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Operations Research Letters, Volume 44
Volume 44, Number 1, January 2016
- Hamed Amini, Damir Filipovic, Andreea Minca:
Uniqueness of equilibrium in a payment system with liquidation costs. 1-5 - Grani Adiwena Hanasusanto, Daniel Kuhn, Wolfram Wiesemann:
K-adaptability in two-stage distributionally robust binary programming. 6-11 - Xiaoping Lu, Endah R. M. Putri:
Finite maturity margin call stock loans. 12-18 - Guillaume Vigeral, Yannick Viossat:
Semi-algebraic sets and equilibria of binary games. 19-24 - Kyle Y. Lin, Dashi I. Singham:
Finding a hider by an unknown deadline. 25-32 - A. A. Elsadany, A. M. Awad:
Dynamical analysis of a delayed monopoly game with a log-concave demand function. 33-38 - Kunikazu Yoda, András Prékopa:
Improved bounds on the probability of the union of events some of whose intersections are empty. 39-43 - Guangxin Jiang, Chenglong Xu, Michael C. Fu:
On sample average approximation algorithms for determining the optimal importance sampling parameters in pricing financial derivatives on Lévy processes. 44-49 - Yan-An Hwang, Rui-Xian Liao:
A dynamic process to the core for multi-choice games. 50-53 - Ana Meca, Greys Sosic:
On supremum-norm cost games. 54-58 - Hamza Fawzi, João Gouveia, Richard Z. Robinson:
Rational and real positive semidefinite rank can be different. 59-60 - Amir Beck, Luba Tetruashvili, Yakov Vaisbourd, Ariel Shemtov:
Rate of convergence analysis of dual-based variables decomposition methods for strongly convex problems. 61-66 - Miguel A. Goberna, Vaithilingam Jeyakumar, Guoyin Li, Linh Nguyen:
Radius of robust feasibility formulas for classes of convex programs with uncertain polynomial constraints. 67-73 - Jianghua Wu, Ananth V. Iyer, Paul V. Preckel:
Information visibility and its impact in a supply chain. 74-79 - D. Antony Tarvin, R. Kevin Wood, Alexandra M. Newman:
Benders decomposition: Solving binary master problems by enumeration. 80-85 - Genjiu Xu, Han Dai, Dongshuang Hou, Hao Sun:
A-potential function and a non-cooperative foundation for the Solidarity value. 86-91 - Yuan Gao, Jinjiang Yuan:
Unary NP-hardness of minimizing total weighted tardiness with generalized due dates. 92-95 - Warut Suksompong:
Scheduling asynchronous round-robin tournaments. 96-100 - Misikir Eyob Gebrehiwot, Samuli Aalto, Pasi E. Lassila:
Energy-performance trade-off for processor sharing queues with setup delay. 101-106 - Jay Sethuraman:
An alternative proof of a characterization of the TTC mechanism. 107-108 - Eran Simhon, Yezekael Hayel, David Starobinski, Quanyan Zhu:
Optimal information disclosure policies in strategic queueing games. 109-113 - Dimitris Bertsimas, Ebrahim Nasrabadi, James B. Orlin:
On the power of randomization in network interdiction. 114-120 - Lingfei Li, Rafael Mendoza-Arriaga, Daniel Mitchell:
Analytical representations for the basic affine jump diffusion. 121-128 - Daniel Wei-Chung Miao, Xenos Chang-Shuo Lin, Steve Hsin-Ting Yu:
A note on the never-early-exercise region of American power exchange options. 129-135 - Paul H. Zipkin:
Some specially structured assemble-to-order systems. 136-142 - Anna B. Khmelnitskaya, Özer Selçuk, Dolf Talman:
The Shapley value for directed graph games. 143-147 - Yogendra Pandey, Shashi Kant Mishra:
On strong KKT type sufficient optimality conditions for nonsmooth multiobjective semi-infinite mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints. 148-151
Volume 44, Number 2, March 2016
- Joey Fung, Yakov Zinder:
Permutation schedules for a two-machine flow shop with storage. 153-157 - Jean B. Lasserre:
A MAX-CUT formulation of 0/1 programs. 158-164 - Stephen Pallone, Peter I. Frazier, Shane G. Henderson:
Coupled bisection for root ordering. 165-169 - Matthias Walter, Pelin Damci-Kurt, Santanu S. Dey, Simge Küçükyavuz:
On a cardinality-constrained transportation problem with market choice. 170-173 - Chao Xu:
Reconstructing edge-disjoint paths faster. 174-176 - Pham Huu Sach:
Connectedness in vector equilibrium problems involving cones with possibly empty interior. 177-179 - Jiajin Yu, Shabbir Ahmed:
Maximizing expected utility over a knapsack constraint. 180-185 - Nha-Nghi de la Cruz, Hans Daduna:
Monotonicity of base stock policies. 186-190 - Neil Olver:
A note on hierarchical hubbing for a generalization of the VPN problem. 191-195 - Moshe Haviv, Binyamin Oz:
Regulating an observable M/M/1 queue. 196-198 - Thomas Knecht, Dieter Jungnickel:
A note on the k-minimum spanning tree problem on circles. 199-201 - Eduard Kromer, Ludger Overbeck:
A note on optimal risk sharing on Lp spaces. 202-207 - Gustavo Bergantiños, Juan D. Moreno-Ternero:
A new rule for the problem of sharing the revenue from museum passes. 208-211 - A. Chunxiang, Zhongfei Li, Fan Wang:
Optimal investment strategy under time-inconsistent preferences and high-water mark contract. 212-218 - Rajeev R. Tripathi, R. K. Amit:
Equivalence nucleolus for coalitional games with externalities. 219-224 - Luis Rademacher, Alejandro Toriello, Juan Pablo Vielma:
On packing and covering polyhedra in infinite dimensions. 225-230 - Winston W. Chang, Tai-Liang Chen:
Tridiagonal matrices with dominant diagonals and applications. 231-233 - Gerardo Berbeglia:
Discrete choice models based on random walks. 234-237 - Moutaz Khouja:
Forward-buying and the naive newsvendor. 238-242 - Dmitriy Kvasov:
On sabotage games. 250-254 - Franklin H. J. Kenter:
Approximating the minimum rank of a graph via alternating projection. 255-259 - Thai Doan Chuong:
Nondifferentiable fractional semi-infinite multiobjective optimization problems. 260-266 - Romain Hollanders, Balázs Gerencsér, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Improved bound on the worst case complexity of Policy Iteration. 267-272 - Leah Epstein:
More on batched bin packing. 273-277 - Marcello Braglia, Davide Castellano, Mosè Gallo:
An extension of the stochastic Joint-Replenishment Problem under the class of cyclic policies. 278-284 - Martin Branda, Milos Kopa:
DEA models equivalent to general Nth order stochastic dominance efficiency tests. 285-289
Volume 44, Number 3, May 2016
- Hoda Bidkhori, David Simchi-Levi, Yehua Wei:
Analyzing process flexibility: A distribution-free approach with partial expectations. 291-296 - Konstantin Avrachenkov, Jerzy A. Filar, Vladimir Gaitsgory, Andrew Stillman:
Singularly perturbed linear programs and Markov decision processes. 297-301 - Shakoor Muhammad, Vitor Nazário Coelho, Frederico Gadelha Guimarães, Ricardo H. C. Takahashi:
An infeasibility certificate for nonlinear programming based on Pareto criticality condition. 302-306 - Huainian Zhu, Cheng-Ke Zhang:
Finite horizon linear quadratic dynamic games for discrete-time stochastic systems with N-players. 307-312 - Parsiad Azimzadeh, Tommy Carpenter:
Fast Engset computation. 313-318 - M. Reza Peyghami, Sajad Fathi Hafshejani, S. Chen:
A primal-dual interior-point method for semidefinite optimization based on a class of trigonometric barrier functions. 319-323 - Fanyong Meng, Qiang Zhang, Xiaohong Chen:
A value for games on augmenting systems with a coalition structure. 324-328 - R. B. O. Kerkkamp, Karen I. Aardal:
A constructive proof of Swap Local Search worst-case instances for the Maximum Coverage Problem. 329-335 - Shujun Bi, Shaohua Pan:
Error bounds for rank constrained optimization problems and applications. 336-341 - Chen Zhao, Ziyan Luo, Naihua Xiu:
Low-order penalty equations for semidefinite linear complementarity problems. 342-347 - Shoude Li:
Dynamic optimal control of pollution abatement investment under emission permits. 348-353 - Maciej Drwal, Roman Rischke:
Complexity of interval minmax regret scheduling on parallel identical machines with total completion time criterion. 354-358 - Jaron Sanders, Sem C. Borst, A. J. E. M. Janssen, J. S. H. van Leeuwaarden:
Optimality gaps in asymptotic dimensioning of many-server systems. 359-365 - Francis J. Vasko, Yun Lu, Kenneth Zyma:
What is the best greedy-like heuristic for the weighted set covering problem? 366-369 - Haitao Wang, Jingru Zhang:
A note on computing the center of uncertain data on the real line. 370-373 - Austin Buchanan:
Extended formulations for vertex cover. 374-378 - Heinz H. Bauschke, Minh N. Dao, Walaa M. Moursi:
The Douglas-Rachford algorithm in the affine-convex case. 379-382 - Josemar Rodrigues, Silvia Maria Prado, N. Balakrishnan, Francisco Louzada:
Flexible M/G/1 queueing system with state dependent service rate. 383-389 - Sven Müller, Knut Haase:
On the product portfolio planning problem with customer-engineering interaction. 390-393 - Saumya Sinha, Jakob Kotas, Archis Ghate:
Robust response-guided dosing. 394-399 - Jan Brinkhuis, Vladimir Protasov:
A new proof of the Lagrange multiplier rule. 400-402 - Mehmet Önal:
The two-level economic lot sizing problem with perishable items. 403-408 - Ruxian Wang:
On the sum-product ratio problem and its applications. 409-414 - Shivam Gupta:
On a modification of the VCG mechanism and its optimality. 415-418 - Li Jiang, Zhongyuan Hao:
Rationalizing vertical information flow in a bilateral monopoly. 419-424
Volume 44, Number 4, July 2016
- Arnab Sur:
Study of M-stationarity and strong stationarity for a class of SMPCC problems via SAA Method. 425-429 - M. M. C. R. Reaiche:
A note on sample complexity of multistage stochastic programs. 430-435 - Martin I. Reiman, Haohua Wan, Qiong Wang:
On the use of independent base-stock policies in assemble-to-order inventory systems with nonidentical lead times. 436-442 - Flavio Delbono, Luca Lambertini, Luigi Marattin:
Strategic delegation under cost asymmetry. 443-445 - Gleb A. Koshevoy, Takamasa Suzuki, Dolf Talman:
Supermodular NTU-games. 446-450 - Urtzi Ayesta, Martin Erausquin, Eva Ferreira, Peter Jacko:
Optimal dynamic resource allocation to prevent defaults. 451-456 - Qingda Wei, Xian Chen:
Continuous-time Markov decision processes under the risk-sensitive average cost criterion. 457-462 - Xin Li:
A new interior-point algorithm for P∗(k)-NCP based on a class of parametric kernel functions. 463-468 - José Correa, Victor Verdugo, José Verschae:
Splitting versus setup trade-offs for scheduling to minimize weighted completion time. 469-473 - Yule Zhang, Liwei Zhang:
On the upper Lipschitz property of the KKT mapping for nonlinear semidefinite optimization. 474-478 - Juan Sebastian Borrero, Colin P. Gillen, Oleg A. Prokopyev:
A simple technique to improve linearized reformulations of fractional (hyperbolic) 0-1 programming problems. 479-486 - Philip A. Ernst:
Exercising control when confronted by a (Brownian) spider. 487-490 - Silvia Lorenzo-Freire:
On new characterizations of the Owen value. 491-494 - Richard Taylor:
Approximation of the Quadratic Knapsack Problem. 495-497 - Krzysztof Szajowski, Mitsushi Tamaki:
Shelf life of candidates in the generalized secretary problem. 498-502 - Hassan L. Hijazi, Leo Liberti:
Constraint qualification failure in action. 503-506 - Esa Hyytiä, Rhonda Righter:
Routing jobs with deadlines to heterogeneous parallel servers. 507-513 - Gaurav Singh, Christine M. O'Keefe:
Decentralised scheduling with confidentiality protection. 514-519 - Tamás Solymosi, Balázs R. Sziklai:
Characterization sets for the nucleolus in balanced games. 520-524 - Yangyang Xie, Xiaoying Liang, Lijun Ma, Houmin Yan:
Inventory rationing and markdown strategy in the presence of lead-time sensitive customers. 525-531 - Bara Kim, Jeongsim Kim:
Equilibrium strategies for a tandem network under partial information. 532-534 - Asaf Levin, Shmuel Onn:
Shifted matroid optimization. 535-539 - Min Jeong Kim, Yongjae Lee, Jang Ho Kim, Woo Chang Kim:
Sparse tangent portfolio selection via semi-definite relaxation. 540-543 - Ali Ajdari, Archis Ghate:
Robust spatiotemporally integrated fractionation in radiotherapy. 544-549 - Petr Lachout:
Uniformly monotone functions - Definition, properties, characterizations. 550-556 - Zhongjun Tian, Yefeng Wang:
Advance selling with preorder-dependent customer valuation. 557-562 - Sang-Yong Kim, Joohyun Kim:
Channel-independent throughput-based fair queueing in wireless packet networks. 563-567
Volume 44, Number 5, September 2016
- Elias J. Willemse, Johan W. Joubert:
Splitting procedures for the Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing Problem under Time restrictions with Intermediate Facilities. 569-574 - Xiaoxi Li, Sylvain Sorin:
Uniform value for recursive games with compact action sets. 575-577 - Chi Seng Pun, Chi Chung Siu, Hoi Ying Wong:
Non-zero-sum reinsurance games subject to ambiguous correlations. 578-586 - Ehud Lehrer, Eilon Solan, Omri N. Solan:
The value functions of Markov decision processes. 587-591 - Xiaoya Xu, Zhaotong Lian, Xin Li, Pengfei Guo:
A Hotelling queue model with probabilistic service. 592-597 - Begoña Subiza, José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez, Josep E. Peris:
Folk solution for simple minimum cost spanning tree problems. 598-601 - Ward Whitt:
A Poisson limit for the departure process from a queue with many busy servers. 602-606 - Emilio Barucci, Daniele Marazzina:
Asset management, High Water Mark and flow of funds. 607-611 - Vashist Avadhanula, Jalaj Bhandari, Vineet Goyal, Assaf Zeevi:
On the tightness of an LP relaxation for rational optimization and its applications. 612-617 - Jony Rojas Rojas, Francisco Sánchez-Sánchez:
On the inverse problem for a subclass of linear, symmetric and efficient values of cooperative TU games. 618-621 - Andreas Dellnitz:
RTS-mavericks in data envelopment analysis. 622-624 - Mark Zuckerberg:
Geometric proofs for convex hull defining formulations. 625-629 - Sushant Sachdeva, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi:
The mixing time of the Dikin walk in a polytope - A simple proof. 630-634 - Stephan Artmann, Friedrich Eisenbrand, Christoph Glanzer, Timm Oertel, Santosh S. Vempala, Robert Weismantel:
A note on non-degenerate integer programs with small sub-determinants. 635-639 - Vikas Vikram Singh, Oualid Jouini, Abdel Lisser:
Existence of Nash equilibrium for chance-constrained games. 640-644 - Akaki Mamageishvili, Paolo Penna:
Tighter bounds on the inefficiency ratio of stable equilibria in load balancing games. 645-648 - Rishiraj Bhattacharyya:
Complexity of the Unconstrained Traveling Tournament Problem. 649-654 - Mohan L. Chaudhry, James J. Kim:
Analytically simple and computationally efficient solution to GI/Geom/1 queues involving heavy-tailed distributions. 655-657 - Miao Zhang, Ping Chen:
Mean-variance portfolio selection with regime switching under shorting prohibition. 658-662 - Alexander Shapiro, Kerem Ugurlu:
Decomposability and time consistency of risk averse multistage programs. 663-665 - Opher Baron, Yoav Kerner:
A queueing approach to a multi class M/G/1 make-to-stock with backlog. 666-671 - Matteo Brunelli:
On the conjoint estimation of inconsistency and intransitivity of pairwise comparisons. 672-675 - Martin Skutella:
A 2.542-approximation for precedence constrained single machine scheduling with release dates and total weighted completion time objective. 676-679 - Justina Gianatti, Laura S. Aragone, Pablo A. Lotito, Lisandro A. Parente:
Solving minimax control problems via nonsmooth optimization. 680-686 - Jia Liu, Abdel Lisser, Zhiping Chen:
Stochastic geometric optimization with joint probabilistic constraints. 687-691 - Jung Woo Baek, Ho Woo Lee, Soohan Ahn, Yun Han Bae:
Exact time-dependent solutions for the M/D/1 queue. 692-695
Volume 44, Number 6, November 2016
- Sirong Luo, Suresh P. Sethi, Ruixia Shi:
On the optimality conditions of a price-setting newsvendor problem. 697-701 - Mei-Jia Yang, Yong Xia, Hui-Min Zou:
On linearization techniques for budget-constrained binary quadratic programming problems. 702-705 - Alexander Karpov:
A new knockout tournament seeding method and its axiomatic justification. 706-711 - Tobias Harks, Tim Oosterwijk, Tjark Vredeveld:
A logarithmic approximation for polymatroid congestion games. 712-717 - Henrik A. Friberg:
A relaxed-certificate facial reduction algorithm based on subspace intersection. 718-722 - Virgile Galle, S. Borjian Boroujeni, Vahideh H. Manshadi, Cynthia Barnhart, Patrick Jaillet:
An average-case asymptotic analysis of the Container Relocation Problem. 723-728 - Xun Li, Zuo Quan Xu:
Continuous-time Markowitz's model with constraints on wealth and portfolio. 729-736 - Xin Geng:
Opaque selling in congested systems. 737-741 - Xiaolong Zou, Yonghui Huang:
Verifiable conditions for average optimality of continuous-time Markov decision processes. 742-746 - Nicholas G. Hall, Zhixin Liu:
Capacity allocation games without an initial sequence. 747-749 - Weiwei Wang, Hongmei Bi, Hongwei Liu:
A full-Newton step interior-point algorithm for linear optimization based on a finite barrier. 750-753 - Jochen Könemann, Kanstantsin Pashkovich, Justin Toth:
An elementary integrality proof of Rothblum's stable matching formulation. 754-756 - Erel Segal-Halevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann:
Demand-flow of agents with gross-substitute valuations. 757-760 - Minghui Lai, Weili Xue, Lindu Zhao:
Cost allocation for cooperative inventory consolidation problems. 761-765 - Stephen R. Chestnut, Martin Nägele, Rico Zenklusen:
Refuting a conjecture of Goemans on bounded degree spanning trees. 766-771 - Leah Epstein, Asaf Levin:
The benefit of preemption for single machine scheduling so as to minimize total weighted completion time. 772-774 - R. R. Routledge:
Information, egalitarianism and the value. 775-778 - Xuemin Ren, Lishang Jiang:
Mathematical modeling and analysis of insolvency contagion in an interbank network. 779-783 - Sungjin Im, Hoon Oh, Maryam Shadloo:
Minimizing the maximum flow time in batch scheduling. 784-789 - Edouard Pauwels:
The value function approach to convergence analysis in composite optimization. 790-795 - Ward Whitt:
Heavy-traffic limits for a single-server queue leading up to a critical point. 796-800 - Byung-Geun Choi, Napat Rujeerapaiboon, Ruiwei Jiang:
Multi-period portfolio optimization: Translation of autocorrelation risk to excess variance. 801-807 - Po-An Chen, Yi-Le Chen, Chi-Jen Lu:
Bounds on the price of anarchy for a more general class of directed graphs in opinion formation games. 808-811 - Xing Gao, Weijun Zhong, Chao Huang:
Should sophisticated expectations facilitate reaching equilibrium behavior? 812-817 - Behzad Hezarkhani:
Pairwise mergers in bipartite matching games with an application in collaborative logistics. 818-822 - John J. Hasenbein:
Order relations for concave interpolation methods. 823-825 - Yan-An Hwang, Bo-Siang Wang:
A matrix approach to the associated consistency with respect to the equal allocation of non-separable costs. 826-830 - George J. Kyparisis, Christos Koulamas:
New structural properties of supply chains with price-only contracts. 831-834 - Annika Kristina Kiefner:
Minimizing path lengths in rectilinear Steiner minimum trees with fixed topology. 835-838 - Benjamin Legros:
Unintended consequences of optimizing a queue discipline for a service level defined by a percentile of the waiting time. 839-845
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