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Operations Research Letters, Volume 46
Volume 46, Number 1, January 2018
- Miaoqi Fu, Xian Hua Peng
On the sample path properties of mixed Poisson processes. 1-6 - Andrea Caliciotti
, Giovanni Fasano
, Stephen G. Nash, Massimo Roma
An adaptive truncation criterion, for linesearch-based truncated Newton methods in large scale nonconvex optimization. 7-12 - Glaydston de Carvalho Bento, Orizon P. Ferreira, Yuri Rafael Leite Pereira:
Proximal point method for vector optimization on Hadamard manifolds. 13-18 - Henri Gérard, Vincent Leclère
, Andy Philpott
On risk averse competitive equilibrium. 19-26 - Nicos J. Starreveld, René Bekker, Michel Mandjes:
Occupation times for the finite buffer fluid queue with phase-type ON-times. 27-32 - Dawid Tarlowski:
On geometric convergence rate of Markov search towards the fat target. 33-36 - R. Swarnalatha, V. Kumaran:
Sharp probability bounds for the binomial moment problem with symmetry. 37-43 - Xu Sun:
Heavy-traffic limits for server idle times with customary server-assignment rules. 44-50 - Boris Defourny
Optimality of an affine intensity policy for maximizing the probability of an arrival count in point-process intensity control. 51-55 - Alfredo Valencia-Toledo
, Juan J. Vidal-Puga
Duality in land rental problems. 56-59 - Frans Schalekamp, András Sebö, Vera Traub
, Anke van Zuylen:
Layers and matroids for the traveling salesman's paths. 60-63 - George J. Kyparisis
, Christos Koulamas
The price-setting newsvendor with nonlinear salvage revenue and shortage cost. 64-68 - Qingda Wei:
Zero-sum games for continuous-time Markov jump processes with risk-sensitive finite-horizon cost criterion. 69-75 - Yong Xia, Longfei Wang, Shu Wang:
Minimizing the sum of linear fractional functions over the cone of positive semidefinite matrices: Approximation and applications. 76-80 - Rui Dai
, Hadi Charkhgard:
A two-stage approach for bi-objective integer linear programming. 81-87 - Yonit Barron:
An order-revenue inventory model with returns and sudden obsolescence. 88-92 - Tobias Harks, Max Klimm, Manuel Schneider:
Bottleneck routing with elastic demands. 93-98 - Yanli Tang
, Pengfei Guo
, Yulan Wang
Equilibrium queueing strategies of two types of customers in a two-server queue. 99-102 - Tao Pang, Cagatay Karan:
A closed-form solution of the Black-Litterman model with conditional value at risk. 103-108 - Wenzhao Zhang, Binfu Wang, Dewang Chen:
Continuous-time constrained stochastic games with average criteria. 109-115 - Ryan Cory-Wright
, Andy Philpott
, Golbon Zakeri
Payment mechanisms for electricity markets with uncertain supply. 116-121 - Neeraj Misra, Sameen Naqvi
Stochastic comparison of residual lifetime mixture models. 122-127 - Yossi Azar, Sarel Cohen:
An improved algorithm for online machine minimization. 128-133 - Qiaochu He, Ying-Ju Chen:
Revenue-maximizing pricing and scheduling strategies in service systems with flexible customers. 134-137 - John Edwin Cotrina
, Javier Zúñiga
A note on quasi-equilibrium problems. 138-140 - Guiyun Feng, Xiaobo Li, Zizhuo Wang
On substitutability and complementarity in discrete choice models. 141-146 - Onur Tavaslioglu
, Taewoo Lee, Silviya Valeva
, Andrew J. Schaefer
On the structure of the inverse-feasible region of a linear program. 147-152 - Qiaochu He, Tao Hong:
Integrated facility location and production scheduling in multi-generation energy systems. 153-157
Volume 46, Number 2, March 2018
- Roger Behling, José Yunier Bello Cruz
, Luiz-Rafael Santos
On the linear convergence of the circumcentered-reflection method. 159-162 - Xun-Feng Hu
, Deng-Feng Li
A new axiomatization of the Shapley-solidarity value for games with a coalition structure. 163-167 - A. J. E. M. Janssen, J. S. H. van Leeuwaarden:
Spitzer's identity for discrete random walks. 168-172 - Güzin Bayraksan
An improved averaged two-replication procedure with Latin hypercube sampling. 173-178 - Eugene A. Feinberg, Jefferson Huang
Reduction of total-cost and average-cost MDPs with weakly continuous transition probabilities to discounted MDPs. 179-184 - Margarida Carvalho
, Andrea Lodi, Patrice Marcotte:
A polynomial algorithm for a continuous bilevel knapsack problem. 185-188 - Saralees Nadarajah, Tibor K. Pogány
Precise formulae for Bravo coefficients. 189-192 - Dengwang Tang
, Vijay G. Subramanian
Eigenvalues of LRU via a linear algebraic approach. 193-198 - Bertrand Crettez
, Naïla Hayek
, Georges Zaccour:
Existence and uniqueness of optimal dynamic pricing and advertising controls without concavity. 199-204 - Jonah Kallenbach, Robert Kleinberg, Scott Duke Kominers
Orienteering for electioneering. 205-210 - Esther Frostig:
Ruin probability in the dual risk model with two revenue streams. 211-214 - Bodo Manthey, Matthijs B. Tijink:
Perturbation resilience for the facility location problem. 215-218 - Weiyong Ding, Yiying Zhang:
Relative ageing of series and parallel systems: Effects of dependence and heterogeneity among components. 219-224 - Mei Choi Chiu
, Hoi Ying Wong
Robust dynamic pairs trading with cointegration. 225-232 - Rui Fang
, Xiaohu Li:
On active redundancy allocation for coherent systems - from the viewpoint of minimal cut decomposition. 233-239 - Ben Hermans
, Roel Leus
Scheduling Markovian PERT networks to maximize the net present value: New results. 240-244 - Mark S. Squillante, Peter M. van de Ven:
Max-weight scheduling across multiple timescales. 245-250 - Gérard Cornuéjols, Yanjun Li:
When the Gomory-Chvátal closure coincides with the integer hull. 251-256 - Edmond J. Vanderperre, Stanislav S. Makhanov
On the reliability of Gaver's parallel system supervised by a safety unit. 257-261 - Chaoyue Zhao, Yongpei Guan:
Data-driven risk-averse stochastic optimization with Wasserstein metric. 262-267 - Bara Kim, Jeongsim Kim:
The waiting time distribution for a correlated queue with exponential interarrival and service times. 268-271
Volume 46, Number 3, May 2018
- Shuige Liu
Directed graphical structure, Nash equilibrium, and potential games. 273-277 - Stasys Jukna
Incremental versus non-incremental dynamic programming. 278-281 - Emin Karagözoglu
, Elif Özcan Tok:
Iterated egalitarian compromise solution to bargaining problems and midpoint domination. 282-285 - Martin Groß
, Marc E. Pfetsch
, Martin Skutella:
On the complexity of instationary gas flows. 286-290 - Mousaab Bouafia, Djamel Benterki, Adnan Yassine:
A new efficient short-step projective interior point method for linear programming. 291-294 - Gabriel Haeser
Some theoretical limitations of second-order algorithms for smooth constrained optimization. 295-299 - Merve Merakli, Simge Küçükyavuz:
Vector-valued multivariate conditional value-at-risk. 300-305 - Zhenyu Cui, Qi Feng, Ruimeng Hu
, Bin Zou
Systemic risk and optimal fee for central clearing counterparty under partial netting. 306-311 - Tammy Drezner, Zvi Drezner, Dawit Zerom:
Competitive facility location with random attractiveness. 312-317 - Tobias Widmer, Jörg Leukel
Electronic service matching: Failure of incentive compatibility in Vickrey auctions. 318-323 - László Á. Kóczy
, Balázs R. Sziklai
Bounds on Malapportionment. 324-328 - Karl Michael Ortmann
Preservation of risk in capital markets. 329-334 - Walid Ben-Ameur
, Mohamed Didi Biha:
A note on the problem of r disjoint (s, t)-cuts and some related issues. 335-338 - Kimia Ghobadi, Taewoo Lee
, Houra Mahmoudzadeh
, Daria Terekhov:
Robust inverse optimization. 339-344 - Chenhao Du, William L. Cooper, Zizhuo Wang
Optimal worst-case pricing for a logit demand model with network effects. 345-351 - Kaveh Khoshkhah, Dirk Oliver Theis:
On the combinatorial lower bound for the extension complexity of the Spanning Tree polytope. 352-355 - Benjamin Legros
Waiting time based routing policies to parallel queues with percentiles objectives. 356-361 - Kishor Patil
, Dieter Fiems:
The value of information in energy harvesting sensor networks. 362-366 - Oguzhan Vicil
, Peter L. Jackson
Stock optimization for service differentiated demands with fill rate and waiting time requirements. 367-372
Volume 46, Number 4, July 2018
- George J. Kyparisis
, Christos Koulamas
Resale price maintenance in supply chains with general multiplicative demand. 373-378 - Jing Zan, John J. Hasenbein, David P. Morton
, Vijay Mehrotra:
Staffing call centers under arrival-rate uncertainty with Bayesian updates. 379-384 - Eugene A. Feinberg, Pavlo O. Kasyanov
, Michael Z. Zgurovsky:
An example showing that A-lower semi-continuity is essential for minimax continuity theorems. 385-388 - Teobaldo Bulhões
, Artur Alves Pessoa, Fábio Protti
, Eduardo Uchoa
On the complete set packing and set partitioning polytopes: Properties and rank 1 facets. 389-392 - Nishita Agarwal, Naveen Garg
, Swati Gupta:
A 4/3-approximation for TSP on cubic 3-edge-connected graphs. 393-396 - Wenbo Chen, Ming Dong:
Optimal resource allocation across related channels. 397-401 - Jianghua Wu
, Fan Jiang, Yuhong He:
Pricing and horizontal information sharing in a supply chain with capacity constraint. 402-408 - Yuanyuan Liu, Wendi Li, Hiroyuki Masuyama:
Error bounds for augmented truncation approximations of continuous-time Markov chains. 409-413 - Alper Atamtürk, Oktay Günlük
A note on capacity models for network design. 414-417 - Qi Fu, Yongquan Li
, Kaijie Zhu:
Costly information acquisition under horizontal competition. 418-423 - Jin Xu, Junjie Zhou:
Discriminatory power and pure strategy Nash equilibrium in the lottery Blotto game. 424-429 - Benar Fux Svaiter
The multiobjective steepest descent direction is not Lipschitz continuous, but is Hölder continuous. 430-433 - José Manuel Gallardo
, Andrés Jiménez-Losada:
Comment on "A new approach of cooperative interval games: The interval core and Shapley value revisited". 434-437 - René Sitters, Liya Yang:
A (2+ϵ)-approximation for precedence constrained single machine scheduling with release dates and total weighted completion time objective. 438-442 - Konstantinos Kaparis, Adam N. Letchford
A note on the 2-circulant inequalities for the max-cut problem. 443-447 - Jun-ya Gotoh, Michael Jong Kim, Andrew E. B. Lim:
Robust empirical optimization is almost the same as mean-variance optimization. 448-452 - Beatriz Millán, Eliana Pepa Risma:
On the contracts between doctors and rural hospitals. 453-456 - Dongshuang Hou, Genjiu Xu
, Panfei Sun
, Theo Driessen:
The Shapley value for the probability game. 457-461 - Leah Epstein, Asaf Levin
The benefit of preemption with respect to the ℓp norm. 462-468 - Steffen Hoernig
On the minimum correlation between symmetrically distributed random variables. 469-471
Volume 46, Number 5, September 2018
- Haris Aziz
An impossibility result for housing markets with fractional endowments. 473-475 - Leo Liberti
, Ky Khac Vu:
Barvinok's naive algorithm in Distance Geometry. 476-481 - Shen Peng
, Vikas Vikram Singh, Abdel Lisser
General sum games with joint chance constraints. 482-486 - Nir Halman, Michael Holzhauser
, Sven O. Krumke:
An FPTAS for the knapsack problem with parametric weights. 487-491 - Noa Zychlinski
, Petar Momcilovic, Avishai Mandelbaum:
Time-varying many-server finite-queues in tandem: Comparing blocking mechanisms via fluid models. 492-499 - Mohammad Shahabsafa, Julio Cesar Goez
, Tamás Terlaky:
On pathological disjunctions and redundant disjunctive conic cuts. 500-504 - Sven Jäger
Approximating total weighted completion time on identical parallel machines with precedence constraints and release dates. 505-509 - Yanfang Zhang, Xing Gao:
Does Local Monopolistic Approximation imply a less stable equilibrium? 510-513 - Marco Slikker, Behzad Hezarkhani
On stability of collaborative supplier selection. 514-517 - Dongyuan Zhan
, Amy R. Ward
The M/M/1+M queue with a utility-maximizing server. 518-522 - Marianna De Santis
, Franz Rendl
, Angelika Wiegele
Using a factored dual in augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming. 523-528 - Laura Galli, Adam N. Letchford
A binarisation heuristic for non-convex quadratic programming with box constraints. 529-533 - Xi Chen, Yining Wang
A note on a tight lower bound for capacitated MNL-bandit assortment selection models. 534-537 - Weiwei Wang, Hongwei Liu, Hongmei Bi:
Simplified infeasible interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a simple function. 538-542 - Jie Jiang
, Zhiping Chen:
Quantitative stability of multistage stochastic programs via calm modifications. 543-547 - Sascha Desmettre
, Sarah Grün, Ralf Korn:
Portfolio optimization with early announced discrete dividends. 548-552 - Maxwell Levit, L. Sunil Chandran, Joseph Cheriyan:
On Eulerian orientations of even-degree hypercubes. 553-556
Volume 46, Number 6, November 2018
- Denis Kuzyutin
, Ekaterina V. Gromova
, Yaroslavna Pankratova:
Sustainable cooperation in multicriteria multistage games. 557-562 - Daniel Steeneck
, Fredrik Eng-Larsson:
The Baum-Welch algorithm with limiting distribution constraints. 563-567 - Pham Duy Khanh, Vo Thanh Phat
Second-order characterizations of C1-smooth robustly quasiconvex functions. 568-572 - Kaiyue Zheng, Laura A. Albert
An exact algorithm for solving the bilevel facility interdiction and fortification problem. 573-578 - Miao Yu
, Viswanath Nagarajan, Siqian Shen:
An approximation algorithm for vehicle routing with compatibility constraints. 579-584 - Salihah Alwadani, Heinz H. Bauschke
, Walaa M. Moursi
, Xianfu Wang:
On the asymptotic behaviour of the Aragón Artacho-Campoy algorithm. 585-587 - Yan-An Hwang:
Parametric axiom of associated consistency. 588-591 - Martin Koutecký
, Jon Lee, Viswanath Nagarajan, Xiangkun Shen:
Approximating max-cut under graph-MSO constraints. 592-598 - Sjors Jansen
, Zümbül Atan, Ivo J. B. F. Adan, Ton G. de Kok
Newsvendor equations for production networks. 599-604 - Marcia Fampa
, Jon Lee
On sparse reflexive generalized inverse. 605-610 - Santanu S. Dey
, Andres Iroume, Guanyi Wang:
The strength of multi-row aggregation cuts for sign-pattern integer programs. 611-615 - Pim van den Bogaerdt, Mathijs de Weerdt
Multi-machine scheduling lower bounds using decision diagrams. 616-621

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