Cai
, Han Mao Kiah
, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink
, Yeow Meng Chee
Two-Dimensional RC/SW Constrained Codes: Bounded Weight and Almost Balanced Weight. 4961-4976 - Zuo Ye
, Xin Liu
, Xiande Zhang
, Gennian Ge
Reconstruction of Sequences Distorted by Two Insertions. 4977-4992 - Francisco Maturana
, K. V. Rashmi
Bandwidth Cost of Code Conversions in Distributed Storage: Fundamental Limits and Optimal Constructions. 4993-5008 - Ruhao Wan
, Yang Li
, Shixin Zhu
New MDS Self-Dual Codes Over Finite Field Fr2. 5009-5016 - Shuying Dong
, Chengju Li
, Sihem Mesnager
, Haifeng Qian:
Parameters of Squares of Primitive Narrow-Sense BCH Codes and Their Complements. 5017-5031 - Jaziel Torres
, Ivelisse Rubio
Multidimensional Costas Arrays and Their Periodicity. 5032-5040 - Navneeth Ramakrishnan
, Marco Tomamichel
, Mario Berta
Moderate Deviation Expansion for Fully Quantum Tasks. 5041-5059 - Nengkun Yu
Almost Tight Sample Complexity Analysis of Quantum Identity Testing by Pauli Measurements. 5060-5068 - Daniel Ebler, Michal Horodecki
, Marcin Marciniak
, Tomasz Mlynik
, Marco Túlio Quintino
, Michal Studzinski
Optimal Universal Quantum Circuits for Unitary Complex Conjugation. 5069-5082 - Masahito Hayashi
, Naqueeb Ahmad Warsi
Commitment Capacity of Classical-Quantum Channels. 5083-5099 - Anthony Leverrier
, Gilles Zémor
Decoding Quantum Tanner Codes. 5100-5115 - Kean Chen
, Qisheng Wang
, Peixun Long
, Mingsheng Ying
Unitarity Estimation for Quantum Channels. 5116-5134 - Ferran De Cabrera
, Jaume Riba
Regularized Estimation of Information via Canonical Correlation Analysis on a Finite-Dimensional Feature Space. 5135-5150 - Junren Chen
, Cheng-Long Wang
, Michael K. P. Ng
, Di Wang
High Dimensional Statistical Estimation Under Uniformly Dithered One-Bit Quantization. 5151-5187 - Jonathan Niles-Weed, Ilias Zadik
It Was "All" for "Nothing": Sharp Phase Transitions for Noiseless Discrete Channels. 5188-5202 - Michael Kohler
, Benjamin Kohler
Analysis of Convolutional Neural Network Image Classifiers in a Rotationally Symmetric Model. 5203-5218 - Tuomas Rajala
, Sofia C. Olhede
, Jake P. Grainger
, David J. Murrell
What is the Fourier Transform of a Spatial Point Process? 5219-5252 - Yao Ji, Gesualdo Scutari
, Ying Sun, Harsha Honnappa:
Distributed (ATC) Gradient Descent for High Dimension Sparse Regression. 5253-5276 - Lukasz Debowski
Universal Densities Exist for Every Finite Reference Measure. 5277-5288 - Jian Ding
, Hang Du
Detection Threshold for Correlated Erdős-Rényi Graphs via Densest Subgraph. 5289-5298 - Konstantinos Ntemos
, Virginia Bordignon
, Stefan Vlaski
, Ali H. Sayed
Self-Aware Social Learning Over Graphs. 5299-5317 - Sabyasachi Dey
, Hirendra Kumar Garai
, Santanu Sarkar
, Nitin Kumar Sharma
Enhanced Differential-Linear Attacks on Reduced Round ChaCha. 5318-5336 - Jun Xu
, Santanu Sarkar
, Lei Hu
, Huaxiong Wang
, Yanbin Pan
Revisiting Modular Inversion Hidden Number Problem and Its Applications. 5337-5356 - Yupeng Jiang
, Ming Li
, Dongdai Lin
Proofs of Conjectures on Extremal Weight De Bruijn Sequences. 5357-5363 - Amir Jafari, Shahram Khazaei
Partial Secret Sharing Schemes. 5364-5385 - Ananya Appan
, Anirudh Chandramouli, Ashish Choudhury
Perfectly-Secure Synchronous MPC With Asynchronous Fallback Guarantees. 5386-5425 - Sudong Ma
, Chenhui Jin
, Jie Guan
Fast Correlation Attacks on K2 Stream Cipher. 5426-5439 - Aixian Zhang
, Xiaoyan Jing
, Keqin Feng:
Optimal Combinatorial Neural Codes With Matched Metric δr: Characterization and Constructions. 5440-5448
Volume 69, Number 9, September 2023
- Holger Boche
, Rafael F. Schaefer
, H. Vincent Poor
Algorithmic Computability and Approximability of Capacity-Achieving Input Distributions. 5449-5462 - Lin Zhou
, Alfred O. Hero III
Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive 20 Questions Search for a Moving Target. 5463-5484 - Lucas Backes
, Fagner B. Rodrigues
A Variational Principle for the Metric Mean Dimension of Level Sets. 5485-5496 - Xin Zhang
, Shenghui Song
Asymptotic Mutual Information Analysis for Double-Scattering MIMO Channels: A New Approach by Gaussian Tools. 5497-5527 - Michael X. Cao
, Marco Tomamichel
Comments on "Channel Coding Rate in the Finite Blocklength Regime": On the Quadratic Decaying Property of the Information Rate Function. 5528-5531 - Longguang Li
, Ru-Han Chen
, Jing Zhou
Distribution Decomposition and Sum-Capacity Results of Two-User Optical Intensity Multiple Access Channels. 5532-5549 - Praneeth Kumar Vippathalla
, Navin Kashyap
The Secure Storage Capacity of a DNA Wiretap Channel Model. 5550-5569 - Juane Li
, Yi Gong, Xin Xiao
, Shu Lin, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar:
Cyclic Partial Geometries and Their Associated LDPC and Constant-Weight Codes. 5570-5596 - Minjia Shi
, Xiaoxiao Li, Denis S. Krotov
, Ferruh Özbudak
Quasi-Cyclic Perfect Codes in Doob Graphs and Special Partitions of Galois Rings. 5597-5603 - Andreas Lenz
, Rawad Bitar
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Eitan Yaakobi
Function-Correcting Codes. 5604-5618 - Jin Sima
, Jehoshua Bruck
Correcting Multiple Deletions and Insertions in Racetrack Memory. 5619-5639 - Shu Liu
, Liming Ma
, Ting-Yi Wu, Chaoping Xing
A New Construction of Nonlinear Codes via Algebraic Function Fields. 5640-5647 - Yonatan Yehezkeally
, Daniella Bar-Lev
, Sagi Marcovich
, Eitan Yaakobi
Generalized Unique Reconstruction From Substrings. 5648-5659 - Junzhen Sui
, Qin Yue
Twisted Goppa Codes With an Efficient Decoding Algorithm and Quasi-Cyclic Properties. 5660-5669 - Dongchun Han
, Cuiling Fan
Roth-Lempel NMDS Codes of Non-Elliptic-Curve Type. 5670-5675 - Chao Liu, Dabin Zheng
, Xiaoqiang Wang
Generalized Hamming Weights of Linear Codes From Quadratic Forms Over Finite Fields of Even Characteristic. 5676-5686 - Serge Kas Hanna
Optimal Codes Detecting Deletions in Concatenated Binary Strings Applied to Trace Reconstruction. 5687-5700 - Mohamed A. Abd-Elmagid
, Harpreet S. Dhillon
Joint Distribution of Ages of Information in Networks. 5701-5722 - Yifeng Xiong
, Fan Liu
, Yuanhao Cui
, Weijie Yuan
, Tony Xiao Han, Giuseppe Caire
On the Fundamental Tradeoff of Integrated Sensing and Communications Under Gaussian Channels. 5723-5751 - Siyao Li
, Giuseppe Caire
On the Capacity and State Estimation Error of "Beam-Pointing" Channels: The Binary Case. 5752-5770 - Christoph Hirche
, Cambyse Rouzé
, Daniel Stilck França
Quantum Differential Privacy: An Information Theory Perspective. 5771-5787 - Anurag Anshu
, Shima Bab Hadiashar
, Rahul Jain
, Ashwin Nayak
, Dave Touchette:
One-Shot Quantum State Redistribution and Quantum Markov Chains. 5788-5804 - Akshay Seshadri
, Felix Leditzky
, Vikesh Siddhu
, Graeme Smith:
On the Separation of Correlation-Assisted Sum Capacities of Multiple Access Channels. 5805-5844 - Keqin Feng, Lingfei Jin
, Chaoping Xing
, Chen Yuan
Constructions of k-Uniform States in Heterogeneous Systems. 5845-5856 - Manideep Mamindlapally
, Andreas J. Winter
Singleton Bounds for Entanglement-Assisted Classical and Quantum Error Correcting Codes. 5857-5868 - Andreas Bluhm
, Ángela Capel
, Paul Gondolf
, Antonio Pérez-Hernández
Continuity of Quantum Entropic Quantities via Almost Convexity. 5869-5901 - Ayaka Sakata
, Yoshiyuki Kabashima
Decision Theoretic Cutoff and ROC Analysis for Bayesian Optimal Group Testing. 5902-5920 - Gen Li, Ganghua Wang
, Jie Ding
Provable Identifiability of Two-Layer ReLU Neural Networks via LASSO Regularization. 5921-5935 - Yiyuan She
, Jiahui Shen, Adrian Barbu
Slow Kill for Big Data Learning. 5936-5955 - Cem Kalkanli
, Ayfer Özgür
Asymptotic Performance of Thompson Sampling for Batched Multi-Armed Bandits. 5956-5970 - Changlong Wu
, Mohsen Heidari
, Ananth Grama
, Wojciech Szpankowski
Regret Bounds for Log-Loss via Bayesian Algorithms. 5971-5989 - Liyan Xie
, George V. Moustakides
, Yao Xie
Window-Limited CUSUM for Sequential Change Detection. 5990-6005 - Thomas Debris-Alazard
, Léo Ducas, Nicolas Resch
, Jean-Pierre Tillich:
Smoothing Codes and Lattices: Systematic Study and New Bounds. 6006-6027 - Bingsheng Shen
, Yang Yang, Zhengchun Zhou
, Sihem Mesnager
Constructions of Spectrally Null Constrained Complete Complementary Codes via the Graph of Extended Boolean Functions. 6028-6039 - Xiaoyan Jing
, Aixian Zhang
, Keqin Feng:
Arithmetic Autocorrelation Distribution of Binary m-Sequences. 6040-6047 - Ping Hu
, Virginia Bordignon
, Stefan Vlaski
, Ali H. Sayed
Optimal Aggregation Strategies for Social Learning Over Graphs. 6048-6070 - Xiaoqi Liu
, Ramji Venkataramanan
Sketching Sparse Low-Rank Matrices With Near-Optimal Sample- and Time-Complexity Using Message Passing. 6071-6097 - Hsin-Po Wang
, Ryan Gabrys
, Alexander Vardy
Tropical Group Testing. 6098-6120
Volume 69, Number 10, October 2023
- Oron Sabag
, Victoria Kostina
, Babak Hassibi:
Feedback Capacity of MIMO Gaussian Channels. 6121-6136 - Ron Dabora
, Emeka Abakasanga
On the Capacity of Communication Channels With Memory and Sampled Additive Cyclostationary Gaussian Noise. 6137-6166 - Dennis Ogbe
, Chih-Chun Wang
, David J. Love
On the Optimal Delay Growth Rate of Multi-Hop Line Networks: Asymptotically Delay-Optimal Designs and the Corresponding Error Exponents. 6167-6193 - Jingbo Liu
Stability of the Gaussian Stationary Point in the Han-Kobayashi Region for Z-Interference Channels. 6194-6209 - Chin Wa Ken Lau
, Chandra Nair
, David Ng
A Mutual Information Inequality and Some Applications. 6210-6220 - Christopher P. Porter
Length Functions and the Dimension of Points in Self-Similar Fractal Trees. 6221-6230 - Mohammad Mahdi Mahvari
, Gerhard Kramer
Stability of Bernstein's Theorem and Soft Doubling for Vector Gaussian Channels. 6231-6250 - Lei Yu
Gray-Wyner and Mutual Information Regions for Doubly Symmetric Binary Sources and Gaussian Sources. 6251-6268 - Mordecai J. Golin
, Elfarouk Harb
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Constructing Optimal Binary AIFV-2 Codes. 6269-6278 - Xiaodong Xu
, Yue Zhou
On Almost Perfect Linear Lee Codes of Packing Radius 2. 6279-6292 - Upendra Kapshikar, Srijita Kundu
On the Hardness of the Minimum Distance Problem of Quantum Codes. 6293-6302 - Hao Chen
New Explicit Good Linear Sum-Rank-Metric Codes. 6303-6313 - Ali Khalesi
, Petros Elia
Multi-User Linearly-Separable Distributed Computing. 6314-6339 - Nikita Polyanskii
, Yihan Zhang
Codes for the Z-Channel. 6340-6357 - Sagi Marcovich
, Eitan Yaakobi
The Zero Cubes Free and Cubes Unique Multidimensional Constraints. 6358-6375 - Kai Wan
, Daniela Tuninetti
, Mingyue Ji
, Giuseppe Caire
On the Fundamental Limits of Coded Caching With Correlated Files of Combinatorial Overlaps. 6376-6400 - Ziyang Lu
, Yiwei Zhang
t-Deletion-s-Insertion-Burst Correcting Codes. 6401-6413 - Daniella Bar-Lev
, Sagi Marcovich
, Eitan Yaakobi
, Yonatan Yehezkeally
Adversarial Torn-Paper Codes. 6414-6427 - Jiaojiao Wang, Dabin Zheng
, Shenghua Li, Xiaohu Tang
Rack-Aware MSR Codes With Error Correction Capability for Multiple Erasure Tolerance. 6428-6442 - Zhuangfei Hu
, Xinda Li
, David P. Woodruff, Hongyang Zhang
, Shufan Zhang
Recovery From Non-Decomposable Distance Oracles. 6443-6469 - Wentu Song
, Kui Cai
Non-Binary Two-Deletion Correcting Codes and Burst-Deletion Correcting Codes. 6470-6484 - Yang Xu
, Haibin Kan
, Guangyue Han
Reflexivity of Partitions Induced by Weighted Poset Metric and Combinatorial Metric. 6485-6499 - Yang Li
, Shixin Zhu
, Edgar Martínez-Moro
The Hull of Two Classical Propagation Rules and Their Applications. 6500-6511 - Cem Güneri
Optimal Binary Linear Complementary Pairs From Solomon-Stiffler Codes. 6512-6517 - Matthew A. Bliss
, Chih-Chun Wang
, David J. Love
Optimal Single-Bit Relaying Strategies With Multi-Relay Diversity. 6518-6536 - Masahito Hayashi
, Seunghoan Song
Unified Approach to Secret Sharing and Symmetric Private Information Retrieval With Colluding Servers in Quantum Systems. 6537-6563 - Satvik Singh
, Nilanjana Datta:
Fully Undistillable Quantum States Are Separable. 6564-6570 - Yuepeng Yang
, Cong Ma
Optimal Tuning-Free Convex Relaxation for Noisy Matrix Completion. 6571-6585 - Stéphane Gaïffas, Ibrahim Merad
, Yiyang Yu:
WildWood: A New Random Forest Algorithm. 6586-6604 - Shuting Shen
, Junwei Lu
Combinatorial-Probabilistic Trade-Off: P-Values of Community Property Test in the Stochastic Block Models. 6605-6618 - Zhongchang Sun
, Shaofeng Zou
Kernel Robust Hypothesis Testing. 6619-6638 - Deepesh Data
, Suhas N. Diggavi
Byzantine-Resilient High-Dimensional Federated Learning. 6639-6670 - WeiGuo Zhang
Analysis and Construction of Nonlinear Correctors Used in True Random Number Generators. 6671-6681 - Zhen Shi
, Chenhui Jin
, Jiyan Zhang
, Ting Cui
, Lin Ding
, Yu Jin
A General Correlation Evaluation Model on LFSR-Based Stream Ciphers. 6682-6699 - Enrico Piccione
, Samuele Andreoli
, Lilya Budaghyan, Claude Carlet
, Siemen Dhooghe
, Svetla Nikova
, George Petrides
, Vincent Rijmen
An Optimal Universal Construction for the Threshold Implementation of Bijective S-Boxes. 6700-6710 - Li-An Chen
, Robert S. Coulter
Permutation Resemblance. 6711-6718 - Gerhard Wunder
, Axel Flinth
, Benedikt Groß
One-Shot Messaging at Any Load Through Random Sub-Channeling in OFDM. 6719-6738 - Junren Chen
, Michael K. Ng
Uniform Exact Reconstruction of Sparse Signals and Low-Rank Matrices From Phase-Only Measurements. 6739-6764 - Jonathan Keeler, Tamás Linder
, Serdar Yüksel
An Asymptotically Optimal Two-Part Fixed-Rate Coding Scheme for Networked Control With Unbounded Noise. 6765-6786 - Zhichao Zhang
, Zhicheng Zhu, Dong Li
, Yangfan He
Free Metaplectic Wigner Distribution: Definition and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principles. 6787-6810
Volume 69, Number 11, November 2023
- Moritz Wiese
, Wafa Labidi
, Christian Deppe
, Holger Boche
Identification Over Additive Noise Channels in the Presence of Feedback. 6811-6821 - Mark Sinzger-D'Angelo
, Heinz Koeppl
Counting Processes With Piecewise-Deterministic Markov Conditional Intensity: Asymptotic Analysis, Implementation, and Information-Theoretic Use. 6822-6856 - Cheuk Ting Li
An Automated Theorem Proving Framework for Information-Theoretic Results. 6857-6877 - Rami Ezzine
, Moritz Wiese
, Christian Deppe
, Holger Boche
A Proof of a Single-Letter Capacity Formula for MIMO Gauss-Markov Rayleigh Fading Channels. 6878-6896 - Tamás Tasnádi, Péter Vrana
Asymptotic Equipartition Property for a Markov Source Having Ambiguous Alphabet. 6897-6908 - Shahar Stein Ioushua
, Ofer Shayevitz
On the Number of Graphs With a Given Histogram. 6909-6921 - Juan Pablo Vigneaux
Typicality for Stratified Measures. 6922-6940 - Ohad Elishco
, Wasim Huleihel
Optimal Reference for DNA Synthesis. 6941-6955 - Lakshmi Prasad Natarajan
, Prasad Krishnan
Berman Codes: A Generalization of Reed-Muller Codes That Achieve BEC Capacity. 6956-6980 - Austin Dukes, Giacomo Micheli
, Vincenzo Pallozzi Lavorante
Optimal Locally Recoverable Codes With Hierarchy From Nested F-Adic Expansions. 6981-6988 - Shu Liu
, Ivan Tjuawinata
, Chaoping Xing
A Lower Bound on the List-Decodability of Insdel Codes. 6989-7002 - V Arvind Rameshwar
, Navin Kashyap
Coding Schemes Based on Reed-Muller Codes for (d, ∞)-RLL Input-Constrained Channels. 7003-7024 - Minjia Shi
, Tor Helleseth, Ferruh Özbudak
Covering Radius of Generalized Zetterberg Type Codes Over Finite Fields of Odd Characteristic. 7025-7048 - Marcel Fernández, John Livieratos
, Sebastià Martín
Bounds and Constructions of Parent Identifying Schemes via the Algorithmic Version of the Lovász Local Lemma. 7049-7069 - Hengjia Wei
, Min Xu
, Gennian Ge
Robust Network Function Computation. 7070-7081 - Jingjie Lv
, Weijun Fang
, Xiangyu Chen
, Jing Yang
, Shu-Tao Xia
New Constructions of q-Ary MDS Array Codes With Multiple Parities and Their Effective Decoding. 7082-7098 - Chenyang Zhang, Chong Shangguan
, Gennian Ge
Improved Gilbert-Varshamov Bounds for Hopping Cyclic Codes and Optical Orthogonal Codes. 7099-7109 - Tao Zhang
, Yanlu Lian, Gennian Ge
On Lattice Tilings of ℤn by Limited Magnitude Error Balls B(n, 2, 1, 1). 7110-7121 - Chaofeng Guan
, Ruihu Li, Yiting Liu
, Zhi Ma
Some Quaternary Additive Codes Outperform Linear Counterparts. 7122-7131 - Elie Cali
, Alexander Hinsen
, Benedikt Jahnel
, Jean-Philippe Wary
Connectivity in Mobile Device-to-Device Networks in Urban Environments. 7132-7148 - Javad Doliskani
How to Sample From the Limiting Distribution of a Continuous-Time Quantum Walk. 7149-7159 - Nir Weinberger
, Michal Yemini
Multi-Armed Bandits With Self-Information Rewards. 7160-7184 - Yuling Yan
, Gen Li, Yuxin Chen
, Jianqing Fan
The Efficacy of Pessimism in Asynchronous Q-Learning. 7185-7219 - Yiming Xing
, Georgios Fellouris
Signal Recovery With Multistage Tests and Without Sparsity Constraints. 7220-7245 - Matthew Repasky
, Xiuyuan Cheng
, Yao Xie
Neural Stein Critics With Staged L 2-Regularization. 7246-7275 - Xiaochuan Ma
, Lifeng Lai
, Shuguang Cui
Bayesian Two-Stage Sequential Change Diagnosis via Sensor Arrays. 7276-7294 - Amos Beimel
, Hussien Othman
, Naty Peter:
Quadratic Secret Sharing and Conditional Disclosure of Secrets. 7295-7316 - Mohammad Fereydounian
, Aryan Mokhtari
, Ramtin Pedarsani
, Hamed Hassani
Provably Private Distributed Averaging Consensus: An Information-Theoretic Approach. 7317-7335 - Theshani Nuradha
, Ziv Goldfeld
Pufferfish Privacy: An Information-Theoretic Study. 7336-7356 - Luoyi Fu
, Jianzhi Tang
, Benjie Miao, Xiaojun Lin
, Xinbing Wang
, Chenghu Zhou:
The Effect of Symmetry on the De-Anonymizability of Social Networks. 7357-7372 - Jian Ding
, Yiyang Jiang, Heng Ma
Shotgun Threshold for Sparse Erdős-Rényi Graphs. 7373-7391 - Ana-Isabel Gómez
, Domingo Gómez-Pérez
Still More Structural Properties of Algebraic Costas Arrays. 7392-7397 - Lidong Wang, Tao Feng
, Yueting Li, Xiaomiao Wang
, Zhanrong Guo:
Constructions for Multichannel Conflict-Avoiding Codes With AM-OPPTS Restriction. 7398-7413 - Jiaxin Wang
, Fang-Wei Fu
, Yadi Wei
Bent Partitions, Vectorial Dual-Bent Functions and Partial Difference Sets. 7414-7425 - Haode Yan
, Sihem Mesnager
, Xiantong Tan:
The Complete Differential Spectrum of a Class of Power Permutations Over Odd Characteristic Finite Fields. 7426-7438 - Proloy Das
, Behtash Babadi
Non-Asymptotic Guarantees for Reliable Identification of Granger Causality via the LASSO. 7439-7460 - Nikolajs Skuratovs
, Mike E. Davies
Divergence Estimation in Message Passing Algorithms. 7461-7477 - Masahito Hayashi
Comments on "Analytical Algorithm for Capacities of Classical and Classical-Quantum Channels". 7478
Volume 69, Number 12, December 2023
- Ran Tamir
, Neri Merhav
Error Exponents of the Dirty-Paper and Gel'fand-Pinsker Channels. 7479-7498 - Lan V. Truong
, Giuseppe Cocco
, Josep Font-Segura
, Albert Guillén i Fàbregas
Concentration Properties of Random Codes. 7499-7537 - Mohammad Saeed Masiha
, Amin Gohari
, Mohammad Hossein Yassaee:
f-Divergences and Their Applications in Lossy Compression and Bounding Generalization Error. 7538-7564 - Atin Gayen
, M. Ashok Kumar
Generalized Fisher-Darmois-Koopman-Pitman Theorem and Rao-Blackwell Type Estimators for Power-Law Distributions. 7565-7583 - Cheuk Ting Li
First-Order Theory of Probabilistic Independence and Single-Letter Characterizations of Capacity Regions. 7584-7601 - Jinyu Wang
, Minquan Cheng
, Kai Wan
, Giuseppe Caire
Placement Delivery Array Construction via Cartesian Product for Coded Caching. 7602-7626 - Mohammad Rowshan
, Son Hoang Dau
, Emanuele Viterbo
On the Formation of Min-Weight Codewords of Polar/PAC Codes and Its Applications. 7627-7649 - Erik Agrell
, Bruce Allen
On the Best Lattice Quantizers. 7650-7658 - Ilia Smagloy, Lorenz Welter
, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
, Eitan Yaakobi
Single-Deletion Single-Substitution Correcting Codes. 7659-7671 - Ryosuke Sugiura
, Yutaka Kamamoto
, Takehiro Moriya
General Form of Almost Instantaneous Fixed-to-Variable-Length Codes. 7672-7690 - Bocong Chen
, Guanghui Zhang
The Number of Extended Irreducible Binary Goppa Codes. 7691-7711 - Adeel Mahmood
, Aaron B. Wagner
Minimax Rate-Distortion. 7712-7737 - Anders M. Buvarp
, Robert M. Taylor, Kumar Vijay Mishra
, Lamine Mili
, Amir I. Zaghloul:
Constant Curvature Curve Tube Codes for Low-Latency Analog Error Correction. 7738-7754 - Maiara F. Bollauf
, Hsuan-Yin Lin
, Øyvind Ytrehus
Formally Unimodular Packings for the Gaussian Wiretap Channel. 7755-7776 - Jong Yoon Hyun
Classification of Binary Combinatorial Metrics Which Admit MacWilliam's Extension Theorem. 7777-7783 - Frédéric Dupuis
Privacy Amplification and Decoupling Without Smoothing. 7784-7792 - Edgar Dobriban
, Hamed Hassani
, David Hong
, Alexander Robey
Provable Tradeoffs in Adversarially Robust Classification. 7793-7822 - Fang Han
, Zhen Miao
, Yandi Shen
Nonparametric Mixture MLEs Under Gaussian-Smoothed Optimal Transport Distance. 7823-7835 - Ali Jadbabaie
, Anuran Makur
, Devavrat Shah
Federated Optimization of Smooth Loss Functions. 7836-7866 - Jingbo Liu
A Few Interactions Improve Distributed Nonparametric Estimation, Optimally. 7867-7886 - Holger Boche
, Adalbert Fono
, Gitta Kutyniok:
Limitations of Deep Learning for Inverse Problems on Digital Hardware. 7887-7908 - Ke Wang
, Vidya Muthukumar, Christos Thrampoulidis:
Benign Overfitting in Multiclass Classification: All Roads Lead to Interpolation. 7909-7952 - Lan V. Truong
Replica Analysis of the Linear Model With Markov or Hidden Markov Signal Priors. 7953-7975 - Subhroshekhar Ghosh
, Sanjay Chaudhuri, Ujan Gangopadhyay
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Under Constraints: Singularities and Random Critical Points. 7976-7997 - Ali Bereyhi
, Bruno Loureiro
, Florent Krzakala
, Ralf R. Müller
, Hermann Schulz-Baldes
Bayesian Inference With Nonlinear Generative Models: Comments on Secure Learning. 7998-8028 - Praneeth Kumar Vippathalla
, Chung Chan
, Navin Kashyap
, Qiaoqiao Zhou
Secret Key Agreement via Secure Omniscience. 8029-8053 - Sara Saeidian
, Giulia Cervia
, Tobias J. Oechtering
, Mikael Skoglund
Pointwise Maximal Leakage. 8054-8080 - Mansi Sood
, Osman Yagan
Existence and Size of the Giant Component in Inhomogeneous Random K-Out Graphs. 8081-8096 - Amr Rizk
, Jean-Yves Le Boudec
A Palm Calculus Approach to the Distribution of the Age of Information. 8097-8110 - Honggang Hu
, Bei Wang
, Xianhong Xie
, Yiyuan Luo
An Open Problem About Monomial Bent Functions. 8111-8115 - Sicheng Liang
, Xiangyong Zeng
, Zibi Xiao
, Zhimin Sun
Binary Sequences With Length n and Nonlinear Complexity Not Less Than n/2. 8116-8125 - Aristomenis Tsopelakos, Georgios Fellouris
Sequential Anomaly Detection Under Sampling Constraints. 8126-8146

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